HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 10Enjoy a 2 Night* Special
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Evening Auxiliary
The Noveniber meeting of the
Lucknow Presbyterian Evening
Auxiliary was held in the Sunday
School room on Tuesday the 20th.
At the beginning of the evening
the ladies of the auxiliary joined
with the young ladies group .- the
"Busy Buddies" and enjoyed very
much the slides on Africa , shown
by Miss Mary Macintyre.
The business part of the even-
ing followed with Mrs. Roy Fin-
lay= in the presidents chair.
The opening hymn was 155 "From
the Easter Mountains". The scrip•
ture and meditation was given by
Mrs. Leonard MacDonald. Mrs.
Bill Ross gave a reading,on Rem-
embrance Day.
The roll call was answered and
the Aim and Purpose of the •W .M.
S. repeated. Business and corres-
pondence was discussed. Mrs.
Bruce Raynard and Mrs. George
McInnis were appointed as the
nominating committee to find a
slate ,of officers for the new year:
The cloiing hymn was "Where
Cross the Crowded Ways of. Life",
followed by the, Lord's prayer.
Lunch and a social time was en-
Hunter; supply and welfare Mrs.
Donald Hackett, Mrs. Clifford
Menary, Mrs. Tim Reurink and
Mrs. Reg Broome; press and pub-
licity ,' Mrs. 'Blake Alton and Mrs.
Allan Ritchie; stewardship and
recruiting, Mrs. Jim Arnold and
Mrs: ..Tom Helm; nominating com-
mittee, Mrs.. Douglas Raynard ,
Mrs. Allan Hackett 'and Mrs. Wil-
liam Andrew Jr.; community
friendship, Mrs. Clifford Menary;
flower, comtnittee, Mrs. William
Andrew Sr.. Mrs. Warren Zinn
and Mrs. Frank Ritchie; manse
committee Mrs. Donald Hackett .,
Mrs. Alex Hackett ?_Mrs. Warren
Zinn and Mrs. Douglas Raynard;
card' secretary, Mrs. Allan Hack-
ett and Mrs. John Hunter; mission.
information-receiver, Mrs. Alex
Rev. Hummel closed with pray-
er. The exchange of Sunshine
Gifts was carried out and names
drawn for 1974.
No man has done his duty until
he ha's done his best.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 520-2740
9:30 a.m. Sunday School--
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Stmday, December 9th
3 p.m. Sunday School presents
their Christmas program
The Centennial Book is avail-
able at Fisher's Barber Shop
and from Mrs. Ena Henderson.
St. Helens UCW
Thirteen ladies met at the home
of Mrs. W. L Miller for the Nov-
ember meeting of St. 'Helen's U. •
C.W.. Mrs. Torn Todd was in
charge of the programme and Mrs.
Allan Miller presided at the piano.
Peabe was the therrie of the
meeting . The hymn "Dear Lord an
and Father of Mankind" was sung,
followed by the scripture from
Isaiah 9 by Mrs. John Cameron.
Isobel Miller read the meditation.
A reading "Would Peace" was
given by' Mrs. Tom Todd. •
The hymn "0 God of Love , Oh
King of Peace" was followed by
a reading by Mrs. Frank McQuil-
•lin, "For our todays, they gave '
all their to-morrows".
Mrs. B. F. Green led in prayer
and Miss W. D. Rutherford led a
short discussion on the "Arab-
Israeli" crisis. She will deal with
this more fully at a later date.
The treasurers report was given.
Miss Isobel Miller offered to go
to a meeting in Listowel. The
Huron-Perth•Presbyterial "Alert"
Was read . Mrs. Humtnell gave a
short report of the executive meet-
Mrs. Robt. Nicholls
Was ACW Speaker
The November 20th meeting of
St. Peter's A .q.W. was held in
the Parish Hall. In the absence •
of the President, the 1st Vice
President Mrs. Clare Johnstone
welcomed those present.
Opening prayer was given by
Mrs. G. Garratt and Mrs. E.
Gaunt read the scripture from
Proverbs 31.
The A .C. W. prayer was then
repeated and the roll call was
answered by "Do you want to be
liberated and why?"
`Mrs. T. Pritchard reported re-
purchase of memorial prayer
books and it was decided ,to pur-
chase 4 more in memory of Mury
podgins. ••`•
Turkey pies will be made the •
first week in December-.
Mrs. Johnstone introduced the
guest speaker Mrs. Robert Nich -
oils who spoke on "Chiistian
Women's Lib". She mentioned
how a woman's life pattern has
changed so much in the past sixty
years and the loneliness so many
*omen suffer' from especially in
apartnients in the city with sev-
eral children her only company •
all day. Covering many facets of
life , both in and' outside the home
she said how much more import-
ant it 'is to be a Godly woman than
a beautiful woman, sophisticated
woman, eta. The ladies were
presented with much food for
thought., •
The closing hymn "Women of
God; Arise" was sung followed by
the closing thought"One solitary
Life" by Mrs. Cliff Roulston.
The benediction was followed
by lunch served by Mrs. Torn
Phillips and asocial time was en-
Jim Laidlaw of Wingham fav-
oured with two vocal solos , "How
Great Thou Art" and "Seek and
You will find" . The December
meeting will be held at Mrs.
Hummell's home .. The
hymn, "Jesus, the very Thought
of Thee" was sung and Mrs. Tom
Todd closed the meeting with
After Grace was sung Mrs. Torn
Todd and Miss Isobel Miller serv-
ed lunch. Mrs. Lorne Woods gave
the courtesy remarks.
Mrs, Chas. Wilkins
::.1-siUCW President •
• • Forty-four members of the Trin-
ity United Church Women in Ash.-
field sat down to, their annual
• pot luck supper on Tuesday , Nov-
ember 20th.
After the meal, president Mrs.
Jim Hunter called the meeting to
order. Mrs. Alex Hackett read
the devotion and Mrs. Warren ,
- Zinn read different passages of
scripture, Mrs. Hackett closed
with prayer. ,
Mrs. Arnold Campbell sang sev-
eral-numbers with the guitar,
which was enjoyed by all. A
humourous skit "The Sales Exist-
ance", was played by Mrs. Char-
les Wilkins, Mrs. Kenneth Alton
and Mrs. Alex Hackett.
The Sunday.School Christmas
concert is to be held at Brookside
School on December 8th. Mem-
bers are asked to donate candy to
make up bags on December 6th.
The treasurer's report was given
by Mrs: Warren Zinn. Donations
of money for different organiza-
tions were read and approved for
1973. Mrs: Bert Alton moved a
vote of thanks on behalf of the
members who moved to Luclmow
this year, for the lovely evening.
The December 4th' meeting
will be-held at the manse, a
joint meeting with Blake's unit at
2 p.m.
Rev. Hummel installed the
• officers for the coming year
president, Mrs. Jim }hinter; Pres-
: ident , Mrs. Charles Wilkinsvvice
president , Mrs. • Chester Hackeit;
second vice , Mrs. Donald
Hackett; secretary, Mrs. Blake
Alton; ass. secretary, Mrs. Allan
Ritchie; treasurer ,•Mrs. Warren
Zinn; ass. treasurer, Mrs. Russel
Irvin; pianist, Mrs. Kenneth
Alton; ass. pianists, Mrs. Blake
Alton and Mrs. Douglas Raynard;
finance , Mrs. Jim Hunter , Mrs.
Warren'Zinn, Mrs. Charles Wilk-, ins and Mrs. Chester Hackett;
programme , Mrs. Kenneth Alton,
Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Mrs. Alex
Hackett and Mrs. Doug Cameron;
„„,secial, Mrs. D. -A. Hackett, Mrs.
Chester Hackett , Mrs. Marvin
Scott , Mrs. George Henry , Mrs.
Harvey Ritchie and Mrs. Jim
of~W40014"."6".~%.%041eito°W .4401%.4.41-?°44eS
J. W.. Van Stempvoort
s 10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m., Service
(Dutch,' 1st Sunday of
the month)
Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 am. Morning Worship
5:30 p.m. Lucknow C.G.I.T.
on Singtime
ing in Brucefield on November
last years officers were re-
appointed for 1974. A card .was
signed to be sent to Mrs. Gordon °
MacPherson'who is in'hospital at
the present time.
Dungannon U
On Tuesday, November Hi
8.30 'I). rrr. , Dungannon U.C;W
met in the' church basementli
fourteen in attendance.
McClenaghan played for theop
ing hymn, "Lord speak to MO
I may
e sppreeakd"e•nt , Mrs. Lorne
Hasty , conducted the businei:
meeting. Roll call was answer
by naming a man from the Old
Testament. Correspondenceir
eluded thank-you letters and it
report of cards sent,
Next meeting is to be Dicer
ber 11 a t,12.30 noon with a pot`
luck dinner, gift exchange, at
ladies from the congregationP
neighbours as well as group10
ers. A gift is to be 'purchased'
a Children's Aid mother, CO
dars will be available at thiiii
The theme "Bible Study was
presented by Mrs. Nelson Pear
l'seoand afrir from mMrs. Acts F
red aYoreuandginwgh;6
"Compassion has no bounds",
prayer. Bible personalities, k
and David , were studied and
given in question and answer
form. Collection was receiv
by Mrs. y 0 uPneg. Pearson and dedicate
Closing hymn was "0 Little
Town of Bethlehem". Lunch
hostesses were Mrs. C. McC1
e and Mrs. Donald McK e zi
Dungannon GI
Stage Concert
Orr Monday evening of las t
week the Dungannon C.O.
held a variety Concert at Bt
side Public School.
Songs', skits and special no
bers by 'Cathy Simpson and d
Drennan Family were on the
agenda • Miss Marie' Boyle P
the rpia no for songs and play(
various number's to fill in,
There was a real good,tun
and was really appreciated b
C T , The proceedi are
a mission not yet finaliied.
A Sentinel 6i
For that Christmas
which will be apprecia
year long, give a new or
al subscription to The C
Sentinel. $6 per year in ti
$8 for foreign. An attrac
card will' be sent.