HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-19, Page 15RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL EDITOR, DIANNE MacKA Ass/sTANTS, JANICE REEVES AYWYNE NICHOLSON I LUC/KNOW I Phone 5Z8-3009 Residence 528-2119 Snowmobile Suits ladies' cad IRON'S reg. value up to $69.95 tor. Children's 2 - 3x 4 P ex '2995 S 8.9 5 09 S. Snowmobile Boots, Seal skin boots rig. value up to 924.95` tIG RED Sommaile Oil S'95 GAL. 404 high performance mix Bring your *am container and save money USED SNOWMOBILES WI Moto .Ski Capri 339 Electric 1173 Yamaha Demo 433 Electric en Yarnell* Maw SW 433 wide track 674, Moto Ski cadet 4 Moto Ski :Future 340 Yamaha SIN 292 SILVERSTONE ENTERPRISES 3 .9 5-2300 TO TO KINCARDINE SiLyERVIDNE 4TH OF HURON Tournament has been planned for , Guelph at the' University of Guelph. sometime iii idlay. It is the hope . of prOinoters to eventually gear . this tourney to a Provincial play - off and perhaps a Dominion-wide ' tourney. At present i will.he an • , Area event, but. this will still • mean that in order to see which team and what individuals will get to go'; there will have to be. District playoffs and also a. Divi- sioli playoff. There seems to be considerable interest in. Beaver Division 'by the girls to .enter this Competition, so the event should prove' most succesSful.. E.xecutive members likewise . felt there should be a closer'Fela tionship in Beaver Divisiel, so a Divisional Annual was planned. tor April 27th in Hanover (Sara— lite Company to be the hosts) and this will allow the Guiders a chance to meet one another. . ' At The LUCKNOW SENTINEL • R.D.S. annual Christmas dance (for secondary studerip only!) with MacKenzie providing the ' music from 9 tit 12. The admis- sion is $2.00 and $3.75 per couple. There area few, new dance regulations,that will be en-. forced. You must bring a student's card or be an ex R. D. H. S. student or be signed in at the office before 3.3. on the day of the dance. gvERsifY DAY W.D.S -S. hosted University ay on December 6 with Level IV V's from Enloe County second. schools attending. Various • 'versities were in attendance ith representatives giving out abiable information to students ho were interested in their res- tive institutions of firther ed- anon. •• -H CLUB Again this year the -H Forest- club has started up again with bout twenty members showing erest in this project. Mr. a and Ab Wylds are looking et the supervision with asost- e from the OMAF offices, at alkerfon. The members pres- elected the 'following ecutive: President, Wray hompson; Vice President , Car- n, Courtney; Secretary-Treasur- , Bob Campbell; Press Reporter , nne MacKay. Mr. Wylds led a discussion on the various trees found in our area. The trees found along R. D.S. are a hard . sugar maple variety and another common tree is the white ash. The membefs then went outside and inspected some twigs with Mr. Wylds giving the commentary If anybody else wishes to join the forestry club they're most wel- come. YEARBooK REMINDER • According 'to yearbook editor • Roy. Ferguson , Wednesday , Dec - ember 19th, is the.deadline for your two dollar deposit on This year's Yearbook. Reinember', that two dollars isn't very much when you 'fondly remember the • good life at R.D.S. when you're -old and grey-11 CHRIST lvIAS DANCE . Thursday , December, 20 is • GET WELL SOON We Hope that Mr. Murdock MacDonald is feeling much better after his sudden illness at school. Everyone hopes to see hiri-: back in the halls of R. D.S. sooc!! ;URLING .. As in the past ; the curling teams of students took 'to the ice last MonriPy and Tuesday nights. .Curling'starts at 4. c. o'clock and the reams usually finish around 6.00. o'clock. The. work in this sport, is' equal to the fun that you have !I , CHRISTMAS SHOPPLNG SOL- VED — "Before the .Age of Wracks", a best selling Can- adian book by Dr. W. Victor Johnston, ' Lucknow general practitioner for 30 years, is available from the Luclmow Sentinel, phone 528-2822 for $6.95. Also, Paul Henderson's book ' "The Fans Go Wild" at $5.95. Mailed anywhere in Can- ada or United States at no ad- ditional charge Wawanash Man Died Suddenly 'RC- l Arc The cleat. cf 7. occurred sadder..2. of: sor or 7 nes da.‘ woc was 'r. year , was a fa.rl•ner ark. 1,:ia.c.ks:t.it't ',Ia.:. neer rel-..red to 7.11.t. Fits: itsv . lc Va. hurt: stli: or ....tatitaar u ant. 0,airgaze: F•eurnan. I:, • znar- r..e: e.rtia . • _+i: till: Wes: i.: . VAr. ,'..actisot, :nereav e: :fns" r.n• v.": it • :VP: branterz ant L S:;;;;:e: , RC.' , an:. 71a-m1w it. . o: sever , 1%. es; V.T. 72..florc. ?moor: o: Dtitir..atutot littaot . . ear: z'...tritisltot n' Guest . V:avra- riost n: Brussels , tollt4zt t41.7.woott; also ir:all-tr..:11.jarel UM, 1 !!„1'.2zi: .gritn.0 brattith.miC, cite ant. ;,,,.h& ;re puck. nhhisnt alit laid . iiitronview Clintut. .ittitera'.1 servwt at :211ape, rind tato‘k at •7,-iuv , I/et:enure; 1.4a; • tr..1111 Ste:. N C1111.rCi V/tittectrurcr ,.. "etittrorar .,entottionteir v:a. Beaver Division Make 74 Plans "heaver" Division or the Girl Gt.ioes Brownies held an ••.7.x- c=Utly :neeting at immaculate C:olic•eptior School -Formosa with 7,-.-..lez -..1.ners presenit. • • I, beaver °Division comprises an area•encircied bt Gocierich , Chu- , 'tot. , Listowel , Pa iiiterston , . i-hur• iStor., Mount Forest , Durham , • ttoicia)w . It was noted that Barrie. i&going . • host the ''Gtacier Gathering" on .March BO: and 9th , FOur Brown., Guiders and Four, Blut Glaciers will he able to attend Troll; Beaver Division. The choice nf girls to attend will be announo • ec. is hater date The Area Annual. (Silver. Bircr Area) iSto.ite iteld April 5:t. ant bd. .1;itcitener while tilt provincial annual wit be he's: at 1 PeterbOrougn or May loth , land • ,• C:onithissionefs'Iramini; ses - sun, was se: for Allisttir or. Feb- truart liith and trith. All District Ciontmissioners were . urged to attend tins important .meeting .t•I Volleyball and Badminton pNESPAY„ DECEMBER 19, 1973 THE 1.1iCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK-140W, ONTARIO' !1 141 2.• PAGE FIFTEEN. • , re.3:ittl. plant vier: . t,Latz. Brno] ',Irwin .kiltret ,..t,icket. St: attte.t 1)0.110ea ter . keq, htittci. Jac: it itciiisot Brat . . i311 , Tilt various departments in heaver g,PVt a report on their work over Cite liast year and what.they plan to cio ii' the future. The • Division's budget 'was also set for 11!T. with: expenditures expected cc meet The $1 ,8011.0U. mark. The next meeting will be held in Clinton's Legion Hail on Mon- day, March 4th.