HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-16, Page 15rent expenditures for 1974. Donald Bell and Barry Johnston were appointed to the. White- church Hall Board and' Grant EckensWiller and Leo Murray to Holyrood. Wm. Evans was appointed at- tendant at the waste site for 1974 at $20.00 per day. Grant Eckenswiller and Donald Aie,11 were appointed to the Arena 'Board. The recreation committee will be composed of Duncan Camp•- bell, Barry Johnston, John Jamie- son, Ernie King and Ken Houston. The reeve, Leo Murray was appointed to ,the Medical Centre committee. OF THESE IS /I ME EVERY ONE CARS 1974 -.FORD Custom:.500,* 4 -door sedan 19741FORD %ton V8, standard transmissiOn 1973 LE MAikIS 4 door, .V8, ful ,ly,equipped 1973 OLDSMOB.ILE Cutlass, _2 door hardtop i973 PONTIAC Catal , 2 , door hardtop 19\73 BUICK CENTURY, .2 door'hardtop.. 1973 ,OLDSMOBILE Omega',, 2 dpor 1973 NOVA 4 door, 6 automatic, power steering 1970 FORD Custom 4door, V8 automatic 2-1968 CHEV dOors, VS automatic, radio: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1974 POLARIS.. SNOWNIPMLES L:ON DISPLAY . • SEVERAL USED SNOWMOBILES IN STOCK , • AMM CAR SAI7 ES LTD. MYTH PHONE 5234342 THE LucKimoir SPITINEL ILLICKNOW, ONTAlk10 PAGE FIFTIEN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1974 All Men's, Coats . and. Work' Socks 15%, OFF' .06swgswoivogswia LUCKNOVV: DISTRICT'. Appoint Officials, Set Salaries At Kinloss Township Council Inaugural CARIBBEAN LIGHT TUNA CHUNKS, 6 %oz. tin 49t AYLMER CHOICE CUT WAX BEANS, 14 oz. tin 5 2 for 44t ARN'OLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R,. 7 Lucknow .--- Lanes - Phone 529.7248 MAKE APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED,fROM pAGE 1 Alex Havens was named as by- Aaw officer at $500 per year and building inspector 'at $400 per year. • * Dog Licences were set at $4 for each male or spayed-female; $6 for each additional male or spay- ed female; $10 for each female; $15 for each additional female. • • Councillor Murvin Solomon Vas appointed althe village represen- tative to an area meeting with the Maitland Valley Conservation Authoritrto be held in the Luck- now Town Hall on january 22 at . Porter Contracting were to be hired as needed for work in the village at the follOwing rates: loader work, moving snow , etc. $12 per hour; back hoe work, $13 per hour; bulldozer work, $15 per hour. DE Kinloss Township Council met on January 7th at'l p.m. for the inaugural meeting of 1974. the ,teeve and all council present. After the minutes of December 3rd l2th and 17th were adopted as read , By-law , 1-1974 appointing officials and setting salaries was given 3 readings and passed. By-law , 1-1974: Clerk-treasure; collector, Fraser MacKinnon, $4800.00 plus 510 on tax arrears; Dep. Clerk7-treasurer, Doris Mac- Ki4oni. Auditor A . M.. Harper , $1726.00 for audit and prepare budget for 1014; Livestock valua- tor ; Bob Gikhrist Robert Orr and Gordon MacDonald $5,00 per call and 140 per ,mile; Pound keepers, Hilray Farms Ltd. James McEwan and ,Evan Keith; Fenceviewers, Fred Tiffin, Cliff Johnston, Harvey Houston and Don ald Bushell; ,Drainage Inspector, Wm. Evans @ $2.60 per hour; Remuneration , ReeVe , $400. 00; Remuneration, Council, $325.00; Special meetingi $10.00; Occa- sional ernployment , $2.50 per hour; Chain taw and man per hoar , $5.00; Tractor and :man $5.00 per hour; Grader operators, $3.60 per hour and $3.40 per hour plus one and a half days per month sick leave after nine months steady employment; mail. munLis 180 days; on termination : of 'employment 1/2 credit is paid in, cash after 5"years service. This appiies as well to the road super- intendent: Employees to receive 10 statut- ory holidays at 9 hours per day , ,'and140 per mile driving own car or truch on Towns4ip business: BY-law , 2-1974 was passed to borrow up to $100 ,000.;00 fcir cur- Goodall and (Campbell, barrist- ers of Wingham, were appointed solicitors for the Township. A motion was passed that ,we have I.B. M. Canada Ltd. pre- pare tax billings for 1974. Duncan Campbell was appoint- ed representative on the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority for 1974. Barry Johnston will be voting delegate for the Township at a meeting to be held January 22nd in Lucknow Town Hall re enlarge- ment of the area of jurisdiction of the Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority. The following accounts were ordered paid: Prov. Treasurer , Tile Drain Deb.* 2-1972, 110.97; Village of Lucknow , share Of seating cost in arena , 1602 . 93; Registry office , 18 @ 20(i; 3.60; Ont. Hydro , street-lighting., 86.91; Dick McQuillin, fox bounty , 4.00; Dave Ross , fox bounty , 4.00; Ass'n. of Municip- alities of Ont. , 1974 membership fee , 30.,00; Savation grant 1974, 30.00; Muscular DyStrophy Ass'n. , 1974 grant, 10.00;' DOnald Bell, tax rebate on barn removed , 9.94; , ' Farm Credit Corp'n. , payment on Part Lot .16 , Conc. 6, 1688.48; Continental Fishing Tackle l rec- reation equipment 64.20. HIGHWAYS Frank Schumacher, pay less deducrions, 392.87; Harold Smith pay less deductions, 326.'5.3; David MacKinnon, pay less dec1 7- uctions, 241.55; Chas. Schell., pay lesg deductions , 112.29; Ger- ald Doleman, pay less deductions, 44:79; 'Ron McQuillin, pay less • deductions, 81.95; Jim Murray, . pay leSs deductions , 88.58; Rec. General. Un. Ins'. , 26.61; C.P.P . 18.26; I. Tax 135.15 , 179.72; Murray's Gen. Store , bolts, tools, etc. , 53.14; David MacKinnon, mileage , 1.20; Harold 'sSrnitlb, mileage , 10.80; J. W. Hender- son Ltd . , plywood , etc , 26.'84; Twp. of Kincardine , 1973 'Bound- ary account, 668.2; McGee Auto Electric , grader repair , 61.88; F,rank Freiburger, steel, cutting, welding, 38.66; Dom. Road•Mach. inery Sales Ltd. , grader rental, 1016.50; Jean Schumacher, cler- ical, 12.00; Ray Stanley, sander rental and snowplowing, 517'.50; Frank'Schumacher , postage, tele- phone, 11.80; Twp. of Kinloss, assessment on Kinc. St Kinloss '1970-C Drain, 5049.05; Twp. of Kinloss, assessment on 'McLeod Imp. Drain, 328.64; Twp. of Kinloss, assessment on Conley Imp. Dratir-,-77-4 . 83; Dorn,,Road Nlach. Sales , grader repairs, 11, 06. MacK,INNON, Clerk. Holiday Trip To California Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zinn, Ashfield; Mr. and Mrs.. Evan Keith, Kinloss; David Keith Tees water and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walden, Lucknow , enjoyed the. Christmas vadatiOn on a conduct- ed bus tour of California. , The party flew to Reno to corn- mence their bus trip and returned by plane from Las Vegas. . Highlights of the trip were the Lawrence Welk New Year's Eve Party and the Rose Bowl Parade Pasadena .. Other Places visited were Sacra- mento, San Francisco, Los Angel- es , Disneyland San Diego, Braw - ley , Palm Springs and Boulder Darn. The group visited a 1200 bow dairy herd and a beef feedlot of, 31,009 cattle. • In both cases'all the feed was purchased for these operations'. " ' • Irrigation is a very integral part of their cropping enterprises. The weather was much cooler than they are accustomtid to, with snow encountered on different 97t lb. occasions. The party became snowbound on January 4th when 1200 travel- lers were housed overnight in three churches in Beaumont , a small town on the California desert. kiPLEy i-puLsTEIN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 GoOd for type , was judged as Grand Champion Female at the 1963 Welland Black and White ShOw. , Her good type has carried through to a daughter , Old Ambt Citation Grace A , who is also rated Very Good and has a 7-lac- tation total of over 147;000 lbs, Milk testing 3.85%. A second daughtero Old Arnbt•Itoyal Grace B was judged as Reserve Junior Champion Fen-iale at the 1965 Welland Black and White Show. Sired by Roeland Reflection Sovereign, and originally bred by Albert Ten Den of Welland , Ontario, Grade has three individ7 ual records of over 900 lbs. of fat. Mr. Needham of Mahdeen Farms Ltd. stili Owns two of her progeny, while Leo Fortney of Mildmay owns a son, Mahdeen Rockman Grant , and Albert Ten ben retains another daughter. LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR LUCKNOW lettiAlSt BRING IN YOUR COINS CUE CLD PENNY DATED UP TO 1926 WILL GIVE YOU $3.00 free' merchandise ONE FIFTY CENT PIFCE DATTD UP TO 1939 WILL GIVE YOU $5.00 free Merchandise , ONE SILVER DOLLAR DATED UP TO 1967 WILL GIVE YOU $10.00` free merchandise All coins muSt be in good condition CWESICSWOMMVICWOCVSSWMICIWWW*-1510‘ El\ITER OUR FREE DRAW While being in business for 23 years we have accumulated a number of safety pins off garments and tickets. These are displayed in our window. 11,,E. ARE OFFERING' to the person with the closest estimate of the number of safe- ty pins displayed'. PINE RIVER MEDIUM CHEESE