HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-27, Page 1of a new nuclear gener-
ion to be built in this
confirmed for the first
week by an Ontario
f Art Mosher , meeting
nn County Council, con-,
te fact that a new plant
Constructed "within
miles of Goderich" . He
)n County Council , "In
lit schedule, it will be
ial by 1985 arid supply
he western region - Lon-
don, with lines to Kitchener".
Mr. Mosher would not comment
on speculation that the new Plant •
would be built at Blake, a ham-
let in the Bayfield area. Leo Van-
plew of Hamilton, a' public relat-
ions,officer. with Ontario Hydro,
later commented that "It is not
news by any means that hydro is
considering •such a move nor
should Mr.. Mosher's comments' be
considered as-an announcement".
He said that Hydro was not about
to announce anything with respect ,
'to plants while the Ontario Energy
Lavergne MacMillan, a
of this community , has
appointed as Vice President
eneral Manager of Standard
ical Ltd, with headquarters
ntreal, The announcement •
lade by company president
rd F. Powell.
John. L. MacMillan
vergne, as he is known to
t of his friends in this area ,
ed Standard Chemical in 1952
graduation from university.
e 1957 'he has held various •
tions with the company in the
trial CheMicals Division
recently being the Manager
rganic Chemicals Business •
ndard.Chernical, a subSidiary
G industries, Inc. , 'recently
pleted a modernization and
anti expansion to its Chlor-
caustic soda plant at Beauhar-
Quebec 'and is'a major pro- `r of th ese.chemicals and•
56.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To. U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1974 Single, Copy' 15c 20 Pages
Villiam MacKenzie of
renewed her Sentinel
Lion this week, which in
,not an Unusual happening
Sentinel week.
rs. MacKenzie , who is as
[id deVoted as any reader
Sentinel mailing list
98 years of age on March
d.this makes the
worthy of special men-
former resident ofiucknow,
she .has made her home for. a ntim-
ber -of years With her .daughter •-
Katherine at 65 KeeWatin Ave.. r •
in Toronto. She remains • •'
keenly interested in the happen-
ings of Lucknow .and .area and had
the following, comment in her
later to. the editor "When The '
Sentinel comes in, that Means I -
sit down and find out .what, is going
will 6e:9$
sodium chlorate, as, well as being
a distributor across Canada of in-
dustrial and specialty chemicals
made by. PPG Industries , •Inc . ,
and other companies.
Lavergne , for a number of years.
has. been residing in Pittsburgh ,
Pennsylvania and , with the new
appointment , will move to the
Montreal area. Lavergne is the'
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Former Minister
Did. At G-uelph
Rev. L W. Stewart, a former
minister at Lucknow United
Church, passed away at Guelph
General Hospital.on Monday
morning, February 25th. .
The funeral service will be con•
ducted at the Skinner and
MilbrOok Funeral Parlours, Port •
Credit on Thursday , February
28th at 1:30 p.m.
Interment will be at Oakville.
At last week's Huron County
Board of Education monthly meet-
ing ,"the Board approved the estab-
lishment of the Mr. and Mrs.
W.F. MacDonald Award at F.E.
Madill Secondary School,
Wingharn. This annual award ,
being donated by the Farnily of
Mr. and Mrs. W.V. MacDonald of
Lucknow , is to be a $50.00 Schol-
arship, offered to a student of
F. E. Madill Secondary School
Board hearings are in pr6gress. He
said the board is looking at prop-
osed Hydro expansion for the next
20 years.
While Hydrd are tight-lipped
about the location of the new
,plant , The Sentinel has been
aware for some time that three
prime locations along the Lake
Huron shoreline have :been consid-
ered for the proposed plant.
One of, the sites under consider-
ation is located at Sheppardton,
between Port Albeit and Goderich,
on March 12th and want to' send
my best wishes to all my Lucknow.
friends. My health is quite good
and I, enjoy every day as it
Although a couple of weeks early
The Sentinel, on behalf of this
community, would like to extend
birthday wishes to a lady who has
alw a ys, shown a high degree-of
interest in her home town and its
Kinsmen Welcome
New. Members
The Lucknow and District Kins-
men Club welcomed two new
members into their club at the
regular meeting, last Wednesday
Ken Taylor and Ray Nelson join'
ed the newly formed club.
Ray was' a former Member of the
St. Thomas Club.
Guest speakers for the evening
were Murray Gaunt, M.P.P.
Huron-Bruce and-John Green,
Drayton; a candidate for gover-
nor of District 1.
The subscription price of The
Lucknow Sentinel will increase
April 1st from $6 to $8 per year.
United- States and foreign subscri-
ptions will be $10 per year
because of extra postage costs out-
side Canoida . Single copy price
will increase from 154, to 200.
who qualifies for a Secondary
School. Honour Graduation Diplo-
ma .
Conditions of the Award are:
(1) The award shall be given to
a:resident of Huron or Kinloss
Township, or of the Village of
Lucknow , who plans to proceed to
a Canadian post-secondary instit-
(2) The winner must have obtain-
ed the Secondary. School Honour
Graduation diploma not more
Another site , immediately south
of Goderich and very close to the
Goderich town limits, is being
The third proposed site is the one
mentioned at last week's meeting,
near the village of Bayfield.
Whether the Bayfield site has any
preferance over the ;other two is
only known by officials of Ontario
Hydro; however , the fact
remains that this community
could have. the' new plant located
on its doorstep, if either of the
other two sites are chosen.
Cubs, 'Scouts HOld
- Banquet
Approximately 50:Boy Scouts !
Cubs and their fathers attended
the father and son banquet held
Saturday night'at the LucknoW
United Church. •The mothers pre-
pared and served the meal. Rev.
Robert Nicholls.acted as chairman
for the evening.
Grace was given by Rev.
Nicholls , foilpwed by a toast to
the Queen and the singing of God
Save the Queen a with Norman
Taylot as pianist.
Following the meal, the ladies
were thanked .by Jack Treleaven.
Rev. Nicholls welcomed everyone
Mark Abbott , a member of the
Boy Scouts, proposed a toast to
the fathers and this was replied to
by his father Morley Abbott;
Garry Koyle, leader of the Boy
Scouts and Jim Morrison, Cub
Leader were4ntroduced and each
spoke briefly. Their assistants,
Morley Abbott for the Scouts and
Tom Chester for the Cubs, were
also introduced.
The evening was brought to a
close with the showing of two
palms .
The last increase in the Sentinel
Subscription rate was three years
ago. Over the three year period
The Sentinel has absotbed numer-
ous costincreases.
Renewals. will be accepted until
March 30th at the present' rate
with a two year maximum.
than -one year following the
receipt of the Secondary School
Graduation Diploma:
(3) The winner must have an
average of 70°7o in the best six
credits used for the Secondary
School Honour Graduation diplo-
(4) The winner must haVe contrib-
uted positively to dhe spirit Of the
sdhool ,
(5) The winner must show prOmise
of contributing to Canadian SOc-
Ken Farrish Wins
Registers 73 Points
Ken Farrish, son of Mr.' and •Mrs..
Duncan Farrish of Lochalsh, who
has been playing hockey with the
Stratford 'Warriors for the. past sea,-
son, won the 1973-74 O. H.A.
Junior "B" Scoring Championship
in their grouping., Teams in
the group were •Stratford , Sarnia ,
St. •Marys , Loncldn and Petrolia
He ended the• season with 33
goals and 40 assists for a total
of 73 points , just one more than
a top scoring Sarnia player. 'The
Point that put Ke,n on top was
acquired in the last 14 seconds of
play in the final regular season
game. He received his trophy at
the playoff game between Strat-
ford and Sarnia on Sunday. ,
Ken is preSently a Grade 13 stud-
ent at Stratford Central Secondary
Stratford and-Sarnia are present-
ly in 'a best-of-seven playoff •ser-
ies with Stratford down 3 games
to •1 as this was written Monday.
The 5th game was played last -
night ; Tuesday and a sixth and
seventh, if necessary , would be
Wejinesday andthursday.
Died In . Hospital •
Mark Leonard Johnston of Luck-
now passed away in Wingham and
and District Hospital on Saturday,
February 23rd in his 83rd year.
The funeral service was held at
MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,.
Lucknow on Tuesday., February
Temporary entombment was at
South Kinloss Mansokurn.
(6) If more than one candidate
appeari suitable for the' award,
preference shall be given to the
candidate who (a) "will not ,be the
recipient of other major awards,
and (b) appears to have the great-
est financial need.
(7) The winner will be selected,
by the principal and staff of F. E.
Madill Secondary School, and
will be prAented at the disoretion
dear Power Station. Announced For ..Ggdotich -Area
iheppardton One Of Three Sites Under Consideration
Lucknow Native Gets New
Posting To Montreal Area
s. Wm. MacKenzie Is Approaching 98th Birthday,
Remains Keenly Interested in Home Town
Sentinel Subscription Rate
Will Advance' Effective April 1st
Establish Scholarship in Name Of Lucknow couple: