HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 16• 4.7 frrl'Iniuu'4.3.11.-c 411411S 1111; 71** .AkfLLL. Wet Iiice 'sr zt-• and 44m- 7fott Nto tilk E..swe 1/3Z5ttr zr. zurnts :iz r •ituz sz amt lirtz te24 Iilwat, ziarnt 34 mvla fil=zin-rz az,- zt ii acre nu= . 1 LAST, • • GIFT • REMEMBRANCE • ARE YOU INTERESTED? A well established company., in the Food Process field is considering the .Possibility of . locating in the Wingharn area 'with operations :,to commence in the autumn of 19.74_ • - However prior to or;y decis" s this regorc iii is irriPortant to know the availability of both male' and female 'iutiskillecl fliel0 in the Wtng hom area . This is not o cavertiSernent for employment 471 this time, however , if you are interested please .",ndic.ate by printing your full name and address in the space provided and it to: ToArm Clerk's Office 41,17 , Oat_ GivENNALOAES 'ear sigeliateure tOES cenrerricit WrZAsr :1713, =yr Tirlit=es z survey cliri Di4DNE 2E--BSK -7)37)...-771 . , -7-21E-:.z. *.c - Gordge• • *ad.. . -We'd Cats: THE oppoipw SENYINa,, LUCKNOW. otfromo WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 72, Ifte ratgeitfts iwas t!5, zztc , Eirt*oent Num lovbeit *tea otit las z-.41,zsiz*zbe *kap sfa .gzw p;v7. . IlteT N;trz: firmat Cztui i,teztrip tram loam Pz‘tela -; drom 3Dinzrzi 37,7111 grai imemt 1304 Iktai37 . imm itttss,. Tim ' ja 413fOrtg 1.41B 47-'1 a `N--fi r vim atizmy Q.M.12 4ds.i.en ANari '41/1176 1'3 R.-'11 lab VD limit..Z AMIZZ^Z. r and Mtn,: Tzar: z3 00• Lla =malt and 7hetr efkrzs re.o..._:/ved a thre and zo lizie a tart pim-t- zround rite 21:11SWL17 Z=231:1 tItattitMi* This xtriT41 ineapen- e job " Ca,E. ,C.FeEtEle . 11-0 yjmE, spp.re 31/44011thiry, 771-'1 .te 131C 3.ineS r'aireq-"Zr--15 MC) =11c*Eyli 140-15-.1P Twice * mary arleana......,<- for a -4-74a4--P2 4 Itrit= Zr :TX -E 20e. a ritlem-p- ;s1v-A73,,, -rre.-21 hrse 4=17=2 a , maim- ,int= were 1)5 Miss NO :ZO Whith IhrS bm),. -Thr'ir+, hot leCkrirt 3CITTP' TrillS97111'71rmOV-er.: 7 " let- '011;e iiAte zip .15Very istitechur0 WI ratscax6cs lobtatiura btu aet ztpara morttils 43iwne te Um- atamol$ mu, you mew ow voust mempotuai, matamemons "DuEllucs 524474i T. PRYDf it SON LID. • WNW* ' • •200NUNEWT SAM= • INICNIPTION. Yee aps ion. oats. -the end _ "•z11.16.1.6m wed 1.21p._,.. z•H zrazry - 2721.-ffriThs ma, .A.S ePitEr AC-07*m Showed a' pi e IrafithIS' .:PCVINt - ltdarb, :k11Z. g514"fgIVIT crop to sow. cies 1144 -TZ -ZZLIZZ 447-iSetE , :3151t eribr'tt77K Sth-47-inE'• ''- '7 41XIS liatnla Oil a ;zip. The : 3141LES ZiMa Zpan erts==itiD eLV tS read, turcirs....quE kerit4e,r -C-k-EZ * In 747 ly • 37--nrP amt loMs*r.lien gave aatities 9.10, •0 W.I. tit' n A .C. W ifArnily *Its. - Report of '411414414.. 4 lint! S - 456 '44.4..1•414 • •q• •!, r iunn 4rri Icy road cOnditions caused can- cellation of t my School church at South Vs.inloss on Sunday. Sass ,Linda Spar* and. a girl friend from Toronto are spending a feria days .-4;titia Mr. and Sts, Lorne Spark. Sts. Leonard Mac was a patio s R London. for several days last wee a.1.nd Mrs.. John A. es 1A left on Wednesday for their %%timer 0-rtlf ' ? e-n „ FICerida". semion of South iziT440-1s•z Preany' --"reTizrl thumb. meg,i January it s at ttlf home of Mr. az:0 Mrs.:- Frank MacKeTwie. 7',be Tar-z-rm 1 siephsve.d ice .31,kema, try 2S at S Its Vic Pi-ifur, aLld bak} of SarMa are visiting her -Tooth es, Mrs e rr k aBd t mur- k:are I,: 'Ten at the home of • it. and Mrs. Allan S. St. and Mz Everezz Parker. Irk, Lam* and liCathYw rlinnvqr guests Sa' 301 e, •y at the home of Mr. and Ntir Mr. and Mrs_ Jittm B3wards Brantford were wri.k end guests with St_ ADO /ft. LeCalliZZI Clb-/V• • SOUTH pill= 1 c5 • ilzsitjThirm • • oirdnaz ttr- 1.404:."Zi APAMT _ • • L-.4.Mr.' ' ""I'Z'S-7 71" loir'r72,.. ?far: jams iizinE 461 N.,7a=t skn: Sit • t. mc...ker.3 fmo ,1;141P• ,'-:aza.th v.arai- urm i-rrftr so dam pul....4-p mot • ff'"'"rfiF sVILTI5M. ...:4411401111114. for-TT a r7ri-rimrim yon halve Tartr-' =WS,. 4-1144-' thiS 7:0 ,Plrritr 4.. ' r,W-;P, --friD7r; 33.1.Mm- • aTte r' "i="7"'n'tiF . zre.ict reach 011ie-ten cab he zo all airing crePtores. She exialle the poem '71-0! -Saw asi aft' e ory of the wk0matii whO told hpr 1 zbere smr imall for -407 141&11 70,-o gra y.• Are you leaving eltituanez conzeig Dan "Tifzi7) favored 1•44;th III:rely u .P-aW rtat4=, :and Not-frorr,' ifisr Ntosers T4,7-74:vd. A ;ie,4s,..,..4rzag....of 33arheld Ittiz Y•diatZi: ttstiMitme IT* .Te.cT=tr: ,z,74-eZtlitAeZZ-Z*$ CZ:710*r *7,14 Nits_ ..:11...C:mic+.1the Bruce Farm Report EANING TOUR DAIRY YAC- 1-710' LINE • At Hutottview • 0.1 R to a 1XCEEIT. 7-111. Trf. • - -172-1 71rit ‘:::4 it= • '1,0'r' Tr41-11 =-.3C-1' ;gel_ . .,iCifala-11113157-1. • e rice Di1. :Orr rortinmstr_ant ti-;z• -47.)f ;i4, -an 44Artvirtat:4„ e Jr. L. ill i • .Tr.. ri Intatisir17' : 3:411-1 ke&c.•1-7 -rinr ,C.447r, paagt- 7-111-g. amci. wracr pirat ;WI ttl ZUSL'Ala bnia:.4! ..2z 311.--tilL -tE pcor:-aril'and \Arm,: .E Ett-- ch ahom z.-r-Tirrr :17 7:4-TrurrAT-=- sn'tirtm. 10-11- ws-'r" ' • , L kr.) 71 '1711-"P • • P-Dr Tc a r11"1.2 Tra :177'71.7 ?• IT s4a 4&7131 itxtr. zo Za 7-r iD3 - s,%•ixt -z-nt Ta..nrart kt. ;;1..:..211? t_447.ing zi--zenter fr'.2-' X17)1=11= v4ir-izr • • v&7... re 17,6..t zir tht :T4r.rar ,‘ o": rriorti : 11111f • mar. mr. =nom rrzrat ;•nr-1' ITald * E,,,LtEltt5 n71!:11.-DIM • N4NFM.'t .1214wq. 44134 c .11s-'71-.011.1 _Mt 11*, •i i rtnntraL... rai* irmr Chritot trit.-z_rirtiotz tr 1111-111 ilawaittltc trat=tr_ ..pi= ELM t7131-1. wzrz :37 C u1z-at 171: WE rZliPtLri-E-* Jr4=rn USERVICE • ON :Rath zarL.1:-. itraz-,47 f J./ -thro= taa.,z-e=g: zrif