HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-01-09, Page 3Feature! - Flavour Cristals 31/4-0z:dello' Bags
20 Fl. Oz. Bottle
Feature! = 60-106 Watt -; Inside Frosted 6 to Pack
LIGHT Billbs
rT- r
4.4 4-4 "..; 4-.4, :Jr., 41/.-•
".,-; 4-4 :,r; 4.4
4.4 4.4
Vac packed ,
Canada Packers
r '71 -
Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Woods
and Shelley of Pembroke visited'
at Christmas with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Moffat , Lucknow,
Mrs, Clara Webster of LucknOw
spent the Christmas vacation
with Mr. and Mrs. Torn Jordan
and family of Mitchell. •
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Nixon
and family of Condon visited
during the-holiday season with
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nixon of
Alvin Robb of Ashfield return-
ed home from Wingham and. Dist-
rict Hospital on December 12, .
where he had been hospitaliied
for 18 days following an accident
at' Dominion Road 'Machinery Co.
Goderich, .where he 'is employed.
Mrs. George Forler of Barrie:
visited New Years Day with her
parents lVir. and Mrs. Robert Mof-
fat, Lucknow.
Sanderson's Ladies and Men's.
Wear„in Lucknow are having a -
rather novel draw in connection
with their Going-Out-Of-13usiness
Sale. In the 23 years they have •
been in 'business they accumulat-
ed a number of safety pins. They
are offering a prize to the one
guessing closest to the number of
pins displayed in their window.
Details are advertised elsewhere
in this issue,. '
Visitors at the hoine of Mrs.
'Charles. Steward , Lucknow during
the Christmas holiday were Mr.
and Mrs. 1-lugh Cunning, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith McCleary and Mr. and
Mrs, William Curning, all of
Chriitmas Day visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey.Houston were
J. I. and Lynne Houston of Downs-
view ; Wallace of London and Kerr
neth of Holyrood .
Christmas Day visitors with Mr.
and Mrs-. Floyd Stanley,, Ripley
were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley
of Lucknow , Mr. and Mrs.. Dan
Tollefson and family of Port
Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bed--
ford of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Stanley and Shawn
and Arthur Stanley of,Holyrood
Larry Stanley Of London-, Mr. and
.Mrs.' Leonard Stanley, Connie and
Cathy' of Kinlough, Mr. and Mrs':'
Kaake of Walkerton. '
Allan Maclntyre of Kinloss is a
patient in University Hospital,
London, where he has, been under-
going a series of tests.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilchrist
and Brian of Toronto were holiday
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gilchrist and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Gilchrist and family of Kinloss.
Mr . and- Mrs. Bruce Raynard
and family entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Raynard and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Murray, Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Irvin and Mr: and Mrs.
Fred Shtopshall, Mr. and Mrs. -
Doug Raynard , Mt. and Mrs.
:has Raynard and faniilies at the
?arish Hall on Xmas Day,
Annie..MacLeod spent Christmat
in London with her nieces, Janet •
Colley, Christine Shillington and
Helen Bain,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stanley and
Shawn of Holyrood visited recent-
ly with relatives in Detroit and
Windsor. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston,
Elizabeth., Margaret and David
Noble of Willowdiale; Mr. and
Mrs. Art Le Grand, Robbie and,.
Jimmy of Teeswater were last
week end visitors with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston,
Several families from this corn-
•munity spent ChristrnaS holidays
in Florida. Mr.. and.Mrs. Bob Mc
Intosh, Pamela and John; Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Finlay , Sandra and Paul;
'Mrs. Campbell Thompson and Jo-
anne ; Helen Thompson and Lorna
Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Dori /
Thoitipson, Susan, Nancy and
Donalda; all at Hollywood Beach.
Friends Of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Thompson, Mi. and Mrs. 'Bill
Kennedy and Kris'of Durhatn were'
also at Hollywood Beach for
Christmas. The Weather, while
there, was about 80 degrees daily
with nightime lows mostly around
the 70 degree , nark. An earlier
brief cold spell in the
south. was
experienced by the McIntosh \fam-
ily who arrived a few days earlier
thanthe others.
Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Roberts of
Haliburton visited their sister-in-
law Mrs. Peter Campbell, Luck-
now for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff MacMillan.
and family of St. Catharines and
son Mike of Thunder Bay were,.
holiday 'visitors with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. 4: MacMillan.,
Miss: A A. 'Clifford of -Stratford was
also-a visitor at,the MacMillan
- Mr. and. Mrs. Clare Johnstone .
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dagg and farhily in London.-
Other guests with them were Mrs.
Howard Dagg and Mrs. Mayme
CalVert both of Kincardine and
Mr. Hugh JOhnstone Of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton
of Lucknow , and Mr. and, Mrs.
Jim McNaughton Jr. of Toronto,
visited with Maureen's Mothet
and sister, Mrs. Shirley Calvert,
and Colleen, in Kitchener , over
the Christmas Holidays . • Visitors
on: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
McNaughton were Mr. and Mrs.
Rudie Henning; Elaine arid Norm-
'an of London,. Susan is getting.
around on crutches after having
a "total" hip replacement on her
left leg ih NoVerriber.. She has -
to return to University Hospital in
February , to hive the right hip
operated on. °
• Mrs. John Emerson of Lucknow
had her . nephew Steven Stothers
of Ottawa as a visitor during-the
holiday season. Mrs. Emerson
also visited' with her sister Mrs.'
Victor Whitley of Hamilton-for a
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Andrew
of Olds, Alberta (near Calgary)
spent two weeks in Lucknow with
their parents Dr. and Mrs. Brock
Cleland and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Andrew. Allan, Andrew of Guelph
University also visited with his