HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-16, Page 7Registere Retirement Savings Plans See us now and Save Tax Dollars j Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VG The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. ro TIMM and GREY - TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Serving & investing in your community Lyle Zurtirigg- Manager 524-7381 imanominummy 100 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH Ripley District School IS NOW ACCEPTING DAY SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS FOR Semester 2 WHICH WILL BEGiN THURSDAY ; JANUARY 24TH Any persons not ,presently enrolled in day school prograMs and who 'are interested, in returning to school for,one ,S:emester or more, should make an appointment for interview by telephoning the school at 395-2671: W. TURVILL,' Principal THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Taylor's Garage and Used Cars BERVIE PHONE 395-2634 Dungannon %Wan' bied At Age 75 JAMES D. LITTLE The death of James D. Little of Dungannon occurred in Wing- ham and District Hospital on Friday, January 4. He was 75. He 'Was born in Ashfield Town- 'ship on November, 16 , 1898, a son of John Little and Mary Dren- nan. Mr'. Little was a 'farmer in Ashfield , retiring ten years ago. He has been a resident of Dun- gannon since 1967. On • Septernber 26th, 1923 he '-. • married Irene McQuoid. She passed away in1965. Mr..Little 'is survived by four daughters Mrs, 'Earl (Evelyn) r Gray of North Bay, Mrs. Ross (Elaine) Errington of St. Helens, Mrs. .john (Heled)Kuik of Ash- field Township, Mrs. John, (Linda) MacDonald of Goderich; seven- teen grandchildren and 'four great grandchildren. Besides his wife he was predec., eased by two daughters Mrs. Albert (Lorna) Stroeder of Walker-, ton in 1968 and Mrs. Lorne (Joyce) Hackett of Ashfield-Township in 1969; also his twin brother Tom Little, a number of years aso. The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, • Lucknow on Monday , January 7th. Rev. Clarence McClenaghan of Dungannon was minister. Pallbearerswere Dynes Camp- bell,• Thomas Webster, Aubrey Higgins, Henry Drennan,` Bill Wareing, Mfrvin Scott. Temporary entombment was at Dungannon Mausoleum with ,final resting, place Greenhill Cemetery. KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Norval Bell of Prince Albert , Saskatchewan visit- ed with Mr. and. Mrs.' Jack Scott and other relatives. A reception'was held in Holy- rood hall on Friday night to honour Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Breckles (newlyweds). Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott held a farewell dinner for Mr. and Mrs, Norval Bell on Saturday evening. Others present were • mi. and- Mrs. Frank Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair, Mrs.. Annie Scott,, Mrs. Mary MacDonald , Mr and Mrs. Jack Scott, Jean., Bev- erley , Murray, Jim and a friend all of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott, concession 4 Huron.' 13RIDAL SHOWER Mrs. David Ross and her daugh- ter Margo entertained neighbours and friends at a bridal shower in honour of Mrs.o(Dr.) Imam Moh- amed (Katherine Page) on Satur- day afternoon. _ The bride was seated in the decorated chair of honour. Mrs. 'Ross welcomed everyone*to their home and ex- tended congratulations to the bride on behalf of everyone. All enjoyed the program which was . "A humorous proposal" given by May Boyle; Mrs. Bill MacPher- son conducted a scambled word contest and a reading "The Per- fect Marriage" was given by Mrs. P. A . Murray. Four neighbour girls made the presentation of the gifts. The bride opened her many lovely and useful gifts and Margo Ross read the attached verses. Katherine thanked everyone for coming and for the lovely things that she Had received. All joined in singing "For she's a jolly good fellow" . *Delicious' refreshments Annual Meeting The Horticultural Society, held their annual executive meeting Friday , January 11 at the home of the president Mrs. Harvey . Mole . The evening proved quite success- ful with many discussions ironed out. The society 'would 'like to see the flower beds at the entrances of our town more attractive so decid- ed to seek more help from other 'active clubs in our community. The bus trip to O' Keefe Centre was also discussed and was agreed upon to set the day for this event March 7. New committees were set up with each •director acting as convener for the, evening. Special thanks to the Legion for 411oi4ing the society to use their room for meetings in the past and in the future. Also on the agenda , Wednesddy night has been chosen for the meetings, so let's see a big,turn out arthe next one Wednesday, Februar -at 8 p.m. in the Leg- ion Hall. Were served and a social chat was enjoyed. It was also a Pleasure to have Mrs. John Ross 'present to renew acquaintances and attend such a happy event. Congratulations to DI. and Mrs,. Imam Mohamed. Those attend ing the wedding from here were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page and son Richard and Miss Erna' Filrnan. The ceremony was performed-at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Y. Oarmania. MOVE TO WINGHAM. On Saturday the Schneller fam- ily moved their 'household effects to Wingliam, where ,they are / building a new home. Roy is !still a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. We regret losing this couple but wish them • PAGE • SEVEN RIPLEY HURON NE S GRADE TWO We are glad to, be back at school after our holidays. Some of us have been sick '., but are all baCk to wOrk' again, We were hoping for more snow so we can build a fort. Our class is studying winter birds and their habits in Winter. We hope to feed the birds after the Grade 3 class complete their feed- ers. well as they settle in a new com- munity. Mrs. Schneller will be at the hOrne of Mr. and Mrs'. Elgin Hogg (Marie) while their new home is being constructed. Lisa Evans of Ballinafad was with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholsonand Lois over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Scott are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott caring for Jeffrey , Heather and Jennifer, while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott ate hav- ing a 'winter KINTAIL Mr, and -Mrs". Doug Drennan, Allan and Dennis spent Christmas week at St. Petersburg, Florida. On boxing day, they visited at Port Richey with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cowan, formerly Athfield residents, who, are now living in Florida. Robert Simpson Jr. and Dennis Quinlan flew by plane frOm Lon- don airport on, Friday to spend a holiday in, Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Al Oliver of Tor- onto visited his parents' Mt. and Mrs. W. L. Oliver on Sunday'. They had earlier spent some time in London hospital with his broth- er Lloyd , who had undergone surg- ery earlier last week.. A community shower is planned. for Wednesday evening of this WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF USED AND . RECONDITIONED week at North Ashfield Public School in honour of Cathy Hayes who was married last Saturday. Neighbours frorn here attended a wedding •reception in Saltford Hall on Saturday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes in honour of their daughter Cathy. Rod Finlayson and friend of Courtland visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson. Mr. Richard Sands of Richmond Hill was guest minister at Ashfield Presbyterian Church last.Sunday. Mr,. Sands is a first year student at Knox College , Toronto., He was accompanied by his friend Mr. Sprung, .a student at the Univ- ersity of Guelph. The meeting of the W. M.S. will be held on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Duncan SimPson. GRADE ONE-TWO We all had a good time during our Christmas holidays but are ready now to get back to hard work at school. , -A. , Victor Vincent spent a few days of his" holidays'visiting his grandmother in Toronto. Robby Corkum flew in an airplane to Nova Scotia where he visited his , . 'grandmother. Robby saw huge rocks and the ocean. • RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping Sausage Making — Fast Freezing HOGS AND . CATTLE ON' MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeki — Whatever Your Requirements Are, For 'Home Freezers We Sell Chdice Home Killed Beef; Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL' MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION, CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2061