HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-23, Page 1$6.00 A Year In Advanco $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1974 Single Copy 15c 20 Paps Plans Get Go Ahead At PUblic Meeting On Monday Cameron MacAuley Named To Ripley Huron Post 1974 bid Boys and Girls from the Lucknow community can start making •their plans for a Reunion• in The Sepoy Town this year. The dates have keen set' as' June 28, 29 30 and July 1, the July 1st holiday weekend, ' A pUblic meeting held in the By' Marion..McCharles St. Andrews.Church Hall, Rip- ley was filled to capacity Mon- day evening of this.week when plans for the future of the Medic- al centre and rnedical laboratory were heard., Reports were heard from all sec , lions of the.Community Develop- ment Group, but the, main' busi- ness Was discussion on building the Medical Centre large enough to house 'a Medical Laboratory. The building itself will be a :wo level structure. In the lower floor there will ,be dental' office , he laboratory .and, space for the .0.N. and Public Health Nurses, Is° storage space. The upper floor will have office rea for two doctors , a nurses tation and a large waiting room. The main point of discussion as the laboratory. Four young eople were ,present , Courtney nd Susan MacDonald Darryl and, aphne 'Gopaul, technologiSts Of ndon, who plan to operate the aboratory as a private enterprise. . and Mrs. MacDonald are ormerly froth the Ripley-Huron rea. • This' laboratory will serve the urrounding areas. • The committee , udder chair- an Reg .Moore , working on the edical Centre. were in Toronto and Mrs. Bill Tiffin and his pas- sengers were Beverly Blake , 18, R. R. 7 Lucknow , son of ,Mr. and Mrs. HOward Blake and Bruce Johnstone ; 18, Lucknow , son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnstone'. They received minor injnries. , According to Ontario Provincial Police Officer. Foulon of the Wing- ham Detachment , the accident occurred on No. 4 Highway in Blyth, just north of the railway tracks. A 1972 International semi truck,: driven by Harold' W. GYMS -of-the Blyth -area ; was stopped on the roadside, The. Tiffin car skidded on the icy roadway into, the truck and in turn another car driven by Marsilio De-Dominicis of London, skidded into the Tiffin vehicle. Barry called on George. Joynt Reeve of the villag , to outline the steps taken in t e organiza- tion of the Cente ni Icelebra - tion in Lucknow in 58. Reeve Joynt explained the breakdown of Committees of the Centennial and stated that it was important to appoint a top notch executive to head the, overall /planning as there will be a lot•of work involved in putting the event over.' It 'was pointed out by the chair- than Barry McDOnagh that plans for the Centennial were organized about the same time in 1958 and that the organization meeting then was held on January 17.,' Those in attendance at Mon- day's meeting were unanimously: in favour of proceeding with the - Reunion in 1974. Barry stressed that the event was to be a community endeavour , not any one particular club 'or gronp as the organizer,'and this idea found favour at the meeting. Discussion centred on the use of any money raised from the Reunion and the meeting expressed favour in assisting the remaining debt on the change rooms at the CONTINUED' ON PAGE 2 Councils of the Village of Rip- ley 'and Township of Huron met with members of the executive of the Recreation Complex, Com- mittee to discuss progress of the Ripley Huron District Recreatidn Complex. The proposed complex will 6 Cameron IvlacAtiley of Huron. TownShip was appointed to Bruce County Board of Educationlast week to replace Leonard Courtney as trustee for'Ripley and Huron Township. Mr. Courtney resigned Decem.-. ber 4 betause his new appoint- ment as area livestock shipper would interfere with his attend- ance at board meetings. He had served the two municipalities since the formation of county Boards. Mr. ,MacAuley, a native and life resident of Huron Town- ship, is a farmer and resides about a mile south-east. of Ripley. Born in Huron Township,. he attended elementary and second- ary schools in Ripley. He served on the staff of the Royal Bank until enlistment in the Royal Canadian, Air Force. During World War II he 'served as .an R. C ..A .F. pilot in the European theatre of war. • Returning from overseas , he commenced farming in. Huron Township where he still resides. He was a director of the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture for, ten years, serving 'as president in 1966 and 1967. - Always active in church affairs he spent six years on the' Board of Evangelism and Social Action of For. In March consist of arena, swihriiing pool, and auditorium. Provincial and Federal grants are being approved as' anticipated Teirson Building Ltd. has been instructed to prepare working draw, ings and it is expected' tenders will be called 'for in March. the Presbyterian Church With spec- ial interest in the Committee, of,Town and Cduntry Churches. His experience as a school. trus- tee includes two years on, the Rip- •ley Public, School Board and seven years on the Ripley-Huron Town- ship School Area BOard , serving as chairman of the Ripley-Huron • T:S.A . Board for three years. Died In Hospital ' John Andrew. McDonald of Hur- •on Township passed away at. Wing- ham and District Hospital 'on Wed- nesday , January 16th. He was 52., The funeral servioe was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow, on Saturday , January 19th at 2, p.M. Temporary entombment was at South Kiriloss Mausoleum with final resting place Lochalsh Cem- etery. DiedIn Oshawa Ernest A. Hewat of Oshawa pas- sed away on Sunday, January 20th in Oshawa General Hospital. He is, survived by his wife Evel- yn; two' sons Ron Hewat of Oshawa and Bill Hewat of Elmira; and four grandchildren. Funeral service took place in Oshawa,. Alikk AA/AAAA. */AA Four young Men , three of them frorn•this.area.and -one frOm Wing- harn, were involved in a three'7....' vehicle accident about 9.45 p .m.. on Friday evening in the village of/Blyth.• 'Dale IrVin, 18.,..1t, R. 7 Luck- haw., son of Mr. and' Mrs ... RusSel Irvin, was the' most. seriously itued of the, four. ..• He suffered a ruptured:bowel -and alter treat- • merit at Wingham'Hospital.he was removed' through the night. to' Univeriity Hospital in London. where .surgery4WapperfOrrnedt-early. Saturday Morning.. .Dale,iS report- ed to be progressing quite satis7 factdrily, ,He received other min- or cuts and' bruises. ' Driver of the car was David W. Tiffin , 18, Wingham., 'son of Mr. ,Lucknow Town Hall. on Monday • evening was quite well. attended by members of the, LucknoW ser- vice clubs and other interested . citizens. • Barry Mcbonagh chaired the ' meeting and Bob MacKenzie acted as recording secretary. Dale Irvin. Is Most .Seriously-Injured Four Area Young Men In Auto Accident Meeting Hears Report On Area Laboratory Tuesday interviewing doctors and dentists interested in coming to Ripley. Another Lucknow Public School Group ~xpec# Tenders coirrolix Seek Names Of Those 6 Willing To 'Assist With Old Boys. Reunion A striking committee was nam- ed .at the public meeting on Mon-' day night to present a slate of officers 'and committee members to serve in planning for the 1974 Old Boys Reunion on the July 1st week end: ' This committee is anxious that all area,residents , willing and ° interested in assisting in any wily to make the Reunion a success, let them know at once stating the, type of.assistance they would be willing to offer , or just the fact that they would be willing to • assist in some way•. Mrs. Barry Hackett of Ashfield Township has offered to take these names of interested resid- ents which will be presented to . the striking committee this week end. Phone Dianne at 529-7136 by Sunday at 6 p.m. The , striking committee plan to meet Sunday evening and they;'want to hear from you by this time: If you are willing to do a big job, or a small job, let them know. Your'response will help to make the Reunion a sue- 'cess. Some of the committees to be filled include finance , decOr- .ating, parade, property, registra- tion, invitation, program and pub licity. - • AAAAAAAAAAA