HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 528B ACRES in Turnberry Town- ship, one of the finest farms in the area, Highway location, lov- , ely remodelled home with, spac- ous lawns,: barn stabled for beef, excellent fences, shown by, ap- pointment only. 100 ACMES Kinloss Township, very rolling, approximately 40 acres workable, balance rough land and bush, immediate pos- session. Asking $16,500. 4 BEDROOM apartment and store located in Lucknow, Camp- bell St., 3 piece bath and oil heat, 2 car garage and storage shed. MOBILE HOME located 'in -*fen- eset Park, lot 50 x .60, 2 bedroom, 4 piece bath, oil furnace, frig, washer, ' dryer and furnishings included. List price $10,000, pos- session end of January: 7 ROOM FRAME home located on Clyde St., LuclmOW, large lot 82 x 132, propane heaters, 2 piece bath. Immediate possession • a- vailable. Asking $12,500. WE HAVE a cash buyer for 100 -up to 200 acre farm, in the gen- eral area,; good buildings neces- sary. HAVE A BUYER for 100 acre farm with a barn, house not nec- essary. If 'you are thinking of buying or have property for sale give us" a call WARREN ZINN Phone .529-7350, Wilfred &Wee & Co., Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. — 'Over 60 Salesmen Working For Yott H. D, fURDON. Real (Oat* • •Limiied M.L.S. REALTOR RESTAURANT , with full line of equipment and living 'quarters on a lot 84' x 135' located in pros- perous district. Good business. Stock to be negotiated. Living quarters fully broadloomed, in- cludes 5 °bedrooms, 4 piece bath, full basement, oil heating, gar- age, bus to schools. Price $39,500. LOT 66' x 138' located in a shelt- ered quiet residential area. Price $1800.' Member of London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board for, M.L.S. Listings with 700 member salesmen o. sell for you and PHYLLIS HOGGART IPhone Wingham 357-3692 •-•••4••-• -• FOR RENT FOR RENT - mOdern 2. bedroom apartment, wall-to wall carpeting throughout, frig and. stove includ- ed , Ripley 395-2672. APARTMENT FOR RENT - avail; able imtneclia,tely , partially furn- ished if desired; Lloyd Ashton., phone 528-2174. ADMIRAL TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE" DON THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist LISTOWEL PHONE 291.1511 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE &. INVESTMENTS - To Protect. Your. Jack, Insure With,jack Today. J. A: McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor Lint/WEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon , Office in the Joynt Block Telephone': Lucknow 528-3116 R BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) A M. HARPER 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 The Square, Goderich Telephone 524,7562 WANTED WANTED — general ca 7 cabinets; formica and , arbori e tops. Elmer Culbert, Phone 395- 5298 or 395-5516. WANTED TO BUY — baled hay and straw. Mark' Rohrer, R. 3 Wingham, 357-2868 before 8:00 ap. or after "7 p.m. WANTED TO BUY= Dead Stock We pay up to $10.00 for dead COWS and. up to $20.00 for' dead horSeS, smaller animalS accord- ing to size. Call collect '881-3459 Walkerton or. Zenith .58130 (no toll charges) Graf Stock Re- moval. AGE'NT'WANTECi TEXAS •OIL COMPANY needs good sales representative for 'short trips surrounding -Lucknow Contact customers.. We train. Air mail D. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft, Worth, Tex. WANTED - a set of plain fertiliz- er feed wheels for older McCorrn- ick seed drill. Eldon .Ritchie, phone 529-7568. , HELP WANTED' SECRETARY ' This.is a senior secretarial poSi• tion requiring excellent secretar- ial. skills and the ability to com- municate effectively and to work independently • • . Duties/ will be related to work of Academic Superintendents and Supervisors. Salary range $5 ,100 to' $7.,100 with placement acCording to' ex- perience. Broad range of fridge benefits. Apply in writing to the under- signed on or before January 15,, 1974 giving details of'qualifica- tions and experience: THE BRUCE COUNTY,,BOARD OF EDUCATION Box 190 •Chesley , Ontario Attention: Superintendent -.Btlsi- ness and Finance. Clerical Assistant for the Media Centre of The Huron County, Board of Education This is a .half-time position AppliCations stating experience, references ' and telephone number should be addressed to: J. W. Coulter Superintendent of Program & Planning 103 Albert Street . Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO Peadline for 'applications is January 10, 1974. The Huron Coun,ty,Board of Educatiort- requires a Custodian at F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL Wingharn Written applications stating age, ex- perience and telephone number should be addressed-to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street,Oitte ton, Ontario NOM 11.0. Applicants. will be notified if requiied for an intirf: view. Deadline for applications - January 10,, 1974 REAL ESIAIE BROKER LUCKNOVV LOT Dry lot in Lucknow measuring 80' x 258', in a good location. _ Have clienti looking for • 150 - 200 ' acres beef farm — small acreage with house - also small parcels, of land within a radius of 5 miles of Lucknow. Have a four bedrOorn house in Lucknow for rent. WANTED LISTINGS. As we have prospective clients. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Bus. 528-2031 Res. 628-3821 NoticeTo,Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LAUREN-Cr SALKELD ALL, PERSONS' having claims 'against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on December 11, 1973, are required to file proof .of same' with 'the undersigned on or' before the 26th of January, 1974. After that date the Executrix will, proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 19th day of December,' A.D. 1973. ' CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors Wingham, Ontario Solictors for' the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of.' MAIZIE MAE MATHERS, Deceased All persons having a claim against the Estate of Maizie Mae Mathers, late of the Town- ship" of Kinloss, in the County of pruce •, Married.. Woman , deceas- ed, who died on or about the 24th day of •November 1973, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to • the undersign- ed Soliditor for the Estate, on or //before the. 25th day 'of January 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have notice., Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 27th day of December 1973. R. W.ANDREW, ' Listowel, Ontario. Solictor for. the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of MARY BELL MacLEOD Deceased All persons having claims a- gainst the Estate of Mary Bell MacLeod, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Housekeeper, deceased, who died on or aboUt the 11th day of Dec- ember, 1973, are hereby notified to send full particulars , of their claims' to the undersigned Solic- itor for the Estate, on or before the 25th day •of January, 1974, ' after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those ,ern titled thereto having regard only to the 'claims of which the Ex- ecutors shall then have notice: Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this. 27th day, of December, 1973. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors ' THE RED CROSS IS• PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING ' PEOPLE LIKE YOU JAMES A. PETERSON, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Ross Street Lucknow Phone 528-2016 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9;1974 CHISHIOLM FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and' bdustrY INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative • ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In ELECTRIC^ HEATING, ELECTRIC, WIRING AND REPAIRS' and - -ALL ELECTRICAL, APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available Lucknow -- Phone 528-5802 R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 197 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 , Res. Ph. 357-1015 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day, or Night •• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ar.