HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-12, Page 21LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL OPERETTA FRI., 'DEC. 14.. Lived Here As A Youth NEED OR ANTI FREEZE ANYONE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING TWINE before the year end please advise as soon as possible. ' • • PICKUP BY DECEMBER 31st Due to possible future shortages of twine, it would be wise to secure your needs now. , wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww No Problem With Us . . We have- ANT1-FREEZE IN BULK OR BY THE GALLON fuvwwwiAnNuwwwwwwwwwwimiwwil,•wwwwwww Wl."Bud IikMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LIMITED WHOLESALE RETAIL LUCKNOW PHONE OFF. 528.3006 RESIDENCE 31,11.38141 OFFICE HOURS 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Nosy,. DECEMBER 12.e, 1973 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-ONE SKATES: FOR THE WHOLE. FAMIL,Y . ber January, February and March from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The clerk is to notify the own- er of Pt. Lot II, Conc. 1, regard- ing regulations pertaining to a salvage yard. . A. M. Harper was engaged as auditor for 1973 audit and prepar• ing 1974 budget $1725.00. The following accounts were ordered paid; Prov. Treasurer , Tile Dr. Deb. # 3-1971', 369 . 90; Fraser MacKinnon, telephone , 16.26; Prov. Treas. , insulin,. 4.86; Donald McEwan, 8 fox bounties , 32.00; James McEwan, 1 fox bounty, 4.00; Ont. Hydro, Whitechnrch and Holyrood, 34.87; Kinloss Township Council Meeting igoss Council met in regular Ion on December. 3 , the reeve 'ill council present Afain petition was accepted Lynwood Geddes for a repair - improvemeneto the Sterling )icipal Drain on Lots 4, 5 and ,RSouth, ifican Campbeil was appoint- iisubstitute representative on ty Council in the reeve's iite for 1974. pefadie was engaged to isnow at the waste site when iisaty@ $14.00 per hour. Lie waste disposal site will be .December 8th and the 'last 'ay in the months of Decem - Simple, Easy, Least Cost Swine Feeding? SHUR-GAIN Does It. SHUR-GAIN Swine SuppleMent 200 A 38% Swine Supplement used at 200 lb. per ton-to make 15% Dry Sow RatIon and 'a 14% Hog Grower. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 300 A 40% Swine Supplement used at 300 lb. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. SHUR-GAIN Swine Supplement 400 A 42% Swine Supplement for use with corn. To be used at 400 lb. per ton to make a 16% Hog Grower and a 16% Nursing Sow Ration. Three new supplements to keep feed • q uality high and feeding simple. Ask , bout SHUR-GAIN Swine Supple- ment 200-300 and 400. k'r Anderson Flax Products, Limited LUCKNOW •.. PHONE 528-2026 Robert Purvis, sheep claini, 180.00; Bob Gilchrist, imp. fee and mileage, 8.70; Keith Kil- patrick, 1 trophy for baseball, 23.25; Norman A. Shepherd , leg- al, 30.00; Woody Schill, pump and instal. Kraemer-Murray Imp,, 453.00; Davidson Well Drilling Ltd „ drill well, 1062.00; Donald McEwan, 2 fox bounties, 8.00; Ron Machan Hdwe. , rec. supplies 7.49; Prov. Treas. , overpay on 1972-73 Inc. Program , 325.00; Village of Lucknow, , share swim- Ming pool , deficit , 564.89; F. McKinnon, postage, 16..00; Doris MacKinnon, clerical and att. at Court of Revision, 38.00; Mrs. Mary Jacobs,, callers fees Rec. , 70.00;. Ed Wise, dance. instructor, 12.00; Wayne Bushell, bulldozing chimp, 50.00; Maislin Transport Ltd. , Murray Dr. repair, 34.23; Pat MacMillan, Conley" Imp. Drain refund , 54 1.01; John Marks Cdnley Imp. Drain refund, 226.93; Lloyd HuSk Kincardine.- • Kinloss 1970-C refund , 1131.10; Twp. of Kincardine, Kincardine- Kinlots 1970 assessment, 16 ,310.09; Ont . Good 'Roads Ass' n. 1974 membership fee, 25.00; Fraser MacKinnon, part salary, 293.70.; Wm. Evans, atti waste site, 80.00; Wm. Evans, vacation pay for 1973, 27.95; Solornan's Greenhouse , '3, 50th wedding anniversary bouquets, 41.50; Wm. McCreath, remembrance .wreath, 20.00; Arthur 13reckles, grass cut ting Kinlough cemetery, '21.00:, Walter Breckles, Kinlough Street lights maintenance, 22.50;, DaVid Ross, overpayment on taxes, 20.00; lathes Mawan,.insp. on Black Cr. Nov. 8ection and plastic pipe, 59.25; Hanna and Hamilton const., balance pay on McLeod Imp. Dr. , 580.00; M. Gibson Ltd. ,. sup. on McLeod Dr. 330.00; Fraser MacKinnon, clerk's fees, 85.00; Mrs -. P. A. Murray', caretaking, 3. 00. HIGHWAYS • Frank Schumacher, pay less deductions, 341.88; Harold Smith, pay less deductions , 353.47; David . MacKinnon, pay less d'ed- uctions , 215.58; Jim. Murray,. pay less deductions, 25.80; Ron Mc- Quillih , pay less deductioni, 40.85; Rec Gen. for Canada , Uri. Ins. , 37.21; Rec. Gen. for Canada, C.P.P. , 23.42; Rec. Gen. for. Canada , Income Tax, • 142.15; C. E. McTavish, die and tube, 8.7.1; F. Freibufger , snow- plow repair. , 3.30; Firestone, . repair tire , 8.98; Joe Kerr Ltd. , dozer and scraper rental, 121.00; W. Breckles •tire, repair, 6.50; H. & K. Mun: Tel. System, . garage, 29.56; Ont. Hydro, gar- age, 41.90; Teeswater News,. wingman adv't.', 8.35; Ray Stan- ley, crush and haul gravel, 170.28; •Montgornery Motors, grader repair, 25.57; McGee Auto Electric ,grader repair 35.10; F. Schuhiacher, , mileage and telephone, 23.25; Twp. Culross, 1973 boUndary account, 264.37. • The' meeting adjourned to meet on December 17th at 7.15 or at the call of the reeve. FRASER MacK1NNON, Clerk. Agricultural Tidbits . With Adrian Vos. The Standards Council of Can- ada repOrts that-the people who complain most as consumers, are those who can afford to pay, are educated and are English speaking. The same was said in the US at the time of the meat boycott last spring. Many of these people apparently have never learned • what a good balanced diet is. Take the Ornsteins, a Montreal family with an income of $15-18,000. The , Canadian Maga- zine reported that they spent , weekly $37.50 on food. She ' calls hot dogs 'a basic staple for kids. ./I don't want to comment on the food value of hot' dogs.' Draw • any conclusion you like. It's for a good part fat and cereal. The Ornstein can only afford ribsteak once a month, the poor devils, When they had visitors, four, of • . them, recently , they had to feed them brisket and the cheapest 'vegetable she could find , tsk tsk. They can't afford an imported wine anymore, it has to be Can- adian Wine. , Ellen is a part- time schoolteacher and her hus- band is an'engineer. They have one consolation, the savings on bacon. Their religion forbids them eating this. Dear Ann Landers:' We live in ' an area that has had several break: ins.' My wife asked me to buy a watchdog. I've heard that pigs are smarter than dogs and I'd like to try a watch-pig. Have you heard 'of this? Do you think my neighbours would mind? Emery Alexander Morrison, age 82, of Clovis, California, died recently in hospital after a long illness. He is survived by his widow Christine Morrison, of CloVis; four sons, Allan E. Morrison, of Rock- ville Maryland; John A. Morri- son of Fresno, California; Donald R. Morrison, of Albuquerque, New Mexico; Roderick G. Morrison, of Idaho Falls, Idaho; eleven grandChildren and four great grand- children; two brothers, Gordon. Morrison of Galesburg, Michigan ' and Russell Morrison of Palm Beach, Florida. He was born iri Alpena , Michi gan i and spent his boyhood years with an Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Peter MacIntosh and daugh- ters, on their farm near Lucknow. Tallahassee reader. No Comment. Sometimes concern is voiced about the increased size of land- holdings in Canada. Take for instance people like MP JaCk Horner who owns some 18000 acres in Alberta. In Denmark they put a stop to this, by limiting landholdings to 500 acres. Prince Edward. Island is getting concerned enough. A royal commission there recommended 200 acre lim- its for land on all partnerships and companies. You may have thought that they were out of style, but a US com- pany charged Canadian horse- shoes are dumped on their market and want something to , be done about it.