HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-19, Page 4FOR SALE FOR SALE . :•-COMING EVE Notice To Credi NOTICE TO CREDIT In the Estate of HENRY JAMES MacK Deceased All persons having el gainst the Estate of Henry MacKenzie, late of the T of Ashfield, in the Co Huron, Retired Farmer, ed, who died on or about day of September, 1 hereby notified to send f iculars of their claims undersigned Solicitor for ecutrices of the Estate, before the 31st day of 1973, after which date th will be distributed among entitled thereto having• only to the claims of w Executrices shall ' th notice. Dated atListowel, Ont 7th day of December 1973 R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Exe (1) THE RED CROS PEOPLE LIKE HELPING PEOPLE LIKE 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER • • • N'k FOR SALE FOR SALE THE FANS GO WILD PAUL, HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Setitinel for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price. FOR SALE - used -Hoover washer spin drYer, good con- dition. Phone 528-2528. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for iale at Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharmacy, H. and B. Discount _and Koyle's Supertest in I.aucknow. FOR SALE - oven ready N'ew York dressed or live geese and ducks. George. Detzler, Tees- water, 392-6486. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel, Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047. SCORPION SNOWMOBILES • New models in stock, parts and clothing, check 'us for used machines. Stuart Reavie, phone, 528-3010; after six 528-2028. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO Fresh Bread 3 for 99e Gallon Ice. Cream - 99c Parkas -- Rubber Boots Coveralls NEW LIFE AND . SUPERSWEET FEED DEALER , ;Open Daily 8:30 a.m..- 9:00 p.m. -Closed Tues,,Fri, Sun., evenings SNOW 'TIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Lucknow District Co-Op Phone 528-2125 PAPERING -- PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- now. FOR SALE OR TRADE - Int. 275 with loader and belt pulley. Will trade for your tractor need- ing repairs. R.R. 5 Lucknow, Ontario, phone 357-3569. PLAYING CARDS '.- a brand new selection of single and double decks of cards now in stock ,make an excellent gift; al- so euchre cards, jumbo index cards for those with sight prob- lems, bridge and euchre tallies, The Lucknow Senthiel. FOR SALE - new factory built 8 foot truck topper, 24" high, in- sulated and panelled. Gordon An- derson, phone 529-7358. FOR SALE -- 45 gallon steel bar- rels with open end, good for burn- ing garbage or feed barrels on farm: also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird Box 51, Blyth, Ontario. BUILDING FOR SALE Building on Main Road, good strong construction, in the Luck- now - Wingham area. Could store 100 tons grain. Has some grinding equipment or could be Used for warehouse, retail sales outlet, manufacturing, machine shop or eed cleaning. Suggested price $21,000. Financing can be ar- ranged. Apply in writing with phone number to BOX A % THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE /- Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centret Clinton 482-9561. BRIDGE TALLIES 2 and 3 table bridge tallies now available' at 'the Lucknew Sent- inel. ' FOR SALE - propane stove with annex for,, wood or coal. Mrs. Clara .Webster, phone 528-2940. ANDY'S REFRIGERATION LTD.' 24 hour emergency, service Your Tyler Dealer WINGHAM, PHONE 357-3484 Bulk Tanks, Freezers; Air conditioners Repairs to all makes and aPpliances PICTURE FRAMING - choose from 500 samples, • also an array of coloured matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 357-1851. HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick to clothing for simple application, The Lucknow Sentinel. BEFORE THE AGE OF MIR- ACLES - memoirs of a country doctor, by: Dr. W. V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift, at any time, $6,95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. FOR SALE. OR RENT - double size mobile home in Kinloss, three bedrooms, stove, frig and dishwasher. $125 per month rent- al. Plione 396-3739 evenings. 6 FT. ARTIFICIAL SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES Lucknow District Co-op Phone 5284125 USED SKATES FOR SALE --- for men, women and children. Pet- ter Shoes, Lucknow, phone 528- 2011. FOR SALE 1973 Ski Whiz snowmobile 400 c.c.; 1973 Scorp- ion snowmobile 340 c.c. Phone 529-7521 evenings. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published in 1906, second printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The. County of Bruce 1907 -' 1968 written by Norman McLeod same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- loaders, George Wraith, Box 95 Goderich. Phone Residence 524- 7002 or Shop 5246511. STUCK FOR A GIFT IDEA! Make a boy or girl happy with an aquarium; Christmas special, free' ten gallon aquarium when you purchase the accessories to ' go with it. We also have' a com- plete line of dog , and cat gifts. THE FISH BOWL Downtown Luclmow FOR SALE -- pump organ (Dun- gannon Church). °intact Mr. and Mrs. Art Stewart 5294326. Offers are to be in by Friday, December 21st: EASY. BOOKKEEPING Payroll books for 8' and 16 em- ployees, available at The Luck- now Sentinel. BARN EQUIPMENT -- complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for 'pushbutton farm- ing: * Westeel-Rosco Granaries 1",r Zero Milking Systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR SALE - Imura skis with step-in bindings size 9 boots, boot presses, poles, stretch ski pants, size 28 - ,,32; Tasco Refractor Telescope 180 power, tripod stand, excellent condition, phone 528- 3202. FOR SALE -- 5 piece chrome kitchen set, chairs newly covered; lady's brown mini-coat and brown suede jacket with fringe; both size 14. Phone Mrs. Oliver Glenn 528-3723. TABLE' PAPER - white or col- oured designs' for covering ban-, quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now Sentinel. . BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling. Contact. Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; $16.00 cows over 1000 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham. FOR SAL. -- used R.C.A. whirl- pool washer and dryer in work- ing condition. Phone 395-5045. WRAPPING. PAPER - Kraft roll, for home or office, 49c. The Lucknow Sentinel. / FOR SALE - 30 foot steel self feeder gate for bunker silo. Phone 529-7521 'evenings.• ROYI ALUMINUM .SALES' AND 'SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. NEW . NEW NEW Personal "Presson" labels with your name and address, no mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian flag at left side of label, use for, your corres- pondence or , as a means of ident- ification, 20() labels for $3.50. We also still have the regular labels, which need moistening, at 'the former price, 300 for $1.75. The Lucknow Sentinel phone 528-2822 USED SNOWMOBILES 1973 Ski-Whiz 400 WT demo; 1973 Ski4Vhiz, 340 'T demo; 1972 300S Ski-Whiz; 1972 Fl Ski-hiz; 1971 TNT Ski-Doo; 1970 Capri Moto-Ski; 1970 Ski-Whiz 500; 1969 320 Ski-Doo; -1968 Moto-Ski. Open evenings 6 to 9 p.m. and all day Saturday. Clarke Ferguson MF Ski-Whiz Sales and Service,'Point ' Clark, phone 395-5454. FOR-SALE - 1968 Custom Ford in Al condition, 6 tires with extra rims. Apply to Blake Alton 529-7117. SKI-WHIZ SNOWMOBILES MF Ski-Whiz snowmobiles for 1974 13 new models to choose from in a power range from• 20 to 40 H.P. Open evenings 6 to 9 p.m. all day Saturdays. Clarke Ferg- uson, MF Ski-Whiz Sales and Ser- vice, Point Clark, phone 395-5454. SAVE SAVE SAVE SNOWMOBILE TROPHIES Y2 price - Free engravipg; Noble, St. John's, Empire, Rapier; Classic and Cardinal; For' a catalogue, write Central Supply Depot, Box 248, Ingersoll, Ont. N5C' , THE TEESWATER NEWS - is aVailable at The Lucknow Sent- inel, 10c per copy. If you are `in- terested in the news of Teeswater and District, pick up a copy. STEREO, TIME Come in and see our large stock of Panasonic Capehart Xonex Stereos, Polio& Electric, Ripley, phone 395-2982. COUNTY OF BRUCE DIRECTORY 1867 A reprint of the original, lists people, municipalities and ad- vertisements of that time, a wealth of interesting and enlight- ening history of that pe.riod. 211 pages. An ideal Christmas gift for that person who, is keen on history and The - Bruce. Price $4.50- ‘_ ' LUCKNOW SENTINEL Phone 528-2822 SNOWMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES Snowmobile accessories includ- ing full range of one and two piece suits. Snowmobile boots, felt liners, mitts, helmets, face shields, bubbles, goggles, thermal socks and underwear..Knit sports- weae i0fixling sweaters, slacks, mitts: 't'a%s, toques and balacla- vas. Hydro parkas,. -Men's and ladies' deluxe 3/4 fortrel jackets. Full line of MF Ski-Whiz parts and accessories. New and re- conditioned used machines at pre-seafoned prices.. Open week day evenings 6 - 9 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLARKE FERGUSON MF Ski-Whiz Sales and Service POINT CLARK Phone 395-5454 WANTED WANTED ltifiteral .carpentry, cabinets, formica .and arborite' tops. Elmer Culbert. 'Phone 395- 5298 or 395-5516. • HELP WANTED Male help wanted immediately for. Pine River Cheese Factory. 'Phone 395-2715 or in the evenings 395-2767. WANTED SCHOOL 'BUS, DRIVER BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL ' R.R. 7 Lueknow Written applications addressed to: Mr. R. L Cunningham, Trans- portation Manager, Huron County Board of . Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario NOM 1140 will be, received until 12:00 noon on Thursday, 15ecember 27, .1973. Ditties to, commence January 3, 1974. WANTED TO BUY - baled bay and straw./ 'Mark Rohrer, R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2868 before 8:00 a.m. or after 7 p.m. AGENT WANTED TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs man over 40 for short trips sur- rounding LucknoW. Contact cust- omers. We train. Write S. P. Dickerson,* Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED - someone. to feed a /lumber of steers. Contact Terry Dalton, phone 529-7342. WANTED TO BUY Dead Stock We pay up to $10.00 for dead cows and up to $20.00 for dead horses, smaller animals accord- ing to size. 'Call collect :.;1-3459 Walkerton or Zenith 58130 (no toll charges) Graf' Stock Re moval. ( SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTI-IERS 1. PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES 'BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth Lions Club every Saturday night at 8: in Blythe Memorial Hall. $150 on 60 calls. WEDDING RECEPTI A Wedding Reception held in. Saltford Valley H. urday, January 12th fo the marriage of Kathleen Hayes, daughter of Mr. James Hayes, Lucknow ald George •Langille, son and Mrs. George Langille, ston. INTERMEDIATE HOC The Lucknow Intermedia key Team will playa home with- ,Kirksville in the L Arena on Sunday, Decem at 8:30 p.m. Come out port your home team. CANDLE LIGHT SERV Whitechurch Presb Church on Sunday, 23rd. at 8• p.m. Live on Radio. Social hour to fo basement. All are invited MASS' "CHOIR CAROL SE in celebrating the Birth of SCHOOL CONCER Brookside Public School on Thursday, December 8:15 p.m. Silver collection. VARIETY CONCER A Variety Concert, and sponsored by the St. Hel will be held in St. Hel Thursday, December 8:30 p.m. Crescent Band ham will -supply music. ALL STAR BROOMB Teeswater Arena - 3 Sunday, December 30, Adminion 50c FOR RENT FOR RENT - two bedr partment, wall to wall ing throughout, frig an included, phone Ripley APARTMENT FOR RE vailable January 1st, furnished 'if desired; Llo ton, phone 528-2174., .101:3=tlik.4.1.3111=11121.14,fdi