HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-03-06, Page 5'SPAY, MARCH 6th, 1974 wassw!‘"6".".'liwaimmumi MI . NG EVENTS, OINUAL MEETING al Meeting of the Wingham strict Hospital Association held on Friday, March 8 p.m. in the Nutse tool Building, Catherine agham• natters of business per- to the Wingham and Dis- ospital. Association will be ted, including election of rs and other officers. In o cast, a ballot in the el- directors a person must ember of the association. (ear memberships may be ed for the sum ,of $1.00 at ;pital Office or Wingham ;Ierk's Office. Memberships must be ;ed at least ten days prior annual meeting. Everyone e. Ritter, President and hn Strong, Secretary s A. PETERSON TERED ACCOUNTANT .eet Phone 528-2016 Lticknow WESTMENT IE STERLING RUST CORP. ailing Interest Rates ement Savings Plan cur Representative MacNAY LUCKNOW COLLYER tICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In !CTRIC HEATING, TRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS and .1 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Financing Available • ow - Phone 528-5802 R. BRAY IOCTOR OF . [IROPRACTIC OSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, PHONE 357.1224 WINGHAM IEMORIALS ANTEED GRANITES ITERY LETTERING. LSONABLE PRICES y Direct and Save 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 MIIIINNImmommimmommummull dacKENZIE )RIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF )CIATED FUNERAL ECTORS SERVICE INERAL SERVICE • conducted according to hes at your Home, your or at our Memorial t no additional charge. [now, Phone • 528-3432 Day or Night IN MEMORIAM TIFFIN -L-- in loving memory of a dear husband, father, grand- father and, great grandfather, Or- ville Tiffin who passed away 2 Years ago March 4, 1972. Like falling leaves the years slip 1.1y Yet loving memories never die Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach. Sadly missed and, always re- membered by his wife and family. TENDERS WANTED • TENDERS FOR .WARBLE -FLY 'SPRAYING TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS TENDERS will be received for Warble Fly spraying for 1974. Contractor to supply powder and be responsible for collecting the necessary fees. Tenders to be in to clerk by March 18th at 6 p.m. CLERK, FRASER MacKINNON R.R. 5 Lucknow TENDERS ' TOWNSHIP OF 'KINLOSS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m, Mon- day, March 18, 1974 for the fol- lowing 1. Loading . and hauling of pit run gravel with a minimum of, 1,000 cubic yards per day. Contractor to state price per cubic yard for first mile and each additional half mile. 2. Bulldozers and scrapers: State make, model, year and horse- power of bulldozer and malse, model and yardage of scrap- er. State price per. hour for each unit. Only experienced operators Will be accepted. Crushing and hauling approx- immately 13,000 cubic yds. of gravel anywhere in the Town- ship. Also price for stock pil- ing. Contractor to supply a minimum of 1,000 cubic yards per day. All above contractors to be available on 2 weeks notice. Bid- ders must use township tender forms for pit run gravel and crushed gravel. Township to sup- ply gravel. Lowest or •any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank Schumacher R.R. 1 Holyrood, Ontario TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HURON Tenders will be received by the Township of Huron for the follow- ing: .. 1. Loading and hauling of pit run gravel with a 'minimum of 1,000 yards per day. Contrac- ' for to state price for first' mile and each additional mile. 2. Crushing and hauling approx- imately 15,000 cu. yds. of gravel anywhere in the Town- ship, 'also price for stock pil- ing. Contractor to supply a minimum of 1,000 cu. yds. ,per day. 3. Hourly prices for motor scrap- ers, and pushers. State truck size, year, model and number -available. Contractor to sup- ply grademan with mach;ne. 4. Bulldozers and scrapers. Con- tractor to ,and price per hour, number -available, size and model of machines. 5. Spraying. Of weeds along Township roads on hourly basis. Chemicals supplied by Township. Contractor to sup- ply machines, operators and be fully licensed. 6. Cutting weeds 'along TOWn- ship 'roads on hourly basis. State H.P. of tractor and size of mower. All above contractors shall be available on one week's notice. Bidders must use Township Ten- der forms for gravel, Tenders will be placed in Tender box in the office of the undersigned by 10 -a.m.- Monday, March '18th, 1974. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Dave Moore, Road Superintendent Box 38 Ripley,,Ontario 3.. ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE DON. THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 K. J. MacKENZIE, Optometrist LISTOWEL PHONE 291.1511 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE '& INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block 4' Telepeone: . Lucknow 528-3116 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 PITONAGH REAL ESTATE BROKER Have clients looking for 150 - 200 acre's beef farm - 'small acreage with house - also small parcels of land within a radius of 5 miles of Lucknow. WANTED LISTINGS As we have prospective' clients. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bus. 528-2031 Res. 528-3821 4P APP AP AP 40. dr AP 411P .dIP 41. •-•-• * -41, -• FOR SALE 2 SELF-CONTAINED APART- MENTS each with 4 rooms and a bath, located on 1 acre lot. Solid building, well insulated and electrically heated. This would be ideal 'for, a retired couple with income from the other apartment. Priced right at $15,000 with im- mediate possession. ' 7 ROOM FRAME HOME on , Clyde Street, Lucknow with large " lot 82 x 132; 2 piece bath. Good solid home needing paper and paint. Asking $12,000. Owner an- xious to sell - make us an offer. COUNTRY STORE - modern brick building and living quar- ters; situated on Highway No. 86, 15 miles from Lake Huron. Ideal opportunity for expansion with additional . 60 acres of rolling acreage which could be potential trailer camp site. If you would like your own business make an appointment to see this soon. 4 LOTS located in Kinloss. Town- ship, 132 x 330. Asking $4,500. .11••••••••1".• 7 ROOM BRICK HOME located in Teeswater; 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, dining room and den with broadloom, tile and linoleum floors. Detached garage. This home, is in excellent con- dition. WE HAVE a client whose farm is sold and he would like approx- imately 200 acres with buildings and land suitable for growing grain, corn, 'etc. Possession need- ed this spring. If you have agricultural property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN ' Phone 529-7350 Wilfred McIntee & Co., Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. - Over 60 Salesmen Working For You THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR TOWNSHIP OF: KINLOSS APPLICATIONS will be receiv- ed for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1974. Applicant to state salary' expected and supply his own transportation 'Applications to be in to clerk by March 18th at .6 p.m. CLERK, FRASER MacKINNON R.R. 5 Lucknow APPLICATIONS -WRITTEN APPLICATIONS will be 'received for the' position of organist in Lucknow United Church. To• commence early in June. 'Replies to state salary - ex- pected and to be returned by April 1st to Melvin Morrison. Recording Steward, R.R. 1 Luck- now. WANTED TO BUY In Lucknow or surrounding area 50 ACRES OR MORE, SCRUB. LAND Preferably with river or creek PHONE 578-1993 KITCHENER AFTER 6 P.M.. "." WANTED WANTED'TO BUY - entire or par- -dal household furnishings or, es- tates. Lorne A. Spa>, R. R2 # 5,'Lucknow'. Phone 5.28-5304. ' EXPERIENCED ,TEENAGE GIRL Aesires babysitting, week- ends or Week nights. Preferably in Lucknow Ripley area. Call 395-2864, Bonnie Shepherd. WANTED - general carpentry, cabinets, formica and arborite tops. Elmer Culbert. Phone '395- 5298 or 395-5516. WANTED TO. BUY - baled hay and straw. Mark Rohrer, R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2868 before 8:00 a.m. or after 7 p.m. WANTED - antiques, pine and cherry furniture, pottery and hand painted china. McDonald's Antiques Ripley, phone 395-2619. WANTED - batteries, old car radiators, copper and other metals. M. & A. Salvage, phone 528-5154. Receiving metals, etc. on Saturdays at former 2nd con- cession school house. WANTED - grass for 40 - 5u head of small cattle for the sunrimer. Phone Duncan Farrish, 395-2728. WANTED -- mobile home, older type, must have two bedrooms and in condition to be moved,. reasonably priced. Write or call Gordon J. Jantzi, 48 . Bridgeport Rd. E. Suite 206, Waterloo, Ont.; phone (519) 576-6026. WANTED - 2 row corn planter, in good condition, to fit an Allis Chalmers WD or WD 45 tractor, or a John Deere 2 row on wheels. Phone 395-2273. HELP WANTED - young mother with 3 small children is confined to crutches for 3 months due to broken leg. Would like woman or young girl for light house work and care of children. Perferably to live in. Mrs. William Godfrey, phone 395-2462. WANTED TO RENT - acreages wanted suitable for growing grain, also. Want to buy or rent fields and larger acreages for hay. C. E. Hodgson, Chesley, 363- 5493. 'AGENT WANTED DEPENDABLE MAN WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION' . Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in Lucknow area. Limited auto travel. We train. Air mail L. A. • Dick; Pres., Southwestern Petro- leum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED - dead or disabled cows,' horses and stocker cattle, 500 to 1200 lbs. lc a lb.; dead or disabled cows and horses, 1300 lb. and • over ,$20.00 each; Our trucks are power equipped, plus two-way radios for faster service; 24 hour service, 7 days • a week; Brussels Pet Food Supplies, Lie- cence No. 440-e-74. Phone collect 519-887-9334. WANTED TO BUY - Dead Stock We pay up to $10.00 for dead cows and up • to $20.00 for dead horses, smaller animals accord- ing to size.' Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton or Zenith 58130 (no toll charges) Graf • Stock Re- moval.' PAGE FiVt., (4.