HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-16, Page 214 i• 'AG ,�r 'TWO; • •• • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 16, 191 I, LUOaW'SENTINEL LtCKNOW. ONTARIO "The 'Soppy Toni""—'wp` On the Herren -Rhues B dart' , Second Claw on M umber 0847 Established Published Each Wedi sday Aftenron fiber of the CW N.A. and Sehectiptiee Rate, *0.0 a,year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8.00 . Donald C. %hempen, .rub WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1974 Th Ability► Fund c'd LocalMan Teta years ago , Art r,tnnore of *know lei his left hand iian auto accident. F :foam months he travelled to St . ' Jose;1 HI, • .on two days a 'week for tlaeraPy. .All of this. I, bio- • therapy was tam care of by• the,.. lw a- of Dimes as this was before physiop-���',,s,,,.� benefit. apy became �`fK.a Gena mems 1e 1 . ` :Also e7 urKCi . Gil - m 's docs, .far., RIP' In Camer- on. au er-on, at that time was London's lidiarr-h of Dimes Idortical Advo so there was no charge far his savii. befate Christmas 1 , he was ;a .11 .a Witt an artificial ham ot pra1:gthesns.' Again the off aPA"half the cost of attjazial7tiprnb, 2 t. Gilmore, katows others in e 'OW gilt, 111 4111 til �+. areal •.who, have been h .,il;y -4; in a similar ' %fay. Because •••' th.help herd,. he is .always regi1W ire VFW need etirgena H . Vernett nt5 - ici ilimbs a has several times been allied to deu>taate how' mad. Disabled'. adtstri beim Many abil- ities.' b?i11-iiti• _ ,1J14r0, 11,1111„ 1l eadi eaana live a hapPriund useful life. Your I aui'el, of the Much and fortheills,nrail1( .•S' '' Give generously when the earn calls on . P1 , tair� tecoitlfilk; IN ;4 ;Wk. and 1';.ft..ammra T. 312e lbajOalpimeiiSaiitiltist Cmitamnli70 WWI 162;MISt Leent• 1114 , ana tingtzand. A}I+l adikkIdaS ant , alte awed: alZezg *di& StErea4 CO= t' r . '31arZ7M 1CaS, n 1y11.1.yr- iezearnly where', *Le ‘.110 .VJJI..arid Mrs.. Sett 0/1'wr '441111' 1141e Ij }1J Ripley Who ate, bahrim• lu=ll r„ 1111f , 1 r. 111 +i IA Rod Fizilasszuu? Samssperm. of +�7[t�y end 'watt 3 .r. ya;:r.�c/�`? _ `WilY`�+` rt .l 'M1'.1H1•I4q ;tar Nu . -7,s.: Four Accidents. Invo I 'e Snowmobiles • Pamela Templeman, age 17, Wingliam,' was struck by a car on Jain 9 !driven by Paul Jerry and going toward$ the:high school. The dtiver used the holm to Warn four students Wallthig abreast , going to the high school. Three of thiestudents west to e right wile Pamela went to the left and \was struck by the carWhich slid. on the slippery road. Pamela was: tJamed to hospital via . =whet, a *minted `fOr obser- vation. er-vatiostn. Id gated by Chief 3:fler. , Jack Henderson„ Luac ow , was fountilying by the roadside. Jan - MUT N .on ConOession 2, moo Towi , near t e Wm of Allan Macre. He, was.admitted to ?:l iuvi frost bite to both lands. 1,42S. Dorm',, Braram s 1*'als driving South of Ja.-,- nary 9 and: sawn' to avoid' a snowmobile and in a.smiwv hank. date rived a lation !net face. &Its. 1 Nretcalfe was in cool- lision wraith sTicromyobiie on the 'topaf ry and received a contusion t0 ie left hip. 4 i •Falconer „age ,'., R. 'r ni„ was snow - On his Wm can& hitmelf in a barbed wee fence, 'i4aceratinz his face anti e'!i v T ? nasal inpui. ' 5a ev iipted by Constable 1.41tones , Gozi exiicib CDP.P. Stanley „ ale 4s a' R- ron, Sell 3 a ' DC from a. truck loaded With poultry ciattei. ap =m�•at ly 15qq ��yy,, feet., on-the1 of Dam •.tA'JL"e t';ltl ,yrte „ R. R. e. CPR He waslittened R sn stil kacurrr`e and Victoria Ho 5.l via amte .. (Calvin ?CCB ; R.. R. Y1Cy4 ins- fl ham „ a £ 25 „ hh� a '7L i nto.'. • bile ;in ai. field nearlaiS home o 'lathHine off 'Treatedshoulder.. . 41, It 11 ' II,I It'„ 1101 I 1;11.111 • hill, �t 4j 11 re) ite MS' or t $11 4ir4 Town - 1• ,.1 1' THE 'Wan r ' When row . purchase your veevicrunstg 13 vizt6' 11o>I Its . . . yy,.�y,,,,,:t � �' �t�i�'Kii~ :�c1'W.'aria�+lli:il�;� ��� �FRr. receive csnue ' yew' s . free subukcriptitost 1,:cLitue SSA) . The i:rtri tit+. ' tlmi No. yl.�.%.ra Litt 1' • Set Salaries . •For West Wawanosh Officials For The Coming Year The. 1974 inaugural session of West Wawanosth Township 'Council was held at the home of the Clerk on Monday a fterinoon , January 7 , 1974: ' AU members were in at- tendance Reeve Lyons, presided . The minutes of.the 1973 yeas - end meeting were read and adopted bid 'motion of Councillors Rutherford and _Foram. . On a !notion by Councillors Dunkin and Hickey , Harold Erring- ton was appojited to act as West Wawanosh representative at a meeting to be held in Lucknow to consider the enlargement of the area ower which the. Maitland Val, ley Conservation Authority has jur indiction. Letter of invitation to West 1,VawanostrCouncil from the Vil- lage. of 'LUcknow to attend an gena committee meeting on January 17, was presented to Coun- cil. A resolution from Gran' Bend CcunCil, regarding Municipality representation by an. Acting Reeve in the 'event', of a. or in' to the Reeve , was endorsed by 'W'est Wawancsh Kinloss Nat've Dies At .Age $7.. MARV BELL .MacLEOD Nfiss Mari: Bell MacLeod passed away Member 11, 1.973 at her home an La cksow+.a:n her S&L' year. • She was a daughter of he late Peter. and MacLeod mod. of Concession, Shelas Pledeceasedby her sister Dean founte.ar; ago ,. and a. brcaber dzikillo d. She reoeived her earls eTduc.:3- rite 'at the met'e'r' C rx•• . 1, az- -, tended •X2 'Mi e1 and taught,,at the, Ceeyex and ' Locher a ,„ ;". air was. a faithful .aember Q.* f .South Kinloss Presby - teLLJata C.h whese shetan f to Sumday Schwa for mazy and a* as lea, le of a i e Lie E.,=sion E3 -u"1.' i . She Vas 3L c"zc e:: e.c�.,•.b-a of the 14'. and formed e the 'first 3,iome s aver. 13e hrea 37I: ire ir.7"ritt 192i • when shemored Tt?Incame,Ifc a II12 kept ?TiOlafe fer. her uncle ., John MacLeod , edita�C1r c ••eath •DTA 2941' • inchrow inchshe join. the Loc now' Pre 5ext C'nurch chi " I v- Sunday School., '.1c•ork', ts; !`+6'x'012-.71 L..I `et'y' jA+.l��.u..wT�l "�v/y�. 1r�� sz'�� Ta.T a ,ft c1 .:...-.2ee ar�Lf"1...,.{ y'IY �Y te,1� 34 LL'i ab aw. w: 14 LAY.'.'.. e t' int'-.. ...e. and lea: e.tr �- ".1..tid the }ti It L Wi+F .Q 441 1,111 'CV . 11 mL1h !111, Si�tiC? : i ..F.1.2_11.714; Hca i t� ,? mJta ti `3.3i' i s: _za s 7tJ'w cra..II •J.W! :L.Y111Lt.. N 114EJ4h iiya dt:u.Y"f4rosi,�- ' +.�,� ..t4'L;. !r4/.i��•>��t�!L,.,�.i,,:. je_am - ter, ayi,,�tia :itis al] 1T. Itel; i:' Iii. t`E' s f ry�6 ""3 - it III:477-1,-Llef111.171g.17111 e L.. • ;1LC , L vES. 44:1C1.7"" • 1 µ 1e Council. By-law #1, 1974, naming offic- ials and setting out their respect- ive espect-iv a salaries was given third read - 1g•and finally passed on !notion •' of Councillors Hickey and Foran. Sa iaiies set are: Reeve $425; . ' Cou.nc,iliors 3375; :Clerk $2200; Treasurer $1700 Grader operator $3.25 per hour. ' Wingniann $2.50 per hour; •Casual iabaur .$2:25 per hour; Livestock Evaluators $8.00 • per inspection. Motion by Councillors Ruther- ford' and Durbin 'Teat the Road Superintendentbe given an in- crease in salary to $3:25 per hour, ?lussick leave allowance of 1 112 days per Month retroactive to January 1973, OH1P coverage and one. week's vacation with pay, in addition to the yearly allow- ance for truck expenses . " By-law.; 2, 1974, authoriailag the Reeve, and' Treasurer to bor- row up to_sso,o00 to cover cur- rent expenditur+c:ry be- foie receipt of the mx- levy, was given third reading and finally' paste on motion of Councillors cilli Hickey and Foran. It Was decided by : Council to appoint the same persons to font the 1974 P,ect-eatien Committee as fib 1973; and Councillor` Daaaan:n tortemain re d'eaenrative to the btcknow Medical Centre ton inii- tee . :The rid accounts were ordered paid on motion of Cotancillots Foran end Hickey. The folio general accounts were passed for payment on�mo- t> i of illo Safi erfo •an James Devereaux , sa 11-5I0. b0; Allister Nivist. at cernt,iey-, '72 and '73„ Blyth D s ict Fire .r a , 394. kkv' , i 1, 011.,"; ,k Petersen I: 97 -f. separate school rebate,. a of .1—loon, tax :a=:ais collection. _ f.; Ron CCC 3 -rm i s rt Cor- rugated gated Pipe Corr.p ^ • FFeis Drain pipe , 831.4. ; klan.s Separate1st vz I rebate , •.."{. L. M� Jahn Balms -ton. dog tax re.!Nate _ v- .h c r ,a.l 1 - i;% ., • vabscriptions. ROAD ACC .'XTS 111 1 Harvey • . Salary' 1s_ '7 4,- ORDER YOUR Seed brain Grass Seed Seed Corn EARLY. DELIVERY AND CASH PAYMENT TO APPLY Lucknow Distrlct Co-op Phone 528-4125 1,51 ,5 .,,S9; Ro 1 ika2d!, , pow:, .: .0.0; 1L'3rest •chisLRO: _ _ para and repairs. 42.3•8; Tile. tube and re sin, 23 .. . L: E. Sales, blur . 37 .:.. Sales Lad., pans • -- 1,4'izfret! Collinson . gravel, _ f . j':L; Jas. 1 . Craig :- . • u caoh.ba:j,1ubn.-m). --. ._. r -.sail_ ; catch basin top . 'PredPn.:mc ll catch b a =..,in . _ 'i1( r'.: _ _ . • • L'iInt of Ci =1L' u.:3o Counciladjmonec r,.:,ary 1974 at 1. . "` _ .•-.. - e' L^ £ of the �l ",=..s` . ,LI1 YS [R DODGE P MOUIP WPM/ 010.E P Ny 357- `*°*&2 :172 dt1-7.' 7,W+Z , 2 5CrClr ' 1172 TS:Z.1u* „cpc, ?.„ (.1i1 :4 ,. '-i- �`l..'.t 14i :i " • 1 r 7 • • •'u •L"d.a r. i. -..:.. r - 'a.+Wz: Y .".•r.,firi r•• .. cra i-' w.414.44.Gtr`... . sr'7"r.' u .,rfr y. err..4:i m y • ,. r7.` 4 Cf: , el �fw .. .. i '!r076ffit4h