HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-19, Page 10Centennial Year ecial Service • . AT. - LUCKNOI PRESBYTERIANCHURCII Siinday Evening, December :30 At 7:30 P.M. VERY SPECIAL MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE WINGNAg PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' SEXTET UNDER THE DIRECTION OF • MRS. CORA ROBERTSON This concludes a most successful year of Centennial Services Everyone is' invited to join us in this Evening Service LUNCH WILL BE SERVED LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, Minister, , DECEMBER 23rd • ADVENT 4 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship DECEMBER i4 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Service and Holy Communion led by the Youth Group and the Minister CHRISTMAS MESSAGE t May, the love and pear and joy revealed in Jesus. the Christ, I be yours during this Christmas. season and always. ' • • ••••••.•••••••••• Lucknow Presbyterian Church R. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 57102740 073 IS. CENTENNIAL YEAR OF THIS CHURCH DECEMBER 23rd Christmas Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School MOO a.m. Morning Worship The Centennial Book of this church would make an 'excellent Christmas gift — one that can be remembered for" life St. Hflons UCIN On December 11th Mrs. James Hummel opened her home for the meeting of the St. Helens United Church Women. Mrs, Tom Todd read the lust scripture lesson and everyone joined in singing "Joy to the World". Mrs. B. F. Green read the second passage of scriptuie and SUent Night was sung. Mrs. Simon de Boer presided at the' piano for the meeting and she sang the first verse of Silent , Night in Dutch, smarLSardzisCIVil CORSI CHOOSE YOUR GIFT LUGGAGE FROM THE WIDE SELECTION. AT PETTER SHOES Luclaiow Phone' 528-2011 A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION PENS! From 190 up THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MEMBER It PAGE TEN THE. PARISH OF ST, PETER'S; LUCKNOW CHRISTMASTIDE SERVICES Christmas. Eve - 11:30 P.M. The Holy: Eucharist Christmas Day -I 11:00 A.M. The Holy Eucharist and The Bletsing of Children * , Sunday after Christmas December 30th Day Service of the Nine Lessons ST. PAUL'S, RIPLEY 11:00 A.M. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Steinpvood Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) Sunday School Christmas Program. December 21, 8 p.m. Christmas Day Service 10:30 a.m. New Year's. Eve Service 8:00 p.m.. New Year's Day Service 10:30 a.m. VISITORS WELCOME. Mrt. Robt. Osborne Is tiON Leader Mrs. Reg Mocie was guest speaker when the Olivet unit of St. Andrews: United Churdh held their Christmas meeting -at the home of Mrs. Katherine Coiling on Thursday evening. Mrs. Moore spoke of God's Christmas gifts to The nominating committee pre- sented the slate of officers, which was adepted. Mrs, Robert Osborne is the new leader and Mrs. Walter Black her assistant, ' A "Live Love"-project was dis- cussed but no-decision was however a donation to the medical mission • to Lepets, will be sera again this year.. Courtesy remarks were given by Mts. jack McGuire and the meet- ing was closed with all repeating the benediction, after which binch was served and Christmas gifts were exchanged. Mrs. E. Barber read the third passage of scripture and was fol- lowed by a short skit by Isobel Miller and Mrs. Don Cameron, "The Visited Planet" adapted from a story by J. P. Philips. Mrs, Hummel had a prayer , fol- lowed by the offering and the hymn, "O Little Town of Bethle- hem". A short prayer by Mts.. Hurnmel was followed by a solo by Mrs. S. de •,er entitled "Dutch Even- : ing Song". After a short busiliess meeting RoSalea Cameron, accompanied' by her brother Colin, sang two solos. The group sang "White Christmas" and "Away in a Mang e.r" , followed by grace. A bountiful Christmas lunch w enjoyed by all• during a social half hour. Mrs. Tom Todd gave the courtesy remarks. Lucknow LICW Hold Annual The annual meeting of the Luck now United Church Women was held in the fellowship room on December 13 commencing at '1.30 with dessertand coffee served by executive members. Mts. Eldon Ritchie , stewardship convener, 1.1ras in charge of the devotional period assisted by Mrs. Ernest Ackert Jr. Mrs. Al Irwin, Mrs. Glen Walden and Mrs. Rob., en Nicholls 3S pianist. The Christmas message was made very real by scripture, readings and song with conclusion that the good of Christmas still outweighs the commercial abuse so evident today. Mrs. Raynard Ackert , president , welcomed the ladies and expres- sed her thanks to all for their co- operation and dedication to the women's work in the churCh as a whole. Minutes of the last gener- al meeting as well as/a summary of the year's work was read by Mrs. Harvey Houston. The offer- ing was received by Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and Mrs. Albert Morning- star and dedicated by Mrs. Ken Cameron. Each unit secretary read high- lights of their unit's activities. Detailed reports by each chair- man were given andtMrs. Alex Andrew for Supply and Welfare; Citizenship. Mrs. J. Treleaven; Special Occasions, Mrs.. E. Hend- erson; Community PriendshiP. Mts. Garfield MacDonald; Stew- ardship, Mrs. Eldon Ritchie; Mis- si.nary and Education, Mrs.. Rob- ert Nicholls; Literature, Mrs.. Bryce Elliott; Membership, Mrs. Smart Collye.r; Nominations, Mrs. V. J. Hunter, Lists' of the new unit member- ship rolls were posted for 1974- '75. All units wall meet together in the church on January 8th at which time the new mission study will be presented. Mrs. Robert Finlay presented the financial re- port and reviewed 'the 1973 bud- get. As of December 13th, re- ceipts were $3794.93. Major expenditures were $1500 to' the mission and service' fund. $50 over and above our allocation, and $1500 to the building fund of our church. Mrs. Graham' repott- ed for the piano committee and it was decided not to buy the piano which has been in the church On a rental basis. Rev. Robert Nich- olls closed the meeting with pray- er. Dungannon UCW DUNGANNON NEWS On Tuesday, December 11, at noon, the' Dungannon 11.c. W. had their pot-luck dinner for their Christmas meeting. Guests in- cluded neighbours and other mem- bers of the church, and all enjoy- ed the social gathering and ex- change of gifts. This was followed by the regul- ar meeting with the president. Mrs. Lorne Hasty , and secretary . Mrs. Graham McNee in charge. Mrs. Leonard Reed was pianist for the Carols. The, Christmas meditation pre- ceded a lovely skit. "The Angels` Point of View" given by Mrs. K. K. Dawson and Mrs. Nel- son Pearson assisted by Mrs, Clar- ence NIcCle.naghati. A largc globe of the world in front of a, golden background show- ing other planets provided the illu- stration as .they illumined the ' lobe and told-the story. The slate of officers for U.C. W. s prepared by the nominating on/mime , Mrs. Jack Alton. Mrs, Lorne Itatty and Mrs. Wilfred entland was read, and accepted: ast Ftesident is NIrs. Graham McNee; President for 2nd ear, Mrs. Lorne Hasty; Secretary Mrs. Graham McNee; Treasurer . Mrs. Harvey Alton; Press Reporter, Mts. K. K. Dawson; Pianist . „MES. • Busy . Buddies . The Busy .Buddies held 'a spec/ Christmas meeting in the latelt PreSbyterian Church basement thUrsday December 13th at 4„( p m... This meeting was forth. young • children's benefit. Men .bers with children broughtther this meeting and . the program w On their level. The meeting began by singin well -known carols Away Manger and Silent Night, Dm Moffat had two interesting Stott for the children. Santa and his. Toys 'and 4 juvenile version ef birth of jestIS'..• The .children we all in favour of singing Away it Manger again so this was done. The children played racing 'games , Wrote a Letter to lily 1,, Farther in the Deli and Ravi Everyone enjoyed a hotthoo late drink and, before the child went home b40 of candy were handed out. Mars -Stanley and Betty Men agh are in, charge of the next . -me6ting:. Lois boble is.in chat of lunch , - The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January at .8.06 , We hope to.seq li.e.ryone out in the ..Nw. Year. Leonard Reed Other committee groqs wit be listed later in our new pro bOoklet.