HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-06, Page 12ZION Wanda Hunter of .St. Catharines visited Sunday at home with her parent's, , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter:. Tom Helm spent Friday of last week in Toronto at the Farm Show. • Mrs Harvey. Ritchie spent Mon- day of last week at the Walkerton Hospital with her sister, Mrs. Bert Wylie, after surgery . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Culbert, Diane, Glen and Nancy of Gait visited .Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ritchie , Brenda and Bryce. John Ritchie and Kenny spent Saturday evening at ;he home of Mr, and Mr-s. William C. Hunter of Luc kriose, OM. t,440 TWELVE, ' THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WZDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6 197 vs tion by every meniber in all areas lagh, Teeswater; Evening Groups, of W. M.S. work..'Asa result . . plans are under Way ,for a day of Girl's Groups, Mrs H Arm- concentrated study of the duties strong, Teeswater; Children's and responsibilities of Presbyterial Groups, Mrs. Wm. Smith, Moles- and - Group officers to be held in worth; Home Helpers , Mrs. Wm. • Beirnes, Listowel; Friendship and • Lucknow in early spring..• , • Service, Mrs. G. Haldenby, , Kin- lough; Lit.' and Lib. , Mrs. G. Mrs. J. W. English, Wingham,'. 'presided at this annual meeting. Gibson, Brussels; Glad Tidings, • Mrs. Don Robertson, Wingharn, , Mrs. W. Wylds , Lucknow; Press, and Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Belmore, Mrs. G. Mundell, Wingham; Sup- served as organist and pianist •ply Mrs. R. Arbuckle, ,Wingham; "Changes are speeding up in church and mission work, chiefly ' . in .methods, that we may deal more effectively with our work, and so that we may live more tri- umphantly and happily in our new experiences," said Modejator Rev. R. H. Armstrong as he brought greetings from Presbytery to the annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the W. M.. S.. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada which was held in"St. • Andrew's Church, Wingham, on • January 28. • Thelruth of his statement was clearly illustrated in the work- shops held during both morning and afternoon sessions under the supervision and leadership of re- sources personnel Misses Mary Lou Funston, Jean Gardiner', and Evelyn Murdoch. New and novel • methods of study were effectively. by there may be greater participa- Afternoon GrouPs, Mrs. W. Bal- presented for consideration and •ing ; Executive Member Mrs. R. H. C.G.LT., groups ,*making use of ies, kecording, Mrs. E. MacLean ,..."-'..."0",""-"."""www'w* 1 H.' Armstrong., Wingham; various media such ames; role. Lucknow; Corresponding,'LUCKNOW Mrs. . ain discussio , as et g c. wh ere yg, ns trial in adult, children's, and • Armstrong, Wingham; • Secretar- • Elect New Slate Of Qfficers For Maitland Presbyterial ilelmore and -Mrs Glen. Ha ldenby , , •Kinlough. Courtiesies were expres expressed by Mrs. Wm Rintoul y Whitechurich.. Mrs:, Robert McKague.presented the report. of • the nominating ,committee and Miss Mary .LOu ..Furiston conducted, the service for .the 'installation .of 'the following Officers:., ‘.. Hon. Pres...., Mrs. Geo. Suther- land,••Ripley; Past Pres.„•• Mrs. ..A1- vin •Muridell, •Belmore; .Pres. J. W. English, Wingham; 1st Vice, Mrs., Mel ,Ritchie Kincar- dine;.' 2nd Vice, Mrs Don Robert- son; Kinlough; .3rd Vide; Mrs; f*. MacLeod, .,.Ripley; 4th Vice, *Mrs. L.;•.•Sparki, South Kinlossi Treas • , Mrs.. Evan jeith South Historia n.; Henr•y)vlacKenzie Aahfield; Mrs.. . G. Wall, Wingham; Nominating. .committee';' Teeswarer, White .7 • church, •Ashfield Lucknow even-. The Church is called to work for a •world wide responsible society and to summon men and nations to repentance. To be compla- cent in the face of the world's need is to be guilty of practical heresy • Fourth Assembly World Council of Churches UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. • Minister FEBRUARY leth 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister ' Phone 528-2740 FEBRUARY 10th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. MorninglVorship LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor • Services: 10:00 a.m. Service • -2:30 p.m. Service , (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) •.1 KirkpatriCkand Mrs. Effie Suther- land sailg several songs, accom- panied by . Mrs. Roy McKenzie. Rev: Cecil Carnochan and his guit- ar alsoadded to the music: The.-4- McDonald family really had the toes tapping and even some folks' dancing when Murray and' George played their violins and Erma • accompanied them on the piano. The committee then served cookies and tea and ,had pleas- ant visit with their friends. They were pleased to see them all look- ing so well and to find Mrs. • Martha Patterson able to be 'around again. , • • . Sorne Interesting points reveal-. ed in the reports .from the various secretaries were 'noted; a decrease of .23 it membership -of afternoon adult groups and one group dis- banded; -siipporr was given to the work of . Nursing Homes, the Lep- rosy MissiOn..Scott 'Mksion, Ekvan- gel Heil, GOderieh Psychiatric . • Hospital, Arrnaeh , ,C G..1. T , Sund. ay School work in 1,7 erinWiOn. Alberta, to tui.sion Work in India, the local Salvation Army, Silver Circle Nursery ,'and the Children's . Aid Society of Godericii; there • are SiX C . G I ..7 Groups in Malt - of which •suroorta. foster child in Peru and for -.:.-nicef and the Blind; less tht half of our rzerroship . to the i.ad Ticling$ flasoz,aa.: DocatIons were. over -s.,-;..zsc-•-ibed , .7zayets trkMrs. Alviz 'Club Entertains Arlitruce lea The Ripley Happy Hearts Club . is one, of the most active Senior Citizens Clubs of the area. On January 24th three carloads .went to Brucelea Haven to presenta •• concert: . Since it' was close to Robbie' Bums birthday .and Ripley has always been known as a Scot- tish village, .due credit was .given to the Scotch on this day. "Residents were each given a piece of the Bruce Tartan. to wear. In her introductory remarks. Mrs. Win. Arnold ;explained that the Tartan was derived from the, family colors of.James.uce , Govern•or-Crenej,-al of Canada When this area Was incorporated in 1867. l,,•'.,c,ore was chairman and led in community singing. .Mts: Arnold and Mrs: Don were dressed old costu..-7.e. and put or: a Skit Of •Jok -, and readings. Mrs. Ms. C/halmers. • Rei;orts.' ' Successful Year WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting on Fri- day afternoon at 1.30 in the Sun- day School Room. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Interim Moderator Rev. Glenn Noble who was appointed chairman for the meet- ing with Lorne Forster secretary. The minutes of the last, meet- ing were read by the secretary. Lorne Forster. There were 113' members on the roll December 31, 1973. Removal by death 2 and by certificate 3. Session members are Johnston COhn, Ira Wall, Elroy Laidlaw, , James McIlrath , , Walter ,Elliott (clerk), Bill Versteeg, Donald ROss, Andrew Gaunt,. Mr. Lloyd A. Murdock; student minister, 'Rev. Glenn Noble Interim Moder- ator. • • C.O.C. leaders Mrs. H. Simp- son and Mrs: Archie Purdon held 8 meetings in the Sunday School roorn;during church service in 1973. They had a membership of 14 with an aVerage attendance of 11. The cornbined C. 0 . C . aid W. M.S. meeting was held in • July. Used stamps were sent to the Leprosy .Mission in Toronto. President, Lori Radon; secretary, Donald de Boer; treasurer , David 'Ross. . • The Ladies Aid 'meeting was held after the W. MS. Meeting. The treasurer is Mrs. John de Boer who has a balance of $16.70 on hand. The W. M.S. held 12 meetings. They have 14 active members and 13 home helpers. The meetings were held iii the homes with the- exception of July meeting with C.O.C. and iii October at the fall thankoffering when guests were from Langside, WhirechurCh U.C. W. and- Brick Church •U:C. - W. The guest speaker was Mrs. Lloyd Murdock along with,2 deac- oness friends and the assistance of slides gave a picture of the training of a deaconess, the grad- uate and the graduate who is now Involved in church work in St. Andiews*,/ Toronto. We are grate- ful to all for their contributions POINT TQ PONDER respectively. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs.: . Lloyd Felker, Mrs. John Brush,* and Mrs. David Matheson of the MoIesworth Auxiliary. Words of • welcome to St., Andrew's were.." graciously extended by Mrs. Ralph Nixon.• • The recording secretary • for the day was Mrs. W. D. Camp. Molesworth. Mrs. J. MacDonald, Lucknow; Life Mem. , Mrs. B. Moffat, Bluevale; Without Portfolio, Mrs. W. ID:. Campbell, Mrs. C. 'Mc- Auley, Mrs, D. Neilenn; Auditors Mrs. V. Emerson, Whitechurch, Mrs. R. Bregirian, Teeswater. WHEN FOINS SHOPrmtRE THEY DoN ar REGRET, FOR THEIR PRICES ARE THE FAIREST YET at iii The Meeting requested a lent *be sent to Presbytery asking that Mr, Lloyd Murdock, gradnating, student minister be left. with Whitechurch and Langside charg es and if not that they appoint -another student to these charges, 'A letter of thanks is .rd. be' sent to those .who printed the reports:. The meeting was adjourned by R. Pardon and Rev. G. Noble closed with prayer.. but would welcome help from every lady inf.he congregation wards our niissipnacy -effort. The Sunda). School with. Walt Elliott', Superintendent, SeCtet Treasurer Mrs. John Gaunt, and teachers Kathy:Purdon, Christine Scott, Mrs.' Doris Caesar, Mrs Gibson, Mrs. Valetta Emerson, had a very successful year with good attendance each Sunday a a closing balance of $83.66 , The financial report showed expenses had been met and a balance on hand.. New, member; • appointed; to the Board of Managers were Elroy Laidlaw, Archie Purdon,. Bob Mowbray, Walter Elliott. Auditors are Mrs . Kathleen Gibson and Bill Versteeg. Ushers are Douglas Ross, Bill Versteeg, 'Neil Rin- to0, Elroy Laidlaw , Bill Purdon John de Boer. Trustees are DOI? ,ald Ross, John Gaunt and Wm, PuraOri. Johnstone's Furniture Phone 528-3013 DA: Fel OM FOP at Di ghot with lie,: 01 1< Id, to of so pot and and a pl for iz Kin en ol an nd La as er ne re; 01 a, n UI nc hr TIC 0. ha Vie-ddIng livitotions WITNAGIFT KEE P SAKE - COPY IN LUXURIOUS GOLD 'FOR COMPLETE sELEcTioN SEE --- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Wiliiiniunimmtniimainutinumuumusiiiiiuniminmounnumnitiiii080888nninninifinnuito Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Professional Nursing Care 24 hours daily Dining Room and Tray Service Member:— Associated Nursing Homes- Inc. Ontario Associate Member:— Ontario Hospital Association Municipally Lieensed " •Licensed 'by Ontarici Department of Health f: MARY R. NEWBOLD, REG. N. GEORGE A. NE,WBOLD, ADMINISTRATOR Drawer 220 Phone 528-2166 LUCKNOW,: ovrARIo = • . gifilItlillffillifiliitillitillililIMIIMMIlifillilliffilffilliliffillillillillfliliiIIIIIIIMilillillill11111011111111110 —