HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 4FOR SALE —'barn 40' x 60' with . x 40' ell, may be moved or dismantled. Phone 396-7857. P. Martin. HELLO BADGES — for Meetings, parties, etc. • stick to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE — heavy duty 30" Beatty electric range, glass in door, 5 years old, excellent con- dition, medium size Viking re- frigerator, '6 years old.• excellent condition. Mrs. Lorne Ritchie, 395-5067, R.R. '2 Ripley. BEFORE Tfts.,, AGE OF MIR- ACLES — memoirs of a country 'doctor, by Dr. W. V. Johnston, makes/ an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome, INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Specializing in Farm Income Tax. For at home appointment phone: JOHN De JONG 3924928 FOR SALE — Holstein x Angus, cow, 2 Jersey aSiTss cows.-direm soon; 3 ski-doo suits, sizes 12, 14, 18; Ian McPherson, 392" 04S. ' ANDY'S REFRIGERATION. LTD. 24 hour' emergency service Your Tyler Dealer WINGHAM, PHONE 357-3484 Bulk-Tanks, Freezers, , Air conditioners Repairs to all makes and appliances CLEARANCE ON ALL '74 HUMIDIFIERS ' IN STOCK Try an Electrohome Humjclif-' ier from Greer T.V., and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lueknow. We also have filters and" Sanitaire for your Electrohome humidifier. PICTURE FRAMING — chooie from 500 samples, also, an array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, Wingharn, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE — 30 inch Enterprise electric range in excellent con- ' • dition. Phone 357-2087. FOR''SALE -- one Holstein heifer due in March, bred Hereford. Ap- ply to Clarence Ritchie, phone 395-2806. CLEARING — Moto-Ski snow- mobile boots, childrens size 2, 3, 4, $7.95, phone 395-2946. PAPERING PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- how. / WILL BUY FOR CASH OR SELL BY •AUCTION Furniture cupboards, wash- Stand.S.,. • chairs, couches, clocks, dishes, bells, etc. etc. MIKE CUMIVIINGS, Auctioneer Hwy. 21, South Goderich 524-9064 POlt SALE two car radios and 90 feet two wire extension cord. Phone 529-7291. SILVER. LAKE GENERAL STORE XINLOSS, ONTARIO 'Fresh 'Bread 3 for 99c ,1/2 Gallon Ice Cretan -- 99c :Parkas — Rubber Boots - 'Coveralls NEW LIFE AND SUPERSWEET FEED DEALER Open 'Daily 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Closed Tues., Fri., Sun., evenings NEW NEW • NEW • Personal "Presson" labels with your name and addresS„no mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian 'flag at left side of label, use for your corres- pondence or as a 'means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also still have the regular labels, which need moistening, at the former price, 300 for $1.75, The Lucknow Sentinel phone 528-2822 USED SKATES FOR SALE — for men, women and children. Pet-, ter Shoes, Lucknow, phone 528- 2011. , THE FANS GO WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Sentinel for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price, 444444444444+4,4444:4444++++- Income • Tax H&R Slack Canada's Largesi Tax Service 19 Victoria St. N. ,' Goderich Ontario. on HighWay 21 Phone 524 -8656 Personal business and farm returns. 4-4-4-44-4444-44.4-4-44-4-40.1044-44-4-444. FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT -.avail- able immediately ,.'partially furn- ished' if-desired , suitable for one or two people', .Apply to Mrs. Ji'n Ritchie , Apartment 4. 8 in. Ashton Block. LOST ST. AUGUSTINE CARD PARTY A card party will be held in St, Augustine Parish on Friday, March 1st at 8:30 p.m. sponsored by the C.W.L. Prizes and lunch. INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY If the fifth .game is necessary the Lucknow Intermediate Hoc- key Team will • play the final game in the W.O.A.A. Play-off series with Thornbury in the Lucknow arena on Sunday, March 3rd at 8 p.m. BUS TO 9'KEEPE CENTRE • Seats are still available for Bus Trip to O'Keefe Centre in Toronto on Thursday, March 7. Bus fare $3.50,: tickets 'to the show 32.50 and $1,50. Please contact Ada Webster at once. 3 ACT. COMEDY A play "Everybody's Crazy", a l act comedy, will be presented at Brookside Public School, Fri- day. March 22nd at 8:15 p, m. and at Lucknow Public School, 2.1r7-6—gr p.m. This ,play is presented by the Lucknow Agricultural• Society. TN LUCKNOIN SENTINEL ii.UCKNPIN, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEERIJARy 21, • tioVS 'seats . Feb.. SP1 5 . • era, Bea seats .tie101 Gel e Bt Bey tai in p , A cid tout, tve e I in ear ,0••••••••• FOR `SALE = 1973 Rupp Sport, 1) horse, good condition. Phone thillgalMon 59-7915. FOR SALE CLEARANCE OF SNOW TIRES Assorted sizes in stock Luchnow District Co-op Phone S28-3024 THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published in 1.906,. second- printing in, 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping' and handling We also have available the sequel of •this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 'written by Norman McLeod — same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR. SALE — Allis Chalmers '4 row corn planter, two years old, lots of corn and bean plates, in excellent condition; 9N Ford tractor, recently over-hauled. Phone 529-7427. • BARN EQUIPMENT — complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing: Westeel-Rosco Granaries * zero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. - AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all 'types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 TABLE PAPER white or col- oured designs for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners,' Bunk feeders, Water Bowls; Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling, Contact . Lloyd Johnston. R.R. 3 Holyrood, 'phone 395-5390 HOUSE FOR SALE — modern brick home in Lucknow, 2 bed- rooms,. full basement, rec room,' electric heat, contact Bill Moffat, phone 528-3819. ROY"S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call. Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. FOR SALE WRAPPING PAPER Kraft roll,' for home or office, 49c, The 'Lucknow 'Sentinel. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. FOR SALE - mien ready capons, John Rutherford , R. R.. 2 Lucknow, phone 528-6744 GESTETNER STENCILS - paper , ink; duplicating paper and masters all in stock at The Luck- now Sentinel, phone 528-2822. LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.• 00 dead horses; cows , a cent per pound over. 500 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. FOR SALE - milk quota with sub- sidy 489, boo M. Q. with 12;000 Federal subsidy; bulk cooler 4600 pound capacity with step saver Jack Button. phOne 395-5093. FOR SALE - 23" used Fleetwood black sand white television , in good working condition. Greer' T. V. and Electric , ',ucknow phone 528=3112: COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of Gold game — winner take all. 14 reg- ular i games, $10 each. 2, Share the Wealth games. A $30 Special Jackpot game for' $105 on 57, calls or $25 consolation prize. SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be held on Thursday, February 28 in the St. Helens Hall. Lunch served. Ad- mission 75c. ANNOUNCEMENT THE ANNUAL MEETING Of . THE,;CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF THECOUNTY OF BRUCE INC. will be held at the Walkerton District SeCondary School on Wednesday March 13, 1974 at 8:30 p.m.. Film: "Child BehaV- iour You"; CemmentarY• and discussion led by Mr. Donald Carroll; B.A., M. Ed. Guidance Consultant, Bruce -Board of Ed- ucation; Refreshments; pay your membership now — $1.00 per year and receive "The Journal"; Today's child is tomorrow's cit ,izen — support your local C.A.S. BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth Memorial-Hall. Jackpot $150 on 60 calls. EUCHRE PARTY The St. Augustine Youth Club is sponsoring a euchre party, Friday; March 1 in' St. Augustine Church Hall. SA-YC draw to be made. Lunch .provided, 8:30 P.M. sharp. 'Everyone welcome. N.F.U. DANCE National Farmer's Union Local 335 welcomes you to attend their Dance in Ripley Hall,-March 9th, 1974. Dancing to Elliott Car- ruthers Band. 9:00 p.m. ,to 1:00 a.m. 50% of proceeds go to Ripley - Huron District Recreation Com- plex. Lunch. Everyone welcome. WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo 'at the Legion Hall,. Wingkiam, Wednes- day, March' 6th at .8:30 p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize each game; 2 share-the-wealth gameS; $50 special must go; Jackpot game $740 on 6 calls with $35 con- solation. Adthission $1.00. Extra and special cards 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00, G EVE WORLD DAY OF PRAYS The World Day Of'Prayer be held in, St Mary's Cif Lucknow,* Friday, MarCh sat 2 p.m. All denominations come. CURLING CLUB MEETING The Lucknow Curling Club hold a meeting on Friday,; 1st in the Town Hall at !B:30 p, A full attendance is requested; urgent business. LOTTERY License No. T 01 $5,000 TOTAL CASH pRi2 . Sponsored .By Ripley & District Lions CI Tickets available from any member or at stores in Ri and Huron TOwnship ' PROCEEDS FOR RECREATION 'COMPLEX DRAW — SATURDAY, MAY NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD ,The best in Home Grown,. Fed, • Drug .Free Beef. Try Fresh Home Made Sausage, torn killing by appointment. Phone 528-202 'NOTICE KINDERGARTEN . . REGISTRATION Kindergarten • Registration Brookside Public School, 8, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Children in 1969 are eligible. Bring of birth and previous va ations. Notice To Credit NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ..,JAMES LITTLE •Late, of the ' ID, Village of gannon in the County of II Retired Farmer.' Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY G :pursuant to The Trustee Act all creditors .• and others ha claiins against .the Estate of late James D. Little are re to. send particulaits ' of claims,, duly verified, to G ALL & CAMPBELL. Soli for the Executors of the said tate, on or before: the 15th of March, A.D 1974: and after such date the'Executors proceed to distribute the assets the said Estate: having r only to the claim: of which shall then have had notice, DATED at Winghain. On this 25th day of February. 1974., Ross Errington and Helen If Executors of the Estate, By their Solicitors GOODALL S, CAMPBELL Box 730 Wingham 'Ontario Solictors for the 'Estate SANDBLASTING - 'DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING' ARNOLD STOTfit -----p-Hol\w-42914_40.3 • FOR ESTIMATES va FOR SALE, — 1971 one-ton In- ternational truck, 4 speed trans- mission, low mileage, cab lights, new 7 x 10 ft. rack, steel floor, with hoist, booSter brakes and spare tire. Leonard Courtney, phone Ripley 395-2895. 150/0 OFF WINTER CLOTHING SPORTS & HOCKEY EQUIPMENT CA"tf,EY'S STOP AND SHOP 3 miles east ofLucknow on Highway 86 Phone 528-6498 PENSIONERS 20/0 Discount on rechargeable hearing aids , made in Canada , 30 day money back. ,Free hearing tests. City and country house calls. Day idson Hearing Aid Service,' 334 Queens Ave: , phone 432-9951, London. • • HAY SUPPLY SHORT? Feed Purina• Horse Chow check- ers, Guaranteed by Purina Horse Research to give horses everything they need including quality rough 'ages. Johnstone's Mobile Feed Service Lucknow , Ont. 528-3534 'SENTINEL THE LUCKNOW — is for sale at Stanley's Sunoco,' trinlYartrYlliarIrracTTR <4riti—B, ' LOST-1-z-t-- lady's"r----rfilit7tran-d'' Ur 1 Discount and Koyle's Supertest lined leather glove. phone 395-, in Lucknow, ` • ' 2785.