HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-19, Page 20THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW9 ONTARIO
nited Church
Treat Injuries
At Hospital
Paul Montgomery , age 10,
Wingham, received a lacerated
ear playing hockey at the Wing7
ham arena.
Joseph Hallahan, age 10 , fell
while playing and fractured his
left wrist.
Ivirs. Leona Spindler . age 55 ,
Belgrave . was a passenger, in a
car driven by VAlliam'A. Reich
which was in collision with a
Listowel'Transport truck at the
corner of Arthur and Water Street
Wingham. She received contu-
sions to the knees and was later
released investigated by Con-
stable Arponen.
Martin Verberne , age 18. R.R.
1 Seaforth, was' a passenger in a
car which went out of control
approximately 2 1/2 miles North
of Lucknow and slid into a ditch.
He/received a lacerated right
hand . Investigated by Kincardine
0,P .P. Dawson.
Deborah Adairns, age 14,4R. R.
2 Bluevale, was admitted to hos-
pital with hip injuries suffered
when she fell 'from her horse. Her
condition is satisfactory. .
There's Still Time
to include a Portable Typewriter in
your Christmas Gift List
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We can now supply the • II. ' •
Corsair Dell4e Portable
regular $69.95
Drop in and see this sharp little machine or give us a call
and we'd be glad to set one aside for you&
Lucknow Phone 528-2$21
and smocked bodice.
Following a wedding trip for.
two weeks in..Florida the couple
will reside at R. R. .1 New Ham-
burg, Where the groom has his own
business, Hillcrest Service Garage.
- The bride was formerly em-
ployed with Goodall and Camp-
bell, Wingham. -
Prior to her marriage the bride
was, honoured at several showers.
A miscellaneous shower was given
by Mrs. Janet Kleihauer of Rostock
and Mrs. Ron Martin of Wasaga
when relatives and friends gather-
ed at Rostock Community Hall
for apot luck supper; the staffs of
Goodall and Campbell, and Craw-
ford. Mill and Davies law firms
in Wingham gathered for a Chin-
ese dinner and personal gifts were
presented to the bride-elect;. a
grocery shower was given with Mrs
Dolores Hofstetter,/ of New. Ham-
burg as hostess at her home; a
community shower was held at
St. Helens Community Hall.
Following their marriage neigh ,
bouts at New Hamburg held a
shower at the home of"Mrs. Joe
Kienapple , when the bride and
groom were presented with an el-
ectric knife and a set of glasses.
Calvin United Church, St. Hel-
ens.' was the setting on Saturday,
November 24th at 3.30 o'clock
for the-wedding of Carol Anne
Martin and 'Donald Carson Gil-
more of New Hamburg.
The bride is the daughter of
Ivir. and Mrs. Sheldon C. D;
Martin of R. R. 2 Lucknow. The
groan is the son of the, late Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stanley Gilmore
of R. R. 1 Palmerston.
Rev. James E. Hummel Offic-
iated At the double ring cere.m-
Given in.marriage by her father .
the bride, who made her own
dress, wore a long-sleeved floor
length gown of white polyester
cashmere .with full cuffed sleev-
es, A-line skirt trimmed with
lace , and detachable train tied at
the waist. Her fingertip -
veil of fine tulle was held by a,
crown of daistes. She carried
red roses and stephanotis.
Matron of honour was Mrs.
Guenther Kleihaurer of Rostock,
Ontario sister of the bride.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ronald
Martin of Wasaga Beach, sister-
In-law of the bride , Mrs. Neil
Hofstetter of New Hamburg and
Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin of Wingham.
All the attendants were simil-
arly dressed in lacoste-stitch
red polyester gowns with lace
trimmed white collar and cuffs.
They carried red roses on white
Groomsman was John Brown of
Gorrie :.
Ushers were. Earl Gilmore of
R. R. 1 Pahnersron, James Gil-
more of Owen Sound . both broth-
ers of the bridegroom. and Wayne
Martin of Rostock, brother of the..
Organists were Mrs. Thomas
Pritchard and Miss Barbara Cam-
eron. The Calvin United Church
choir led, by Miss Peggy Gordon
sang "0 Perfect Love", "0 God
-from whom Mankind Derives its
Name" and "Joyful. Joyful we
Auore Thee".
A reception followedgn St.
Helens Community Hall which wa
decorated with white mums and
red roses.
The, bride's mother chose a
gown of deep pink with lace hod
ice. long sleeves and`red rose
For travelling the bride wore a
long brown gown, tied at the back
High Standing In
Military CoUtse
Congratulations to Jim Dore,
who graduated in the Military
Police Course at C. F.B. Borden
on Tuesday. Jim was second in
his class with an average of 9 Vo.
Folks from this area extend
greetings for a very Merry Christ-
mas and Prosperous New Year to
Visitors last week end of Mr.
and Mrs. George Emerson and
Bob were Dr. and Mrs. Jim Em-
zrson. Frankie and Susan of
Charing Cross. Sunday guests of
the Emerson were Marion's broth-
er and his wife , Mr. and Mrs.
MacLean Bell of Edmonton and
Mr. and Mrs. George Moncrief of
Some from this area attended
the St. Andrews United Chiirch
supper and Christmas tree .
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Elliott
of Kincardine visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott and
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don
McCosh on Sunday were Currie.
Betty and Anne Colwell, Valerie
Stanley and Joyce Elliott. Currie,
Betty and Anne leave this week
for Winnipeg wherey plan to
spend Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs, Bruce Colwell.
Deepest sympathy is 'extended
the Blackwell families on the pas-
sing of Mrs. Fred Blackwell.
Misses Margie Collins and Cathy
Dore attended Sutton Park Inn's
Staff Christmas party on Sunday
The regular meeting of the
Lucknow Girl Guides was held
December -13th. The meeting
started off with a game led by the
Swallow Patrol.'
Roll call was takentand foltow-
ed by Horteshow formation
Raising and 0 Canada. Tb
of the, meeting was
taken up with putting price
the Bazaar items.
Campfire was led by Etta
MacDonald. the meeting ti
closed with vespers and tap
The Bazaar held on Satui
was quite: successful. we I
ed about $60.00 towards ou
trip. We now have raised
out of the $150. required, .
thank you goes out to Mr,
JOynt •, who kindly loaned it
store front for no charge for
bazaar. It was greatly app