HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 15ANLYMEN'S WEAR LUCK NOW
$3.00 free merchandise
$51.00 free Merchandise
$10.00 free merchandise
Pal coins must be in good condition
111 46%%%% %••%•%%N.,"•%1%%•140k.••• ••••%S. 1%1
While being in business for 23 years We 'have accumulated
a number .of safety pins off garments and tickets. These are . •
displayed in out window.
to the person with the closest estimate of the 'number of safe,
ty pins displayed. „
A report of Room 1 of Lucknow
Public Sthool named the follow-
ing pupils, Senior Class -
Henderson ,`Bobby Thompson,
Melvin Johnstone, Evelyn Reed
Chester' Bruce, Jack McAllister,
Ada Burns, Clifford Menary
Phillis Cousins,' Winnifred John-
Stone , Jack Fisher , J. C. Durnin,
Edna Agar, Alfred Armstrong,
Shirley Langford, Cameron Fin-
layson , Leonard Webster, Phillip'
Junior class - Stuart C011yer
George Joynt, Donalda Thompson,
Jean McMillan, Cecil Armstrong,
,.....,4,444.41,411.41411411414,40•414041t......******411110 •111 ji
The Ontario Department of
ublic Works had purchased 375
cres of Lake Huron shoreline five
files north of Goderich for a
rovincial. Park s with almost a
ile of clear sand beach.
This was regaided as a choice
iece of property with a long
istbry in the' Goderich area, It
was formerly a private resort
known as 'Pointe Farms; In recent
years the ,old "hotel had been torn
down but there remained ;bads;
trails , wood-Jots and landscaping •
-to give the Department of Lands
and Forests a good start in devel-
oping a fine 'park.
The property had been, owned
since' 1937 by Bisset Brothers, who'.
purchased it from O.E.Fleming
and was the site of the first sum-
mer resort ever established in
Western Ontario.
The original. Pointe Farm HOte
was built by a man named Davis„
who was droWned while bringing
supplies 'from Goderich in a row -
boat one night during a storm.
After this: hotel btirned down a
man by the, name of J. J. Wright
built a huge hcitel for' thos,e days.
It had 200 guests and a dining
room Capable of accomodating
300 diners at one sitting. He ran
a passenger bus 'service between
Pointe Farms and Goderich for the
accomodation of guests. In addi-
tion a small steam yacht operated
betWeen the hotel and Goderich.
Picnicers came from miles
around to enjoy, a day's outing at
the Pointe Farm resort. As Many'
as 2000 people would gather on
'the grounds at one time.
Speaker:QV tlihect
Work .4sp.R.o -.
Harvey Honsron, PUblic
ltelatiOni Officer for the Federat-,
.ed,WoMen's. Institute of Ontario
'Was, the guest speaker at the Rip-
ley Wornen'S Institute'. She out
lined her as and
played snppiies which'are avail-
able at F.W.I.O..office,, Her
talk was most enligiitening and
interesting. '
Mrs. Jack MCLeari, the PreSid7
ent'',, in dealing with the businesS.
• stated that a new 4-H Homemak-
ing Course was :approaching and
one new leader was needed: Mrs;
• Peet , Mrs. Vanderhoeck , • Miss
Mpica.y.were,foririer •.•
leaders and Mrs. John Gamble
agreed-- to'act 'as'a fourth .for tihis
. •
• The laked'in the Pie" short
course sumthary day will be held
iri :Teeswater on 'January 16th.
• All thOse taking -the course are
asked to. attend•andany others
interested,-. , , .
• Mrs.' Bob Johnston sang two •
.•,beautiful soloS accompanied by
Mrs. Roy MacKenzie.
Mrs . Peet explained the 4-H. •
Club just completed and showed
many beautiful articles made by
• the girls in "Accessories for the
Bedroom". The books.
were also on display. Puppets
are being made by several Insti-
tute members for the Hospital •
Auxiliary.' Mrs. Oliver McChar
les „ Mrs,. Duncan McLeod: Miss
ChriStene Robertson -and 'Mri,
Gemmell displayed China which
had' been painted ,at the China ...
painting class. Mrs:. Mc Charles
stated that ,a class.woUld be con-
tinuing in .the new year. Plans
were made 'for a -Valentine Party
in February and .members were
asked for'ideas.. ,
Mrs. Roy MacKenzie played
some Scotch songs dating the tea
time, when .Mrs, Stewart Needham,
Mrs, Frank Scott ., Miss Gertrude
Kidney and Mrs. Nellie McLeod
served a dainty lunch.
(Note change of hostess). The
Anglican Church. Women will '
meet on January 10th at
the home of Mrs. Art Haldenby,
This will be a work meeting.
Mr. Tom MCFarlan who has
been apatient in Victoria Hos-.
pital, London was able to return
Mr. and Mrs. 'Levi Eckenswiller
Of London spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Grahan-
and were with' Mr. and'NIrs. Art .
Graham and Mrs. Dorothy Thomp-
"sop on Sunday. - •
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh and mem-
bers Of her family spent Christmas.
with Mr; and Mts. Scott Walsh
Ashfield Resident
Died At Pitiecrest
.rmRs. JOHN. KELLY '
Mrs. john'Kelly , a resident of
_Ashfield Township for many yeari,
passed away on Sunday, Decem-
ber 16 . at the pinecrest Manor
Nursing, Home in Luckn9w in her
86th year.; following a lengthy' '
The former Elizabeth Ann' Cas-
sidy , was born in County Tyrone ,
Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, -
March 17, 1888. She, obtained
work in New York and there she
met her husband ,: John Kelly. '
TheY were married in November
1910 and went to Ireiand and in
1929 came to Canada,.making
their horrie in Saskatchewan, Al-
berta . They moved to Ashfield
Township in 1936 where they
farmed. •
Mrs. Kelly was predeceased by
her husband in February 1969;also
by :one daughter , one son and' one,
granddaughter. She is survived
-by four daughters, Mrs: Mary
ESsery of Goderich; Mrs.. Winnie
Hurley of Fort McMurray ;Alberta;
Mrs. Eileen Wocks of Schornberg;
and Mrs. Bridget Ho gins of
Sarnia; also five sorb, James of •
Sudbury; Joseph of Carnrillo,
California; Daniel of Brigden;
Patrick of Holyole, Massachus-
etts, and. Walter of London; 26
grandchildren and• two great grand-
Mrs. Kelly was well known in
this area for her musical abilities.
She has been a patient at the •
Pinecrest Nursing Home since
Funeral service was held on
Wednesday, December 19, at St.
Joseph's Church in Kingsbtidge
with Rev. Father' Ed Dentinger, , C.
R. Officiating..,.Interment` was in
Kirigibridge Cemetery.
Pallbearers were her six grand-.
sons, Danny and David Kelly,
Gerald and John Wocks, Glen
Kelly and Glen Hodgins.
Flowerbearers were grand-
children , Jacklyn , Eileen and
Freddie Wocks; Grace and Karen
Kelly, Lynn and Carol Hodgins
and Maureen Kelly. '
fred Percy , Bill and Brian Percy,
Perry Hodgins, Mrs. John Barr and
Donald Barr.
David Rhody returned to Kitch-
ener on Sunday after spending the
past week at his-home here.
: Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.• Allan McFarlan, Donnie and
Beverley were Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Weber, Joey. and. Clint of Kitch-
ener , Mr. and Mrs. Weir., Ecken-
swiller, and Steven coneession 10.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Eldon
Eckenswiller and Stacy of Wood-
land Court spent New Years with,
his parents Mr. arid Mrs. Weir
Fekeriswiller -:
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francisco of
Don Mills, Mr. and Mrs. George
Burt of Scarborough visited 'over
the holiday with Mr. 'and Mrs.
Bill Burt , Terry,and Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody e/n-
tertairied neighbours and friends
at a New .Years Eve panty:,
Mr. and Mrs: Morley Bushell
and family of Wingham entertain-
ed relatives on Sunday at a 'pre
New Years dinner. Those who
attended were Miss Winnifred
Percy, Mrs. John Barr, Donald
Barr,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and
family , Btian Percy , perry Hod-
gins and Mr : a'nd Mrs". Bob Brooks
and family..
and Mrs. Michael
O'Malley , Douglas 'and Lori of,,
Willowdale were at the home Of
her mother Mrs. Bertha Haldenby
"during the holiday season.
Mr., and Mrs. Johnson of Tees-
water, Mrs. Melvin Coiling and
Sharon 'of Ripley and Ernie Coiling ,
spent ChristmaS with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Coiling and family. .
Mt. and Mts. Gerald Coiling
and family spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson and
family of Preston.
Mr, and Mrs. Doug Moore and ,
boys of Ripley visited With Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar White on Sunday
Visiting with Mr. and: Mrs..
Jack McGuire and family for
New Years Were Mr; and Mrs:
Henry Howe •of Listowel and Mr.
and Mrs.- Walter Black, Joyce and
Mr. Andy Hamilton spent New
Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Campbell of Lucknow.
Wendy. Hamilton visited for
a couple of days at New Years with
Mr. arid Mrs. Paul HamiltOn and •
Jennifer of Hanover.
, Mr. and Mri. David King and
Pamela of tGoderich visited on
Boxing.Day with Mrs. Melvin
Coiling Of Ripley..
Mr. and MrS Robert' Osborne
and family visited at Christmas
with Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Scott of
Kincardine Township. Mr . and
Mrs. Scott are parents of Mrs.
Spending• ChriStmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Osborne
and family and Mrs. Elmer Os-
borne were Mr. and. Mrs. Robert
Campbell of Lucicridw , Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan McCallum and Jean
of Hanover , Mr. and Mrs. John
McCallum of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Pennington and family
o Teeswater, , Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack
Reavie and Mr. and. Mrs. Wayne•
Elston of Wingharn.
444040*********44404444~444,•440.4,401110441414-4,4•40 4044,
Mrs•, M. A. Treleaven, best/ .•
known as Polly to her friends and
who was 84 years of age, spent
Christmas and New Years, as was
her custOm, with her sisters Sue
and Lou Treleaven and other rela-
tives. Somewhat of a record 'was
established by these three sisters,
all of Lucknow 'who never in 75
years had missed being together at
Dick McQuillin of Kinloss
Township and Bill Kennedy 9f
Huron• Township bagged a wolf'
in this immediate vicinity . TwO
animals were running together but
the hunters 'brought down only one,
which weighed close to 46 pounds.
Frank MacKenzie , Charlie
er ; Isobel Douglas, Lillian Horne ,
Audrey Henderson, Rexford Ostran-
der , Flora, Webster , Billy MacKerr.
zie, Christine FinlaysOn, Margar-
et Baker, Isobel Hatnilton, Fred
Milne, Edwin Whitley, Alex
MacIntosh., Leonard MacDonald
Maudie Fisher „Howard jbhnstone
David Jeivitt.
I. Murdie Teacher,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stinson,
Gary and Susan of klamilton:visi.--
visited with her parents Mr—and
Mrs. Cliff Robb'.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Robb ,--
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stinson and,
family of Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Robb visited with yr.
and Mrs. John Robb and David of
Mr. George Haldenby spent"
New Years Day with Mr:. and Mrs.
Clare Sparling , Allan and DOug-
las at Walkerton., ' • d‘
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert'
Nicholson and Lbis were Mr: and
,Mrs. Cliff Langford and family
of Woodstock, Mr., and Mrs. Ted
Evans and family of Ballinafad
Mr. and Mrs: Jerry C011ison,
Allan Nicholson and Miss Marion
Vlietman of Georgetown.
New Years Evening dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hal-
denby were Mi., and Mrs. Jack
Scott concession 10 , George Hald-,
enby , Richard Elliott, Misses
Edna and :May Boyle. During the
week at the sameshome were Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Sa-knagi and Kim,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett and
Brian. Whiteside all of Torontd.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Sutton
spent Friday in Lonelon.
David Ackert of Holyrood
ed on Wednesday with John Sutton.,
New Years guests with Mr, and,
Mrs. Alex Percy were 'Miss Witini-