HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 8UPDA youR IiiJ1110,1D CHOOSE .FROM A 'LARGE ' SELECTION' OF RINGS AND WE. WILL USE YOUR', ORIGINAL DIAMONDS TO UPDATE YOUR DIAMONDS IN 'A MODERN 'MOUNT Ali repairs and remounting done in store SCHNUD'S JENVELLERI' AND. CHINA LUCKNOW OWNERS —'W. Jos. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 52114532 ' • LLICIMOW, ONTARIO VEND°. .1E •HOTEL: Dining Lounge., • UNDAY SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY* S TO 7 FAL FULLY LICENSED UNDER .L ,O. ENTER' TA „INMPIT &' DANCING • . IN THE LOUNGE _ AP .I .TH 1.8 -FR ;DAY JANL AIRY 25 MC 26 • The Trtglitiort • • Men's 7 psni. High single of the i went to Lynn Hodgins with a score of 26a, . Bob Humphrey hid high :tit le with a score of 657. • Games over 225, Lynn HOdgins, 263;„ 245; 'Evails -Helm 260, Ron. Stanley zu,, 243; Bob atunphrey 224, 231; Jake Conley 227. - Team points,: enAcii 5, .5, Vultures 2, Hawks 2,. Team Standings, Wayne aan- stont's Owls 54, Rea Stanley's Hawks 52 „ George Humplarers Vultures 47, Lynn Hocigim' Card- inale 43. Ladies High single: Lsabel2 Tiffin 263; high triple: Barb Whitby 647. • Games over 200: Isabell Tiffin 263, Barb Whitby, 246 , 216: GraCe Hopf 202, 203, 240, Shiriny Bolt 211, Mary Jardine 229, Anne Wiser 204, Susan MacRae 2/1 , (omitted Mary Cleland 206. Team points: Irene Nelson's Peppers-? , Lynn Wall's Corn 0; Janet Bar per's Potatoes 4', Barb Carrots 3; Dianne Carter's 'Onions 2, Anne Wisser's Radishes 5. Team stan Lucknow Dungannon Joanne Searle was top bowler for the ladies with a single of 256 and a triple of 638. Jack Caesar showed the way for the men with a nice single of 3'73 artd e of 784. Ladies over 225 were . Joanne :Searle 258 and BeAu3, Irwin 232! 'Men over 250 were Jack Caesar 373., Bble 218 , R 11 Searle .254 and litet Gibson 250. Team poinm• Zebras 5 , Cubs 2; 'Foxes 2, Squirrels,5; Polecats 5 ; Liiirts 0, Gophers 7; Chipmunks 0, Coons 7; Kan.gar- OOS 5,, Tigers 2. spiairgs: Tigers '82 Coons 79, Zebras 75 , Cubs 72, Polecats 5,8 58 , Wolverines 55 , Squir- rels 54 Kangarpos .50 Chinn:tunics 43, Lions 88. Gophers 36 1/2 .. loxes 29 1/2. Aien't 9 pjn. The high triple this week was bowled by jack Caesar with anice 807. Ted Cooper was .runner-up with a 695 triple and Bill Britton was in third spot with 663., Jack CaeSar also rolled the high -ingle 325 „ with Bill Bolt's 261 in second place. Others over 250: Russ Button 257, Bill.Bntton 255, Herb Barg"- -• Potatoes 85 , 'Radishes 77 , Carrots 69, Peppers' 63 I/2, Onions 58 I/2, Corn 25. WEIAlgspAY, JANUARY 23, 1974 On January 19th, in the first game nthe Whalers defeated the BladeS 4 tO 2.. nEric Haldenby, Joe Des Roches 'Tom Park and Kevin 'Machan registered goals for the Whalers while Tim Palmer and Maurice Milteriburg replied for the Blades. In theseCond game the Crusad- Kinloss League COME' 1P4 AND HAVE YOUR HEADLIGHTS SET TO PROPER SPECIFICATIONS WITH OUR AIMER house leciiue.flockeif Saturday ers beat the Jets 5 to 3. Torn Sin- nett with 4 and Eddie /vIcDonald tallied . for the Crusaders. Jet goal scorers Were Wayne McDon- agh, Greg Gibson and Doug Edis- bur y In the third ,game the Toros shut out the Sharks 5 to 0. Goal scor- ers for the Toros were Shawn Drell- nan With 2, Pat Boyle , Bobby Hackett and Jeff Van Sterhpvoort.. Donnie Dorscht registered the shut 6t4. Schedule for January 26th , 16.00 -. Blade's vs Sharks , 11.00 - Jets vs Whalers , 12 ..00 - Toros vs Crusaders. Murray MacKinnon captured high single for the men with 276. Gerald Rhody got high triple with 710',• and Murray MacKinnOn was runner up with 639. Good bowling Murray! Marj Thompson had high single for the ladies with-a score, of 218 and Marion. Campbell had the high triple with 536. Men, over 200 ,.,Murray Mac Kinnon'276 , 210; Gerald Rhody 256, 249, 205; Evan Keith 241, 2,01; Harty LaVii 231, Jelle de Jong -211. --Ladies over 200: Mari Thornp- -Son 218, Nancy Swan 210, Markin Campbell 209 ,. Ann- MacDougall 202. . Team points: Doris Matkinnon's Wealthys 2, Miry Lavis' Spys 0, Ann Ma.cDougall's .Macs 7, Merle Rhody's Pippins 5. Team Standings: Pippins 63 , Wen1rhys 52, Macs 50, Spys 45. ' • ' • a Town & • Country This week's high single.was bowled by Sadie Hamilton with a score of 17,1. She also had the high double at 307., Jim McNaughton bowled the high single of the year. with a 255 scare. Jim also -took the high double of 4.11_ with Harry Lavis very close at 409, also the high for this season. Team points:. Henry Carter's Blues 5 Harry Lavis' Reds 0, Les Purvis' Greens 5 , Vera pnrvis' Yellows 0, Bill RoSs' Oranges 5 Margaret -McDonald's Violets 0. Standings: Blues 46 , Reds 40 , Yellows 38, Greens 36 , Violets, 35 , Oranges 15. 251 and Ted Cooper 251. Team points: Clarence Greer's Dodges 4, Chas. McQuillinia Ponnincs 3; Harvey Houston's Fords 2, Bill Button's Buicks• 5; Herb Barger's Mustangs 2, Bob - Greer's Olds 5. Team standing: kicks 64, Pont- lacs 57, Fords 54, Dodges 53 , Olds 45 , Mustangs 42. Ladies 6.:30 p.m. Anne Putney rolled the high single game of 22€ and Mae Hunter the high triple of 588. ."- 2-zames of 0C and over; Anne Purnev 226 , Mae Hunter 223 , 1Ferne MacDonald 218 , Catherine lAndrew 220, 202, Mildred - lercni 209, Ma lot. Mach en 201. Wilenta Whinne-u 20c Fears, point8- Vitoten Cameron's Terriers , e .1 'tn".ott'S Corns v, AtinOri Mac- . tearnon's Paodies . ndilnrec Bust.- i mil" s Collies 2- Manor, Carnpnell'E. This year the W.O.A.A. , set January 20th - February Itaginiminmeramingmuswimiw' for Play-affs to decide whor'-wi represent the various divisicas nellurniff Are., the 0. IL Play-offm ;are: u Lar%, %Fur nu the season. Fee. Wees smrt the best cf series with Brussels at home Friday , Jantrary- 25,th at 7 F. prffiray JANT:w 28 met in the arSt: 011IIC t ' Pia YOft to d-eterrnine 4:30 - 6 :30 p.m. Figure A. represernative in :he Skating A. playoff. This 8:30 p.m. Bantam Flay-- of series with the a:3: offs be played in Luc know ‘n-n.: Friday bight at7.0C F second game will be EtlaSe.15 on Surnia aft 7 Ct: nary 27 at 4.3C F. r" FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 8:30 p.m. Intermediates Lucknpw vs Milsrerton SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. House League Hockey 2 4 Public Skating SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 1 - 3 Public Skatinc 3:30 p.m: Juvenile Game Luc_know vs Ripley 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Figure ja.rulary 23rd in EitisseLe and 'acme Skat,ing Lessons on the 28th. Town and Country. Hockey' The Midget series start ner. 7:45 Lucknow vs Holyrood‘ v,feek but no dates are deoice: as Lucknow plays Belgrave in. Bel- grave Wednesday night and are home against Teeswater Sa.turday night at 7 o'clock. 9:00 Kingsbridge vs .Kin tail " Fleas Win 6 3 .Over Ripley Lucknow Fleas came up with their best hockey game of the Season Saturday night defeating Ripley 6 ,3 at the local arena. David Emberlin led the Luc scorers with a , hat-trick; with singles going to Kenhy Irwin n. Steven Alton and Wayne Phillips. Lticknin'taw THURSDAY, JANTJARY 24 .1=0.411111.4111...ms.01...Ario.Wallw# News vs 'Brussels, • The Juvenile series ben. 5 with NEWT-nay will see the game Sunday, February 3;.-c 3.30 p.m. in LucknoW a:eha Watch for posters of futzze games. The public i,s urnec attend these, 'games , as :he :c. will be pLaying their bes: cncrce-..1 to 'obtain the honour Of 1:Z to the 0. M. H.A . finah. Once again the Luc n T-et Wees went down to defea: s: :he hands of the Brussels boyi :time by a score of '5-2. Lonctry paced the Luclalc ,,. with goals anti .n Dorscht scored the othei-tennn aC Paul Hamilton receive: -3-313: These same two tea , This is a good brane. so come our and sinnon. Weal team, The uo-,.s really apprec..ta.te you: 3L. Pee Wees Lose 5-3 To Brussels Playoff Hockey Next 3 Weeks Ban-tains play, tt..eir fir IFter..evra 4 - v.0 Jima aa;ke's 91,LnD.remA y JAN-mu& 36 iSpantels , :"ean7, raricialvs: Z.carcl Ter 7 -1. PtzbiiC err Retieve.rs 66, , , Ska tirfg 61. Poodles :SG . Spaniels 5- 04;101;:leszonorsagsintaismoskes Luc rtiOW