HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-19, Page 23A Sentinel. Gift
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For that Christmas gift, one
which will be appreciated all
year long, give a new or renew-
al subscription to The Lucknow
Sentinel. $6 per year in Canada,
$8 for foreign. An attractive gift
card will be sent.
R.R. 7 Lucknow — Lanes — Phone 529-7248
SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES 100's ____2 for 45c
LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. 2 for 89c
Store will be open Boxing Day
Christmas Operetta At Lucknow Central
Public School Attracts Large Attendance
of the
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"Ebenezer and Friends", the
classic Christmas presentation
concerning Ebenezer Scrooge,
was the name of the Operetta stag-
ed on Friday night by the senior
students of Lucknow Central
The auditorium was full for
the presentation.
Pribr to the operetta , several
piano numbers were played by
Cathy Gillespie, Laurie Clark ,
Susan Thompson, Cathy Brooks,
Etta Belle MacDonald , Jill Murray
Kathryn McKim.
A group of trumpeters from the
school band performed for the
audience, 'Paddy Murray , Eric •
Cayley , Colin Cameron, Wayne
Bell , .Glenda Jamieson, Suzanne
Kinloss Native
Died In West
Thomas Henry (Harry) Lockhart
passed away on November 26
1973 at the Carrot River Union
Hospital 'in Saskatchewan.
Funeral services were held
from the Carrot River United 5)
Church on\ Friday, November 30th
at 2 p.m. conducted by
Rev. Boyd and Rev. P. Peters.
Mr. Lockhart leaves.to mourn
his passing his wife 'Margaret , one
daughter Mrs. J. (Myrl) Old-
ford of North Surrey B.C. , two
sons Charles (Bud) and James
(Jim) both of Carrot River, eleven
grandchildren and fourteen great
grandchildren : two brothers John
of Kincardine and George of
Lucknow and three sisters Mrs.
Elmer. (Agnes) Johnston of Luck-.
now, Mrs. Elwell (Grace) Web-
ster:of Wingham and Mrs. Wes
(Evelyn) Huston of Kitchener'.
Born in Lucknow, Ontario he
went to Tuxford Saskatchewan
in 1909 and later homesteaded in
the Valor district near Assiniboia
Saskatchewan. Married in 1913
to Margaret Jack they resided in
Limerick; Saskatchewan until
moving' to the Petaigan (Carrot
River) district in 1933, where they
operated, a general store until
moving the business into. Carrot
River in 1953 and retiring' there in
1961‘34r.. and Mrs. Lockhart celebrat-
ed their Diamond Wedding Anniv-
ersary on April 3rd of this year.
Interment was at Pine Grove
Memorial Gardens, Carrot River
with Conventry's Funeral Service,
in charge.
Corrin. Paddy, Wayne and Suzan-
ne played a' trio number with'
Mary Lynn Cayley accompanying
on the piano.
The Operetta was introduced
by Epic Cayley and had , as its main
characters: Scrooge Jay 'Pass-
more; Bob Cratchit , David Hanna;
First Fund' Raiser , 'Grant Gilchrist;
Second Fund Raiser, Wayne Bell;
Marley, Ron Johnson; Spirit of
Christrrias Past , Margaret Mack',
tyre; Spirit of Christmas Present ,
Norma Maclntyre; Spirit of Christ:
mas Future Lynne Nicolson;
Boy, Austin O'Donnell; Mrs.
Ciatchit , Barbara' LOree; Peter,
Rick Conley; Martha , Glenna Wil.
kin;' Mary , Mary Lynn Cayley;
Belinda ,,Irene Reithnecht;
George, Mike McDonagh; Tim,
Raymond Cunningham.
There were several musical solo
numbers by the main characters•
as well as numerous choir num-
bers by a large supporting cast. •
During intermission, Mrs. Jeff,
Mac Murray , a teacher at the'
school, directed a group of young
musicians playing recorders. ,
btheis who assisted with the'
presentation were: stage hands,
Jim Clarke; Wayne McLean; Rick
Whitby; Torn Johnstone; lights.
Chtick Huntington; Curtain, Pat
Murray; Pianists, Tom Henderson,
Barbara Cameron, Mrs. Donalda
Scott., Music Supervisor.
Chuck Huntington expressed the
thanks of the students to all the'
teachers and others who had assist-
ed in the.Presentation.
Wins Trophy
For Third Year
Mrs. Ray Pennington of Tees-
water was presented with the Mey.
ers Meat Market Special for the •
most number of points in the
home baking class which was open
to residents of'Teeswater and
Culross. This was the 3rd con-
secutive year that Donna has won
this trophy.
She also received the Torn Mel-
vin Special for the, most points
in the Domestic Science, Can-
ning and Preserving Class.
The presentation took place at
the Teeswater Agricultural Soc-
iety awards night in the Hillcrest
Central School Teeswater on Dec-
ember 1st. Donna is the daughter
of Mrs. Elmer Osborne of the 4th
concession of Huron. Congratu-
lation.s4Donria I.
Royal Bank of Canada was official•
ly opened in Lucknow on Thurs-
day. Al Pacey, left, Agri-Bank
manager for South Bruce and North
Huron, will act as supervising
manager for the Lucknow and
Ripley branches and will spend
most of his time on the road ,
travelling to farms with the bank-
mobile. On the right is Ray Nelt- •
son,' manager of the Lucknow
branch , who will devote his full
time to the operation of the Luck-
now branch. He recently purchas-
ed /the home of Mac Conley of
gifts it be found in Lucknow stores
Bring the kids to lucknow on Saturdciy an
while they are enjoying free skating,
compliments of lucknow Business Places,
ave a look at the wide variety of Christmas
Saturday Afternoon;
December 22.