HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-06, Page 13SqVar, FEBRUARY 6 1974 THIE 1,41CKNOW $.1ENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 4 ' PAGE THIRTE1164
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awry 2nd saw twelVe rinks
r,ed in the annual Darwin
irk bonspiel. 'Action-started
ne, in the.morning and *ou-
t the day the games tarried
out serious delay . With
final points tallied , the rink
athy Farrell, Peter, MacDon-
Sally Elliott and Robert
phoun won the boaspiel with
tal of three wins and a plus
wenteen. Taking the second
was the entry, of John Huston,
i MacDonaki, Andy Coulas
Cathy Creech with three wins
a plus of nine. Two 'wins and
us of seven meant third,place
David Coiling and his rink of
MacKay, Roger Farrell and
Farrell. Fourth positi9n
t to Ken Mackay , Laurie"
ling, Kevin Cook and Janice
ell with a total of two wins
a plus of six.
st, but not least, consolation
awarded to the rink of Brian
;Kay, Arlene Traraer, , Roy
Fuson and Debbie Fuller with
win and a '.plufs of four. The
;eritations were made by Car-
1 Courtney and Brian MacKay,
air student council' president
enjoying some sunny holidays
)almy Florida. At this time ,
would like to thank the Ripley
'ling Club for their assistance
! to the ladies who stayed
Righout the entire Ordeal
I provided the delicious meals.
ink you for your patience and
•operation. We can't forget to
ntion the great sportsmanship
t every person exhibited
oughout the day:
Ince again, Ripley entered a
m in the ;Reach For The. Top"
evison series created by CKNX
Wingham. This year, our
iooi was represented by Brian
tcKay, Roy Ferguson; Wayne ,
cholson; Patti MacDonald and
in Courtney acting as the spare.
leir first'battle of wits was
ainst 0.S.C.V.I. from'
yen Sound. We can't tell any
crets.,bnt Ripley wasn't bothered
by the glittering lights , cameras
'and sudden popularity , as they
remained quite 'cool and calm.
Need we say more? ! The teelevis-
ion debut of our victors isn't
known as yet , but we'll be sure to
let you know the date.
Almost a year ago, at the
R.D.H.S. variety night , Nancy -
McGuire and Janice—Reeves in
their mock presentation of Goldi-
kicks and The Three Bears
"brought the house down" with
roars of laughter. Once again this
past weekend Janice and Nancy
represented Bruce dounty in the
Junior Farmer Talent Festival'in
Toronto at the Royal York. With
their enthusiasm' and great spirits,
the girls took top honours in the •
open class. Remember folks, you
saw it here first last April in
Ripley. Congratulations girls.,
Gals ,' here is your once in a
lifetime chance to grab.Youi '
particular beau. Friday , February
15th' is the annual Valentine Dance
with Walrus providing the music
from 9 - 12. At this dance, the
Valentine Queen and her two
princesses will be chosen from
levels one , two or three. See you
'Harold Gaunt, Mrs. Bob Aitchison
Miss Isobel Miller , Mrs. Russell
Phillips , Mrs. Ernest Gaunt;
St. Augustine area; Mrs. -Cyril
Boyle, Mrs. Joe Hickey, Mrs.
Raymond Boyle , Mrs, Gus Red-
mond, Mrs. William Kinahan,
Mrs. Neil Stapleton.
Village of Dungannon; Mrs.
Leonard Chisholm, Mrs. Donald
Nicholson, Miss Debby McGinnis.
Campaign Chairman for the
above areas was Mrs. Carl Rieg-
The community extends their
sympathy to the family of the
late Mrs. William A, Taylor in •
the passing of their mother on
January 30 at Brucelea Haven,
Walkerton. Burial was at South
Kinloss Mausoleum with spring
burial at Langside Cemetery.
.Mrs. Wallace Conn arrived
home Saturday evening after
spending a few weeks with her son
George Conn , MrS. Conn and
Pascal at Sherbrooke , Quebec.
On January 13 there arrived at'
Sherbrooke Hospital ChXistophe
Jacques , son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Conn , a brother for PascaL
Angus Falconer of Strathroy
spending a few days with his son
Alan, Mrs. ,Falconer and Tony.
Angus and Alan_ are busy removing
the old store across from the mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson,
Darlene , Sharon and Brenda of
St. Catharines were Sunday visit-
ors with. Mr. and Mrs. Victor
This community were sorry, to
learn on Saturday that Chester
Ritchie of Detroit , brother of the
late Russel Ritchie and of Leslie
Ritchie of Lucknow , had passed
away at the, nursing Home, where
he had,been residing.
Curries School Euchre Club held
their card party Friday , February' -
1st in the Belgrave Arena assembly
room. There were 10 tables in
play. Those receiving prizes were
high lady , Mrs. Ken Currie; low
lady, Mrs. Leonard James; lady
most lone hands in diamonds, Mrs.
Norrna Coultes;,high gent
Norman Coultes; low gent, Dick
Moore. Draw prize was won by
Keith. Weber. Lunch was served
by the sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Arbuckle and Mrs. Isobel Congram
Congram." Eor the next party the
supervisors will be Bill Irwin and
the Wingham group. . •
,, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson ;
George , Bobbie and Dale spent
the week-end in Toronto visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Whittle and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLean and
took part in the curling Bonspiel,
where, they won 3rd prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith Of
Markhain spent the week-end with
Mr: 'and Mrs ,,Russel Chapman.
Mr,. and Mrs; Cameron.
Simmons of London were week
visitors with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Simmons of Wingham and
with her relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Diunin and Mr. and Mrs.
Elroy Laullaw and family.
• Mr. and Mrs. "Gordon Fisher and
family of Guelph were week-end
visitors with Mr .and Mrs. George
Fisher of Wingham.
Mr. :and Mrs. Clarence Crow -
ston and Debbie of Chatham were
week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and family.,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire ..,,.
were Monday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Sootheran and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Whytock
'and Jackie were Saturday visitors
with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Parker of Formosa' and on Sundai
they visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Campbell of Kincardine.
. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan visited
Sunday with Mrs. Lillian McClen-
1\4. ,and, Mrs. •Harry 'Moss of
Plattsviile visited Tuesday with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben
We are sorry to report that
George Fisher of Wingham was
admitted to Wingharn and District
'Hospital on Monday. The comm-
unity wishes him a Speedy
Dr. Donald Watt of Vancouver
had to come east on business and
spent the weekend with his sisters ..
Mrs. George Thompson and Earl
and Mrs. Milian- Moore and. Mr.
Mrs, Earl Wilkens' mother Mrs.
Hazel Bartman of Brussels, who
haS been in Wingham Hospital,
on Tuesday, was admitted to Vic-
toria Hospital, London for further
,treatment. Her friends here wish
.her a speedy recovery.
Mrs: • Gary Chapman and Lisa
returned home froin England , on
the week-end.
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. Torn Davidson was able to
return home from Wingham
Hospital on Sunday.
Mrs. Earl Caslick returned home
on Friday after spending a few
weeks with her danghter Mrs.
Ronald Coultes•and Mr. 'COultes.
We are pleased to report Mrs.
Bessie Mullis returned home. on
Chalmers Young Peoples Social
will be held February 9 at'S p.m.
They are to meet • at the Manse
before they go bowling.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes
and Darlene were" visitors
Saturday with Mi. and Mrs. Torn •
Miller of Goderich:
Visitors on Sunday with Mr‘. and
Mrs. 'Bill Rintoul were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Caldwell, Jean and
Gary of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs
Bill Ford of Wingham.
Mr. and1Mrs. Amos Martin,
Marlene and Harold were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and •Mrs. Glenn
Sctiwartzentruber of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire
visited on -Monday with Mr. and
-Mrs. Jake Hoenig of Kitchener.
The Ground Hog saws his
shadow in this community on
Saturday as the sun shone all day.
According to, tradition we Can
look forward to six weeks more
At Calvin - Brick on Sunday.
Miss Laura Collar of Wingham was
guest speaker at the Sunday
school. The children and grown
ups all enjoyed her message.
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Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
recently visited with.Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Schwichtenberg and family
of Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig and
Lana spent the wee k-end with Mr,
and. Mrs. Jack Coultes and family
of Oakville,
We 'are pleased to report that,
Mrs. Eunice Gillespie arrived
home by ambulance. on. Monday,
from Wingham and District "Hospi-
Whitechurch United Church will
hold their annual meeting on
Thursday 'evening in the Church.
Lunch will be served after the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
family were dinner guest on Sun-
day with his mother , Mrs. Gordon
Elliott of Wingham:
Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs.
Archie Purdon on Thursday and.
Friday. attended the 4-H Leaders
Training ,School at Teeswater, for
the course , "Taking a Look at
On Sunday Church Services at
Chalmers Church, Whitechurch,
and Langside Church were
conducted by Mr. Derrick J. Dick •
of Trail, B.C. attending Knox.
College in his 2nd year and Miss
Susan McCrory of Toronto, who is
in her second year at Ewart Coll-
ege training as .a deaconess. Mr.
Dick was supplying for. Mt. Lloyd
Murdock, who as part of his
course had to take part in the
services at St. Andrews Church
Mr. D. J. Dick and Miss
McCrory spent the week-end with
Mr'. and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
On Sunday the Messengers held
their meeting•in the Sunday
School room after Church. Mrs.
.Chapman gave the call to wor-
ship. The offering was received
by Cindy Moore and Bobby Jami-
eson. The mil-ites were read and
the Roll Call answered by seven'
with a verse with. Happiness. Mrs,
George Thompson gave a talk on,
Ways 'to be Happy with the Child-
ren taking part.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross!Durnin and
family, of St. Helens were Sunday
visitors with. Miss Anne Kennedy
of Wingham:
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