HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-02-06, Page 1fi
nv In Coming,
o Your Part
$6.00 A Year In Advance
?union Names Co-op Reports Successful
Year, Net Savings Up
invitations .for the LticknoW ',Let's•Rbar in'74" will.
Lug out in •the next few
. The invitation committee
to make sure that all form-
idents of the area are invit•
request for names and add-
in last week's' paper brought
nal results. The invitation
lime requests that all
stand addresses be complet-
anediately and left at The
low Sentinel.
te them on a sheet of paper
aail them, leave them at
ientinel during working hours
4) them in the •Sentinel letter
after hours. No phone calls
y by the co-operation Of Tes-
s of the area Can the invitatt
1st: be complete.
up to, you. Please try to
to Make the Reunion a
The 29th annual meeting of the.
Lucknow District Co-operative
was held at the Lucknow Legion
Hall on Tuesday night of last
'week. •
A' successful year was reported.
Net savings for the year before
patronage returns were $12,468
as compared with $4,255 last'
year. Sales increased by $114,000
to $838 ,000."' Fertilizer sales
passed the quarter million dollar
mark for the first time.. The
blender at the fertilizer plant and
the streamlining-of the handling
of fertilizer has made possible a
substantial increase in volume
with a minimum of labour..
A patronage dividend of 2°%0 was
declared , half payable in cash
and half to be deferred'.
About 190 people attended the
banquet which was chaired by
The annual canvass of the Can-
adian National Institute for the,
Blind in the townships of Ashfield ,
West Wawanosh and the village of
Dungannon was recently complet;-
°ed. The total: of $930.03 was
collected in these areas from 518
Died At Briscelea
In 100th Year,
Mrs. William A. Taylor, 'a •
former resident of Kinloss Town-
ship, passed away at Brucelea
Haven , Walkerton on Wednesday,
January 30, just six days before
her 100th birthday'.
The funeral service was held on
'Friday February'1st , at MacKen-
zie •Memorial Chapel, Lucknow.
Temporary entombment was at
South Kinloss Mausoleum with
final resting place Langside
Co-op president Evan Keith:
/After Grace was said by Rev:
Robert Nicholls , the banquet was
served by St. Helens'Women's
Institute. Bill Andrew introduced
the head table guests. :{
Mrs. Torn Pritchard provided
piano music during the dinner
hour. Mary Ann Alton, accomp-
anied by her mother , sang three
Terry Dalton thanked the ladieg
who catered, and this was replied
to by Mrs. Allan Miller.
Further entertainment was pro-
vided by the Two Town Four ,• a
barbershop group from Listowel
and Harriston.
Blake Alton introduced the
guest speaker Don Lowry , assist-
ant merchandising manager of the
West Wawanosh Township: St.
Helen's area - Mrs. Allan Miller ,
Mrs. J. Curran, Mrs-. Ross
Gammie , Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs.
Crossing Highvlay
Injured When
Struck By car
Miss Margaret RObertsch, '71-
year =old Lucknow resident who
resides in the Finlay Apartments
on Lucknow's Main Street , was
injured on Wednesday night of
last week when she .was. struck by
a car when crossing Lucknow,
main street from south to north in
the •vicinity•of her apartthent.
The automobile , driven by
Cliff Crawford. of Lucknow , was
proceeding west on Campbell )
Street and had slowed to• let Miss
Robertson cross the street.
,However , she stepped into the.
path of the car. Police said the
driver was not at fault..
Miss Robertson was, removed by
arnbulance to Wingham Hospital
with multi' lacerariong to the face
and head , abrasions to the face.,
back and both knees. She was
reported in,satisfactory condition,
the first of 'the week.
Ontario Provincial Police con-
stable Jackson investigated the
Lucknow Couple .
On _Holiday
Trip To Australia
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Altoh of
Lucknow left by plane on Tuesday
February' 5th for an extended
holiday in Australia.
They will visit, with their daugh-
ter and son-in-law , Dorothy and
David Harris, who 'live at. Belle-,
vue Hill, a suburb of Sydney,
FUneral Here
Mrs. Allan Turner , the former
Margaret Alice Smith , passed
away on Sunday_., February 3rd at
the York Manor 'Nursing Home.,
Newmarket. She was 84.
The funeral service will be held
at' MacKenzie Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow on Wednesday , February
6th at 2 p.m.
Temporary entombment will be
at South Kinloss Mausoleum.
Plans Proceed
For Lucknow
Reunion• Weekend'
A further' executive meeting of
the Lucknow Reunion, "Let's
Roat„in 74" was held at the home
of the chairman Barry Pr
esent on Sunday evening. Present were
Barry McDonagh, Bob McIntosh,
Jim Peterson, Mrs.,• Barry Hackett
Mrs. Stuart Jamieson and the
Sentinel representative, Don
Most of the evening was speny,
in the compiling 'of names of
residents of the area who might be •
willing to 'serve • on committees:
Tentative committees were• struck.
A number of individuals will be
approached to act as committee
chairmen and this will be pub-
lished as .soon as the appointments
are confirmed.
• A number of items were
discussed -including the hiring of
bands and'•entertainment for the'.
JUly 1st weekend 'event., a matter
Which has to be done imme-
diately .• „ Contacts have been.'
made with 'a midw4y'rid inform-
ation on this is being 'sent to the -
Corrimittee. •
.Other points discutSed 'Which
are still in the. formation stages,
are parade ; food arrangements,
beer garden, entertainment .for the,
weekend and novelty souvenir
items. •
• 4. banner adVeitising the ,week-
end is is to be secured and strung
across the Main street.
Brother Dies
At Age 44
Henry Geyer, 44-year-old
resident of Monkton, died Tues:
day of last week at Victoria Hos-
pital in London during„surgery.
The funeral was held on Satur-
day at. Redeemer Lutheran'
Church in MonktOit.
He is survived by his wife and
seven children, ages 5 to 21; also
a sister, Mrs. John (Anna) Kreutz-
weiser of Lucknow.
$2.00 Extra ToNILS.A. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1974 Single Copy 15e. 20-Pages
a ppointed To
New Pqsition
E. Ainslie of Toronto has
t appointed to the position of
; President OperationS of the
of Long Manufacturing
Sion, Borg -. Warner 'Canada)
The firm manufactures
mobile parts.
in is a Goderich native and is
tied to the former Barbara
Lerman, daughter of Mr. and
Frank MacLennan of Loch-
. They have a son Jim and ,
hters Janie and Ci,gdy. The
ily spend part of th summer
he family cottage at Amber-
an is knoWn timports fans as a •.
land hockey player during his
is in Goderich.
e formerly held the position of
,e President Manufacturing
h the firm.
C.N.I.B. Canvass In Two
Township Areas Raise $930
donors : Three Church organizat-
ions sent their donations in by
Those who canvaAed in the
area were;
Ashfield ToWnship; Mrs. Thom-
as Helm , Mrs. Jim, Gilmore
Mrs. Ernie Gibson, Mrs. Alex_
Hackett, Mrs. Danny Wilson,
Mrs. Antonne Van Osch, Mrs.
Walter Clare, Mrs. Carl Riegling ,
Mrs. Frank Riegling, Mrs. Clar-
ence Doherty , Mrs. Donald
McKenzie, Mrs. Jack Tisgert , Mrs.
Gene Lalonde, Mrs. Harold Cook,
Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick,. Mrs.
Joe Maclntyre ; Mrs: Bob Farrish,
Mrs. Mark Dalton, Mrs'. Fred ,
Crawford. ,• •
Poll Indicates
Majority Favour
ime Closing Day
ucknow Business 14en's Assoc-
ion met on Monday evening at
; town hall with seven bUsiness
tees represented.
Tans were' made to hold the
nual sidewalk sale on the Aug—
Lstholiday Weekend , the same
:ekend as Lucknow Craft FeSti-
1.. -
Ehe 'businessmen's group •expresS-
[appreciation for the work of
e Kinsmen Club at the Santa
taus parade and visit in
A poll ofaretail business. places
Lucknow indicated. a large
Lajority in favour of continuing
close 'all day Thursday and this
;mains the official position of
te association. Only business
laces directly concerned with
ie hours Were polled,