HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 183500
2700 .
$6.00 for Canada $8.00 for U.S.A. and FOreign
eers at the U. of Manitoba for
comment.' It didn't come back
yet', but I'll keep you informed
of the progress. If the design is
approved, the next step will be
a. cost estimate, to see if it will
be economical.
With fuel prices the way they '
are going, it soon should' be.
Jack Elmes is a patient in Univ-
ersity Hospital, London. We wish
him a good recovery.
Miss Marsha Humphrey spent
a few days last week with Mr,.
amandrkMr. s. Cecil Humphrey and
Quite ca' number in the comrhun-
ity have been victims of flu and
bad colds. .
John MacDonald is a patient in
the Wingharri
• Reid's Corners Women's 'Institute
is to be held on Wednesday even-
in,g, November 28 at Pine River
Miss Mary Pace R. N. A, of
wingham it spending a few days
this week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Bye mcoly.„,trwi n. • • 'CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
. ,
Here is 0 new recipe which should be .part of every railwayman's break-
fastf It is easy to remember and simple to prepare. It f,4!$:.
a large amount of common sense
dash of precaution •
pinch of neatness •
1 tsp. of conscientiousness
1 tsp. 'of aWiareness .
•,2 min. of.extro time (to ensure that the
other ingredients are used to advantage)
combine all ingredients together. If .the recipe is followed, and. vfOl!,
done,.'.the resulting railway safety should serve a pleased C,N. Serve
this. dish regularly, ,•until it beiOmes a habit or way of life at home and
on the job.
This may seem a humorous way of explaining the requirements one
..needs to obtain railway safety;' but it isn't meant to jest at its import-
- once: Healthyworkers are essential to on efficient organization, and the
• means to achieve the necessary safety is. similar to baking a cake. Each
:employee is an important ingredient,: and must do his part to make sure
that the operation doesn't "fall- flat." This is a time that too many cooks
won't spoil' the brew! The more people who are involved and aware of
railway safety; arid- contribute to its making, the 'better the final product
will be.the•importance of each individual's "efforts' is best, explained by
the old adage, "Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle!" Just
as cm extr9 spoonful of salt:coil ruin an angel food cake,. ,one Misplaced-
0/1. can. or a careless movement can destroy the safety at.a station .or
• maybe even endanger -the life of a worker.
Andonee 'a cake i5 ruined, -nothing can ,bedone to remedy it. Therefore,
prevention. is a key to avoiding any 'failures; in railway safety. Once an
injury occurs, nothing can undo the .doMage. But part of success is to
learn from past mistakes. Sirice a tested recipe is always better, so. must
everybne attempt to use their errors to improve their own safety habilS
and also those 'of. their fellow workers. 'Experience shOuid never fail to.
'offer a small kindly word of advice before a lesson is learned the hard •
way and at great cost. •
Moreover, althoUgh: Grandmother alwoys seemed to achieve the.,best
results with o. "dash of thiS, and a pinch of that" thrown together in an
• old .blaCk pot, railwaymen must be precise. Tools which are carefully
used, and stored neatly in their provided 'Places, and ideas. which pre.
thoughtfully considered before they are acted,..upon will .help to. guaran=
tee a better-ProdOct„ .
And' the "substitution method" was never :an accepted one in .baking or
• railroading. Employees-.should never settle for..a bolt 'that "almost fits",
anymore than a chef would compromise to.use .baking soda instead Of
baking poWder, .
.One of the most important 'ingredients. in 'any recipe is time. No taste
'compares. with that of a home-made cake one made by someone who
cared enough to take a; little extra time. for the sake of excellence. And
probably no 'component in the recipe. for railway.safety is more essential
than .thoie added moments to ensure that the job is. completed correctly
and safely. Just a. few extra seconds can •save.an pye,,. a legs or even a
life. There is no way to economize on baking time, and 'no railway job
worth doing should be rushed either.- • .
If the recipe 'for railway 'safety was used by; each and every' Canadian
National employee, the hazardi of working conditions would ,drop' to a
Minimum. Just imagine. how Much misery, manpower, and money would
be saved by its use. 'I.hope this recipe 'finds a .special spot in the recipe
files of all employees' homes. And reniember.kailwaymen:
With Adrian Vos
It seems that there are differ-
ent yardsticks for farmers and for
urban people. Take the item I
mentioned last Meek about the
location of•livestock buildings.
This does.not apply to dwellings.
No fanner can even dreaM of put-
ting up a livestock building near
a city or town. The city or
town, however find it quite nor-
mal to dump their smelly gar-.
bage in the country. .
At present two. more townships
are engaged in a fight to keep the
city's pollution out of their back-
yard. Hope Township 'in Durham
County, with the help of local.
Federation of-Agriculture and a
one thousand' citizen group called
HOPE, are fighting desperately
in "hearings" conducted by Ont-
ario's government. The other
municipality is Elgin County.
With an energy crisis upon us,,
isn't it about time that some
more money is made available
to come up With a plant that re-
cycles the garbage into methane
gas and nitrogen fertilizer? It .
has been known for decades that
this is possible. The argument is.
that it is not profitable. One
never hears if it reduces the cost
of disposal, and what about the
quality of life of' the people who
live nearby? 'These are intangib-
les that can't be expressed in
money ,.so the computer leaves it
out. of the computation.
ton city, has a system of partial re-
cycling and it seems that they
make some profit on it , so why
not Toronto and London?
Talking about recycling reminds
me that more • efforts are being
made in the recycling of animal
waste through farm digestors. The
University of Waterloo plans to
build a methane gas plant on a
hog farm, as a pilot project.. In
the meantime I received another
book from India,. with engineer-
ing designs for different sizes of
gas plante. After adapting one
design to my' present facilities, I
sent it away to the Bio-gas engin-
Lucknow District Co-
Each growing season, more Ontario acres
can be used for corn production.
Earlier maturing varieties developed by your
'Co-operative make' it possible. They're changing the
Ontario corn map.
Every year, CO-OP research keeps adding to the
growing line of C0=0P Big Bonus seed corn
hybrids. Our objective? Moreiacres of Ontario corn
and more bushels from every Ontario acre:
Talk to our crop specialist about the proven CO-OP
Big Bonus varieties with the characteristics that
will fit your farm and your yield goals.
S345,. 335
S345, 'S327,
S327, S280
S280, 277
S280, 277, S265, 266, 267
S260, 264, 266, S267
S260, 264, S255
Phone 528-2125
Big Bonus Hybrid Corn ...
developed and proven in Ontario.
That lasts the
Whole Year
Unit Senior Citizens lionsi
building. He is expected•
continue his search.
Mrs. Francis Boyle led in
"Group Discussion" present
She said leaders emerge ie
emergencies. She listed w
role of a member in a
discussion group was and w
was the role of the-whole
Members felt she brought
many helpful ideas.'
Cameron McAuley ment
the ideas given at the last
ing as Group Projects. Fo
groups were formed to disc
1. Future of Gore Park. 2.
up and beautification.of Ri
village', 3. Cetheteries in
township and 4. Our new r
and how we can help them
come part of the conimun
Each person went to the gr
which he or she was most
ed •
It was decided to have
meeting in December but
on the third Monday night
teary in Knox Sunday'Scho