HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 17The euchre party sponsored by •
the. Holytood Women's Institute
was held in the hall on Thursday
evening with 8 tables in play. '
PrizeS were won by High. Lady
Mrs. Ellwood Elliott, High Gent,
Ellwood Elliott , Lucky Lady , Mks.
Marion Harris, Lucky Gent , John
As-Richard Elliott's birthday.,was
on that date , February 21st', he,
was honoured with a gift and at
lunch time Frank Maulden placed
a prettily decorated and lightect
He said in his work he finds
that the young people in our
country are screaming' We want
purity. , we want cleanliness, we
want our parents to live with us,
we want love not what we are
being handed - lOve of self. Old
ideas are new now, Are yOu part •
of the problem or are you part of
the answer".
If you don't hurry along you'll
get lost in the rush. Talk less and
listen more. God• gave you two
ears as well as a tongue. Are
you deaf, then you should be
quiet as you haven't received the
message. He quoted the poerri,
Measure of Man, and ended with:
Are you part of the problem or are
you part. of the answer".
,„ What a fitting way to end
a convention. What a challenge
to all there to deliver a •message
of such worth to the 250 Agricult-
ural societies across Ontario.,
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Marion McCharles
gates and three guests
now area attended the
bal Convention of The
ssociation of Agricult -
:ties on Wednesday and
February 20 and 21 in
Delegates were Mr. and
r BrOoks, Mr. and Mrs,.
!lips and Mr, and Mrs.
Charles. Lucknow Fair
isa Karen Elliott and her
and Mrs. Orville
!re• guests, All report the
,ration yet . , ,
ie first session the 1Q00
and guests met in the
1119f The Royal York
er opening exercises
:é heard and an address
y the Hon, W.A.
s presented by Robert
Idlesex Throu:.
whole morning each and
rt stressed the import-
ng local talent "In
)cesa at the moment is
Ifor a giant promoting
t at Fairs across Ontar-
:•forget how to use our
talents, let us all use
best advantage. Any-
at home and watch
ig the next show :Will
,now AgricUlturat Society Send,
ilegate To Fairs Convention,
Award For ''C" Fair Pichies
er that the Agricultural
;:ross Ontario -are and
for over 100 years the
of Agriculture and
good will, for in the
t was a gathering
a year of all peoples
to give thanks to God
for a bountiful harvest. Perhaps ,
through the years some of this
has been lost but let us all as del-
egates go home and promOte the
theme of the Convention - Using
what we have in abundance -
local ideas and local talent. Let
us not lose our identity as so many
of our other groups hate - small
schobls, small churches, -small
Community gatherings - let us as
Agricultural Societies keep the
people of our' Province informed
of the Country we should all be
proud to be part of; its Agricultur7
al Societies, its wealth of talent
the, farmer and his products" ,
Mr. Stewart urged Ontario Fair
boards to open buildings for public
The showing of the coloured
slides was a real challenge, to
those who love to take 'pictures
and to.'the Lucknow delegates a
proud moment for they captured
the C. N. E. award for C Fairs in
OntariO and Mrs. Omar Brooks
did the honours of receiving the
For the afternoon session the
ladies held their own meeting in
the same Concert Hall while the
men attended the afternoon
session in the Canadian room.
Throughout these' sessions there
seemed to flow the same feeling'
that all Societies in.the organiz-
ation should get down 'to eaith,
leave off self seeking and iblod-
sy, promote the idea that our
forefathers had in mind , make
Ontario Agricultural Societies
a show place for local ideas and
talents, and give Thanks to 'God
for the Privilege of an organiza-
tion that has stood the test of
almost 150 years in Operation,
longer than any other organization
known in our Country.
One of the best concerts and
floor shows was held where 2000 ,
people crowded into the Canadian
room, such a fitting place for an
all Canadian show , featuring
among the artists, Tornmy
Hunter. Dancing and partying
continued , then home to bed to
catch a wink or two before the 9
a.m. morning sessions began.
Many,piCtures were.taken and
many comments given about the
delegation from Bruce'and Grey •
counties, district 10 in the Ontario.
AssociatiOn. All people from
•Bruce wore Bruce County tartan
name tags. More delegates and
more Fair Queens represented this
District than any other in Ontario.
The Lucknow delegates were
complimented on, their attire and
display on more than one occas-,
ion as they used as their theme;
the Promotion of Bruce County
Tartan. Honourable mention was
given them for this. TWQ dolls
dressed in Bruce County . Tarfan
and equipped with bagpipes were
the centre of attraction in their
display. All delegates frorn Luck-
now :were proud to wear the tartan •
throughout the convention and .
'always one could spot the other
members of the group and their
red hats.
Demonstrations of Crafts arid' the
Craft room always attract:
hundreds but the climax of the
convention came following the
noon luncheon on Thursday where
almost 1400 people sat doWn to a
bountiful dinner of turkey and all
the trimmings.
Joseph COnnell of Kitchener
opened, his address withr—
"Are you part of the problem or
are you part of the answer. Only
you can provide the true present-
ation" . _
With•his Wit and Wisdom in a
few short minutes he '
had laughter echoing throughout
the halls arid the next was challen
ging each one there to go home
and present the theme -,Are you
pait of the problem or are you
part of the answer. What haVe you
done? Are you working for the
love of it in your organization or
are you there to steal Someone •
else's glory. 'Are.you putting all •.
of your real self into the
organization or,are you saying .
"What the Hell" , he or she" will I
do the work and we will have a /
Fair is good as last year anyway.
"You area member , you
are, able to use your talent be it
one or ten, never ride.along on
Someone else's ideas. N,evei
steal some one else's talent ,. use
your own: Yours may be hidden,
but it'.s there ," he said.
' He was reminded of those who
say they have no bad habits , but
he wondered' what they did have,
for all he could. see of these boast-
ful folk was the fact. they had
He asked 'O Is good ; gobd
enough? Are yoU doing something
for your Fair? Are you in
clutches of apathy or are you
changing it into enthusiasm?"
"Make your town proud of you,
rna,ke, your contribution - leaVe •
off jealously and dwelling oh
what some one else has done , who
spent their time in creating a
talent while you just went along
for the ride".
"Let 's take a look at towns that .
have been.put on the map by
people who think not of them-
selves but of what they can give:
Syrup, Beans , Craft Festivals are
all indications of what can be
done and has been done by
plus .
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Richard Elliott Honoured At Party
birthday cake in front of Dick,
who was taken completely by
All joined in.singing "Happy
Birthday7'. Dick made a very fin-,
ing reply and congratulated the
Women's Institute for all the fine
work which they do for the cornria -
unity and the pleasant social even
ings we enjoy. here:, when neigh=
hours and friends meet together:
He • was given a, hearty applause
and all wished him health and
Mrs. Lorne Eadie will be hostess
(in the hall). for the March Meet=
.Iing of the Holyrood WoMen's
Institute on Thursday afternoon,
March 7th. Topic Family and •
Consumer Affairs. Guest Speaker,
Mrs. Evan,Keith. Sing Song of
Irish music. Roll call bring a'
product andcompose a commer
cial to sell Directors - Mrs.
Ellwood Elliott° and 'Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs:" Maurice Hcidgins
of London have been with Mr..
and Mrs. LlOyd Johnston and
family and with Mrs. Mark
Johnston owing to the serious con- • -
dition of Mark Johnston, who has
been a patient in the Wingham
and District Hospital.
We,extend sympathy to Mrs.
Johnston and family in the passing
of the late Mark•Johnst on Sat-
urday evenin after a len thy
illness: The funeral w eld on
Tuesday afternoon fro the Mac-
Kenzie Membrial Chapel at