HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 11'sat
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For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument
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ONTARIO „„„ ••• ......
Wednesday , November 21
Chalmers Presbyterian
S. held their meeting at
ore of Mrs. Dawson Craig.
e president Mrs ..K.11 Rintoul
d the meeting with the
In Flanders Field. All
0 Happy Day after which Mrs
ul extended a warm Welcome
itors and members.
Wesley. Tiffin read the
ure and gave the meditation
Problems of Prayer followed
ayes by Miss Annie Laidlaw.
ding, Peace was given by
Earl Cailick.
s. Nwson Craig read the cor-I
ndence. A "Get Well" card
gned by all for Mrs. Russel -
still a patient in Kitchener
ital. The roll call was
ered by 14 with a
containing Peace.
eDecernber meeting was
ed. It was decided to hold
meeting one week earlier on
ay, December I3'at the
of Mrs. Bill Evans. The
ings for the winter will be .
e third Thursday instead of
esday. The offering was
ated by Mrs. W. R. Purdon.
s. Wesley Tiffin'gave the
t of bales sent during the
Mrs. W. R. Purdon gaVe
eport for welcome and cheer,
decided for the December
ing to answer roll call with a
mu card stamped ready to
nt. The new programmes
be ready to be giVen out at
cember meeting. Any sug-
for programme will be
fully received.
sang Peace perfect:Peace.
John de Boer gave .a reading
e, Mrs. Bill Rintoul read a
-up by Rev Royal. Mrs.
Ross gave a reading on Peace:
election of officers was then
con (IC
vember 20 at
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Me Study wa
. Nelson Pear
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al good,tut
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roceeda at
halmers WMS
lect Officers
Lloyd Murdock gaye the
of the' nominating corn-
e, President , Mrs. Wm.
at; 1st Vice, Mrs. Wallace
;2nd Vice, Mrs. VictOr
on; Secretary , Mrs. Daw
stmas g4
apprecia t
Oevi Of
year lu„t"'
n attroc"
Harold; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Glenn and Janine-from Lucknow;
Mr. and -Mrs. Vernon
Glenn and family, Goderich; Mr.
and Mrs. Donnie Glenn and
fimily , Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs,
Herb Pocock and Larry from Hep-
Recent visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. Harvey Alton •on Wednesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton
from Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs,
Carman Pollock, 'Lynn, Susan and
Larry from Nile, On Sunday-
evening Mr. and Mrs. Alton were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rom
ald Alton and family at Lucknow.
Word was received of the death
of 65 year old Harold Smith of
Kirkfield , near Sirncoe. His •
mother , Mrs. Wm. Smith, is a
resident, of Huronview , Clinton.
Our sympathy is extended to her •
and the relatives in our, commun-
ity. Mrs. Smith and the late Mr.•
Wm. Smith and family were form
er residents here,
Achievement Night
For Sunday School
The annual Sunday. School
achievement night of the Lang-.
side church was 'held Friday even,
The programme opened with
everyone singing a hymn., Mr.
Murdock read the scripture.
Nancy de Boer's Beginners class
did a.. skit 'Jesus is our Friend' .
The.C.Q.C. sang some songs.
Helen Wiersma's class'did the
skit , 'How, did Moses cross the
Red Sea'. •
A Bible Quiz was enjoyed by
ail between the senior classes
and the congregation. Jean
Young's class did a skit.' Why-itis'.
The senior girls sang 'Thank you'.
Keith/ Bregman gave a poem
'Calvary' . Some of the C.O.C -.
did the skit 'Little Rabbit 'Fruit -
Fruit' and led everyone in the
song "Joy , Joy, Joy". Another
hymn was sung.
The Sunday School teachers
save their awards to their Classes
and, Russell Young presented the.
pins and seals, -
'Mr. Murdock Closed the even-
ing With prayer. Everyone then
enjoyed a delicious lunch.
son Craig; Assistant Sec „ Mrs.
LlOyd Murdock; Treasurer.,.Mrs.
Johnston Conn; Secretaries , Glad
Tidings , Mrs. Walter Elliott;
Home Helpers , Mrs. Elroy Laid-
law; Welcome , Mrs. W. R.
Purdon; Library and Literature ,
.Mrs. Don Ross; Supply , Mrs. ,Wes.
ley Tiffin;' Pianist, Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt, Mrs. Johnston Conn; C.O.
C. , Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Mrs,
Archie Purdon; Ladies Aid treas'
urer , Mrs. John de Boer. Mrs.
Murdock installed the officers by
a. scripture reading and prayer
for the officers.
The Ladies Aid collection was
received and all sang More Love
to Thee.. The meeting closed
with prayer. Courtesy remarks.
were ,given by Mrs. Rintoul.
Grace was sung and Mrs Craig
served refreshments.
We are glad to know Mrs. Tom
Culbert is well again, Her moth-
er kits, L. Newbigging from List-
owel is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Culbert and girls.
to Irene Hasty ,
who received her Honour Gradua-
tion certificate at Wingham and
District Commencement recently.
Irene is in training at St. Thomas-
Elgin General Hospital and gets
home most week ends.
Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin
visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Mary
Turton and Miss Annie Baxter near
Mrs. Lorne Woods accompanied.
by Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner of
Lucknow visited Mrs. Cecil Blake
on Friday. • Other guests during
the week end were Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Blake , Alliston, and Miss Ada
Webster from Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Mat-
thew of-Kitchener were borne for
the week end with. Mr. and Mri.
Irvine Eedy and Martha.
Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Park.included Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Park and four children, Brian.
Grant, Norman and Sheila; from
Mississauga for the week end;' Mrs.
Wilda Chatsworthy, a sister of
Mrs. B. Park, from Granton and
a Sister-in-law , Mrs. George
Taylor , from London, on Friday;
also Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Burt
(Diane Park) and children, Rhonda
and. Randy, from Goderich on Sun-
day. •
Former neighbours, Charlie
King of Detroit, and Morgan King
called to see Mrs. Minnie Jones
an Friday. '
Eldon McClenaghan was home
for the' week end from his work
in Stratfcird..
Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram
and three children, Scott „Kim ,
berley and' Chris visited,-Mr7-and
Mrs. Cecil McNall on Sunday.
,'Congratulations to. Mr. and Mrs.
Bill King, who were married on
Saturday, November 24. They
are living in their new trailer
home in pungannon.
Mrs. C. McClenaglian Mrs.
Lorne Ivers,:a.nd Mrs. Ja.C.k Alton
attended Auburn bazaar, Saturday:
• Public and Secondary school
pupils enjoyed a holiday on Wed-
nesday as teachers. attended Pro-
fessional Development Day in
different areas. Some of' the •
pupils assisted with our 'W. I. pro-
gram at Huironview that afternoon.
/. The pleased expression on the
faces in the audience proved how
worthwhile their young talent is.
Let us watch for the next letter
or poem by Hank of Huronview,
Several of the young boys in
our community are very interested
in hockey and also enjoy their
uniforms. Their ,parents or moth-
ers are to be commended on get-
ting the Children to their games
and practices.
In football if you weren't
among the 37,000 in attendance
at the Grey Cup game, Sunday,
no doubt you watched it ',on TV.
And On . Saturday evening'at N.11.
L. hockey intermission, didn't
you enjoy seeing Eleanor and Paul
Henderson and family, ,'Heather
Jennifer.and Jill, doing their 20,
exercises in a new Physical Devel-
ofment prograqi?
Mr, and Mrs, Gerrie Glenn
held their family Christmas gnther
ing last Sunday, Guests inclUded
Vir, and Mrs. prank Glenn and
Several from the area attended
the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto,
'among them were Jim MacKen -
zie, Mrs. 'Warren Wylds, Mrs,
Gordon 12obb and Mr. 'and Mrs.
Oliver McCharles.
Mr. and. Mrs. Art Matthewrnan
spent the week end in Guelph
and Toronto. Miis Margo Mat-
thewman is working in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh
and family spent a day in London
. Dan Wylds has gone to
spend the winter with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Wylds of Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles
spent Sunday in Brantford, where"
they attended the funeral of Mrs.
Sarah Jordon, mother of. Mrs.
Donald McCharles of Chatham.
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