HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 9974 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1974. :THE INCKNONCIONTICKEC, LUCKNOW, 'ONT4100 IPA*. NiNi PA K GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED The.1 0 *1.1 1 SA1 I lak.45 adventures of our Hermit„,Oscy I."- and Benjy. Sorg „ GARYIAVES JERRY HOUSER OMER CONANT.. C6301141 WHIMS Erawmpeoes HAPPY KELLER • raw* HERA% RVIER IMATiniumn ntomarraorecostylitif)000AT F""7. • \ The. Directors Company presents QUIT ErtRTIANNEMT KIRK DOUGLAS,. SCALAWAG . "be further Miararn3w Roseriga Xfinctissavettis POSAIKIAI MIMS PaafflIS AN Mesa e NON O'Neal tb,, SI • war* WED., THURS.,..,FRI., SAT.: JAN. 9, 10, 11. 12 TAO AND, P.M.' ADULT 'ENTERTAINMENT itTAINIFIMAL PAMIR moor As F.T.811TUT Thirs4atoclues boon every minute. SUN., JAN. 13 k 14, 15 _ove'Story 7:15 p:m..and Rosemary's' Baby 9:15 LYCEUM JF3ff lair IRE 30 WINL01/,.. —WAP1,1, ' Ladies 9 p.m. High single Anne Wisser 296, high triple Mary Lou• Barger 626. Games over *200: Anne Wisser 296, Mary Jardine 275', Kay Craw-, ie ford 272, Tillie Wilson 250, Janet Barger 245 , 227, Dianne ' Carter 232,. Lorna Guay 219, r Merle Rhody 217 , Mary Lou Barg- of er 205 , 212, 209, Marilyn ,Rhody 205 , 206, Barb 'Whitby 204; Team points: Janet' Barger's Potatoes 2, Anne Wisser's Radish-' • es 5; Irene Nelson's Peppers 0., Barb Helm's Carrots 7; Dianne Carter's Onions 7, Lynn Wall's Corn' 0,-- / • Team standings: Potatoes 76 , Radishes 67 , Carrots 59, Onions 54 1/2, PepperS 54 1/2, Corn 25. Congratulations to the ladies winning prizes in the Christmas draw. Radishes, Evelyn Fiendr- son; Corn, Tillie Wilson; Carrots Grace Hopf;' Peppers ,,Susan Mc- Rae; PotatoeS, Marg Hamilton; Onions , Dianne 'Carter. . • UPDATE YOUR IAMOND MN CHOOSE FROM A LARGE SELECTION OF RINGS AND WE WILL USE YOUR ORIGINAL DIAMONDS TO UPDATE YOUR DIAMONDS IN A MODERN MOUNT All repairs and remounting done in store 'SCHMIlYS JEWELLERY AND CHINA LUCKNOW OWNERS — W. Jos. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE. 528-3532 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO air- ME HOTE Dining Lounge SUNDAY SMORGASBORD P ENTERTAINMENT &C DANCING IN THE' LOUNGE APPEARING THIS'FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . JANUARY .11 AND 12 Walkeiton Trio Plus Kin loss Gerald Rhody rolled high for the. men with a 256 single and a 685 triple. " Men over 200: Gerald Rhody • 256,, 250; Walter Dexter" 221; Murray Keith 218; Lloyd Mac- Dougall 208; ,Harry Lavis 206. Marilyn Rhody had the high single for the, ladies with 243 and Doris MacKinnon had high triple with 543. Ladies with over 2.00 were Mari- lyn Rhody 243, and Merle Rhody 205. Team points: Doris MacKin- non's Wealthys 2, Mary Lavis' Spys 5; Ann MacDougall's ,Macs 2., Merle Rhody's Pippins 5. Team standings: Pippins 56, Wealthys 43, Macs 43, Spys 40. Lathe's 6a0 p.m. 1974 began with some good• bowlirig. Grace Elliott 'rolled the' high single, game of 264 and Ferne MacDonald the high triple of .647. Games of 200 and overt. Grace Elliott 264, Ferne MacDonald 253, 215 , Marion Campbell 207, Catherine Andrew 209, Marion MacKinnon 230,. Mildred Camer- on 209, . . Team points: Mildred Camer- on's Terriers 7 , Mildred, Bushell's Collies 0., Grace Elliott's Corgis 7; Marion Campbell's Retrievers 0, Marion MacKireon's POodles 4, Wilma Clark's Spaniels 3. Team standings: Corgis. 67 , Retrievers"62; Poodles 55., Terriers 53, Collies 52, Spaniels 47. Congratulations go to Jessie Joynt from the league on winning 1st place in the "Carling Black Label Classic": Jessie rolled 833 triple and received-an electric knife. Ripley Curling ',By Don McLay. Carl Funston's rink was the win ner of the annual International bonspiel held on Saturday. Jim West did the 'skipping, with Ron Funston as vice, Carl played sec- ond and brother Mervin ' throwing the lead rocks. Second place for the day and the winner • of the early draw was Ron Farrell's foursome, with Harvey Ross as vice; Don Paquette, Jr. as sec- ond and Doug Dahmer the.lead„. The second place rink on the early draw was skipped by Sandy MacCharles; third went to Cliff Emmerton's entry. The conspla- don, in, this draw was won- by Leroy Walden's rink. Other en- tries on the 9 o'clock draw were skipped, by Bill Peterbaugh and • Elmer Courtney. SecOnd place on the 11.o' clock Amberley-,Huron: Snowmobile Club SAFE J. Y'FIR81' Snowflake the. Safety Seal re- minds us to always,fasten our Safety Helmet and to cheek throt, tie and brake control before start- ing engine. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES Unfortunately, due to poor weather •conditions,' the Chili Party that was to be held by the Amberley-Huron Snowmobile Club on December 28th was can- celled. The. NeW Years Eve Party held' at Reid's Corners Hall on Decem- ber 31st was a complete success Manythanks to the hall cornrnit- tee for letting us rent the hall at suchlate notice. Check your builetin,for the / next-event, the time and place and remernber our 'motto , "THINK SNOW". Be seeing youl Ripley . Curling News. By Don McLay The very popular Family bon-. spiel was held on Boxing Day. Two eight end games Were played with a complete field for each of thel o'clock and 3 o'clock draws. Howard Hodge , with wife Marge , Brian MacDonald and daughter Judy were the top winners of the . day with 2 wins and a plus of 10.. Elmer Courtney's family foursome of son, Lynn; and daughters,Gail and Joan won the 1 o'clock draw with 2 wins-and a pin§ of 8. Sec- ond place w/inners were Don Paquette's rink of wife ., Barbara , son, Jim and Kathy Irwin on the 1 o'clock draw with one win plus six; and Jack Scott's foursome .of wife Betty., with cousin, NorVal Bell, and wife , Pauline, visiting the Scotts from Prince .Albert , • " Saskatchewan. Other rinks on the early draw were skipped by Jim MacDonald Les Rose , David Coiling and Allister MacKay. The late draw had rinks skipped. by Gordon Roul- ston , Jean MacTavish, Bill Peter- baugh and Charles Liddle. All' curlers enjoyed lunch.and a social time at the end of the day's activ- ities. Club Presidents Sandy Mac- Charles and Joyce Courtney are most grateful for the interest' show shown in this annual evet event. 0 Saturday, January 5th will see the second of the major Men's bonspiels for the••season with the holding of the "International" spiel, Convener, Cliff Ernmerton is now firming 'up the entries for thiS event. ••'•' Draws are now posted at the rink for all games for the balance of -the season, in the various Men's, Ladies and "Mixed events. draw went to Bob Johnston's rink; with third' to Doug MacDonald and the consolation to Howard Hodge. J. S. Robb and Terry Elliott skipped the other two en- trieS. This annual event is sponsored by two club members, Howard , Hodge and Elmer Courtney. , •• ah. am .. The 0.67.A . Seniors inter-div- ision Competition. was held at the local club„onSunday lasvand featured' winning rinks from Mark- dale and Seaforth, in a best of three event. Sea forth emerged Victorious in two straight games It was the vest against the best and the score told the rest; as the T'eeswater Broothball League • All-Stars eeked out a 24 deci- sion over last years champs Glam- rnis Flyers. The All-Stars opened the scoring at the 12 minute mark of the first half when DaVe Ed- wards(Linda's Hairstyling) connect ed on a pas; from Bill Eidt (St. Mary's Cold Storage). Just, One minute and twenty seconds later Jack Lacey (Chepstow Axeman) beat goal tender Don -McPherson on a pass from team- mate Jim Wilhelm. Glammis Struck back in the second half just five minutes, from the. All- Star soal when captain Gary' Col , well heat goal tender Frank Hel- wig with an assist going to Torn • Thompson. This ended the scor- ing. , The selection of 3 stars for the game were chosen by Eugene Kennedy , who admitted that' it was not an easy task: The 3 stars were in this order: Dave EdWards, Gary Colwell And Jack Lacey. Honourable mentions went to Bill Eidt and to Way Carter and Larry Hayes of e Bervie Raiders. r t Larry shared goal tending chores with. Frank Helwig of the St.. Mary's team for the All-Stars. Referees Wilf Hinsperger 'of the Teeswater League , 'Wally John-'. and will represent Division 13 at •, the Gilt Country Club on Sunday , January 13th". Any interested outside rink is invited to contact Mrs. Clarence •Pollock at. Ripley, 395-2644, for the Ladies Open bonspiel on Mon- day, January 14th. There will be no regular ladies draw on Monday afternoon, January 14 or Tuesday evening, January 15th, but the 'Ladies Wednesday afternoon 'draw 'will curl as usual on January 16th. The Men's Monday draw for January 14th, will-be curled in- stead on Tuesday January 15th, because of the Ladies bonspiel being, held 'on the 1Vionday. STARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16TA ) 7i00-and9:I5 p.m. • WINNER OF it ACADEMY AWARDS . mom Ihr BEST ACTRESS LIZA MINNEILI • Broomball All-Stars Defeat piammis son off the Mildmay League and :Neil Waltzer of the Elora League ikept the game in tact assessing 7 penalties -,,3.,to Glammis, 4 to All-Stars. SpeciaLthanks is in store for Don Missere, Gate Rec- eiver and to time keepers Tony Lorentz and Bill Zettel. Ron Hewitt of the fjervie Raiders coached and Bob Arnold of the Salem Road &Inners managed the All-Stars. The All-Star team plan to draw 3 players from the , Glamrnis Flyers and hope to play , other, teams in the Western Ontar- io Broomball Association. As a .memoire of this special event , all, players received crests. -The next 'big event' of the season, is on Jan- uary 26 and 27 when the League •will sponsor their annual tourna - • ment ut-• EVERY SUNDAY 5 TO 7 P.M. FULLY LICENSED UNDER LL.B.°.