HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-28, Page 1She returned in late October from. Warsaw , Poland where she has spent the past two years in the embassy there. Her first foreign posting was to Prague; Czechoslov akia for 2 1/2 years and where she left ju4t• a few weeks before the Russian tanks invaded the city to quell an uprising in the country a few years ago. on of •Belfast and the Winston, has been post- 0:oda, a secretary with the Can- aliment, Department of ihkffairs, and this posi- taken her'to three other gsinthoservice of the dep ton daughter of Mrs. cy • . re nt posting is t 9 Jakarta, She followed with a period of werking in the Canad- Ottawa for 1 1/2 years before i , . With the Canadian Inter- service in Nfeosia , Cyprus for i Development Agency and about 1 1/2 years and served in y office with this agen- .being posted to Poland . *.-V-.----' my IVIole Elected President Of wHorticultural Society,. Held Meeting g and Banquet Last Week *al banquet of the Luck District Horticultural os held in the Anglican ppovember 19. Mrs. Natgomety provided id Ithusit before the ban- frietvecl. r .t ..„.gf;',9011ed to.. e:Icsident Mrs. Joan ittli words of welcome o: the Queen follow.- 0,1atibnal Anthem , Grace was said by the. Rev . Robert Nicholls. A roast , beef supper was served by the ladies of the Anglican Church. Mrs. Pearl' Bell thanked the ladies for the delicious meal and Mrs. Harvey The president then called upon. Reeve George Joynt , who expres- CONTINUED.,ON PAGE 23 , . • ", ,,,, of West Wawanosh, left, and with Advanced Honours, Mrs. Donald (Linda) Culbeit of Dungannon. Provincial Honours are for the completion of 12 clubs and Advan- ced Honors for the completion of 18. Advance Times Photo. LUCKNOW SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28„1973 Single Copy 15c 24 Pages External Affairs • Department johiition.Gets Isfing To Indonesia ley District Community at Group held their neeting in St . And - kelt Hall with Cameron kicharge. .Reg Moore ties the Medical Centre lee. Plans are almost 04 a one-story building , Ott/tents are being ,made 0. hold building is aantled and anyone may I Pof the trees which must bout to provide space . !oils C. MacDonald if iisea tree. The Commit- sing to work with 0etinnent level who seetite staff for the Nied- wie, They hope to be '!eeePttenders Soon. pbers were informed' a ttve from the Ontario 'potation had: visited !luck y Ticket !‘o y Cup Game *CHURCH NEWS ,(11age and community, eir congratulations to t. to who held the lucky ft sold by the Wingham ftcthe Grey Cup game. 411422 for the East and illest, Walter wins Older of the lucky t id k-,iesday evening Walter tes restaurant Wingham Wi given his supper babe ward. Kinsmen Club To Receive Charter Here On Friday George Irving of Galt ; Nation- al President of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs, will Present the Charter to the Lucknow and Dist- rict Kinsmen Chi!) on Friday, of this week, November 30. The ceremonies will commence at. 7.30 p.m., in the Lucknow Leg- ion. Peter Baird of Cayuga , Governor of District one , along With Deputy Governor Ross Wilkie of Harriston , will also take part in the Charter Ceremonies. Mac Ritchie from the sponsoring Club CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Ashfield Has 25 New Memberships In Federation In a weeklong membership drive , Vince Austin , a well , known Ashfield Township farmer , together with Bill Crawford the SeCretary qieldman of the Village Hires Doug Haldenby School Cafeterias Not Paying Way Cafeterias in seven Bruce County schools are expected' to lose $43 ,226 this year, Ward of education trustees were told. Boards treasurer Ronald Swanson said 'a two-week survey showed that one student in three made use of the cafeterias but only seven of the 33 county schools have the service. "Tht's one out of every 10 students in the total enrolment:" Sales revenue' is not, covering the cost of food, he said. In his 1974 budget projections, Mr. Swanson said he has allowed foi a 10-per-cent increase in • food prices. • The G. C. Huston school at Southampton was the Only one operating at a profit , netting 82,445. The' other six cafeterias are . operating at deficits ranging from $1,840 at Lucknow to $14,381 at Walkerton. Other deficits are Chesley, CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Presented with provincial Honours at the recent 4-H Club achievement day in Wingham was Mrs. Cecil.(Marybelle) Cranston • Lucknow and District Kinsmen , Club has offered to assist the Lucknow Business Men's Associa- tion in the staging of Santa Claus Day in Luckndw • The Kinsmen executive, meet- ing with the business group on Monday evening, offered their assistance and the businessmen were quick to accept. Santa's visit to Lucknow was set for Satutday, DeCember. 15th. Tentative plans call for Santa to make a .round of the main street and then meet with the children for a• movie arid the distribution of treats. ' The Kinsmen 'will look after the organization of the day , the movie and the distribution of the treats. The treats' will be supplied by the business group who will be Marilyn Irwin, 18, 'daughter of. N1r. and Mrs. Elwood 'Irwin Of • Sarnia , was the recent winner of an essay on railway safety. Her father is an employee of Canadian National Railways and is manager of the carload centre, Sarnia. Her essay was entitled "Recipe for Railway Safety". Marilyn is a grade 13 student at Northern District Collegiate in Sarnia. The firit prize was a 19" Colour TV or the equivalent in cash, which Marilyn took. Marilyn's parents are former Lucknow residents, her dad having y District Development Group Progress On Medical Centre the village looking for 4 acres of land for a suitable site for 25.- CONTINUERON PAGE 18 CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Douglas Ilaldenby of Lucknow has beeh hired by the Village of LucknOw as assistant to the town foreman. His duties w411 com- mence on December 3rd. ,,He was engaged at an hourly rate of $3.50. . Doug succeeds Eldon Miller of Lucknow who has taken a position with ,Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home. His duties with the town end on November 30th. There were three men interest- ed in the position. Doug has, been an employee of MacDonald's Imperial Service Station for. many years where he followed the trade of a motor mechanic. 1404E4 IS A FAMISH SPEcNoxv or inINIAcE0 SANUMIgi Es LITERALLY IT WEANS DRE.AD WITH. .01ITER E GOLDEN OLE THE AVOW( sous RMONIZE R' EACH ER AND M A AAAAAA/AAA/A.A. AAAAAAAAAAAA/A Kinsmen Offer Assistance To Business Men In Staging Of Santa Claus Day, Business Group Again Sponsor Free Skating For Four Saturdays In December responsible for advertising the event. • Joe Agnew , co-president of the business group, presided at Mon- days meeting which saw the , Christmas store, hours set for the season. Stores will be open three Fri- day nights in Decembet , 7, 14 and 21 until 9 p.m. . Stores will be open all day Thursday in December , 6, 13,20, 27. The week prior to Christmas, stores will, be open every night until 9 p.rn. ; December 17 to 22. BUsiness iilaces will close at 6 p.m. Christrrias Eve. Luckhow Business Men's Asocia• don will again sponsor free skat-, ing for all children for four Satur- days in December, 1, 8, 15 and 22, been raised here and her' mother , the fprmer Joan Campbell, a' nat- ive of Amberley. CONTINUED ON PAGE '18 Died At Age 62 Mrs. Pharis Mathers, of Kinloss Township died at the Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday.. She was 62 years of age. The funeral was held at the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel l in Lucknow. on Monday at 2 p.m. with burial irk.South Kinloss Cem- etery. A/A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAA Sarnia Student Wins First Prize In Railway Safety Contest Essay BRUSSEL Ft FAN