HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-16, Page 14Couple Mork:35th Anniversary
%m pllci
Washer Spin/Dryer
This washer has a gyrator—tor fast
clean washing without tangling. You
can rinse and spin dry one load while
you wash the next,' Most people cut
laundering time in half!
Only $ : 195.9.5 Trade
Lucknow Phone 528 3112
erms Can Be Arranged To Meet
Your Budget
The Brownies held their • first
meeting for 19'74 on Tuesday,
lanuary.8th.' A game of "One,
Two, Three" and "Human Lad- •
dens" was played. -
We then, had Brownie Ring
with Judy Hunter as Fairy Queen.
The Biters collected Fairy Gold
followed by inspection. Every-
one then repeated' the Brownie
At Pow Wow we sang Happy
Birthday to Shirley Loree and
Ja nice McInnes. Snowy, Owl
handed out the Finger Code
Alphabet cards to the Pack.
Tawny Owl reminded the Brown-
ies that Mrs. Webster would be at
our nej meeting to test for
interest badges.
During work period Rasa lea
Cameron. Tracey McDonagla
Michele Humphrey and Janice
Imes passed' their test for Si-tag
God Save the Queen. Tracey Mc-
Doinagh and P.olea Cameron also
passed their tea for 0 Canada
Anne Alton completed her 'cutting,
so she h,as now finished all her
Brownie test for .the Golden Hacd
We then had a gang of "Ft'
— c!..me'edeg was It to a
fifth the Squeeze and taps.
' A "
Ability Fund
Canvass it
Neit Week
The March of Dimes Ability
Fund was organized in 1951 to
serve the adult victims of Polio,
but its services are now available
to all physically•disabled adults
in Ontario. One in every'*seven,
or one million people in Ontario,
suffer some physical handicap.
Despite increased government
services, many needs are still un-
met and the March of Dimes Abil-
ity Etux1 has never knowingly' \
refused service to a handicapped
person in need.- Fund raising
campaigns are conducted in 650
Ontario commnnities.,
In 1973 the Ability Fund launch-
ed the first camping programme
for handicapped adults. Many
of those attending the four camps
experienced their first holiday in
years. Other services are assist-
ance in the purchase of artificial '
limbs, wheelchairs, and aids to
daily livi%, traveler medical
clinics and vocational program-
mes for the bardicaprr
) •
liappinez to a handicapped
adult is. to have a job. Your v.12-
siC of tfre Marct of Di rirt3 A bil-
ity Ft nd Canvass ;:arrzlAry 21'to 28.
will help to make that possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barger
were honoured by their family.on-
the occasion of their,35th anniver.
sary at the.. Sutton Park inn, Kin-
cardine on December 29th.
Their family presented them
with •a pair of matched lazy-boy
Mr. and Mrs. Barger were mar-
ried in Toronto on December 27th,
Mrs. Ross Shiells
Was W.I. Speaker ,
The Lucknow Women's Institute
held their . January meeting on
Tuesday afternoon with a good
attendance. The ladies gathered
at 1.30 for dessert and a cup of
tea served by the committee in
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson opened
the meeting with the Ode and
Mary Stewart Collect and the •
correspondence and business was
given: Mrs. Charles Steward gave
the Cheerio report and Mts. Jam-
es McNaughton gave the report for
Pinecrest Manor. 'The roil call'
was- answered by "naming a person
in the news and telling why, his
or 'her name is there".
The program committee had
prepared an interesting program.
Mrs. John Emerson gave 'a New
Years reading. Mrs. Wm.' Helm
gave the Federated News and it
was interesting to hear of the
happenings and programs of the
different institutes , in all the
different provinces. The "song-
sters" sang two numbers "Its a
long' long ttail awinding." and ,
and records.
A charger had been connected
to the tractor battery about 20
minutes before it exploded. The
tractor, an International model,
was owned by Ross. Krueger,- R. R.
3 Crediton. Damage to the .
tractor' was estimated. at $5,000.
Daniages to 'the building prOper
and equipment was listed at about
$10 ,000 by the owners who took
over the,business a, couple of
months ago from Lloyd l{ey.,
Mr. Hey operated the garage
business for more than 40 years.
Thanks to the.co-operation of
volunteers the Crediton garage
was back in business in a partial
way Monday morning, of last .
A large number of helpers
spent the entire week end in clean
ing up., painting and constructing
Makeshift doors and windpws.
John and Eugene Pritchard are
the sons of 1...fir . and Mrs, John
Pritchard of West Wawanosh and
are well known in• this community
where they spent their childhood
and school days.
Those Attending the anniversary
were; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barg-
er Jr. Of-Lucknow, Mt. and Mrs.
Wm.. Barger of Walkerton, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Barger of Luck-
now., Mrs. Dennis Purdy (Joan) of
Lucknow , Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Barger of Lucknow, , Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Kieffer (Mary) of Wroxeter
and Rick Barger of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Barger also have
seven" grandchildren.
"I'm forever blowing bubbles".
The motto was given by Mrs.
J. L. MacMillan "Great Events
are taking place in the world to-
day , are you aware of them".
Mrs. Ross Shiells, the guest
speaker for the afternoon spoke on
the same topic telling about the
different countries and their lead-
ers, explaining how the leaders
in Arabia and Isrial feel about
the different countries of the
world and she stressed the need of
inspired leaders to lead our
'country through these times when
world affairs ate so bad.
Community Centr4
Holds Annual. •
The Purple Grove community'
-met • in their' Community Centre
Oniannary 9th for asocial time
and the. annual meeting. A numb
er of friendlY•games .of cards were
enjoyed and a chat over a cup of .
.•tea and lunch was followed by
the bnsiness in charge of Don '
Reid ," Chairman awl Mrs'. Fran-
cis Boyle, ,Secretary
Improvernentshad' been made .
by' the. erection of a new fence
around the, grounds. The labOur
was donated by .men of the cont-
munity 'and also'most of the. mat-
erial.. ,Finaneesrernain 'much •
as tisual•bur expenses' are rising
especially' since the new type of
assessment -requires the payment •
of takes.. .It wasdecided •to sell
some seh.00l'seats with preference
going to folks of community. '
Definite charges will now be . .
.made for Use, of the. Centre arid •
rates are raised in line with other
..public 'buildings. A Schedule. •
Was set up. . • • .
Mrs. Francis Boyle and Roy Col-
inS were completing theilr 8-year
term of office asDirectors.and
were . re -eleCted Other Directors
are Don Reid, BOb .Thompson„ • •
Mrs. Wm. Arnold and 'Bob' Emer'-.
son. The 'DireCtorS. choke Don -
Reid as. chairman, Mrs.. 'Franc is
Boyle 'as secretary and Bob'Erner-.
Son as treasurer. Bob• alsO acts,
contact person for, Those ',wish-
ing to .use :the Centre . ' • •
'•The . Directors. are 'pleased to •
knOw.Jt had been 'in great cleman(
dUring .the year for Family Reun-.
Women'.s Institute meetings
and events, .4-H meetings,' show-
ers. and . Farther meetings. Dor
Robertson and .Gladys'Arnold are
to make and erect' signs.. •
Since the_ Centre is located on .
a sideroad strangers have trouble
locating it. • Card .parties acid
otlier social events were planned
for the winter months. The .
Turple Grove CoMmunity and
their friends enjoy their Coin-
munity Centre.. •
mprovement lob
0 :FOR .
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• 'Oe• Pittsburgh Paints •...ofc, •.ote.
Iranv •rn...
.26% • • • • .. , . • :elf
etet-It#t. •-_-sveHPt ...4%.1.3.1k#e Pt ...414'...41e#13) 42k i-.41§.1e• 41,4.416, 49ef. •Stt& 4be. 410i
7 7 we -47, , vir lisl• -40 Iiit, vw• -16. 16-467:.wl'im. /iv.• vit7,--hc-, --difv4i, %At, %do "40., ,
Phone. 528-310
-2.6- ,eIFVf tg 7210.%%-: 167 lat• vat= 1it• 41;•!nlVit 7evitvlit-
Miss Elizabeth Robinson thank-
ed Mrs. Shiells and presented her
with a gift '.
The meeting closed with the
singing of the Queen. •