The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 18Looking for More Dollar Valise? WA TCH . THE PAPER AND RADIO FOR Johniguiii aZe 1 st and 2nd Mortgages Starting. in March Fastener $15.20 eat Fits' opening up to 32" wide x 80" high Airlume $11.85 each Fits opening up to 34" wide x 80" high Girl Guide's Mark Thinking D'ay The regular meeting , of the Luck now Girl Guides was held Thurs- day , February 21st .. The meeting was opened .with roll call, follOw- ed by horseshoe 'formation. Flag raising was done by Kathryn McKim, Lorna Boyle and Susan Thompson, followed by 0 Canada and the. Guide Prayer'. • It was announced that a new Patrol called the Canaries Will be formed. There will be a meeting for all Guide Mothers , this next meeting, FebrUary 28th at the Town Hall during the Guide meeting. Following the announcements, there was a Special Thinking Day Service, Narrator was Lieutenant Johnston. Guides lighting candles for each country were - Kathryn McKim, Jill Murray, Susan Thotnp son , Kathy Brooks, Lorna Boyle , Edith Greer , Ettabelle MacDonald, Barbara Hackett, Helen' Wisser and Janet Humphrey. Following this ceremony the Company -sang the Guide Law , Song,. The dues fOr this meMng were. brought in pennies and were laid around a big: Maple Leaf by the - ~ls. Dianne :Morrison was to the company. She has offe:ed to help out from now .on the Weekly meetings and • ELECTROHOME ... an extra degree of excellence. The. KEkTON 20" COLOR TV (100% Solid State) Feertures include • C16 chassis • Super r'- 9+ ELactrobrite picture • Electroma .tic Operation — trUy auto- matic • Co/or that you set once end never- worry aipout again • . • This dudes Bectroicii, Eledroirt Bectrocalor arid AutorapncBrig,t.tress pirmoinuicammimette.„=„mr:z..r.;„:1:724,.... 100% SOLID STATE L.:COLOR Now $525.0 COLOR T.V. HAS INCREASED IN PRICE UY NOW. WE STILL HAVE A FEW 20" AND 26" ‘) SETS AT THE OW PRICE Greer Lucknow TV & Electric Phop:p_5284112 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY SOM NTINEL, I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 EREST NOW AVAILABLE ON VINYL FOLDING 000 anywhere In Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES itterlin financing on new construction or land development •FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Heed Office — Weber St. E., Kitchener, Ontario WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH tookpow -Cordial School WOOD FINISHES GRADE 6 , The grade Six classes had the opportunity to take a bus trip to Owen Sound to attend a Science Exhibition on Thursday, February . 21. Mrs. Mc Murray and Mrs.- Taylor accompanied the pupils who sient the afternoon trying; out different experiments looking at exhibits and watching demonstrat= iOns, The grade seven and eight girls went to Walkerton on Satuiday, February 16 to play in a volleyball tournament. They lost the first game, won the second; and lost the third. ' Tom Henderson, Steven Button, Sandy Mawan, Alex Ptirvis, Jill Murray ,.Susan Thompson, Marg- aret .MacIntyre, Norma MacIntyre, and Barbara Cameron froth the Lucknow Senior Band will be going to a I3and Workshop fn' God- ,erich on Saturday, February 23. Mr. Wiser from the Science Centre in Toronto put on a display using chemicals for the whole school on Friday, February 22. Marilyn Rhody from Grade 8 took part in the semi-finals in the Canadian Legion. Public Speak- ing contest in Exeter on Saturday, Have you ever had anything ex- plode in front of you? Well the grade six pupils of bucknow School hay e: On Thursday, February 21st , the grade six pupils of Mrs. Taylor's and Mrs. Mc Murray's classes went on a trip to Owen Sound to a Science Cirous After an hour and a half of noisy bus riding we finally arrived. There were many interesting things to see , such a a bicycle A PLASTIC TUBE MADE INTO A PRETZEL EXPLODES IN FRONT OF GRADE SIX PUPILS. February 16. The grade 8 boys are, challenging the grade 7 boys in a game of hockey in the Lucknow arena after school on Friday night. Pupils from grades five to eight are competing in .a poetry contest entitled Project Pandora which is a Canada wide cOntest. From the grade 8 class entries by Barbara, Carneron, Barbara Loree and Cathy Gillespie have been sent to Chesley. Good Luck, girls. Rhonda Gibson Grant Frook 1 10filt'll. 'HINDERS: LUMBER LTD. other activities. Refreshments were served to parents attending who nuriiberd 13. Campfire was led Susan Thompson. The' meeting was clOsed with vespers and taps. A TREASURE TROVE., IN 111E m WANT ADS you get on and 'pedal it and it will play music. I guess you are wondering about that explosion. Well; a lady took a flask of Nitrogen and did an, experiment. She took a plastic tube and put it in the shape of a pretzel and then put it into the flask of Nitrogen which was at -320 degrees F.' When she pulled it out of the flask it was hard as rock. She pulled and pulled till finally it exploded and flew all over , but no one was hurt. , As helpers Mrs. Don Ross and Mrs. Ronald Forster went with' us • and we would like to thank them very much. There were many more interest- ing things to do but I think you would enjoy it better if you went to see them yourself. Nancy Thompson clef roe uesday es heir g, An panes while Bonnie hen hay Dap on and e. Coll en repe ndle wi to rerii the w( ow: Ea tell at osen to old abC unter sl nie and RIMS .an picture twines es of Jai d a stor: wed a( and.sl ated.or had fac, w they Struthe that liv e Hnrnp 74 FOF 73 LE 73 OLE 73 PO, 73 BUI 73 OLE 3 NOV 3 FOR 2 FOR 2 PON 2 CHE con 1 CAD 1 PON OCHE 0 FOR 8 CHE ummuum 1.97i SE nummoni BRING NEW BEAUTY AND LASTING PROTECTION TO WOOD Rez keeps wood looking beautiful longer Because it breathes with the wood To let humidity escape There's no chipping, no cracking, no peeling PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW ST. HELENS M auNi, M. Albert Rundle of Otth.:0Na. spent a few days,,with :',1 /44 awl NO, Andrew Gaunt. Rank Me-Quillin returned home onEt.z...Liv from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London .(t'llowing knee sUrg -: er‘. . . , . . . Mx,: And Mrs. Andrew Gaunt vis- ited recently with Ntr, and Mrs Earl ..;:aunt at I ondesborO, the nes:t card party is on Thursd • .y nistht in the St. Helens Han. Lunch is,served, • ,. -11W World's Day.61 Prayer will be held on Ftidav .MarCh 1st at-the home of MrS. W, I. Miller. All , 1 : ladies in the community are cord- ally invited .