HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 15EDNESDAY, JANUARY. 734 1l74
An edncational ,itaelahlop was
eit at Mitchell lAtinicipa/ Hall
fli=t 5 of the .tlational
tiers Lame Lather
iCE Director , was chaism—an.
?ice people were 1414-rk Sheld-
Region 3 Di...recta and Ed
lif.ades2 rliaiage..: and secretary,
3 owe in Guelph..
Ed, briefly at gilled the hincry
oldie fr-= moo,mitmement
Omfie: 1n iAe early ,501's.
frmen who Were retarded lea'
veterans began Vag about hay-
at; effertYe orgarii7-At8oc, sx
&men. This was the mck-us
of te Farm Utdon BEG
Wendy lianalton wi-..,Ixed'on the
eek end with Mary Jane Cemrt-
plodilry Ca- and AMC.' pr hO Owned it.
iatiem • *Filth rePraticil . f-r9o• The NottnealFarmets thi;on is gardls of what 'he produc"..' these gcleV zir-jrz on a oerlir74 made up of farmers. electing This carganitcnt is financed
Frerda-141 Cal bodY which their delegates in their Locals, volum*-y men.lber-4frin. also bat Service rnert •- who naelez irz ConverlOr_t awe a Thcce atten. thetne..ei-ing,
bees-.Fac7h. of thl'ae; both. Ire yet; , arid make policy fee all fre472 LCCal 335 were Les 01ii
policy sz4th,;hle tO their 0W'h Par - b.r-n...„c_r:r embers. When the N.F. 1L,Lorne McDonald Ken Ahem.
. zo*-,-Gc4,7 -,,nL,,:e_rr.., is: is with Rita HoWard, and Jackie Nic -
ore polic;';,,,established a: A rh7Tal y • Conttneli-. Lorne and
Com. 'eszio.k;'. and spea on be: IstaYine iffier, joit7-, and Grace
half of all arrner members,
totvRrg of Ripley.
Ntr.- 41,7 Mrs Geert Gnma
havesold thek fainna and•have
mowed to their new home in Wmg•
Sob gl-r-rkweui of Toronto was
bome for the Week end with Ws
Also vkifiN with the
Fistojewen rrnz fly was Chick
krarEre,-,:,mssailten of Lon-
w'aa 't4.07,7:-,,e on the week end
with her pare= Mr. and
Mt ansi Ted Whine amend-
ed a card party in Fes"" rrt
Monday eveMng'spoosored by. the
Saver Circk Sc 1.Wingh.2n1
ap;/ Mrs. Ted isirnite and
Allan and 4c.icas Whte were
in London /asz Wednesday and
called on34. and Ex=
,,,,b,i7p• and firr7ily of Bit and Mr
Gam'' Mame= and prod
Ai Meethg' €o1 'weed 2 Irtg-tat.
were fo=ed. Fiw the first time
many of the fartnem. who, attended
these meeting found oist that
ere was aFederation of Agile-
nIture. A National Farmers Un-
ion has dent been formed to un-
ite fammen acto4 Canada.
The diffmrence between the
Fedezated =mire and the Natio.
al Fa=ers Union!, was explained
• Jim 'Sheldon. The definitien
of a fed,L;-ated =nonce is a law:0,n
of organizotioni The Federation
of Agricititize oonsigs of nem-
ten:4 ;0 divide. rather than tisn-te
into a national ostgasiizAdon. The
Prodsicial gimps have member-
thip in the Canadian Federation
of Agiculme- . In all approxim
ately igSi poops belong tin the
Cm2dian Fedenation. of Agricul-
ture. Throz.; voknuvry com-
pubary dediictiens On coma:edit -.
les . nieffit farther:5 belong to the
-redetation of Agriculture. This
makes a well firanced,=WW__re
with the money nee necevazily
ttsed in the b• imer-tes of &,rm,-
Ernie Calling was a
ay Friartr-y with Mi% .ar.4
Fred Pi4thf--I.1 of Kiriratdine.
pests were , G. Col-
lins of ;5.irrr.,;ditie. M. and' Its.
and Keith of :Kirkar-
th.ne "re win and Ttof-,;. Kather- , • •
trit°'" needs This creates a
conAiot of of the mem
bez• gion. Each Preykkial '
goop has it own er
There is only today .between, yOu and tomOrrow
Which. why .Canada .Pension Plan. 12.eh'pf4s.
wil! be increased today and .will.be keptin.tioo..
with the cost increases of tomorrow
vtl -Nes afsia rh..in tat therrt.tro...,m ioyee con-
tribUtior 'MN inacr_dse from S90,03 a ye:-.or in 1973 ..tb SIC0520
gl 1974_ Yotacontr-7 ts rt.-etc:fled by your &rtotoyer,
frt the Case ofems` e' pem, the rreXiirntlITI annual
corithbution invessed S212.40 for 1974 as against St 80,00
fear F.C;: ear"'-f nos than SS 701.00 trove t.e.
"rte !'r:e 'nax;-rr
from St--0 7! 4'7" =tFect.ye.
ci....ic'CC-477te" 7973 to S1.34. 'o6.:those Ansse cel-S.ton 4v:
• oec -7.37= As ean- -cs
rre- aft,-,- 1 975 cor *.c rse
ce-.‹.ors *i'Err; te
r.".". ,41;11:7 4'tr
Wbatthis means to you, itsa baneriai' ry.
From Jarttary 1tt 1974, CWtiada Pensiol
attmted to reh,- then maint•ain .a !esos?„ Ere..with
the ac&sat.OW. of . gfrv$
tir ate receMnri •. ^.. that belga. Overy
Peric4 1967 to 19-73., yora benerAtth h,a-ve re,calct,tated sio
that the arndisint you ren-ne:-.,ve P,t 97'4 -eatez', the'act-a!
,:ncreasethe cost of ;7V.:rig.'3'iSif the yea;s tene'..s revs
beer pad. yoU resoe ► yc 7ke ,--2,:a nyAry 1971 be re t orec_e
;cu Itc.;9 see •
aier',"*rt, ;Atli/ vary from 8% and or tea
„yam Fr-St becarr :oe.y-aoe
c co,„-,e to -se oan excO
-efis br-seO
What this means to yOo as a contrtlxrtof
for e.%.' •
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ass • •
" •
Crt _
:cot s
$."e-!7:1 '-'•5!**.,--4 ,,
t4.1e v.e= :f ro 04 -„
,...„L„,. .41.• a. ... w... 4.4. .„.......a. ....... '''''' ... ....
tr••• .4 . .,.... ,14. 440 ..er.
"tt O; zt- S 4 ...... , 4 4 4 4 4 in . 4 +tor ,
. .., y. „..,
'.4 ' ...,i- --, i 1 -- , .,,, J. ...-...r• -" - _ ....,_ _ ....,_,
- tyi
- ,Ert .5 ,.,,,#•r - 5
danada Pension Mao,
Department of lidaSanal Health and Welfare,
Placa Varier, Toiler "A",
Ottiam Ontario°,
,:o." :cry today ers
f`17/:f cr-
.›Itertrttrer ;a' 4041114-ara
*ittaitit a-c
%risers te a Sam! Tata.1-4*