HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-12-05, Page 4PAGE AFOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUMOIN. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 5 M1,:,AkV..**.i,%•'•$N.NM ' • • \\\ :SA% ..‘\\ • Nk • \ \ A fk No,stzt".4,mM3r4 • sg:M. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR/ SALE COMING EVENT . • FOR SALE - shelled ,corn and barley, sold in 10 ton lots. Donald Ctwran, JR.R. 1. Dungannon, phone 529-7459. THE FANS GO WILD PAUL HENDERSON'S MIRACLE Now on sale at The Lucknow Sentinel' for $5.95. Don't miss it. Mail orders accepted at the same price. ANTI-FREEZE NOW AVAILABLE $2.79 GAL. Lucknow District Co-op Phone 52862125 THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL - is for sale at Stanley's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharmacy, H. •and B. Discount 'and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow. FOR SALE' -- 1966 CheV Bis- cayne, running condition, sell as is. Best offer. Peter Edisbury, phone 395-2438. EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Robert, Symes, .Lucknow 528-3047. SCORPION SNOWMOBILES Nei, models in stock, parts and clothing, check us for used machines Stuart Reavie, phone 528-3010, after six 528-2028. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE • K I NLOSS, ONTARIO Fresh Bread 3 for 99c 1/2 Gallon Iceream --99c RubberR Parkas - Boots Coveralls NEW LIFE AND SUPERSWEET FEED DEALER Open. Daily 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Closed Tues., Fri., Sun., evenings SNOW TIRES, ARE NOW AVAILABLE Lucknow Disirict Co-op Phone 528-2125 PAPERING -- PAINTING :' ' Floor Sanding And Spray, Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- now. FOR SALE OR TRADE - Int. 275 with loader and belt pulley. Will, trade for your tractor need- ing repairs. R.R. .5 Lucknow, Ontario, phone 357-3569. PLAYING CARDS - a brand new selection, of single and double decks of cards now in • stock ,make an excellent gift; al- so 'euchre cards, jumbo index cards for those with sight prob- lems, bridge and euchre tallies, The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE -- one '1970 yolks wagon, stationwagon, certified, snow tires, gas heater, $1595. Taylor's Garage and Used Cars, Bervie. Phone 395-2634. FOR SALE - 45 gallon steel bar- rels with open end, good for burn- ing i garbage or feed barrels on farm• ' also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird Box 51, Blyth,.' Ontario. FOR SALE -- V type snow- blower, 7 feet, in" good condition, $70.00. H. Veldhorst, R.R. 7 Luck- now, phone 529-7638. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty •Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. BRIDGE Tikt.LIES 2 and 3 table bridge tallies now available at the Lucknow Sent- inel, FOR SALE - a 1968 2 door Pontiac Grand Parisienne hard- top, excellent' condition. Call 528- 3020, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. or 529-7935 'after-7 p.m. • ANDY'S REFRIGERATION LTD. 24 hour emergency service Your Tyler Dealer WINGHAM, PHONE 357-3484 Bulk Tanks; Freezers, Air conditioners Repairs to all makes and appliances PICTURE FRAMING ,- choose from 500 samples, also an array of coloured • matting. Snyder Studio, Wingham, phone 357-1851. HELLO BADGES - for meetings, parties, etc.; stick .to clothing for simple application, The Lucknovi Sentinel. BEFORE THE AGE OF -MIR ACLES - memoirs of a' country doctor, by Dr. W, V. Johnston, makes an ideal gift at any time, $6.95 at The Lucknow Sentinel, mail orders welcome. - FOR SALE OR RENT -,,double size mobile home in Kinloss, three bedrooms,'-stove, frig and , dishwasher. $125 per month rent- al. Phone 396-3739 evenings. TABLE PAPER - white or Col- oured designs for covering ban- quet or picnic tables, The Luck- now. Sentinel. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Water , Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Pan- eling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. LORENZ DEAD STOCK SERVICE $20.00 dead horses; $16:00 cows, over' 1000 pounds. Phone collect 369-2410 Durham: 1.• CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch Pine $2.50, Balsam $1.50. Floyd Milne, phone 528-2712 or 5283215. WRAPPING PAPER ,•• • Kraft roll, for home or office, 49c. The •LucknoW Sentinel. NEW NEW NEW Personal .“Presson” labels with your name and address, no mois- ture needed, with coloured illus- tration of Canadian flag at left side of label, use for your corres- pondence or as a means of ident- ification, 200 labels for $3.50. We also still haVe the regular labels, which need moistening, at the former price, 300 for $1.75. The Lucknow Sentinel 'phone 528-2822 USED SNOWMOBILES 1973 Ski-Whiz 400. WT demo; 1973 Ski-Whiz, 340 T demo; 1972 300S Ski-Whiz; 1972 Fl .Ski-Whiz; 1971 TNT Ski-Doo; 1910 Capri Moto-Skip; 1970 Ski-Whiz 500; 1969 320 Ski-Doo; 1968 Moto-Ski. Open evenings 6 to, 9 p.m. and all day Saturday., Clarke Ferguson MF Ski-Whiz Sales and Service, Point Clark, 'phone 395-5454. FOR SALE - 1973, Sno Jet SST. 440, excellent' 'condition, driven 200 miles, must sell, phone 395- 5038. COUNTY OF BRUCE DIRECTORY 1067 A reprint of the original, lists people, municipalities and ad- vertisements of that time, a wealth of interesting and enlight- ening 'history of that period. 211 pages. An ideal Christmas gift for that person who is keen on: history and The Bruce. Price $4.50. LUCKNOW SENTINEL Phone 528-2822 ROY'S' ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. FLOORCOVERING installation service available. Call Finlay Decorators, Lucknow, 528-3434, FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un- loaders, George , Wraith, Box 95 Goderich. Phone Residence 524- 7002 or Shop 524-6511. YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES Available now. at Silverstpne Enterprises - Yamaha 'GPX free air "snowmobiles. If you can handle it we have them in stock. Phone 395-2300. EASY BOOKKEEPING Payroll books for 8 and 16 em- ployees, available at The. Luck- now Sentinel. FOR SALE - 2 registered Hol- stein springing heifers; 2, regis- tered Holstein open heifers; Cas- cade 40: water heater; spray type milk cooler; electric cream sep- arator; 3 Surge milker units. Clete Dalton 529-7124. FOR' SALE - used coal or wood furnace with circulator; 3 point hitch snow-blower; Pedlar litter carrier, complete with track. Walter Elliott R.R. 1 Lucknow, phone 357-1358. BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing: Westeel-Rosco Granaries Zero Milking systems. Lowry Farm Systems, Amberley, phone 395-5286. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley. 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 / SKI-WHIZ 'SNOWMOBILES MF Ski-Whiz snowmobiles for 1974, 13 new models to: choose from in a power range from 20 to 40 H.P. Open evenings 6 to 9 p.m. all day Saturdays. Clarke Ferg- uson, MF Ski-Whiz Sales and Ser- vice, Point Clark,, phone 395-5454. SAVE SAVE SAVE S NOWMOBIL E TROPHIES Y2 price - Free engraving; Noble, St. John's, Empire,' Rapier; Classic and Cardinal; For a catalogue write . Central Supply Depot, Box 248, Ingersoll, Ont. N5C 3K5. SNOW TIRES FOR' SALE - 6.00 . x 12, may be seen at Jack lilac- Donald's 'Esso Service Station, Lucknow. FOR SALE 12 heifer calves and 17 steer calves, about 400 lbs. Bruce Raynard, R..1.Luck- now, phone 528-6345. THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The Lucknow Sent- inel, 10c per copy. If you are in- terested in the news of Teeswater and District,' pick up a , copy. STEREO TIME Come in and see our large stock .of Panasonic Capehart Xonex Stereos. Pollock Electric, Ripley, phone 395-2982. SANDBLASTING DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES WORLD BOOK' AND CH ILDCRAFT The World's Largest Selling' En- cyclopedia. Give a gift' to your child that keeps on giving. Orders for Christmas delivery may be accepted up• to December 15. For demonstration call Grace El- liott, Lucknow 528-3409. FOR SALE - African violets, young, plants. Jean Whitby, phone 528-3813. FOR SALE -- heavy duty 2 speed transfer case, Lorne Ritchie, phone 395-5067. USED SKATES FOR SALE for men, women and' children. 'Pet- ter Shins, Lucknow, phone 528- 2011. FOR SALE - ladies' or misses' skates size 5; misses' greentweed midi coat, size' 7; Mrs. Don Thompson, Lucknow, phone 528- 3516. ' THIRD PRINTING NOW 'AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History of Bruce County, first published in 1906, second' printing in 1960. PRICE $7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The( History of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written by Norman McLeod - Same price. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR RENT FOR RENT two bedroom a- partment, wall to wall carpet- ing tlroughout, frig and stove included, phone Ripley 395- 2672. te APARTMENT FOR' RENT -- a-. vailable January 1st, partially furnished if desired; Lloyd 'Ash- ton, phone 528-2174.. WANTED WANTED - general carpentry, • cabinets, formica and arborite tops. Elmer Culbert. Phone 395- .5298 or 395-5516. WANTED -- ten to fifteen laying hens and one rooster, phone 395-5491.. TOYS AND CLOTHING WANTED The Kinsmen 'Club are collect- ing used toys and clothing for needy families.. Toys and cloth- ing may be left at Koyle's Super- test or call Terry' Rathwell 528- 2235 for pick-up. WANTED -- person for house- work 2 days a week, in the Vil- lage of Whitechurch. Phone 357- 2530, WANTED - house for rent, 3 bedroom, near Whitechurch. Phone 357-2530. AGENT WANTED DEPENDABLE MAN WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPER- VISION. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in. Lucknow area. Limited auto travel. We train. Air mail S. E. Dickerson, Pres.,, Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED TO BUY - Dead Stock We pay up to $10.00 for dead cows and up to $20.00 for dead horses, smaller animals accord- ing to, size, Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton or Zenith 58130 (no toll charges) Graf Stock Re- Moval. SUPER CASH BINGO Legion ' Hall, Lucknow, ev Thursday, 8:45 p.m. Pot of G gathe - winner take all. 14 r ular games, $10 each. 2 Share Wealth games. A $30 Spec Jackpot game for $100 'on calls or $25 consolation prize. - RECEPTION There will be a reception Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hump in the Whitechurch. Hall, Sa day, December 8th. Music by Alley Cats. Lunch provided. DANCE AT LEGION Lucknow Legion are spo ing 'a dance in the hall on Sa day, December 15th from 10 • Music by The Common Toll Admission $1.50 per person. sons over 18 welcome. coMt. To the Annual Comm Christmas 'Concert, at Lang Hall DeceMber 15 at 8t15. La please bring, lunch. Collection door. ' BLYTH BINGO. Come to Blyth Lions Club IT every Saturday, night at 8:30 in Blyth Memorial Hall. Jac $150 on '60 calls. BAZAAR Ashfield. Fresbyterian Ex ers are holding a bazaar, sale and tea on Wednesday, .ember 5 at 2 p.m. in the for JOhnStone Restaurant, Luck Everyone welcome.' ,RECEPTION Reception will be held for and Mrs. Edward the newlyweds, in the Whitech Hall, Friday, December 14. fin's Orchestra. Everyone come. Ladies please bring I INTERMEDIATE HOCKE The Lucknow Intermediate key Team will, play a home g with Listowel in the Luc Arena onSunday, Decem at 8:30 p.m. Come out and port your home' team. SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be hel ThUrsday, DeCember 6 in th Helens Hall at 8:30 P.M. S Adrnission 75c. Lunch sere OLD BOYS REUNION A meeting of all citizens ested' in a Ripley and Huron Boys' Reunion will be hel December 10 at 8:00 in the Township Hall. Represent from all local groups, or are urged to attend. • RIPLEY SC1-00L CONCE The Ripley Huron C' School will be holding Christmas concert on F December 7th in the school itorium. There will be two formances at 1:30 p.m. p.m. Everyone welcome. SCHOOL 'OPERETTA The Senior Grades of Lu Central Public School " are senting an Operetta Eb and Friends" on Friday, D ber 14 at 8:15 p.m. Min' Adults $1.00, children 50c. VESPER SERVICE .C.G.I.T, Vesper Service held at 7/,30 p.m. in Lu United Church, Sunday, D ber 9th. , 1.11•••M••••••• BROOMBALL TEESWATER ARENA Sundays. .6 - 10 P.M. Admission - 25e