HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-22, Page 4ti r e 'Piga: SP "TUE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO'N, ONTARIO x,671/yr SATURDi►Y, DECEttAt,E •�1 � ccot. •. FOR SALE THE FANS Go WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE. Now on sale at The Lriw Sentinel for $'5.96. Don't Vm L Mail obis accepted at the ane FOR SALE - used Hoover washer spinp ' ,, good con - Cation. P t .. eMa-..hb�;. LUTOW SENTINEL — sale at Stanley's Sunoco, Umbaeh's Pbarmarl, H. and B. Discount anal oy e's Supegtast in L,otw. FOR S oven imidy. New York dressed fir gees.* and ducks. 1 , Tees - water, 392$486. EXCAVATING . AND TRUCE= sand and gravy. Phone Robert Syanes„ Laaew 5213-3047. SCORPION SNOUI'INOBILES. New models in stock, parts and clothing,_ cheat . us for used ' aacb'mes. Stuart Reavie, phone 14aftersix' - SILVER -LAKE _ GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Fresh areas _3 for !!e Vi Gallon Ice Cream -- Parkas -- Rubber Beets Coveralls NEW LIFE AND SUPERSWEET FEEDDEALER Open Daily tat ems. - 9,1111 perm Closed 'Tues., Fri,& ,e „-.elora. SNOW TiRES ARE a NOW AVAILABLE Lucknow District Co-op Phone 3'23125 PAPERING -- PAINTING Floor Sending ing aZ Spray Pa it; Fired Emberlin,Phone Luck - now.. FOR ME ORT -- Int wanthtrade'lZad and belt racy. t l for your t,r R.R. 5 Uncluntew;, 'Ottiaire per: .3509. e iU SALE — "a gallon steel bar - nes with open end, • o 1/f1; for hag garbs 0r. teed ' barns on tame also clean gas bareels or sap barrels SM delivered.,.. fa a glYth }52 141 errwrite Rom Ba ane n51, Bl t ' , Ontario. 10 at FOR SALE — Beatty aaturnatnt feed and Manure barrelling equip- mast, aup>tne t, Stabling and pith WS - teras. Co't,aet Beatty Fair 'OM CO**, Clanton 483-956L BRIDGE TALLIES 2 and table bridge tallies now available at titre Lrunkmow Sent- inel. WRAPPING PAPER •• Kraft roll, for bora~ or eMte., 49c. The L; ' ow Sentinel.. . TABLE ,PAPER, — "white or tel. routed deg few cevering ban - god or Pitiak Rabies,. The Lack - now Sentinel • BERG STABLE' EQUIPMENT leamrem , Ballk teams, Waaler Bowels, Cow Stalls and 1' erg Pan - ding. g. .Co LJioyd Jolmsten,. f .R. 3 Rulyrond., ply zuszna. . LORENZ a . ,DEAD STOCK SERVICE $2000 dead bosses, $1.910 over WOO pounds. Phone taker 369-12410 Durham.. fo FOR SALE ANDY'S REFRIGERATION: LTD. 4hour .. e Your Tyler Dim WINGAM, PHONE 3574104 Bulk Ta,, Freezers, Air coatdittio ners Repairs to all assess and appliances PICTURE FRAVIING — choose Masi 500 samples, also an arm of coloured matting. Snyder Stud* lringham, phone 35 -,135L. HELd,O B — for meetings, • etc.; Stick oit for 41 I f r application, ld,,, ,' The Luckaow Sestina. BEFORE THE AGE OF MIR- ACLES gnernaars of a country mor„ by Dr. W. V Johnston, mak, an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at. The backnow Sem, anla3�l 02 rs welcome. i FT. ARTIFICIAL SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES Ludlow. District C*p Phone SIN4129 USED SKATES FOR — for' veinal and. Pet ter Shoes,,L w, • 2011. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman .Rd's History of 1i * fit 0 Hay., firgt published in 1906,seam& printing in 1160. 7� PRICE S7 Aru U • SI for sipping and We alsn base available the sequel 0fthisu (0.a. • , 'Tire Instal, of The County of s re 1907 -1`.', written by.: Norman . IN — sanae price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Initallation.1 Estimate. Year Round Spee, t oiig Harker, Phone 361-sm13 led.. Box '4671 Hanover, O ttan i,.. i,'.faIiI;ft. .;0n1 FOR SALE — Van Dale Silo Un - (loaders, Qum Wraith, Rex 93 i oderadb.. ' i n U n' Reser 521- ,7002 r Shop 1/1_ EASY BOOKKEEPING' 1 books for 3 and 16 em-. l y` �awailablle alt The Lock- age, Sentinel (U BARN , ort U11Pl ENT -- complete ince of ,, men }T�ar(, 9 Egalle smut Sipe n e, n 9 O 1ti I0 ((0 n farm - tag: 7 Weld -1 • ro ecru galt"va*atees -1.•( Zero Miliciag SystemS.fir, Fanan $ Amsa'berley, fn. 1011 AUCTIONEER SERVICE *� ',. Grant .[i(lr IIJO a5;''ey wakee Ram* 'T eater Irieensed Auctioneers Sales of all types • Fume i "YinO ey 395-5552 Ta392-6170 .. ROT'S ALUMINUM SALES Al4TD SERVICE, win- dows, (doors.. For tree tra tumate call Roy Emilierlb, your lienal dealer. Per- NEW NEW NEW •oind: on" Matas with your name and address, no arm - herneeded, tett coloured NlitY►1 at left side ef lta'f , else for yaw cares- erasamans mft- a ton, M0 labels for S3.S0..We also &Ai beim the regularwhich need Lz*the abe i nwer prize, fir .31..' . The Luckawee Semi phone 5=812 t flHa;; USED . SIiOWMOEU.ES 1 ¢y1 -'W z '' WT 1573 .a1y��a. Ski -Whin, {3�4��0, �T r. j�nee y a700S Ski -Whiz; 15 2 19711. 'TNT Sura; 11.97,0 Capri Moto - Ski; 1970, Side' Whie Sib; 19159 320 Ski -Doo; 1568 Mo't . ev s 6 to 9 Tern. end all Sam ' Slot- StaoS zedPi , P,�i . Clark, phone -S. 'n „ann(0 (p 0`cw toff, 'i,'i •:fir. ya' r,`//i u r r•.i'r' % {{{/ '/ilr.f.,;: FOR SALE SKI WHIZ SNOWANOBILES • AIF' Ski -Whiz snovanobRes for 1974, 13 new models to choose from in a power range $» 20 to 40 R.P. Open eve S to 9 rum all day Saturdays. Clams Ferg- uson, -us , AW -Whir Sales and Ser- vl.vice, Point Clark., pbone, 395-5454. COUNTY OF BRUCE DIRECTORY 160;" A reprint' of the conal„ lists p®nelt„ numicipadities and ad- vertisements of that time, a Wealth of interesting and enlight- ening historf of dui period. XII C%An teal Christmas gift at person yds° is keen on history • and The Brew. Price LUCKNOW SENTINEL Phone -2e2 ROUSE FOR . SALE — modern brick timeitm,n Lave, 2 bed - TOMS, fa basement,, sec ream, electric beat, contact BM pbone 5 EOR SALE — ill •chunks off pigs. Cavite Ross Erringtes, " SL Helens. • 100 MOM SNOWMOBILES. AND ACCESSORIES a'ies i - full range of one and to pies scats. Silronwanndbile butts, fat liners, mn ,,face shields, bobbles, wiggles, mal socks and mar. Knit :liortt- wear ,incluthag sweaters, stids, mid, tarns, toqoes and balaes�,t�- vat1. l �' hi D r0 parkas.1lien's and lathes' deluxe NIjackets. Full line of IN Ski-fitP' its and accessories. New and re - come anal at preseasoned prices. Open reek day. ow/miners $ - t pin. Saturdays 9 a.m. to t p.m. CLARKE )FERGUSON MF Ski -Whin Sates and Service POINT CLARK ',no 'CI, WANTED WANTED- general (cabinets, . formica and admire logs. Elmer Qrittli :' .Plume 395- 5258 or Al 14.6. 041 1o(Gn' Il " Male NELPP waNTED Made wan net i inemethately for rfpine River • (sure Faders_ 0 -7115(Or nmthe evenings 355-2767. 'WANTED TO I ^'111 Q — hay and mow. Mark Rohm, R 3 I3:05 am. or air ,7 p.m. '°f 1/nt°1ln 1,0400'. 10'.0 '01 WANTED �—N�, (Olna'�'9,n'^ ilfp number 'o w�Les�xsq,��,, r(yb�piO,', r :'41 marry 10.11 0 nr•• 5l..T73.. 1S:IOtto WANTED TO ` . —.Desi Stock We pay clip to MA for aid COWS aim& up to $(1L(00 ffot dead talo smallerct7raaIs award- •,i4g Ito siz 44 WAk Ur Zenith 58130 ((ono Wi) Graff Ste& Re - =oval 11(0111 CARD OF THANKS Town and Country Cicala enema - bets *IA tolothat& the lAgiore Cher*Preebyterirair Iftreereettion group and dfl. others who wale thoughtlftd off than • ki g the pi year- Worcs Greetings ha jar& err thank a1 X4±'0sett Cavils *ale be s a pent ba Aa''cer - Mar - int i e Hospital, Gederidh mrd to .181iirres1QJ;C.W for cif telt. Affl eetiretiated. COMING EVENTS BLYTH. BINGO Come to Bis Lions Chit Blot every Saturday night at s.Nt ram. in Blyth . Memorial Ria. Jackpot on la ems. ' VARIETY CONCERT A V b , , sponsored, by itbe St. Hes W.I. will be held in St. Maas X1, Thruster, December 207th at 11:36 p.m. Cresent Band of %itug- ham will simply music. DUNGANNON CARD PARTY Damn L,:O.i, wall held their card partyon Iburstay, Iber. s nmDraitgarteen Oratge Rall. Everyone welcome. WINGHAM BINGO Wilt gham Legion Bingo at the �Lr�tl n Baall,,: Wi am, Weeisms- `�,, January 9 at Ilea 15�� regular it$l ie each game; 2 gime-the-wealth game $56 special saint go; Jardkpot game We en S ewe width $35 Vis. Ani ios $L06. Ex- tra and special c aids 3 for 50e or r? for Notice To Creditors NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS km Ike Estate of HENRY' JAMES MacKENZIE Deceased All parsecs ltur,7,n,za- gaimst the Estate of Henry James MacKenzie., late esff the Ashfield, im tie'Oro 44, mff FariMer„ y (1;11 •:•ti to about ttbe 29fta ekty of Seigenaber., 1171, are bardb37 1114) 117141 •:;qi tte setai 10 iL' pa iica ons off lbein• ams tin the Selicalor for the E l eff the .'alto:, . on or Wore tbe Sist day of December 1973, alter whicb date the ate lag to; t,fl�n ,io,yyu 1tt;ri e bz regard oraly iv.) the clams wlakita the c shall then n lure Dated at �, ,, '7r, day off Deeember 1973. R. W. ANDREW, List airell, •Ontario S/Ticelnor Thr aha Executers ro; 1 u1C.ju1 ul0 11101(1;•':1 •`0 `Jin•'.9i APPLICATIONS SECRTARY Ann®� exits ino'Ad- eninistrative Cantle* for an ete and references es •-in r0 m i (u be forward- ed to adzei0;' grazeiairy( JIM a at alt rd te$$:(a h j t�, Mr. R.. R. Alfa* s THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1t� Alinift Skeet Carlton, i0 9.1 1 :m a(cni ' 10,0111(0.1,m'atnw. to... pnn0• rU i SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ALD S'TO 1[ PHONE 359-74113 tl• FOR ESTIMATES None NILRAY FARMS Ll ABATTOIR, HOLM The best is Hem t Drog Free Bat ' Fresh flame Made Sam tam 141ling by affeiginatt Phone 5233132 NOTICE UNITRON are line aids made inCamila. Qi eras seeable you worry bee e years, plcrs a a itkv mat ` - It res EtZUSe CAS MII,a. HearibIngAcrd StaliCHe, Ave. 41 911;, 11.mit lL cum fl G HMO Finlay Decetraye fm I Sam, DezemberjaligalinS (0111 1.' 11111(01(1 : 1OS:IIIItO1 iaUiphi. NOTICE The will be en berth alt, Deena and 3Ist. Fairview IIs,. I Ill Onm: NOTICE. RE . KINLOSS TO'SiAif Neither 'paieI evEl be ae dmn• e(� mom_. erespessible for nos to suregibm, firma SIDN 7 uiinnnnlu(:(ti an all if it has tte �pipmert ���('7 eon a rte: ii k(9) "`k ttri}, iiili ad re person ill Ili Jr ,nen7elle en a highway mtainar r as the iota mamma t ttr11 iiia( Q(}T{p►tt,,,� 1nn.o of snow- i114�• its By order of N�iredlx� Pia Coura �l :n:1ue:•-f:f; '11; In) 1 '004 (0 ;01 min n11, 1114 o ' FOUND DOG MAID — gist ,,,ea tin r 11651 • 0if;(Iii In (0111nn 0 FOR REN. F rc RENT -- zwa 10';1 nmilran Hiatt stat a111,•in 0 04 did I($11(1 (1 0(0 loin mae ii cn IY..�ol w a _st"llbrest. ru,a.,e I 1 Real. Bpd .11 lEDICAI RESEARCI SPELLS HC Vow Ctrisenres bete= rrear>S t ittn tt)he ¢rm(mniimciirm gni and pother irogriirakii suite USE CHRIISIUMOS mans m LIFE vips;. -.60 •'1