HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-13, Page 12Holyrood WI Hot
Family Night
The Annual Women's Institute
pot-lUck supper and family night ,
was held in the Holyrood hall on
Tuesday evening. Around 50 en.
inyecl a delicious meal after
which cards were played until the
program was ready to start.
Mrs..Alex Percy, eonyener,
called the 'gathering to order and
extended a welcome on behalf
of the Women'S Institute. The
program began with a sing -song
led by May and Edna, Boyle fall-
owed by a duet by Mrs. Fred
Page and Mrs. Bill .:Macpherson.
Three ladies from Lucknow .,
namely MrS. Al Irwin, Mrs,
Annie McIntyre and Mrs. John
Wraithput on a humorous skit:
Mrs.-Lorne Ea.die gave a humor-
. Jack
svirreadicngk ,Aciert
showed most
interesting pictures, which Were
taken by them when she and Jack
were on a conducted tour to
Europe. Mrs. Percy thanked it
Ackert and she was presented Wi
a gift. Thanks was extended to
all who took part in the prbgralt
Frank Mauklen, 'on behalf of thi
me, thanked, the Institute for the
invitation to be present , for the
lovely meal and the fine
entertainment. Ali joined in sing
ing "0 Canada"which brought a l
pleasant meeting to a close.
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Present Badges and Service Stars
The.regular meeting of the'
Lucknow. Girl Guides, was held
February.7th. The 'evening was
started off with a game led by the 4 Robin. Parol.
The meeting was opened with
roll call followed by Horseshoe
formation. Two, 5 year service
stars were presented to Helen
Wisser and Edith Greer.
Badges were presented as
follows: Reporter - Ettabelle Mac-
Donald; Hostess - Marion Raynard
Lori McKim, Karen Campbell;
Cook - Lorna Boyle; Little House
Emblem - Lorna Boyle. •
It was announced that our' bus
trip to Toronto will be Saturday,
April'27th. Preparations will be
completed and forms will be sent
out to mothers. An inspection was
held with Nancy Thompson
winning the prize. A Chinese
Auction was held using a toy left
over from our bazaar. $2.60 was
made from this and the winner
was Edith Greer
.February 17th will be the Think-
ing Day Church service, which
Custom•Butchering aping and Smoking
Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing
Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill
With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From
1 To 3 Weeks -.- Whatever Your Requirements Are .
For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, 'Pork
and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices •
ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961
will be held 'this year at the Ang-
lican Church. Service will start
at 12:00. All Guides, Scouts,
cubs and Brownies are expected
to attend,
Next week, February 14 will be
the Guide and Scout Tobogganing
party. Everyone is to dress warm-,
ly, bring a toboggan if you have
one , and meet at the ski hill at
7;30. Hot Chocolate and bonuts
will be served after.
The next regular meeting Febru-
ary•21st will be a special Thinking
Day service, All parents are invit-
ed. There will be a Guide,and
Brovinie skating party February
26th from 4 - 5 at the arena'.
Captain worked. teaching the
older guides the important rules to
remember concerning the flag. •
Lieutenant worked with the tend-
erfoot girls. Brenda MacLeod and
Suzanne Kirkland are almost
finished with their tests.
A short campfire was held. The
meeting was closed with vespers
and taps.
a a * *
The dance in Ripley this past
week end was sponsored by the
a * *
On Thursday of last week the
people of the Ripley area were
glad to hear the news that those
fourteen head of cattle were all
safely in their home barn at the /
farm of Mrs. Earl Elliott , Conce-
ssion 10: east in HUron Township.
a * a *
The 'Ripley -Ilium, Legion Auxil-
iary held their February meeting
last Thurtday evening in the .
Ripley Legion Hall. There was a
good attendance at it with presi-
dent Mrs. 'Nadine Danforth. of
Point Clark in charge and Mis.
Isobel LOve of. Ripley as secretary
for the evening.
* * * *
MrS. Angus D. Martyn of Ripley
is a patient in Kincardine and
District hospital 'following a fall
in her home, Ripley friends wish
Charlotte a speedy recovery from
her injuries.
* ,*
Murray Weber of Malcolm
street in Ripley has been a patient
in Westminster Hospital, London
where he is undergoing tests and a
medical check. Friends and
neighbours send their wishes for
his 'early return home:
« «
In the weekly report from the
Toronto stockyards given last
Saturday on the Wingham radio,
the following shippers were 'named
among those in 'Western Ontario
as 'having top sales in cattle -
Lloyd HUttbn of Glammis, Leon-
ard Courtney of Amberley, Gord-
on Finlayson of LochalsWand
BurtPn Shew'felt of Kineardine
ToWnship. The farmers who
consigned cattle were Clarente
Ackert of Kincardine township,'
Walter Forster of Huron township,
Evan Keith of Lucknow and Leroy
Walden of Pine River.
In a note from Mrs. Mae Cotton,
fornier resident of Ripley and Tor-
onto and now for the past '
several years• a patient in Hagers-
ville hospital, there is a list of
22 Ripley ladies who attended a .
luncheon at Eaton's &Pre -
possibly the College Street one on
Yonge Street. They were as
%Rows .- Amelia lvlartyn, Kather-
ine Murray, Katharine Pierce,
Catherine BartleY , Myrtle
(MacLean) Flood , Irene (Strath-
dee)'Johnston, Jean (MacLennan)
Lindsay, Aria Jackson, Erma
Jackson, Vera (Crawford) Heritage
Margaret Campbell, Annie Mac-
Donald, Mary Ross ( from
Lochalsh), Jean. Osborne 'and her
sister Evelyn, Mrs. Howard Henry.
(visiting in ,Toronto), Winnifred
Ferrier, Grace Alton, Edna Camp-
bell, Edna Aitchison and Lenore
Logan. No doubt this was quite
a "Ripley Reunion Party" in the
middle of downtown Toronto.
Mrs. Jack Blue is back home
from Kincardine Hospital where
she has been a patient since
before Christmas. Everyone is
glad to hear that she is able to be
back to her home in Ripley again.
* • _,* - a
Murray Weber has now been
moved to Victoria Hospital from
Westminster in London for further
The Anglican A. C.' held it's
February meeting at the home of
Mrs. Oraen Rock in Ripley last
Tuesday with, 10 members present.
Mrs ..Jack Scott spoke on the
theme "Prayer" .
• * «
Thit Week Ire ipley
National Farmers Union and held
,t4e Huron Township hall with
part of the Proceeds going to the
Ripley Huron and District Recreat-
ion Complex. Norman Dunsmoor
of Kincardine and his orchestra
supplied the music.-
* * a
-A 'man who visited yearly in
Ripley and was knoWn to the res-
idents in the north end of the
Village , Roy 'Goodall of Grand
Rapids in Michigan, passed away
suddenly last week on suffering a
heart attack. He was 83 years of
age. A native, of Meaford, the
late Mr. Goodall is survived by
his Wife, the former Grace Vail
of Meaford , who is a sister of Mrs .
Charles Wyld of Ripley and
a * a *
Night time breakins were report-
ed last Friday morning in nearby
centres as occurring the previNts
night. -
This coming Wednesday morn-
ing , February 20, will mean an
early shift for those people board-
ing the bus for the Agricultural
Societies convention in the Royal
York hotel in Toronto. PreV/iotis
to this year it was always held in
the King Edward away up on the
17th floor in the big Crystal
Ballroom. the convention is on
Wednesday and . Thursday - finish-
ing early Thursday afternoon.