HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-05, Page 20.Off 641P.Y That lasts the Whole Year 'Round. A " GOT • .......SVPSCRIPTION. TO the LUCKNOW SENTINEL A GIFT THE WI4OLE FAMI CAN ENJOY $6.00 for Canada 18.00 for U.S.A. arid Forel AN • ATTRACTIVE GIFT CARD WILL BE SENT AT NO EXTRA. CHARGE • MOW PONTINE& LUC NOW 0 WOONSIDAY WS WEAR LUCKNOW MEN'S CAR" COATS MEN'S JACKETS SOX 6 PR, FOR. $5.00 HATS a CLEARANCE imioammisammempumasoimiummunamemagialammosimilimmamo MEN'S. WHITE SHIRTS '.• 1*9$•.Itivichis Of..Thi Women's. • Instituteln Oittirio; 30,89; 1111.0100 Miles, Motor Southern, Mrs, Yates, Makers, Delhi, Mrs, Noblitt presented the re port of the Mandated eetry, women of the World annual meeting, ACWW Is an urge& gallon of friendship and -help among member societies that brings United Nations In contact with needy areas thrOughout the world, Plans are - laid for the . A,C,WAV, Conference In Perth, Australia, October 1011.11 1014, Delegates were shoe. en front. the Board of bimetal, A,C,W,W, deplores all prepares Hon of germ warfare throughout the world, To the Save light h rojeet of A,C,W,W,, Ontario as contributed $23370,211 and over 610,000 to Ponta for Friendship, A donation of $100 will be sent to A,C,W,W. as a donation to the. Lady Aberdeen Seholarship to be used at their dimeretioil, Mrs, Wm, Miller, High. land Creek, hi her Secretary's report listed WOO brandies Ontario. with a membership of 30,003, Mrs, Miller also arrange§ hospitality for many overseas WARM who wish to visit in the provinces A prominefitWood is given to the 10,W1,0,,_ Adelaide Hoodless Homestead, Oeorge anti the P,W.i3O, HAW Leo Homo, Stoney Crook as those wore the two founders of the Women's institute Movement, Mrs. Harvey, Houston, tuck= now, Public Relations offieer, Milted Oroyaliruee and.iron Volley have 10 years successive 100% reporting, The %meth! tostituto is an educational or. &Anthill and many worth. while protests are carried out Meow WA, members eon= thine to he alert to the Nolo of their own loealities, it is Ott. winging to tido that our don. Mita to other organisations are down by $6000. All MAMA .AhtAlid be earmarked for WI, projeeti, ide, Austin Zoeller Now Hamburg, chairman of the land .Lee Homo, roportod that between May and November 6,000 hive visited the home, , • • • . Into .rktorated Wontoo"§ .-itt. Outs.. of Ontario mit In Termite for the annual mcetlhg,t1t tho Klog..Edwerti from Nov ember -.nth a 30th. The prey. itielid -Hervey Neblitt of Ottani.' presided for all 'session' All Si Seni or Hoard Direetors. from all ;part§ -of .0nts ., folio were. preletit., • .-.Miss Melon MeKerther, Homo k Hconomies 'nelt, Department • ot_Agrieulture and Food, 111,:iter Oddressi 'exproised oppreelitiofi to the .Woolen's institute their support . of 441 Homes making dub work,. The member. ski it dubs.. !weasel about 100b• ftionibers each year, We should use all our efforts . to support the .Assoeleted .•Country. • women • of the...World, either. through. Pennies . for Friendship. or .heeeinitig .a eontributitig member, Mtis, Auitin. Sootier, New Hamburg, has.. beeil-,,ep. Witted. editor of • • "Home.: and • Country." n . Wota's institutes were saddened with the .passing of the editor, Mrs, Milton Patty, in MoptentboK Miss *Mukha '- brought to'. our ottention, Irma the Venter report, that 30% • of . ell Canadians are • overweight and under aetive, There 'is an , -iron- deficieney . in Borne ehild. • reit and „pregitant . women, .and vitamin defietency .in IOsklthe and Indian people, We must too. ovate the public to'. study the new initritiottal labelling and the metric system, Mrs, Harvey Spry,. Minded the a, has been anointed to the ., P,W.i.0,:Neholarship eotomitime, • A. new- Scholarship nos been set uo to be. 'mown. as Tho Maryn - pertly ondon • Area Women's Institute leholfirohlp,. Mrs. lrY nest Watson Memo has been appointed to rho Resolutions committee, At the close of the irtiesdoy session,- Mrs. Norma n Tuek, BOe,. shored, lides of the .Federtited Women Writ. tile of.. Canodo eoliventiott held - W at. Banff, Alberta lit June. tisostat Vice president hp* 1.fitifight8 were Mt Willittetiq tt&tweed Uritidt, .Owen Soundi Northern Mrs, Willard REPORT'FROM QUEEN'S PARK BY MUIRBAlf GAUNT KM mosisoucto Tile Madrid 116Verninent 0111 “ to,provide a IMO hrietttrtai b01111$ to 010 age pensiOners who receive the titiarantee.d Itteome thipple- mem. passed its tecond reading approved in prinelpale in the . Legislature this week after a total of dittiOat d bourn debate, both opposition parties have proposed amendment's whielt would provide a duaranteed Mini , mum ineottle of more than $200 a month for pensioners, Margaret birch, the Ontario iviininter in char ge of the Youth Seoretariat said this week there was a need for a triaidVel advisory committee on grants to youth•, .Previously Mrs, IiirOtt has been trifle-al of most Opportimitiet KIP% which inoluded buses, The • Miele' opening was on August 0th, Visitor§ were from News foundiend, overseas & delegates from the °Morscofiterence, Mow priorities were dieeussed in the future development of the Lee Home. for Wit Visiting hours at the home will be from m 10 a,, s 3. Wai l _ bus loads by .oppointment, I days a week, Monday through to Fridov For. appointments during winter months, write to Mrs, Austin Moeller, the Chairman, Standing committee envelop report§ were liven by Mrs. John Hermann, Weston; Mrs, Fred Watty, Thunder Ban _Mrs, LOW. ell 111161,1 FetiWieki Mrs, Brook Suddabyl: Desbarats and Mrs, AuNtin Zoeller! Officers Con= terettee report by Mrs. Robert B, Weber .__ of Bloomingdale, also Mrs, ft, 0, Walker, Mt, George, • the Tweetimmuir HI& tory 'throb*, The honourable Wm, A, Stew- ert had as hisguett at the Royal York, Manitoba Room, the Hoard of Directors and -Hx= ecutivo of the Federated WOftletil Institute of Ontario on Thursday evening, The week's session adjourned on Friday, 1E4OillkiL,Cq PANTY HOSE lee 2 for $1.00 QUEEN SIZE HOSE 0.35 a. pair NYLON HOSE / svi to " 60e a pair Omummamighwiminammaawousammam • LADIES' SWEATERS HANDBAGS RACK OF DRESSES SLACKS 6 TO 44 1/2 Price Items Girdles a Condones Bressieres Gloves WI types) Blouses Ladles' Hats , mill'ampoimommmismumfmoiliamammis [ MEN'S BELTS % PRiCE Now is the time to p icin your HOLIDAY MiAll TO BE SURE YOU HA FRESH for Christmas ORDER NOW FROM BUTTON'S MEAT MARIE LUCKNOW Our Youth And LIP programmes, She' Said that these programnies, had armed numerous "non Jobs" bypostponing the employment problem and -not providing, any -work experlettoe, There has been a tIldbo million tecaleulatiOn .of the. eo§t of the OMAHA (10VAltiffiAlitfti Western Parkway Welt..and the- Niagara &opulent Land . Aeuuieitlutt progioniutio • the Province unveiled its Jana for the Parkway Pelt and sear Licht June 4th followed up with planning and deveilopment control legisletiOn, Pan of the plan .was to buy about 200/d of the 100 Miles long Ilscarpniente 1,1i Wilton acres at Phone 5214009 !Residence 121211 'a cost, then put at, betWeell 050 600 milliOn, Latest put the price at a atilt 110 billion titillEth, Pnergy Minister busy Me= keougli said that bteatio of .enthusiattic public Noting 1,roviot in OtwottitiOg eat toriservatioti campaign Batt Will get through this wilt id.ing it is net unusually cold without any serious 0101 fuel oil supply:, • 'the spending estimates an nicer completed atidthe is t6 pdity drawing to A el* appears 60 though thelloon recess next week for the Chi break. • `the budget this year lotus Province was the. highest hi h Over .$7. billion, HI,