HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 7PAO, S$1/014
imunity was saddened
ek end when it Was fear -
lay evening that Mrs.
llespfe, in her 92nd
;ed away at Wingham
She was a very active
the United Church work,
nmunity and the Worn
having been
'ember of it. The comm-
ends their syMparhy to
;ck and 1VIrs. Gillespie
and her daughter Agnes
Ind Garnet Farrier with
a resided and to her two
die west •, and
tAdams of 2nd Concess-
ms spent the week end •
friend Clara Milligan .+..
hunch Y.P.S. will hold a
service at Pinecrest
a Sunday, March 3 at
sorry to report that Art
on Sunday Was visiting
,r Hanover when•just after
suffered a severe heart
At time of reporting, hey
ensive care at Hanover.
nmunity wishes him a very
itulations to Mr, and Mrs.,
ironer on the arrival
afternoon, February 24th
Wingham and District
1, a baby boy, 8 lbs ; 4. oz.
y Alan, a brother for
try and is now at the Federal Post
office , Oakville.
Visitors on the week-:end with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen-
aghan were and Mrs. Harry
Moss of Plattsville and on Sunday
'Mrs. Walter James of Woodstock.
Attending Open House at Ontario
College , Huron. Park on Wednesday
were Mr. Sand •Mrs . Walter Elliott
and family , Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Ritchie and family, 2nd
concession Kinloss and Mrs: 'Ted
Robinson and Mrs. Gordon Elliott
of Wingharn.
Sprint is just around the corner
in Whitechurch Community as
many report seeing and hearing
the croWs;
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich-
tenberg , Lori and Kerry of Port
Elgin were Sunday visitors with
her parents. Mr. and Mts. Albert
On the week end George Conn
Of Sherbrooke , Quebec , phoned
home and they had the same type
, of storm there as we had here.
Visitors on Sutiday with Mr . and
-Mrs. Russel McGuire were: Mr
and Mrs. Bert SOotheron and son
Don of Clinton , Mrs. Helga Koeh•
ler and son Michael 'of Goderich,
Mrs. Gershom Johnston and
George Greig of Wingham ,were
Friday evening visitors with her
son • Jim Johnston , Mrs. Johnston
and family of Listowel.
The rural school pupils enjoyed
March 5th has been designated as
.a,holiday Monday as their
teachers were taking part in Prof-
essional Development Day at the •
Miss Joyce Tiffin of LcindOn
spent the week end-Itfth her par-
ents Mr. and MA. II6,n Tiffin.
On Thursday she will complete
her work in London and will
transfer to Toronto this week-end.
This community extends their
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Don
Martin and family in the passing
of her father Mark Johnston in
Wingham Hospital.
• Visitors on the week end with
Mrs. George Fisher and visiting
with George in Winghain Hospital
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher
and family of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Machan of Waterloo and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Gibson and family.
Home for the week end with •
their parents Mr. and. Mrs. Ira'
Wall 'were MisS Mary Lou Wall of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wall of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor of East
Wawanosh visited Sunday with
her parents Mr . and Mrs. Russel
Ross. •
Parent's 'Day at ,R,D.S;„ This per-
tains only to the parents of the ,
secondary students. 'Between the
hours of 3 p.m. til 6 p.m.
Mom and Dad are welcome to
come in and discuss any problems
that Junior 'may have. Don't be
afraid of the teaching staff, after
au, they're human too!
Saturday, March 2nd the Junior
Girls' 'Basketball team play in the
M.A. competitions in Walkerton.
If you're not doing anything on
Saturday , why not drive over to
Walkerton and Cheer the girls' on to
victory. Good luck; girls!
If yOu don't drive over tp Walker•
ton, settle down in your favourite
arm chair and watch "Reach For
The Top" on Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
when. Ripley matches wits against
Match 15th to 23rd is the Winter
Break for everybody! •
March, 21st completed the curling
season as the Wind Up' Bonipiel.
takes place at the RiPley Curling
April 5th to 9th, Secondary
Exarris ( Need We Say More?) * * • •
The man who can smile when
things gO• wrong has probably
John Howard was among thirty
Ontario Limouisin Association
members who fleW to Calgary,.
Alberta last Thursday to attend
the Annual Canadian Limbuisin
Convention and annual sale. They
returned home on Sunday.
Ray Hogan returned home on,
Sunday after spending a week and
a half in Florida.
Congratulations toy Mr.. and Mrs.
Tom Hogan on the birth of a baby
boy at the Wingharn and District
Hospital on Friday. February 22nd
Also best wishes go out to Karla's
sister , and husband Ambrose and-
Barbara Redmond of know on
the birth of a baby girl February
16 at the Wingham and District
. Hospital.
Mrs. Gene Frayne and Mrs. An-
tone Van Osch attended the Lead-
ership Training ,school for 4-H
Homemaking Clubs at the Salvat-,
ion Army Citadel, Wingharn.cin
Monday and Tueiday'of last week.
The first meeting will be held
Thursday evening , February 28.
A 'euchre party sponsored' by the
C. W.L. was held in the Church
Hall on Friday evening. Brother
Carl Voll was high man, while
second high was Jack, Van osch;
high lady was Anne Marie Howard
with. Mrs. Joe Courtney as second
high. ,
thought 'of someone to blame it
?„Willitynryinrynnif Inflyntry yi\y/VVVVVInlyytyrynrylvylvvrif
D the storm on Friday even-
e dance which Was to have
Ad in the Whitechurch
d to be cancelled proving
pointment to many.
Earl Caslick and Mrs.
e Conn on Monday
parried Wilford Caslick to
where they visited with
id Mrs. Gordon Scott.
Alma Conn who is graduat-
s year, on Thursday went
ne to Saskatchewan for an
iew witha veterinary there.
aerviewer was paying the
:ors on the week end with
nd ,Mrs. Robert Mowbray
Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon
helley of Sarnia, Mr. and
Hector Purdon and Raymond
41'. and Mrs. Angus Falconer
:evirt, all of Strathroy and
Falconer of Sarnia and Brian
Annetta Jantzi and sons
Id and Larry and Mrs. Clock-
of Milverton visited on Sun-
with George Fisher, a patient
ingham Hospital since last
nesday, and also with' Mrs.
and Mrs. George Currie
bed home to their farm home
t Wawanosh after spending
weeks with their relatives
ndon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
nnell and Mr. and Mrs.
eth Winegarden „ who brought
and Mrs. Elmer King on
..day went to Keswick, where
iday they attended the funer-.
his aunt, Mrs. John King,
leaves to mourn her passing .
1.year old husband. Mr. and
King returned home on Sat-
and Mn. Dave Leggatt of
file spent the weekend with'
and' Mrs. Lloyd Murdock.
and Lloyd were first year
is at Knox College. After
ne year, Dave left the minis-
Visit The Sevol Town, June 28, 29, 0: July 1 1974
Pkg. of 20 50c