HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-21, Page 2t _,
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� - � . _ The LUCKNOW SENTINEL .
�' �"�'Ik, S�poy Town" — On th� .Huron=Bruct Bounda�y
. .$econd C�ass� Mail Registtation. Number 0847
Establisbed �873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon�
. , �mbe� af the C,W.N.A. �and O,W.M.A, :
� Subsc�iption Rate, �6.00 a year in advance -- to the U.S,A., ;8.00
. ,. nonald c, Tl,ompson, Publislier .
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. W O RT H Y Y O U N G. 1VI E N form of twa years ago. Effective ,
. January 1 contribution rates will �
� C 1 a s s V a X e d i c t o r i a n at be sharply increased �. �
. the� ,F. E. Madill Secondary Schoo]
Commencement HYiday was Bern- Governrnent members of .par,-
ard A. Mi,ltenburg , son of Mr . liament know , as well as you and
and� Mrs. Jqhn Miltenburg of Ash- Z, what a racket this unempYoy-
� field Township. � ment insurance fund has turned .
This young man had much to out to be. Despite this� what-
say,, and said it well . but what ' ever id�als they had when ,elected
. makes his a�chievemen;t even , to parliament seem�.to go down
, more significant is the fact that he 'the d�ain� in favour,of party po.lit-
has. been a resident of Car�ada. for -ics and the fear� of the ballat on
just„ over- six, .years � having. election day .� .
' come from. his native Holland. ' '�
• To become an Onta�io Scholar � 1Ne suggest that th�, govern-
�with a grade 13 mark of 89.3% ment has run away from respon-
• is an� accom.plishment �for any sibi�ity in failing to introduce
� young person, but to do it in a proper legislation to crack down.
' new counuy , using a language on abuses of the unemployment
which is not your mother tongue,�. ; insurance fund . They talked
� .is an accomplishment worthy of about it � then backed away from
� special recognition., . „� it �when the� pressures .
,Bernard`s twin bYother Leonard started ..Our personal view is that
was just a few points behind �him the NDP party , supposedTy the
in grade 13 standing. ans� stood party. of organized labour , would
' second. in the list of Ontario scho1- frown 'on su+ch a move by the Trud�
ars at:.the scliool. :His achieve- eau government ,and we all know
� ment, is equal to tt�at of'his broth= haW much the present government
•er. � rely on the NDP to keep them
It is not our intention to. over- alive in Ottawa. ,
'look the many grade 13.�students g 1/2 million working Canad-
who all deserve special recogni- ians wi11 be a in 4 o more��in •
. tion; but in view of the circum- .` p y g� ;_ ,'
, unemployrne.nt insur�nce prem,
. stances , we feel that these . � � � � '
two yaung men deserve an� extra ,. ivans next year:� A Disgrace !
sp�cial word of commendation. - �
, � � , � „ � . . • ' ry �
� GQO.D NEWS - � '
•. ' ' � ' Good .News for this area is the ,
Nlost of us realize that the Un- fact that'the reconstruction of th�
employment. Insurance Fund idea , Bruce County Road nortli of Luck-
a elping hand to those who are now will commence in 1974:
�u� of work and need assistance , While the mileage schedu�ed for �
was lost many �years ago; in the . the, first year is small � from, the�
� . shuffTe of government bureaucracy railway t�racks .nort� td the Gr.ey •
and ineffic.iency and that it now Ox � the 4th.concession, ati least
.. � r ep r e s e n t s � f o r a� a rg e n u m b e r o f it i s a g o o d s t a r t a n d h o p e f u l ly_
�� �, people � a holiday with pay. � � the remainder of the 10 mi•le
�, ' ' For those who truly: want to �� stretch to Kinloss will pioceed in
work there are many jobs avail- s�iccessive ye�rs.
� �
li�ri...:... � ,
able ,� Most people • who have at� � When completed this suetch of .
� �empted to'hire help in recent ' road should be a valuable. asset to
� time� know that it 'is very difficult the ar.ea .`It wi11 provide an im-
to find help, portant access road between Hur-
' T�e unerrdployment. figures in on and Bruce counties and will �' ,
Canada are a myth. Take away . further contribute to th� de�velop-
4, the numb.ers.who are on holidays. ment qf the area in which we.
tlie numbers'who are lazy and live.
will�not aecept work �nd the
seasonall une 1 ed h' d �
y mp oy w o o not
plan to work or want to work in
. t h e o f f s e a s a n , an d t h e n u m b e r s
would' 6e reduced very shaxply .
The government , in its great
unemploy.ment i�nsutanee reorgan-
ization plan in 1�71; with increas�
ed benefits , dealt the fund its .
final blow . We now have the
, happily unemp�oyed , making �l-
most as much as if they w�re.
: working and Content to stay tY�at
way 'as long as they can., Naw ,
� with the fund hopelessly in the
- red � government has decided that
� the eiiiployers and hard re�ular
warkers of this country will bail �
tiieni outi of �the muddle which
chey crea�ed wzth their gr�at re-
n" � ,
. �
, ON'�Ai�lO ,e
An O�en �ette�„ ' ed that courtesy, Instead We f
. � � . � rr�isleading published report i
their impxessi�on"„
States Position On �ounci , Story We wish to str'e,ss thac We ,
�,ue"sted extend;ed dust cont�o�
To W`est Wawangsh Townsk�ip '��,9th County Raad .. I also suggest from our progerty to the sw
that tax�ayers.who protest AGA�N- West of us , the ��OS.T OE am�
Council, ' ' S�' adequa�e Calcium..Chldri�� , �n/E W�� WH��
�toad S.uperintendent and Rate- . . WILLIN� �p p��0�
payers. � spray on this road sho�zld travel on ALLY MEET � O�r request Was
the� 9th when possible � rne� but', before an�' during the
I wish to draw attention to the � � drought this summer
6. Raad Trucks should be r:e- � We tound
4Vest Wawanqsh .Townsliip Cour�cil� auued to travel � where possible � t he� dust contro:l complefely�inE
-Minutes printe�l in the Lucknow fective.
� on the most thinly ,populated
Sentinel on. Wednesda,y � November - • 1;
14 , 1973 , in whic� �eference , is • roads. , It is fiustrating r�o_�.,,see tax . I believe the extent of Calci
dollars, and Miss. Gordon's and Chlor i d e c o n t r o l s h ould:b�
made eo the "protests" of Miss � based on th� amount of traf(ic'.
Gordan and myself � Mrs, Doro�h m� own private fun�s for exten�-
McKenzie � on the Townshipts hand ing Calcium Chloride spray down any busy road and that �raffie°
lin of dust control on Concession our hill to Clark's, �rolling o#f the counters should be rented for �
g road f�om under those dual wheels Purpose . If this were done, o�
Road 10/11. , � , � xeQuest for, Calcium Chloride ?
Specifically I wisl�.to draW at- . 7. � I have been informed by sat�ration would, we aresure;`�
tention to th�e last sentence of the ratepayers that trailers are' parked ' prove to be a reasonable one, �
paragraph referring to us ,, and I� all over West Wawanosh ,�ayicig
quote -"They left tfie• impression. $2.00 cax for the lot.� The trail- Dorothy McKenzie
w•ith Council th�at should Conc.es- exs are used as homes and are tax
sion 10/11 be chlorided to their � free �, �th�s. are not contribuiing to November 15 , 1973..
satisfaction. that it real],y did not our road payment th,rough Town-
matter� about the re.maining roads ship taxes. F' �---,--��
in the Township." � � I hope, you will all consider %�IZQu�
e' e e a ant- these remarks and come ta some �����
To b gin with th y ar fl gr � —�
ly out of order in reporting an � �neighbourly conclusion,. towa�ds . � ..
IMPRESSION, Council.reports tt�e, impro�le�ent of the Belfast/ HUMPHREY��- HODDER
should be facts � not im essions �� Sr . Helens Road ."
lu o : Mr , a nd � Mrs. Hubert Hodd
nor conjectu�es .�urth'e�r , their • Wingham wish. t� annpunce th
impression, as �stated , �is absolute-, � � � � � � , � � � engage�ment of,their �daughter.
ly untrue . Our int�rest , certain- The above• is the full content Wendy Lyrin to Dou�las Corri
ly, is in Concession 10/11 because� af our pzese�tation.to the �ou.ncil. Humphrey, son of Mr, and �
we live on this road . If others �,�/� attended this meeting with Irtiarold Humphrey of Lucknow
wish their roads chlorided,it is up "�he sole purpose of submitting our The wed.ding wiTl take place
to them to state tl�eir wishes as we �ase for dust contrcil on oti�r road. Luc•know Presbyterian Ghurch`
have done and more power xo H/e naturally expected a reply , 5attirday�, December Sth,197
thern. , b�t so�far we ha•ve not been,gxant- at 7 o'c.lock p.�n. ,
' The FACTS are contained in thF �
following copy of our presentatio.n.,
to- Councxl: _ . ' �; � •
"We have come to.protest the
eondition of roads in summer
months since we commenced liv- �
�i�ng i� thi_'s area: 4Ve refer specif- • ■
ically to dust control: � J
1. Inadquate. treatment of Cal-
cium Chloride ,is poor economy .
It blows off the�roads into the ,
fields�with the dust. Therefore
the'tax funds for Calcium Clilor-
ide are mo sti y wasted. If wasted
Calcium Chloride could.be re-
trieve.d and turned back into_do1- . � .
lars everyone would be scratch�ng �LIQUID PROTEIN �$UPPLEMENT)
in xtie� fields �for it I I, have discus- . , � •.
sed this with Road.Engineers in' . �� —�-• .. ---- _ ��` " •
various districts who agree with � � . � w� � � ' �; ' �, � �`� �� � �
rri� that it is better tn forego dust '� �� '�_. jr,�
� .. .......
control completely than do a poor ��,, . . -• ��� �� .. ,
job.� I have not heard an�one yet � . " ~� � ' ' • �""`%" -�
say that Calcium Chloride im- � �� ,�'�y' " � . i� ,f�;;
proves .ciops 1 � '' �1�: � . . , � �,. �� � �':.�.
. � ' � �. � '1 , �,hTt' - `• � � �,;; ; .� � }
2. Weather problems . We can- p .���A', „��u �.�•�� ri �•
� r:'
not very well hide behind. t�e � F � ' '�' , " ` "� '��3
excus.e of drought: . We'experience �� .,.�.�,.,
abnormal weather �conditions�� of ' � � ?. , �
one sort or another ever.y year:, • � � � e��,,� ��,,,,
If it is not too much rain , it is � � ,�,,
`�.OP �
too much heat or drought. We , � , � ` ��� ,�;
have to expect and accept �this ��, ��,�`f� ,�
and prepare for it. • , � , • • ��\
' � . �in4K�:�v� 'l• ��11��MI�H�� �
3. I believe t•he �Council can ��, .►��. ,
afford exactly what it wishes to � �, �
afford. The sa�ings on snow- � •
plowing in.1973 shuuld have been , W.�jOS�/
�af e lo
used for dust control. I am sur.e �. '
.you could find'means of building . t'n for � D a i r
o u r S h o w i t h o u t c h o k i n u s w i t h� ' �� , Y�
y p g �
dust. , • ; � .. at��� ,
� 4, Snow- lowin and radi �+■■� �� � .
p g � �g. , .
we have found ea�celletit up. until , � `
now . • Take advantage of the convenience of ,.
liquid feeding -- in a farm mixer or poured
S. Evidently the St. Helen's/ ��_ over �n auger LPS blends into a uniform,
Belfast Road cannot be listed as � �
a County Road untii St, Helens consistent feed or�make LP5 available
populaXion reaches 500,. Since on a free choice basis through a lick. wheel: :
chat is expecting too much , I . . �
sugg.est this Road should be entire- ' � � 0 O
�s ric .
ly spr�yed with adequate Calcium ' �� �0��
Chloride .treatment.
As you know , the tra ffic is ve�'y . � ' '
� Phon.e 528-212� .
heavy and I challenge you to .com� �
� , _
par.e this traf�ic wa�th that �f the �
_ .,
. � �. . �