HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 12RIPLEY' ABATTOIR
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St Andrew's Church Ripley
Reports A Successful Year
repla6.ementof the Chnrch•organ,
Which would 'cost in the .neigh-
bourhOod of $5 ,•000 The
meeting adOpted a Modell to have
•the MeMorials Committee of -.
,Mrs. Adeline, Martyn, Mrs.. Fran-
cis Gemmell and Lloyd Wylds-in-
vestigate the possibility of start-.
ing a 'fund of this nature.
A committee of 'Robert Osborne,
MrS. Reg MOOre, Mrs.. Adeline
.Martyn and Don McLay was 'ap•-
'pointed to meet and bring a se- •
port to the OfficiarBoard.on lim-
itationS. for .Memorials 'to she .
Church. . The Historical Commit-,.
tee will study the possiblity
of publication of, a Chnrch.Direc7
!dory with photoi.offamilies
Murray .Culbert s expressed' the con-
fidence of the congregation in
the serviCes'Of the Minister Rev.
Carnochan.. The .Minister , in.
his seply,. expressed the thanks
.of himself and his family for the
Many kindne,sies shown to•him
since; his arrival last July.,
'The meeting closed with the
Benediction by 'Rev. '.Carnochan,.•
J. W. Van Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 pan. Service
(Dutch, 1st Sunday of
the month)
Mrs. Ray flanno
Is UCW ,Preside
Donnybrook United Church
Women met for the January me
ing at the home '.o f Mrs. 'Stuart
Cha mney on Tuesday aftern.00n
January 8, led by Mrs. Jef
son .folloWed by Hymn 358,
S. Chamney read the scripture
froth Roinans and. Mrs ,* W W.
Jefferion gave the meditation.
. .
Mrs: E. Robinson read a poe
"Impatiende",„' Fiymn'306 ."Hoi
sweet the name of Jesus Souk's"
was sung. ;Responsive reading
followed, with ,several taking ve
es and a reading was: given by
'Mrs; W. Jefferson... •
New officers were installed a
each member stood' as. name wa
Mrs. Fry. read a poem:
"Our Master". Reports from sup
ply ,secretary stated that more
mitts were needed for:the bales,
Reports from U.C.W.. apd'card
Secretaries were given. In.the
business it was moved that a do
don be 'given the .supply. secret
R011 call for the. next meeting
is something. fora layette.
hrlers WMS
Chalmer's W. M.S. met at the
home of A4.rs. Wesley Tiffin on
Thursday, January 17. The presid.
ent Mrs. Bill Rintoul opened the
meeting with the call to worship
"Faith in the New Year". She
extended a warm welcome to
members and visitors.. All sang
Take my life and let it be, conse-
crated 'Lord to Thee.
Hymn 256 was sung and Past
Fry closed the meeting with
prayer. Lunch was served by N
Margaret' Leddy and Mrs. Ernest
Mrs., Robert Ross read the scrip-
ture and gave the meditation
You must forsake all evil and
return unto the Lord, which will
bring happinesS and good things.
She concluded with prayer.
A reading "As years roil onward'
was given by Mrs. Bill Evans.
Maitland Presbyterial Annual
meeting is to' be held January 28
ii1Whit Atetlintidtrcehwg'rso
Cuphurarceh t,oWtainkgeharn,
It was decided to change the
meeting day froth Thursday to the
third Wednesday in the month in ,
hopes more ladies will be able
to attend.
Mrs. Craig read a letter from
Canadian couneil, Dr. Grahams
Homes. Eight ladies paid their,
fees for 1974. The offering was
dedicated by Mrs. Bill Rintoul.
The roll call was answered by a
scriptural verse with word: Hope
by. eleven attenders. :
Rev. Robert Nicholls,
Minister •
moo a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
This service will be held in
The Fellowship Hall during
which the film "Listen Chris-
tian" will be shown.
of the congregation will be,
held following a pot-luck.
lunch following morning wor-
ship. For this lunch people:
are asked to bring either sand-
wiches or' cookies. Beverage ,
will be supplied.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D:
Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Officers for the coming year
are as follows, Past President,
Mrs, Wesley Jefferson; presider)!
Mrs. Ray' Hanna ;, first via , ivll
Ernest Snowden; second vice,
Mts. Hilliard Jefferson; Secreta
treasurer , Mrs. 'Stuart Chamney
corresponding secretary, ,Irs.S
Thompson; press secretary Mrs
Charles Jefferson and Mrs. Wm;
Hardy; Stewardship, Mrs. Alarg
aret'Leddy; flower fund,
John flildebrand; supply ,
Morley Johnston; citizenship,
Mrs. W. Jefferson; prograhi cot
mittee Mrs. Robert J'efferscn a
Mrs. 'Ernest Snowden; pianist A
H., Jefferson, and Mrs. Robt. Jef
e:rson; Christian Education, Mrs,
Robt Jefferson; Official Board,
Mrs. Edward Robinson; Board of
Stewards, Mrs. T.' Artnstrong;
manse Committee ,
The Topic "On New Years Eve ,
Have 'al-lOt )3ath" was. read by
Mrs. Victor Emerson: New Years
Day is the ritual occasion when
one can put the past behind and
believe in something new to come.
Christianity is, the religion of
the second chance. Even an old'
person can be born again. God
may say, "Happy NeW Year" and
everx .one has to find their own
way of Celebrating the new begin-
Mrs. Bill Purdon gave a read-
ing "Another Year". 'All sang
"Take Time to be Holy". Mrs.
Wes Tiffin read "NeW
Years Plea" . Mrs. Rintotil closed
the meeting witirprayer,
Lunch was served by the hostess
Mrs.. Tiffin. Courtesy remarks
were, —gi/ert by Mrs., Rintoul.
The February meeting -will be held
at the home of Mrs. V. Emerson.
Mrs. Lorne Sparks
ACW Speaker
The January meeting of
St. Peter's A .C.W. took place in
the Parish Hall, Tuesday; Janu-
ary 15. President of the month,
Mrs. Ernest Gaunt welcomed all
and ciPened the meeting with a
prayer for renewal.
'Mrs. J. Warren read the scrip- -
ture from Psalm 75 and the A .C.
W. Prayer and Lord's Prayer
were repeated. The roll call
was payment of fees.
The Pancake supper will be
February 26 and it was decided
that due to rising costs the prices
would be raised to $1.25 and .
75 0.'- Two quilts made by Ruth
Thompson will be. quilted with .a
start being made Tuesday , Januar)
Karen Gaunt gave a reading "
"Proinises to keep' in 1974". , .t•
Mrs. Gaunt introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Lorne Sparks,'
who gave a very interesting and ,
inspiring talk. at Ile EN the Rd
Auxiliary '
The first, fneeting of the Luck-
noW Presbyterian Evening Auxil- .
iary for the. new year was held on ,
January 15, in the Sunday School
room with 21 ladies present.
The meeting opened with a
New Years poem 'by the president
Mrs. Roy Finlayson.. The hymn
"Take time to be Holy" was
sung. The scripture and Medita-
tion was given by Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Tom Pritchard then gave
us a recipe for New' Year's Pie. •
Mrs. Gaunt read a "Closing
thought"" and the meeting closed
With a hymn and the benediction.
The annual congregational
• meeting of St. Andrew's Church,
.Ripley was held on Sunday follow-
ing the morning service, and ,a
• pot luck luncheon served by the
ladid. Rev. Cetil Carnochan
acted as ,Chairman and D . K. •
Mclay as Secretary.. Clerk of
Session, Murray Culbert, gave the
statistics and summed up the'
Session's activities. Bob Harris
and Don McLay reported for the
Stewards and the financial pic-
ture, respectively.
Mrs. Jim Needham outlined the
activities of the United Church
Women and moved adoption of
their financial reports.
Mrs. Donald Blue and Wesley
Irvine were elected as elders to
replaCe retiring elders, Samuel
Emerson and Oliver McCharles.
Retiring from the committee of
Stewards were. Robert Harris , who
had cted very capably as Chair-
ma , .and Gordon Bridge , Wesley
Irvine and'Jim MacDonald, who
had "all, served the congregation
very well. New Stewards elected
to serve a three-year:term were-
,Donald Gratton, Dale Farrell,.
Gordon Fry and Wallace Pollock.
George. Trainer and Clayton
Nicholson were re -elected to —
serve as auditors for the congrega-
tion. Mrs. Florence Liddle and
William Arnold were elected as"
the representatives to Bruce Pres-
bytery, with, Mrs. Donald Blue to
act as alternate.
A committee was named to
make plans for Celebrating the
50th anniversary of Church Union.
in 1975: It was Suggested that
planning be tied in with the Old
Boy's Reunion now in the forma-
tive stages for the same year.
This committee will consist- of
Mrs. William Arnold , Convener,
Mrs. Lot Culbert , Mrs. Elmer
Osborne , Mrs. Robert Osborne,
Mrs. Donald Blue,. Mrs. Adelent
Martyn, Messrs. Reg Moore, Orah
Crawford, James H. MacDonald
and Lester Osborne. •
• The meeting approved a motion
to visit the congregation once a
year in the spring, the month of
March' was suggested as appropri-
ate. Named to the cOmMittee
to handle arrangements were Rob-
ert Harris , Murray Culbert Mrs.
Dorothy Needham , 'Donald Mac-.
Tavish, Francis Boyle , Rod Mac-
Donald and Don McLay. The •
committee will pick its own
Chairman. The congregation
approved the continuance of the
system of, joint services with the
Knox Presbyterian congregation
for the months of July and August.
Reg Moore suggested that a
fund be started for the ultimate . .
The topic' was taken by Mrs.
Ena Henderson from the book "For
times like these" .
While the hostess prepared
lunch KIrs. Cliff Roulstrin conduct-
ed a Bible Quiz. Luna and a
social time folloWed.
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Mrs. Noble Johnston gave two
readings entitled "The Dawn of
the New Year" and "A Bible
Speald „What would yours.say?"
The roll call was answered by
the W ..M.S. purpose and expen-
se donation..
The business Was discussed.
The annual meeting of the 'Mait-
land Presbyterial will be held in
St. Andrew's Church, Wingham at
10 a .m . January 28th. Mrs. Vitd•
in Mowbray gave the treasurer's
'The meeting closed with
hymn. i09 and' the Lord's .Prayer .
Lunch was served by 'Miss Maudie
Fisher and Mrs. Jack Fisher.