HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 3VVVYN/Vr/V\v/w/V9VV/VVVVVV,V I 4 4 1 4 I 4 I I I I .4 4 BpAt NOVEMBER 7, 1973. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO vvyryirsnmyvv\yvvvvvivv, RED& WHITE 4 44 4 4 4 1 4 FEATURE! • PEA OR VEGETA1LE 2t Fl. oz. Tin HABITANT 29 8 SOUPS C BLANCHED PEAMITr4cimic MAPLE LEAF' BONELESS SMOKED FEATURE! CHASE a SANDBORN Oat Jar INSTANT Coffee $1.29 PAGE. THREE ""VVVVVV4\r"virrirVVVVVVVVVVVV` 4 AAAA/AAAVAAAAAWAA,AAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA A.A%—,/,,d,d.w,„AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAA POONE- 528-3001 AAiA A A A AAA, AAAAAA, AAA, 4/),\A ,kAVAAA/AAAAAAAAAA/A\MAAAAA,AAAAA.AAAA/A,AAAAAAA/AVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' BEST BUY! • SELECT ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS FuTuRE, WITH PORK 11TATT Brand. BEANS RED 72 to an. .0 WHITE STORE R TO THE EDITOR s Plebiscite ports Comp1ex 1841 Whitehall Drive, London, Onta40, October 29, 1'973. tor, %Sentinel, Ontario. P. oseil Ri le S lasts COT11- ante the owner of propert y River (the north end of , lark) in 1959 and my hus- d 1 erected a cottage on itty, make use of our cottage for ately three monthsdur" Ammer when our children eased froni school in Lon- property is situated within licked yards of Lake Huron would we travel approx ten miles to Ripley to iise ()fa swimming pool. ' latly in the summer , when so close to Lake Huron. as taxpayers in Huron were we not notified impending plan to build complex in Ripley which oximately three to four residents? How many of esidents Would use the corn- articularly the indoor • gPoolf which I assume is during the winter months residents of our 'commun. tesiding elsewhere and pay" s in our own communities same sort of Sports corn-4is our understanding that there are several sports facilities within a radius of fifteen Miles of Ripley. My huiband and wish to go on record as protesting rhost vigour- ously against the erection of a sports complex of this ,nature, with- out some sort of a plebiscite and . in this way obtain the feeling of everyone in the Community which this complex would serve , as it is our understanding that the largest portion of the tax dollar would be obtained from the group which has been referied to as "the sum- mer cottagers" who must also support the various sports facilities in their home .communities.. • We fail to see why we should be ex- pected to contribute., through taxes to the erection and maintenance of a sports complex for which we would have absolute- ly no use. Yours truly, Donna M. Jamieson, ( Mrs. Kenneth H. Jamieson) Couple Will Live In Lucknow MITCHELL HALDENBY A candelight ceremony took place in Wingham United ,Church on October 19th uniting in mar- riage Eva Haldenby of Lucknow and James Mitchell of Kincardine. Rev. Barry Pasemore officiated. The couple's attendants were Mr. and Mrs: Tom Eskrick of Kin. cardine. FolloWing a trip to Chioago , Illinois, the couple will reside in LucknoW., Dear Sir:. As a property owner in the Point Clark Beach area I am concerned over the pOssiblity of the building of a Recreation Complex in Ripley which would result in an increase in the takes which would apply to my property. From the information which has come to Me I am disturbed over the prospect of building further recreational facilities such as the contemplated Recreation Corn• plex in Ripley , particularly be- cause facilities now available to all township residents afe not used to anywhere near their capacities. In the absence of evidence that greater facilities ate needed , I wish to express opposition to the building of the proposed new . Rec- reation Complex with the increase in taxes it will bring. Yours truly , Henry '0. Klawitter. Mrs. Thomas Salkeld of•Luck- noW returned to her home Monday of this week after spending 2 1/2 weeks in St. Joseph's. Hospit- al, London and 1 1/2 weeks in Wingham Hospital. Her daughter Dr. Helen Salkeld and -friend Isabel Crealman of North Gower spent about ten days here while Mrs. Salkeld was in hospital and Mrs. John Schmidt (Margaret Salkeld) of Calgary,. Alberta spent last week end. Visiting her mother and father. Week end visitors at the home of George and. Peter R. Carter of Holyrood were Miss Jo Ann Hunt , Carlsruhe; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dahms, Mildmay;' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Teeswater; Jim Oehring and Miss Kim Weis, Han- oVer; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchin- son, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Middelkamp, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Alvery Hayes, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Burtbn Hayes, Bervie; MrS. William Hutchinson, Hamilton; Miss Aileen Carter , Walkerton and Bryan Bebnec , Belmore; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carter, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Carter, Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Cargill and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bailey of Walkerton. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Opposed To New Complex 325 Glenridge Dr. , Waterloo, Ont. N2J 3W6 Oct; 29th, 1973. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow , Ontario. It's not the things you don't . know but the things you know for sure that aren't true•that get you into trouble. The car to watch: the car be- hind the cat in front of you! Mrs. Maurice Giesz of Kincar- dine , accompanied by her mother Mrs. Viet& Tanner , Paisley, spent Friday with their cousin Mrs: Jack Mc Kendric k Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holthes of Kincar-, dine 'were also recent visitors with Mrs.. McKendrick. . Mr • and' Mrs. Mansel Napper of. Haileybury ,"J. J. and Lynne Houston of Downsviewand Wal- lace Houston of London were week end visitors with. Mr. .and Mrs. Harvey Houston of Lucknow. The Women's Instittite meeting will be held on Tuesday, Noyem.- ber 13th at 1.30 p.m. in,the Assembly Room of the. Town Hall. Please note Change of day from F"riday to Tuesday. Everyone wel' come.' Mrs. Jim McNaughton of Luck- now visited over the week end in London where her daughter, Mrs. SuSan Henning of Londein, who is a patient in University Hospital after hip surgery on Thursday. Guides Raise $70 For Bus Trip The Girl Guides met for their regular meeting in the Town Hall on November 1. The meeting Was opened with • roll call follOwed by Horseshoe formation. -The flag was raised by the. Robin Patrol. Don Thompson from the Sent.- inel came to teach the girl's the Reporter Badge. In the meanwhile the tender- foot girls passed some of their tests. The meeting Was closed with vespers and taps. The Tupperware party held on October 18th was very successful. - The Guides profited by $70. This is a good start for the bus trip Which will likely be in the spring as winter seems to be approaching 'fast. The Guides appreciate the assist, ance of all in this hind raising event.