HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-12, Page 10!WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 uth Kinloss WMS Elect Officers Trinity & Blokes Bold Joint Meeting, ) Now is the time to plan. your HOLIDAY MEALS TO BE SURE YOU HAVE FRESH Entchsj for Christmas ORDER NOW FROM BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 528-3009 Residence 528 2119 4',' -THE :LIICKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO • "..M.0"0".40.•""ar..."."4".40%.0".0%.%•••••••~. sav1/4".".••,41.••••••,w,••••%""otogi.ei.inoi• Chalmers C.O.C. .WHITECHURCH NEWS On Sunday, December 9 during Church service Chalmers C.O.C, held their DeCember meeting in the Sunday School room. The president Lori Purdon open- ed the meeting with the Call to Worship. The ,C.0. C. hymn was sung. Steven Irwin read the scrip- ture reading and prayer was given by David Ross. , Vicki Scott gave a reading. The minutes were read by the secretary Donald de Boer , who called the roll answered by 17 telling "Something I like about Christmas". ' The Birthday Calendars were marked. 'Donald Irwin receiyed the offering. Rhonda Gibson • told' of the Meaning of Christmas: Mrs. Archie Purdon gave the story - 'Christmas Givings. Mrs. Hugh Simpson gave stories - The Beautiful Gift, Meaning of Christ- Mas and Silent Nightp All sang the Closing prayer. "••••••,101.0%......101.04b.rW.,006.0%.rtrov...eyw., 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Centennial -Communion Service conducted by members of the Presbytery NO MORNING SERVICE POINT TO PONDER To fulfil our Lord's command and help a brother live is main- ly serving our own need to give. Helen Faulkner The Centennial Book of this church would make an excellent Christmas gift' — one that can be remembered for life. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 • 1973 IS CENTENNIAL YEAR. OF THIS CHURCH ' DECEMBER 16th LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m.. Service (Dutch, 1st Sunday of the month) Sunday. School Christmas Program December 21, 8 p.m. VISITORS WELCOME Mrs. Harold Austin was hostess for the annual meeting of South Kinloss W. M.S. • Mrs. Bruce Ham- ilton welcomed those present- and opened the meeting by using the Christmas programme in the Glad Tidings. Joy to the World was sung followed with further readings froni the. Glad Tidings by Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Mrs. fraser MacKinnon, Mrs. Phillip Steer, A. reading entitled "While the'World Sleeps" was read by Mrs. Allan MacDougall.' The carol 0 Little• Town of Bethlehem was sung followed by the Prayer Circle with Mrs. Har- old Campbell, Mrs, Lloyd Mac- Dougall and Mrs. 'Ira Dickie tak- ingpart. Mrs. Lorne Sparks con- ducted the Bible Study (John 20)t, The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Leonard 'Machines. The carol Silent Night was sung and . the roll call answered .by a Christ- 'Inas Bible verse. Business was dealt with. A "Get . Well" card was signed by.all for Mrs.. Jack Needham, .a patient in the hospital. The January meeting at the Manse, Lucknow , will be held 1 week later than usual', January 9th. 0 Come Let us Adore, Him was sung followed by the annual reports of each sec- retary. Mrs. Herb Buckton gave' the report of the nominating commit- tee president , Mrs. Bruce Ham- ilton; Vice Presidents, 1st, Mrs. Ira Dickie, 2nd, Mrs. Lorne Sparks; Secretary, Mrs. Fraier MacKinnon; Press , Mrs. Harry Lavis; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie; Supply, Mrs. Allan Maclntyre; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Ira Dickie; Life Membership, Mrs.. Leonard Machines; Friendship. and Service , Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall; Sunshine , Mrs. Donald MacIntyre and Mrs. Allan MacDougall; Lad- ies Aid , Mrs. Harold Campbell; Bible Society, Mrs. Jim Burt; Daily Devotions, Mrs. • Ted Col- A joint Christmas meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hummel for Trinity and Blake's United Church Women, Mrs. Ken Alton played an interlude of Christmas music and then Mrs. Hummel gave a few words of weleome-to the ladies. A Christmas service 'followed with Mrs. D. A. Hackett as lead- er , scripture passages were read by Mrs. Chris Cook, Mrs. Jack 'Irwin, Mrs. Russell. Phillips with Christmas carols sung in between. A skit was presented by Mrs. Charles 'Wilkins , (commentator) and Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick and Mrs.. Doug Cameron as angels. Mrs. D. A. Hackett led-in prayer. The carol "It's Christmas Time Again" written by Mrs. Sparks, was in- troduced and everyone joined in singing it. The Devotions closed %. with Joy TolThe World and a short prayer by. Mrs. • Hackett. Mrs. Charles Wilkins• gave the "Trinity Tattler" , which had some some real good thoughts about the Christmas Sp,irit. Mrs. D. A. Hackett thanked Mrs. Hummel for entertaining the ladies in her home, The meeting closed with the singing of some more carols and a dainty lunch was served by the two groups. lyer; Literature and •Library, , Mrs. Don Bell; Pianists, Mrs. Leonard Clarke and Mrs. Evan Keith; His- torian Mrs. Douglas Graham. Courtesy remarks were given, by Mrs. Allan MacDougaW The closing carol "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" was sung and prayer by Mrs. Alvin Schmidt.. Grace was sung and a tasty lunch served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Allan MacDougall and Mrs.. teon- ard Maclnnes. Whitechurch. UCW Elect Officers WHITECHURCH NEWS On Tueiclay , December 4., Whitechurch U,C. W. met at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Eunice Gillespie, The con- vener of Stewardship and Recruit- ing, Mrs, George Thompson'open- ed the meeting with the singing of Christmas' Carols, with pianist Mrs. Garnet Farkier. Mrs. Dave Gibb gave a poem "The Clock Carol". Mrs. Thompson led in prayer.' The scripture was read by Mrs. Thompson and some in unison. Mrs. Thompson gave The Doctrine of Incarnation followed by prayer by Mrs. Russel. Chapman. Little Town of Bethlehem was sung. Mrs. Thompson gave the story "No Room in the •Inn". Mrs. Chapman told of the different ChristMas menus in' various countries. Mrs. Milian Moore presided for the business. The roll call was answered by 17 giving a Christmas Thought. Christmas gifts not over. 25¢ were passed around' and each chose one. The slate of officers are:, President,, Mrs. Millan Moore; 1st vice 'Mrs. Lorne Durn- in; Secretary, Mrs. Dave Gibb; Treasurer, Mrs. Albert Coultes; Conveners - Christian Citizenship and Social, Action, StewarCIship and Recruiting , Mrs. George Thompson; Membership, Mrs. Lorne Durnin; Supply and Social Assistance, Mrs. Garnet Farrier; Christian and Missionary Educa- tion, Mrs. Cliff Laidbw; 'Finance Mrs. Russel Chapman; Flowers', Mrs. Albert Coultes; Cards, Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm; Mrs. Sleightholm; Messengers, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw ; Auditors, Mrs; Ivan •Laidlaw. Mrs . Carl- Weber . Mrs . Albert Coultesgave the treasurer's report of the Travelling Basket. Mrs. Thompson conducted a Christmas contest. Winners were Mrs. Lorne Durnin Mrs. Milian Moore and Mrs. Chipman and each received a gift. The Christ- mas concert is,December 21st at 8.15. Homemade candy is to be in by noon December 20. Court- esy remarks were given by Mrs. Milian Moore, and a delicious • birthday tea was served. St. Marys Hold Carol festival 2 :)::nnIS.uday thn eeo, nDgercegeamtibeonr 09.this Mary's Church, Lucknow held their Christmas Carol Festiva the Fre,huDtee-hnting er welcomed al and was chairman for the pro gram 'which consisted of Caro sung by the children of the p. and other talent of Christmas music and songs from London St . Augustine , Kingsbridge a Lucknow hntowe .CM1Clusion of the p gram all went to the Town where the C. W; L, ladies se a lovely 'lunch and Fr. Dent' handed out treats to all the e ren present. Merry Christmas to all. • Lucknow Unit The Christmas 'meeting of 4 of Luc know U. C. W. was he at the home of Mrs. Alex An with 15 attending. Mrs. George Jardine, COP opened with .a poem "Thank for little Things", and "Every everywhere Christmas Tonig Mrs. Jack McDonagh gave a ing "The Legend of the Chris Rose." Mrs. Jardine led in Chris worship service. Mrs. Gord Montgomery read the scriptu conc erning the Christmas st carols were sung in between readings. Mrs. Jack-McDo gave a reading "Christmas School House Long Ago". Jardine told' a Christmas stor ended the worship in Prayer. Mrs. Gordon -Morrison, ass ant leader, conducted the b and the offerinoas dedicat The treasurer's report was gt by Mrs. Cliff Crawford. 'Mrs. John. Pritchard gave a port on Social Functions and Jack Mc Donagh for cpmmu friendship. Mrs , Morrison thanked the committee and Mrs. Andrew the use of her home. Mrs. Andrew expressed thanks to Unit 4 executive. Mrs. Morrison closed the ing with prayer and lunch w served . .%reNr*/!••d,''• LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister DECEMBER 16th ADVENT 3 10:00 a:m. Sunday School 11:'00 a.m. Morning Worship Special Music Lucknow Concert Band