The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-22, Page 21WAY. DECEMBER 22,. 1973 5 Select your wedding invitations from our . complete catalogue. For you. .a Keepsake copy , ofyour Invitation in luxurious gold. INTERNATIONAL OP STRATFORD THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • • The 'outstanding abnormality in the asthma tic patient is an unusu- al increase in the irritability of the bronchial passages. Mild irritants which produce little re- sponse in the non-asthmatic , pro- duce a violent response in the airways of,the asthmatic person .leading to an attack, Asthnia has beendetc\ribed as a revertible lung disease , in that At this joyous season, may I take the Opportunity of extending to all my friends and clients best wishes for a very merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous New Year. HOP THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •••••••••••••••414••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••4•••••••••••,•••*••••••••••••••••••••••o4e; v. • 21. YEARS. AGO NOVEMBER 1962 Kiriloss Township Reeve and councillors were returned by ac- acclamation fora third term. The council comprised David H. Car- ruthers, reeve and councillors Harold Percy, P. A. Murray, Dan T. MacKinnon and Farish Moffat, Reeve, councillors and school trustees in West Wawanosh Town- ship were all re-elected by ac - . clarnation. Harold Gaunt was returned as reeve for his second term with councillors Ben john- ston, Gordon • Struthers, John Durnin and. Harvey Culbert . Wal- lace Miller and Wm. Webster were returned as school trustees. There was an election held in Ashfield Township to elect four couneillors from a slate of five. Elected were Cecil Blake, John Bradley Kenneth, MacKenzie and Andy Ritchie. Reeve Elmer Graham was returned to office by acclamation for 'his third term. R. G. (Dick) Martin of R. R. 6 Lucknow was elected reeve of Huron Township in a sweeping victory. Huron Councillors elect ed were Chester Ernmerton, John' Mac Murchy Russell ,Collins , Claude. Dore, EllwOod. It was gradually being stocked with flowers and vegetab- les. Mrs. Wm. -MacKenzie, MrS. WM. Murdie Mrs. Austin Solo- mon, G. H. Smith, Bob Fisher and S. C. Rathwell were appoint- ed a committee to arrange for the organization of a Horticultur- al Society in the Village. The department required a member- ship of fifty members. McKenzie's. Garage in Dungan- non was the setting for a checker tournament , when Garfield Mac-, Donald, Joe Agnew , Ross Mac- Millan, George Anderson, Wil- liam MacKenzie and F. D. McLennan of the Lucknow Checker Club were winners, playing two games, each with' Messrs. Ryan, Sherwood, Finnigan, Wiggins, Curran and Stonehouse of the Dungannon club. 61 YEARS AGO NOVEMBER 1912 • `A public. meeting was called for the Lucknow Town Hall, when every citizen was invited and urcred to Attend , for the purpose of organizing a Board of Trade for Lucknow and discussing ways and Means of improving the welfare of the village. The West Huron Telephone _Company was installing the phone in various houses along the line, east' of Kinlough. According to the assessment roll the population in Lucknow in 1911 was 1053 the total assess- ment' was $332,9'15 with the tax rate 25 mills; in 1912 the popula- tion eras 990, the total assess- ment $322,355 with the tax., rate 29'mills. 'Maim is not a cornmunicable disease and thus statistics are not compiled on the incidence of the disease. However , Dr. Rornan Bladek, Assistant Professor of ‘iled- icine at the University of TorOnto, says that asthma affects about two percent of the'popUlation and is present throughout the world. Dr. Bladek describes asthma as a respiratory disease characterized by an increased irritability of the bronchial tubes, With recurrent attacks of wheezing and shortness Of breath. During an attack the tnuscles surrounding the bionchial tubes go into Spasm and constrict the passages, the walls be.come thickened and increased secretions.in the tubes occupy the space: urgently required for the movement of air. PAGE TWENMONE its victims go from a normal, health state to a violent, life- threatening attack and return to normal again.• While 'asthma is seldom cured it can be' controlled. Continuing research is supplying new data about asthma, and new drugs have improved the - treatment.: r DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS We're dashing off to wish one and all cr loy-fined holiday. PORTER'S SEPTIC TANKS LUCKNOW 41 YEARS AGO NOVEMBER 1932 Austin Solomon erected a 'green house at the rear of his dwelling. The work was ddne mostly by himself and his son Best idlesfor risbnas VICTORIA. and . GREY TRUST Gode rich •-• From The Management And Staff . ASTHMA Statistics Canada estimates that.as many as one million med- ical services are provided yearly • for. Canadians suffering from asthma. In the hospital area . alone nearly 30 thousand asthma cases were treated in 1971, an in- crease of more than 22 hundred over the previous year.. WILLIAM L KINAHAN R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone Wingharn 357-1917 SUN WE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA