HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-12, Page 9Y DECEMBER 12, 1573 PAGE HINt ining IE HOTEL. Loung0. NN. Nk N 'N. "N. 'N. "N. S. \ IN 'N. \INN \ ION NA NON. 'N. • UNDAY SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY S TO 7 P.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd RESERVATIONS ONLY FULLY LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. \\N.N.\\NON NA N.N.N.•••••••\••1%••••••\SN. ENTERTAINMENT- & DANCING IN THE LOUNGE APPEARING TIIIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 AND 15 4 Crossroads From Guelph sponsored by Gordon Montgomery, and Stewan Reavie of Lucknow.. The Family bonspiel is schedul- ed for Boxing Day , December 26 , so please enter your rinks with Cliff Emmerton, or Sandy MacCharles within the next eight or ten days. QUEEN'S. PARK CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 $43,500 and N.D.P. Leader Lewis from $22,000 to $29,000, Cabinet Ministers with Portfo- lio will go from $35 ,000 to "$40,000. Ministers without Port- folio will go from $24,000 to $30 ,000/. The Legislation adds a range of items for which members will receive compensation. These are defined as actual and reason- able costs and for which the Member must produce expense accounts and receipts. PARK GODERICH THE SQUARE i PHONE 524-7111 Fri.14 salS THF 1.4E6y Hi ;omEr 0 [HE f(EEr' • FROND:MCA motykr,o.# ° Carats tiv Ullmann Gene Kelly AWIT FIIMITIMMENIr lEdward Albert Binnie Barnes 0%, \S. \ • N. 1%, • • • Ne • • • N. 0 • N. • N. N. • • • \ • • N. • N. • • • % N. • N. 14. % • N. Is N. N. • • • N. • • • 'a • • • N. • s. • \ • it COLOR • I VT Y FROMXESS Oclu000 RicHARD: BASEHART 4101.16 Moo 17 GEORipg: C. scary • w GE'TAMA ENTERTAINMENT EEO.: hive PruclucerS J.RONAID GETTY,IE.ON FROVKESS. Nr IfPn Dv PHILIP FRIEDMANandDAN KLEINMAN \ • N. N. • N. • % N. • • • • • N. • • \ • • • N. • S. • • • N, 0 Vi Ontario Treasurer John White has told 31 municipalities in the Province to introduce zoning by- laws governing land use'or fape Government freezes in develop- ment. The Government, imposed devel- opment controls on Goderich and Colborne Townships after Goder- ich officials complained that a shopping centre outside the town would kill a shopping centre within the town that has been planned for almost 3 years.. Mr. White said in the Legisla- ture that in his view the freeze imposed by his ministry on Colborne and Goderich Towns- ships 'would override the building perniitahat was issued earlier in the same day and he was prepared to take the matter to court to prove the point, if need be. • A Sentinel. Gift Subscription For that Christmas gift, one which will be appreciated all' year long, give a new or renew- al subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel. $6 per year in Canada, $8 for foreign. An attractive Oft card will be sent. THE 1,1JCliNOW.$1NYINEk; LUCKNOW, WARM Ripley Curling News Kinloss Gerald Rhody was high again for the men with a 254 single and a triple of 621. .MurrayKeith was runner-up with a 230,single and a 591 triple. . Merle Rhody was high for• the ladies with a 243 single and a 689 triple. Men over 200: Gerald Rhody' 254, Murray Keith 230, 213, •• Lloyd MacDougall 231, Evan Keith 205. Ladies over 200: •Merle Rhody 243, 236, 210. • Team points: Doris IvlacKinnon's Wealthys 7, Mary. Lavis' Spys 0; Ann MacDougall's Macs 2, Merle Rhody's Pippins 5. Team standings: Pippins 44 Spys 33 Wealthys 32, Macs 31. AINNINONEMNINNI Men's 9 p.m. Clarence Greer rolled '793 for the high triple this week And Bill Button rolled 722 for the runner- up Spot. Next in line was Ran Stanley's 643, Ken Olin's 640 and Rick Jardine's 631. Clarence Greer also had the high single 305 with Gerald Rhody'S 290 in second place. Other games 250 and over; Clar- ence Greer 284, Ken Ohm 258, Rick Jardine 257, Bill Button 256. Bill Bolt 250. , Team points; Ron Stanley's Pontiacs 2, Bill Button's 'Buicks 5; Bob Greer's Olds 4, Harvey Houston's Fords 3; Herb Barger's Mustangs 0 , Clarence Greer's Dodges 7. Team standing: Buicks 49, Pnntiacs 40, Fords 38, Dodges 37; Mustangs 34, Olds 33. Town & Country Anne Dexter bowled the high single with a 185 score with Sadie Hamilton close at 181. Anne also took the' high double with a 309. Score. Harry Lavis bowled the high single at 210 and-Les Purvis was close at 201. Harry took the high. double at 378. Team points; Harry Lavis' Reds 5 , Vera Purvis' Yellows 0 , Les Purvis' Greens 3, Bill Ross' Oran- ges 2, Henry Carter's Blues 3', Margaret McDonald's Violets 2. Standings: Blues 36, ads 30, Yellows 25, Greens 25 , Violets 25 , Oranges 9. Lucknow ° Dungannon Some high scoring took place this week as competition for turk- eys as well as for standings took place. For the ladies, Joanne Searle had a high single of 333 and as well a high triple of 692. Ladies over 225' were Joanne Searle 333, Beatty Irwin 257, Gwen Caesar 231; Mary Lou Priestap 227 and Dean Agnew 225. In the men's department Bob Finlay had a high single of 338 and Jack Ciesar claimed the high triple of 745. Menover 250 were Bob Finlay 338, Harold Maize 324, Jack Caes ar 302 and Bill Stewart 259. Team points: Foxes 2, Chip- munks 5; Cubs 5, Squirrels 2; Coons 7 , Lions 0; Gophers 2, Tigers 5;• Kangaroos 2, Wolverines 5;, polecats 2, Zebras 5. Team standings: Tigers 59 Cubs 55 , Coons 55 , Zebras 52, Wolverines 51, Polecats 47. Kang- aroos 38 Chipmunks 36 , Squirrels 36 , Lions ,27 , Gophers 25 , • Foxes 2a. Turkey roll continues next week when 'we wind up bowling till January. pesionsimmmalownommi , LYCEUM 11-111E "L" Et NE I THuRs_ M. SAT., DEC. 13, , .4, IS DINNER 'AT hU PM. • CANTS AT II;115 P.AL 04.010,9...... is tivIlloan I BlvaniAlbui i Sholellames 11. ADULT ENTEETAINAINT I marmot TRACY, "GUESS WHO'S KATNRINII HEPBURN COMING TO II SIDNEY roma* its DINNER" • IMINISIMMI. SW= 1.111.1. SUN., MON., TUES., DEC. 16, IL It IISHAPPO AT 7:IS RELATIONS AT 14111/ THE MOST AGM PROGRAM ON THE SCREEN TODAY NMI CATIONS I Nimmulimmaimilimmiiiimuni WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 ONLY • I A N. AT 7::IS P.M. AMISS 1117.11:1M rkki HUMPHREY • "LAUREL. AND" BOGART.4fair • HARDys '' . 'caw . LAMMING it "We're NeAngels" 2es lies 6:30 p.m. it Campbell was the top roe Monday evening with a igle game and 616, triple.. toiling Marion! • Res of 200 and over: Marion bell 201, 289, Jessie Joynt buleoe Barger 246 , Feine Wald 207, Grace Elliott 217. Ipoints; Marion bell's Retrievers 7 , Marion 03011% Poodles 0; Mildred its Terriers 5 , Wilma .'!'s Spaniels 2; Mildred "s Collies 4, Grace Elliott's 0.• pstandings; Corgis 60, 0557, Collies 50, Terriers kales 44, Spaniels 39. • ladies 9 p.m. Odngle, Merle Rhody 292; Ople, Merle Rhody 560. over 200: Merle Rhody 4, Maudie Fisher 209. 1,!ciarger. 238, 226 , Marg 255, Linda Cranston .116e1l Tiffin 219, Barb 220. points: Janet Barger's 847, Barb Helm's Carrots Fi Wall's Corn 0, Irene• iOrsPeppers 7; Anne Wisser's ims5. Dianne Carter's Ou- t standings; Potatoe.s 69, 1655, Carrots 52, Peppers ikenions 45 1/2, Corn 23. Men's 7,p.m. Bob Cranston took high single of the evening with a score of 264. High triple went to George Humphrey with a score of 676, Games over 225: Bob Cranston 264, 235; George Humphrey 261, Dave Humphrey 248, George. Stanley 245., Donald MacDonald 229.. Team points: Owls 4, Cardin- als 3 , Vultures 0.,'Hawks 7. Team standings: Ron Stanley's Hawks 44, George Humphrey's Vultures 40, Wayne Cranston's Owls 30. Lynn Hodgin's Cardii- als 26. // MORTGAGES First and Second Mortgages IMNT-SOLD-ARRANGED Available for: FARMS. RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS. !ARMOR Financial Consultants Limited 47 Elora Street Harriston, Ont. 338-3037 By Don McLay.. The pre -Christmas draws are Winding up at the Club this week. Playoffs are being arranged ,for the Men's draw to be held next week. • Anyone planning to curl, be- ginning the first of the new year , is asked to contact Presidents Joyce Courtney or Sandy Mac - Charles , or any member of the Draw Committee before Decem- ber 28th. Murray Thompson is the convener of this committee. The Ford bonspiel will be held this Saturday , December 15th , n I.