HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 7For Form, lrown land Country • Home Owners ! Can You Use $1,600 to $20,000 ? If you cen afford monthly payments of $17.83 . you may borrow $38.43 you May borrow 433.71 you may borrow $77.99 you may borrow .11:i600 SS.000 PAW ' ete. The above .Loans based on A4 1/2 70 per annum Borrow for any *orthwhile purpose: To consolidate your' debts, fix' the car,. buy cattle. or a cottage! Fast — COurteOus Service Please Call Gdrald. H. W PALMERSTON 343-3632 Representing Arnold Highmon Realfy Ltd, Kitthener, 1-519-744-6251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers AsSOciatlon THE LUCI(1401111, SENtINEL, 1.1JCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1974 PAGE SEVEN While we are on the subject of foOd and nutrition, let's go to Toronto.' Mrs. Peggy Prowse of Halifax claims that consumers,are being brainwashed by advertising, ''causing them to buy trash'food. • Nutritional values are dropping ra and prices are going up. "We pay about 700 a pound for sugar when it comes as an instant frosting on our cornflakes. Flavoured bread- . crumbs cost over $2 a pound•when they are in a package labelled Shake and Bake". She said that control .of Canada's.food is passing out of the hands of farmers and consumers and 'into ; the hands of giant corporations who have used all of the tricks of big • business and, consumers have not resisted the seduction. So,'moth• ers, shop wisely. The Kairshea W.I. held their . -=) Christmas meeting at the home v..: of the President Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. The meeting opened ' with 'a Christmas verse and •the Ode and Mary Stewart collect. Mrs. ,Ritchie welComed visitors and members to her home dec- orated for the festive season. Scripture was read by Mrs. Hank Hartemink. Several items of business was dealt-with. The 4-H Training p. :School for the course "Take a • look at Yourself" , will be held in Kincardine January 2.3 and 24th; Farm week; Women's day January 10th at Hanover; AchieVernent Day for the course , "Baked in a Pie' will be held at Teeswater Another 'report came out of New Zealand aboet cholesterol ,in the blood. Some doctors have claim- ed that, this is caused by eating animal fats and eggs. Other equally qualified doctors have called this 'a shameful claim, as there is as' much proof against . this clairrivas there is for it. Now a study of the Maoris , the. New, • Zealand natives, shows that they suffer a higher rate of heart; disease than their white counterparts. The fact is however that their choles- terol level is higher than the white # man's. • With Adrian Vos. With a Whole new year ahead of us, many Will be taking a good look on how to save op food coit. One Of the first items to come to mind will be meat. 'The Women's News Service reports from New York that one has to be careful with protein substitutes. Only protein provided by animal sour- ces have complete proteins. This means that by eating soyburgers , • you may get all the protein that is recommended , but you may shortchange your family on the essential amino acids or building blocks.. Soybeans, ground nuts and some others are almost corn- plete while. lentils , mung beans , oatmeal etc. are incomplete. The best thing to do, is to eat some of both as far as 'cost is con- cerned. Another point to keep in mind is the fact that by substiV- uting plant protein for animal protein, you get less iron and, vitamin B, especially the import- ant vitamin B 12. Many young men, girls and young womenFdon't get enough iron as it is,,accord-' ing to the report'. Sololks, don't cut out the meat and eggs.. • Kairshea WI Agricultural Tidbits • mss BY MURRAY GAUNT ' ICP.P. HURON-BRUCE ,The session is finally over after a. stormy confrontation. betWeen the Opposition and the Govern- ment on Bill 274, the EducatiOri Bill which will impose compulsory arbitration to deal with the mass resignations of teachers in the 15" 'areas where'the sChool boards and the teacthers have not been able' to come' to terms. , After lengthrdebate in the Leg'- islature and a demonstration of some 30,000 teachers the Govern- ment decided not to proceed with the Bill if the teachers would agree to change the effective date.,of their resignations frorn December 31st to January 31st. This agreement .was finalized and announced brthe Minister of 4 EduCation, Tom Wells. The teg- islation may be called back if the negotiations are not progres- sing satisfactorily. Perhaps, by way of summary.I should recap some of the, high- lights,of this Session. First ,. there was• the energy tax. introduced by Treasurer, John White,cut , later withdrawn.. How- ever , he , did, tack on an extra 2% sales tax.' ' The Government proclaimed its controversial Denture Thera- pist Act setting up a new dental worker to fabricate dentures only under 'the supervision of a dentist., Only 87 dentute therapists have been licenced under the. new Act and the denturists are continuing to operate in defiance of the law An important topic of discussion in the Ministry of Con- sumer and Commercial Affairs ,next session will be the Green Paper on Consumer ProdUct_War- ranties in Ontario. The Ministry will be holding fornms to hear the views of consumers, retailers and manufacturers .on the. proposals of the Report. . The Ministry is also developing a Fair Practices Act designed to monitor and regulate food pricing practices, misleading and artificial shortages. The minimum 'Wage as of Jan- uary 1st will be $2.00 per hour, $2.25 for construction workers, ' and. $1.65 for students. A new Ministry of Housing was created with Robert Welch appoint ed as Minister. . During the last year the' Govern- ment created five more regional municipalities'; Durham, Peel, . Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton . Wentworth and Halton. . The total number of Bills passed this SeSsion was 207. 'Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. AMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rutledge. Miss Marsha Humphrey R.N. of St. Thomas spent Christmas and a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey and Mark. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutton Of London Spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Humphrerand Mark. Miss Wendy:Courtney', London, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney and , fa mily Miss Margaret Anne COurteey is spending the holiday with -Mr. and Mrs. Len Courtney and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Courtney and family spent Christinas Day ''REPQRT FROM,. QUEEN'S FARK AMBERLEY' ' Mrs. Jerry, McLeod and family and Mrs. Lottie 'Courtney of Kin- caring were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Courtney and fam- ily. • Mr.'and Mrs', Bob Courtney and family were Christmas•guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kempton of Amberley. Christmas Day guests' 'of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walden were Mr. and Mrs. Len Courtney and family. • Miss Sheila and Billy,Pace spent a couple of days with-their. grandparents Mr., and Mrs. Wm. M. Pace. , Miss Mary Pace R.N.:A. of Wingham spent a few days' with' ' her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Pace. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Pace, were dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gottschalk and Laurie' on Saturday evening in Kincar- dine. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Scott enter- tained the Blue families for • Christmas. The Orange Lodge , A.mberley, held a euchre on Thursday even- ing. High man was Lynn Camp- bell, high lady Mrs. Wm. Pace. Lucky draw Wm. PaCe. Next euchre will be TneAday , January 8th , 1974. Mr. and Mrs. DIII1C Thorburn held Christmas for the family, and also Mr. Keith Thorburn of Saska'- toon. Funeral service for Mrs. Mabel Gray. of London was held Friday , December 28th. . Miss Irene Henry.spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Henry. Mr.-and Mrs. Bob Benson and family spent. Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mel Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan spent New Year's with Mr. and • Mrs.. Mel Henry. Mrs. Carl Schleuter had the mis- fortune to brealeher ankle. . Miss Mary .PiCe R. N. A . of Wingham spent Saturday night with Patsy Henderson in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Win. R. Pace 'and family of Kincardine were , dinner guests Monday with Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Pace and Mary. January 16 , 1 p.m. . The roll call, Tell how adver- tising affects our buying was well answered. Mrs.' Cliff Roulston took the chair for the programme. Mrs. Harvey Houston favoured witha piano solo, Winter Wonder- land , followed by singing carols. • A reading "Christmas is for Children" by Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, also Mrs. Cliff Roulston read a poem. "I like Christmas" and "Going Herne". , All joined in singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"' and "White Christmas" accom- panied by Mrs. Houston. A Christmas cake contest was held with judges declaring Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and Mrs. Philip Steer as winners. A‘display of candles and hints on arrangements by Mrs. Evan Keith and Mrs. Hank Hartemink was most interesting. There a . was a gift exchange. Mis". Harte- mink gave the courtesy remarks. 0, Canada and Grace were sung and lunch served by the hostess and directors Mrs, Hank Hate- mink and Mrt. Donald MacKin- non. The January 17th meeting Will be held at the home of Mrs. Virden Mowbray. with 'Mr. and , Mrs. Don Courtney and family. Me,. David Courtney from Halifax spent the past week and Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Don .COurtney Wingharn. Mr . and Mrs. Wm. Pace were Christmas pests of Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. R. Pace and family in Kin- cardine. Miss Gertrude Lee. Walden spent the. week end with Mr, and Mrs. Murray. ,Walden. • Mr. Glen and Ronnie Ferguson spent Christmas with' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ferguson were Mr.. and. Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and fain?. ily and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey, Marsha and Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer•Smeltzer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Art Smeltzer. • Mr. and. Mrs. Chester Emmer- ton spent Christmas . Day in Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowry and son are spending a month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harri- son in Vancouver; Yourecarrespondent wishes all a ''Happy New Year" HOLYROOD .At the euchre party which: was,- sponsored by the Women's Institute in , the -Holyrood Hall prizes were as folloWs, high lady , Marilyn Rhody; high gent, P. A. Murray; lucky couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPherson.; . • . , Mr. and Mrs.' Cliff Johnston entertained relatives and friends at,a pre-Christmas dinner. Mr.'and Mrs. Harold ,Elliott and family concession 8, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stanley of Lucknow at- tended the Hamilton Christmas on'Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hal-Mr-- ton, who is a resident in a nursing home iri"London, was able to join hei Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker were Visitors on Christmas with Mrs. 1Vlarion4Harris and Earl Harris. Friends ,frorn here were. sorry to learn that Mrs. Edna Whytock of Teeswater is'a Patient in the Wing ham and District Hospital.' Mrs. Whytock is a sister of Mr. Richard Elliott. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Derma and Dennis' held Christmas for the Johnston family and for New Years , Lloyd , Betty and the children were with her Mother Mrs. Bertha Haldenby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- . Ewan and family concession 10 spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ,Charlie Anderson of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Walter.Chesbro, Rhoda and Cathy" of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chesbro of Whitechurch spent Christmas eith with Mr. and. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott. Bruce and David. Mrs. Lyman Sutton, Mrs. Diane Gamble , Mrs. Amelia McLeod, Mrs; Ean Nicholson took residents from the Carruthers Nursinghome to Wingl4m for an afternoon of bowling They all enjoyed the afternoon. ' ' OLIVET We wish everyone a, Very Happy and Prosperous.1974. Visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mauer and Todd of Huron Park, Mr. and .Mrs, Doug Moore and boys of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rich and Paul of Wingham. • 'Home for the holidays were David ' Black of Kitchener and Bill Black of 'London. . and Mrs. Jack McGuire., and family visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel and children of Dublin.. •• Mr. Tasso Karantonis and friend of Toronto spent the week end here at their farm. We welcome 'to our community Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd and fam- ily, who recently purchased the farm 'of Mr. Herb Clayton. Mr. Clayton is now residing in Wing- ham. Janice and Julie Reeves of Rip-: ley spent Christmas evening with .Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and - family. " Celebrating Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and fam- ily and Mrs. W. R". Hamilton were Mr., and Mrs. John Fludder and Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hoff- man, Larry and Paula of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton and Jennifer of Hanover , !Ars. Maxine -Hoffman of Toronto and Andy Hamilton. Larry and Paula Hoffman of Lucknow and Debbie McFadden of Kineardine spent a few days visit- ing Mr. and' . Mrs. Ray Hamilton,• W endy and Joanne and Mrs. W.R. Hantilton. . .