HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 10WEONIESPAT„ :FEERUARY 27,1
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn' Noble, B.A.,, B.D.
Phone 528-2790
• MARCH 3rd
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
3. Thy kingdom Come
Entry to the Kingdom belongs
to the man who humbly rests
his poverty in God's wealth,
his ignorance in God's wisdom.
his sin in God's mercy, his
moral failure•and'his battle
with temptation in God's
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Girls Become
.G,I.T. Seniors
At the Monday meeting ofLuck-
noW Canadian.Girls hi Training,
four members received lanyards to
signify that they are now senior
meMbers.,Lynda Campbell,;Dor-
othy Clark, Joanne Ritchie and
Nancy Warren participated in the
service with appropriate verses,
prayer and music. Mrs. Gordon
Cayley explained that as senior
inembers they would now have
new responsibilities of sharing and
being concerned for 'others in the
Mary Ellen Havens told what
being a' senior has meant to her.
Susan Clark presented white
lanyards to the four girls and the
service was 'concluded with the
C.G.I.T. purpose, verse and
.411 senior and intermediate
groups are now doing the mission.
-.study , "The Global Family". The
girls are learning that as members
. of an interdependent global
family , we ,can "learn from and be
enriched by others. In' an experi-
Ment , "Flight. 703" they examined
their own values and those of
others in our world community.
In recent weeks the C. G.I..T.
girls went to see.the movie "Jesus
. Christ Superstar" in Goderich and
enjoyed a toboggan party at the
park hill followed by pizza
making at their own leader's
Trinity UCVV,
The February meeting of Trinity
U.C.W„.was held at the home of
Mrs. Wilfred. Hackett, on Thurs-
day,afternoon, February 14. The
President opened the meeting and
welcomed 24 ladies and 2 child-
After singing Hymn "Come Let
Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" ,
Mrs. Charles Wilkins read 2
poems , one pertaining to St. Val-
entine's and the second one "How
Will You Give This Gift of Love .
Away" . The roll call was answer-
ed, with averse on "Love".
Mrs. D, A..- Hackett read 'the
Scripture from Matthew , chapters
7 and 16. Meditation was taken
by Mrs. Russel Alton, "Jesus
the Son of God , The Perfect
Foundation". Hymns The Church
Is One Foundation, Lord. Lift. Me
Up and Let Me Stand, and Rock of
Ages.were sung.
Mrs. Chester.Hackett gave a
humorous reading "Welcome
Horne Girls" .
The Study Book was presented by
Mrs. Chester Hackett "Mission
Impossible Unless" followed by
discussion and a.tape presented .by
Mrs. J. Hummel. Six Hospital
Calls and five Home visits
were reported, three thank-you
notes .were read. The Ladies were
reminded of the World's Day of
Prayer , March 1 at St . Mary's
'Church, Lucknow, also of the'
Presbyterial at Mitchell.. Mrs.
Alex Hackett gave a reading on
Mrs. Warren Zinn gave the
Treasurer's Report and a report
from, the Finance Comrnittee re-
garding funds for 1974. Mrs.
Hummel closed, with prayer and
lunch was served by the ladies in
Ashfield WMS
On Thursday, February 21st, Mrs
Jean West opened het home to the
ladies of the Ashfield Women's
Missionary'Society. Mrs. Warren
Wylds opened the' meeting with a
poem "The SeCret". followed by
the singing of Hymn 46 and
repeating the W. M. S. Pnrpote.
Mrs. Jack MaCKenzie gave the
scripture taken from Luke 10:
25-37 followed by meditation and
Roll call on an interesting item
from Glad Tidings was answered
by nine ladies, also one child was
present. Offertory prayer was. 0
given by Mrs. -Wylds and Hymn
"HoW Great Thou Art" was sung.
The Mall game was played by
the ladies which was both helpful
and interesting with discussions
among the ladies.
Highlights from the February
issue of Glad Tidings
were given by Mrs,. Henry 'Mac-
Kenzie. Business was discussed
:e-i';;c1 Mrs. Jim West reported on the
Nilaitland-Presbyterial Annual
Report meeting, which was held
2a8llthd .ay in Wingham c January
• Mrs. Warren Wylds closed, the
meeting. Hymn 480 was sung
followed by prayer, Grace was
sung and the committee served a
bountiful lunch,
Chalmers Women's Missionary
Society held their February meet-
ing on Wednesday at 2
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Victor
Emerson wiith an attendance of
10. The lseVice President ,
Wallace Conn presided in the
absence of the President, Mrs.
Bill Rintoul.
Mrs. Conn welcomed all and
opened the meeting with the sing-
ing of What a friend we have in
Jesus, accompanied by Mrs. And-
rew Gaunt on the Chord organ.
The Scripture Colossians 1:9-23
was read by, Mrs. VAeto, Emerson,
who also gave the mlditation,
telling how mistakes in life can
be made very easily unless one is
ever on the watch for errors, Mrs.'
Robert Mowbray led in prayer
Mrs. Robert Ross gave a reading
"Thanks to Thee" , which instruc-
ted all to count their many bless-
ings. The hymn Jesus keep' me
near the Cross was sung.
The' World Day of 'Prayer is to be
held,in the Presbyterian -Church on
Friday, March 1St. MrS. Bill 4'.
Evans offered to help take the
collection that.day . Fees were
received from Mrs. Andrew Gaunt
Mrs. Elmer King and Mrs. Wall-
ace Conn. The next' meeting
Will be held at the home, of Mrs.
Robert. Roisi. The leaders for the
next meeting are Mrs. Lloyd
Murdock and Mrs. Wallace Conn
with helpers Mrs.. Bill Versteeg
and Mrs. Ira Wall.
A Birthday Tea will 'be held
when those having birthdays in
October , November and Decem-
ber are asked to bring their donat-
ion as that tea was missed. Those
with birthdays January, February,
and March will also contribute.
The offering was, dedicated by
Mrs. Bill' Evans: The roll call was
answered by ten giving a verse
with the word "Crown".
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin gave the
topic "Linings of Silver". We'
spend so much time looking for
something about which to com-
plain that we. fail to see the love-
ly little blessings which make
silver linings. Young. mothers
with little children to feed, bathe
dress and care for in sickness say,
"I'll be glad when they groW up".
Middle aged mothers with the .
family all gone look back and say
"I didn't realize how happy we
were 'when they were small".
Failure to see silver linings is not
limited to mothers. 'Men compl-
ain about their work being vire-
tome, unrewarding. They plan on
their retirement. They fail to en-,
the blessings of everyday
ing. Each person should write a
letter to thernselves.at 40 to. be
opened at 65 , which would help
us realize our blessings. We can
have silver linings if we have
Christ for our Saviour. She Con-
cluded with a poem "Silver Lin-
MiSs Annie Laidlaw gave a
poem "Sunshine and Music".
Mrs, King gave the closing prayer
Mrs. Wallace Conn gave the
courtesy remarks. The hostess,
Mrs. Emerson served lunch.
Israel a nation again as
prophesied in The. Word of
God. The great sign of the
coming of The Lord Jesus (in
perion) to rule the world from
Are you ready?
For free information about
this overlooked Gospel 111°S"
sage -- write
Kinlough WMS
The Presbyterian Women's
ionary Society met on Wednesday
afternoon at the hoine of Mrs.
Tom MacDonald. The Hymn .
'Christ for the World we Sing'"
was sung and the Purpose repeat-
ed. Business followed and the
roll call was answered with the
word "Heart".
Four ladies namely Mrs. Frank
Maulden, Mrs. Tom MacDonald,
Mrs. Glen Haldenby and Mrs.
Don Robertson gave the report of
Presbyterial which was held at
Wingham in January.
The Bible Study was "Jestit" and
a film "The calling of the four"
. was Shown. Mrs. Lyman Sutton
gave the Missionary story of Rev.
Clare. McGill and the
J. W. Van Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. Service
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
Mrs Jack Barr and Mrs. Glen
Haidenby, were in charge of the
program. Mrs. Haldenby read
Psalm 8, the, meditation and
prayer and the Study book,"FOr a
time like this" was introduced
with thoughts, on topics and a read-
. The hymn '"For the Beauty of the
Earth" was sung and the meeting
closed with the Lord's prayer.
Mrs. Jack ipar gave the courtesy
remarks. Lunch was served hi the
hostess assisted by Mrs. 'Ruth
Mr;•. George Graham read the
Kinlough ACW
The Anglican Church Women
met on. Thursday -afternoon at the
home of Miss Edna Boyle. Mrs.
Gertrude Walsh presided and gave
the opening thought. All'joined
in singing the hymn God Is'
Here". Mrs. Howard .Thompson
read the Septuagesima espistle
from 1st Corinthians. The
Meditation "Thought of Love" wa
given 'by Mrs. Delbert Heciley,
Mrs. Midford Wall read the
correspondence,, which included
a letter from' Mr.' and Mrs. Roy
Sclineller. Karen Hedle5i took up
the penny collection, All of the
members answered the .roll call
with the word "Love" and Mrs,
Garratt read astiitable poem. in
keeping with the word "Love",
The conveners Mrs, George
Graham and. Miss. May Boyle took
charge of the program on the.
theme."cod is Love" , Scripture
portions were read by Mrs. Roy
Collins and, Miss May Boyle. All
joined in the hymn "The Love dl
Christ Constraineth". A lovely •
reading "The Love of Home" was
given by Mrs. Bert Nicholson.
. Rev. George Garratt led in the
litany service and all took part.
The conveners Ted in prayer for
Unity, for the sick and shut ins,
for bereaved families and a mom'
ent of Silent Prayer was observed
as members were thinking of a
former member Mrs . Canon kW,
Stump, whose funeral was the
day of the meeting. Mrs. Fred
Page favoured with the hymn"
"The Kirig of Love My. Shepherd
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at the born
Hedley Withe ofMr slAr. Rso. yD, Gelobletirnst cO"
- • hostess and it will be a quilting.
origin of thhymn "I Love ;:c
Tell the Story" and conducted a
contest on hidden books of the
Bible. This was followed with the
hymn lestis Calls us o'er the
Tumult". All joined in singing
the books of the New Testament:
Mrs., Howard Thompson gave
two shott readings "A Secret" and
"The Gospel According 'TO Me".
The Closing hymn was "Breathe
On Me Breath of God ' followed by
prayer and all repeated the belie•
diction and. Grace was sung.
Appreciation was expressed to
the conveners and all who took
et minatrhceh prrrioeg:;.am and to the
hostesses who served refreshments,
11 hp held •
_Ai% .,•••
Donnybrook UC
ruaryholue 6°
of Mrs.
broo k [LC.. W. was held at the
The February meeting, of Donny
W. H
. ajercif
yferosnoneb as leader. The therne of the mee
ing was "Let's Face Ourselves'',
Hymn 388 "0 'Master Let Me wa
With Thee" wag sung. Mrs. S,
Chamney read the scripture tak
from Romans 8, folloWed with
prayer,. h,
Readings, Let's Face Ourselves
were were Eta.kRoenbbinsy 07sa.ndW.IvirJesf.feHrasornd;
Mrs. H. Jefferson read a poem "it
can be done" and Mrs.,R, Jeffer•
son gave a reading "on Taking
Bites" .
The business was raken over by
the preSident Mrs. R. Hanna.
Yarn was given out to make mitt
and caps. The members tied a
quilt as part of the meeting. Nits,
Ha,nna closed the business with a
poem "Old Friends"
Matgaret Hildebrand read a
poem "Note of Laughter" , Hy mn
376 , Blest Be the Tie That Binds
was sung followed a closing
prayer by Mrs. W. Jefferson,