HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 11PAGE ELEVEN 9 ounce 11 EFFECTIVE mom, FEB. 25 TO SAT., MAR. 2 WATCH. FOR THESE ADS — THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY MISS.JOHNSON'S CLAIROL BABY SHAMPOO 0 I L FORMULA HAIRCOLORING WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • Trod* Motk• tEPACOL ANTI-BACTERIAL MOUTHWASH GARGLE • 'i4 of cA ny ly It ts ilES AY, FEBRUARY 27, 074 Nile United, Church Hold Their Annuai Meeting. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. 'Gen .eral'Meetinge Of . Lucknow UCW HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN GoDERICH VISIT - Don D000mme - 524-8761 LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whether lee a 4 e MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You' are remembering a loved OM LET T. PRYDE IL SON' LTD„ lie annual Congregational, eting of Nile United Church held M the Church basement a pot luck Oinnett'\$tyed at 00p.m. and the business part the. meeting at 1:30 p.m. he meeting was opened with ipture and Prayer by Rev.i ence McClenaghan, the absence of Cliff McNeil , Oti011 by Harvey McPhee , ended by Mrs. Alvin Kerr that McNeil act as secretary the meeting. minutes of the former meet- were read and adopted, on a ion by Doug McNeil, Second- by Mrs. ElWyn Feagan. letter of resignation,was rec - from Earl Bogie from the d of Elders, :moved by' Mrs. Rutledge, seconded by Harvey bee that we accept the resig- on with regret. . arch secretary is Cliff 01, nday School Report was read arvey McPhee showing a: nce of $30.09 with Mrs. Kerr as superintendent and ey McPhee as Secretary urer, lorers group report was read s, D. McNeil with 23. in the p. The leaders are. Mrs.' Doro- rendley, Mary Louise Mrs, JaCk Clements Mrs. Doug Young. report was read by A, Kerr showing a balance nd of P4,36 . Appreciation hown to the C. G.I. T. for done in the church ent. The leader is Nits. Judy Kerr . U.C. W. treasurers report was read by Mrs. E. Feagan showing a balance on hand* of $9.94. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. W. 'Rutledge ihowing a balance on hand of .570, ) The Pastoral report was read by Rev. C. McClenaghan. Manse Committee >report was read of Mrs. C. McClenaghan and made mention of paint and labour for the Manse.. Auditors report was read by D. McNeil. Bible Society report was read by. Mrs.Elwyn Feagan. Collection was $64.15.. • Observer report was given by Mrs. Horton Talmay with 35 names On the roll. Trustee report was read by Ron Pentland and reported work on drains and possibly catch -basins ardund Ole outside of the Church. A motion by Mrs. H. Talmay, seconded by Mrs. Earl Bogie , that the reports be accepted. Elders ate as follows: Jim Haw- kins, Doug McNeil years; Cliff McNeil, 2 years; Jamieion Ribey , 1 year A motion was passed to contact Harvey Bogie to act Elder and if not a nomination will be called at a later date: Board. of Stewards is as follows: Mrs. Alvin Kerr , Glen Ribey , Len Christilaw , Ron Pentland 3 years; Jim McPhee , Frank Scott , Car- man Pollock , Horace Crawford 2 years; Arnold Stotbers , Horton Talmay 1.year. The Trustee Board is as follOws: Cliff McNeil ,:Ron Pentland , Doug McNeil , Glen Ribey , Len ChriStilaw Auditors , Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mc Neil; Church Treasurer , mrs. Wilmer Rutledge; Press Reporter , Mrs. Cliff McNeil; Manse Comm- ittee , Mrs. A. Kerr , Mrs. E. Poll , ock, Cliff McNeil and Len Christi. law; Representative from the Trustee. Board to the Manse Committee., D. McNeil and Ron Pentland; Anniversary Committee, Mrs. Jim Boak„, Rev. C. McClen-' aghan, Doug McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins; Observer repre- sentative , Mrs. H. Talrpay; Org- anist, Mrs. Jim Boak. The annual meeting for the com- ing year is to take the form of a noon luncheon. Representative to the Board of Stewards from the U. C. W. is.• Mrs . Elwyn Fe'agan. Appreciation to the caretaker was shown. Appreciation was expressed to Rev. and Mts. McClenaghan for their splendid services daring the year. A motion by. Ron Pentland was that the meeting adjourn. St. Peters ACW, President of the month, Mrs. John Warren presided for the Feb-, ruary meeting of St. ,Peter's Anglican Church Women. Mrs. Ernest Gatint gave the opening prayer followed by the A. C. W. Prayer. Mrs. Garratt read the Scripture. The roll call was answered by "What am I giv- ing.up or taking up for Lent" . Rut Thompson gave the Meditation. RepOrts were heard from the Social Servide Secretary and Card Secretary also ?rom the banquet The first general meeting for 1974 was held in the church par- lour on Tuesday , February 19th. Mrs. Jack Treleaven, 1st vice president chaired the 'meeting and ,opened with a poem after whiCh hymn 150 was sung. Mrs. Wes Ritchie was pianist. Christian Education was the theme for the program and a very inspiring message was presented by Mrs. Robert Nicholls and her committee. The purpose of Christian .Education is to see that every person at every 'stage of his life tna'y be led to know love.and serve God as revealed in Jesus Christ. "MEs. Wilfred Drennan gave committee re banquets coming up Plans were completed for the pan- cake supper and for making turkey pies. Also for feeding the Deanery clergy at their meeting March 4th. . * Two quilts made by Ruth Thomp son and quilted by several of the ladies were'shown. These will be' given where these is a need. It was agreed to make a donation towards buying a new gestetner for use,by the Parish. Mrs.. Cliff Roulston gave the "Closing Thought" and the Meet- ing closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. • Lunch and a social times followed. • Donnybrook- , Church • holds Annual Donnybrook United Church inst- alled its 1974 officers at its annual Meeting and pot luck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cham- ney, as. follows: Seision: Pastor Alfred' Fry, M. Wilson, S. Thompson, Stewart • Chamney , M. Johnston and E. Robinson. Board of Stewards: R, Jefferson, Wm. Hardy, H. Jefferson, E. Snowden, Mrs. E. -Robinson and Mrs. T. Armstrong. TrUstees: E. Robinson sec'y , S. Thompson, H. Jefferson, W. Jefferson, C. Jefferson. Church Treasurer: Mrs. T. Artn- strong; M. & S. Treasurer: Mrs. T. kmstrong; Church sec' y: Mrs. H JettersG.ri; • Jefferson;Assistant orga nist. '`ors • • M. Wilson; Manse Committee, Mr. and Mrs. S. Chamney and Mr and Mrs. Wm. Hardy; Ushers, R. Jefferson-, W. Snowden, J. Thom- pson, J. Johnson, W. Robinson. 'the Lucknow United Church , Units 4 & 5 to the Evening Auxil- iary to join them on March 5 for a meeting in their church, The Meeting closed by singing 232., Fairest Lord Jtvus. 'Mrs. Hawthorne gave the closing prayer. Lunch was servecl, by Mrs. Albert Gammie and Mrs. Roy Finlayson. Organist, Mrs. H. THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING OPLE LIKE YOU Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary . The Lucknow Presbyterian Even- ing Auxiliary' meeting-was held in the church basement on February 19 with 17 ladies present. Our president Mrs. Frank Haw- • thorne opened the meeting with a poem. Hymn 107 was sung. Mrs. Ronald Forster 'read the Scripture lesson and meditation. Mrs. Glen Noble was in charge of the topic Salvation. Mrs. Brace Rayitard gave a musical number on the piano. The roll call' was answered' by repeating the W. M.S. Purpose. — • v ur c received from I An invitatio l Y • reading entitled Ten Command- ments of Human'relations reveal- ing the 'influence we can be on other people. A reading, A little parable fOr Mothers, was given by Mrs. Nicholls after which she and daughter Mary delighted the ladies with a duet. A sing song was enjoyed using the C. G. I. T. song sheets . Mri. Vernon Hunter and Mrs. Gordon Cayley presented a very impressive candlelight service in keeping with the Lords prayer. This had' been written by Mrs.' Nicholls.- , The business period folloWed with Mrs. Harvey Houston reading the minutes of the annual meet- ing in December. Mrs. Ken Cam- eron read the correspondence. Mrs. Robert Finlay reported $291.35 in receipts to date. Mrs. 'George' Newbold presented the suggested' budget for 1974 stat- ing $3390. would be required to •• meet our obligations. Mrs. Allan Johnson reported on, steps taken to have a Wiarton choir come to our church to present a musical program but plans were not com- pleted. Presbyterial will be held. SOuthamPton on March 11 and World's Day of Prayer will be in St. Mary's church, Lucknow , March 1st. Mrs. johnson, chair- man of social functions, gave a r review of banquet prices and these were approved. Mrs. Nicholls stated the filin Bambi would be presented on the morning and afternoon of April 20. The offer- ing was received by Mrs. Eldon , Henderson and Mrs.. Walter Alton and dedicated by Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. A hynin and:the mizpah bene- diction closed the meeting.