The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-11-07, Page 2f1111,BRANCE DAY
Sunday, November 11th
Pared, of Veterans, Ladies Auxiliary, Guides, Brownies, Scots
end Cubs from the, Legion Hall; Lucknow. at 10:30 ail.
sie'Fivice AT CENOTAPH AT 11 A.M.
Remembrance Service ••,-- Laying of Wt4aths
Members of organizations and citizens are urged
to, attend
IMCIONOw $0471H84. INCKHDW. ONTARIO .INEDNEspAy, ilovEmBER.; moo mor
.aMe of 6roce:(0wrtyWeeklyindKotes.
.-0 Trend of (00111140Pirations:
"The Ilopoy Tewe— On the lineolltaroc• BisullearT
Seeend class Iteglatration Number 0847
Established 1873 ruiblished Each. Wednesday After710011
Monsbor of the C.W,N.A. and 0,W.N.A.
albser**4 Rate-, $6.60 Year in advance — to the 'U.S.A., $8.00
002eld c. Thompsgn, Publitither
LETTER TO THE. EDITOR cOttageryea KiUeardine to
Cites Golden Rule eg gst
. for'this. This we shall never.
- A berle oin o taxed ,,, Died A S
Word was received o
t tayner
use Vbelieve the total assess. merit Council
iic:ir ott'hhee; .10;taT;113s: 01,3, 0010e0to, 9t4010 t‘ a rEiteesdidteos the
s wife
ehr2eizive sttet:1414
assessment,,The greaecn4j°r#Y smoZrnDahvisidp.assmring. aarild4-mryesa,r.00fil4y•
beach, aucshlt,vaenodnglIettIli7ttlineQinnthreStuart rith,e. ' Glenn and. Janine of tucknow,viii for our taxes. • , ed the funeral home in: Count,
We should have representation wood and attended the frineral,'
has you know , is physically,im-
on the Township Council, Thai,
possible , as our homes are -
spread far and wide over South-. never' justifies the means",
the best policy" and "the end :
day , Ootober 31 of the sudden
$28 0
00 ,000, The 4s4essrp,14, Stayner. Mr. Duggan was inaz,4
o Huron passing of Leo W. pligan of for HPrOuToWnship is
Wednes ,
The Paisley, Advocate ,* the
weekly newspaper of that,eorn-
' muniry has been sold: by 'Bruce
• MacKenzie' of Paisley to Bill ,
Matheson., publisher,Of the Ches-
. 'ley Enterprise and Tara Leader,.
The Paisley paper his been in the
MacKenzie family name for the
past. 81 years. ,
Production facilities ,for the
Paisley, Chesley and Tara papers
will be shared in the Chesley•
plairt,joining a trend in weekly
newspapering whereby many news-
papers are becoming combined ,
Eight of the county's weeklies
°are now in thii category. The
Wiarton Echo and the Southamp-
ton Beacon are published by Har-
old Wyonch of Wiarton. The
above three mentioneci'are pub-
lished by. Mr. Matheson. Kincar,
dine News is one of three week-
lies published by Robert Shrier of
• . Goderich and the Lucknow Sentin-
el and Teeswater News are'pub-
lished hy'the local`publisher.
Port 'Elgin, Mildmay and Walk-
erton are the three rerdaining
papers in Bruce County.
Ten of the eleven papers in
The. Bruce are printed at central
printing plants at either Goderich
or Elmvale by the photo offset
' method. Only One paper, The •
Walkerton Herald-Times, contin-
ues to' print the letterpress meth-
od in their own shop.
Each, week we drove our paper
about 200 miles return trip to
print at, this new plant. We were
immediately sold on the advant-..
ages despite the driving time and
expense. ,
However ,, it was not a Widely,
accepted, mOve in'the industry
'arid many of our area publishers
thought we had our head screwed
on backwards in taking this course.
It was not long before the trend
started to more, and more of these.
plants across Ontario.
In just eight years, we now find
a•situation where we could'prob-
ably Count on our one hand the
number of papers throughout
the whole of south-western Ontar-
io which are not printed idcent-
ral printing plants.
The Sentinel later changed' to
the Signal-Star printing plant in
Goderich, because of proximity ,
and continue to print there weekly
In announcement of the sale of
the Paisley Advocate , publisher
MacKenzie made the 'following
comments: •
"TOday's change in ownership
is dictated by developments in
the newspaper and printing trade
and the 'continuing increase, in
cost of production. Another fac-
tor, personally , is the, growing
flood of ,paper work required in
complying with demands of gov ti -
ernment bureaus and the conse-
quent bookkeeping,"
Publishing a. newspaper is like
any, other business. Contintial
increasing costs must, be met by
more efficiency on the pait of
publishers and hence the move to
multiple ownership. Another;
and equally important factor , is
that increasing costs must be met
with a higher price for the prod-
uct and it is to be expected that
subscription prices and advertis-
ing rates will have to be increas-'
ed from time to time to, keep
pace with the spiral.
This past week we read about
increases in the cost Of newsprint ,
the minimum wage and hydrc;
power, just to mention three
things. This is the second in-
crease for all three in less than
a year.
The Sentinel subscription price
last increased 21,/2 years ago.
Dear Sir, ,
At the Point Clark Beach Assoc-,
iation last August , one of the' ,
members of the Huron Township
Council spoke on 'the proposed
Recreation Complex. A standing
vote was taken and the answer.
was a resounding "No" .
We hear it is going to be an .
accomplished fact , and that the
Dear Sir:
As a long time resident of
Point Clark may I express some
opinions in regard to the proposed
construction-of a $450,000 Rec-
reation complex .in Ripley.
This $450,000 is an "'estimated"
cost , and like all such estimates
will alrdost certainly be substan-
tially less than the final figure.
"Estimates" have been ,quoted as
to the percentage 'of the cost
which-will be borne by the prov-
-incial and federal governMents,
but to my' knowledge there has
been no firm commitment on
their part. "Estimates" 'of the 'op-
erating revenues and expenses
from such a centre have been •
made but actual experience in
the operation of similar projects
elsewhere show that they almost
invariably operate at a loss, and
consequently each succeeding
year the municipal government
must use taxpayers' dollars to
make up the deficit.
ern Ontario and the '
Northern States. "Taxation
without representation is tyranny".
You, by, this act , are acting con-
trary to democratic government ,
our right by the 13.14,A . Act.
Any person, if they are elected
to a municipal, provincial or fed-
eral office , is a steward., account-
able to his constituents and that'
includes us. .
I know your back wound is
Highland Scotch. I know , you are
religiously oriented. 'I know you
are good church-goers, professing
Christianity. Here.are words
from the Bible.
"He that ruleth over men must
be just".
"It is required of all things,
that a Steward be found faithful"..
I'm not preaching a sermon,
although I know you have listened
to fine sermons by your ministers,
great thinkerS', noted for their
oratory and wisdom. I'm telling
you eternal truths', "Honesty is
. . . .
290 GlasgOw Street,
• Kitobenet:, Ontario,
• NoVember 5 , 1973.
To the Editor,
The Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknow'', Ontario.
An indication of the trend to
central printing plants , 'where
each newspaper buys the printing
service from an individual rather
than attempt to install this very
expensive equipment in his own
plant, is indicated by the fact
that eight years ago every paper
in Bruce County had its own print-
- ing press and in a tedious, inef-"
ficient fashion, continued to
• , grind the pages out week after
week because at that time it was
the only course open to most.
In the summer of 1965, a new
central printing plant
opened in London with the latest
in photo offset press equipment.
When the Sentinel first investig-
ated the plant in the summer
holiday period they had about
half a dozen papers coming in
to print there add were in 'the
market for more.
By November 3rd of 1965, eight
• years ago this month The Sent-
inel printed its first issue in Lon-
don. The Exeter Times Advoc-
ate was a few months ahead of
us • but we werzt the first paper
tiorth-West of Neter to employ
this new idea as part of our week--
ly production.
Objects To Increase
In Tax Burden
1274 Queen St. E.
Sault Ste .,Marie ,
Ontario, P6A 2E8,
November 3, 1973.
-The Editor *
Lucknow Sentinel,
Lucknow, Ontario.
Many will argue that the bene-
fits derived from such a recrea -
tion complex are well worth the
additional taxes that will be re-
quired to- construct and operate
it. If the tax burden were to be'
fairly distributed this might be a
valid. argument , but,'who is going
to pay almost two thirds of these
taxes? An analysis of the assess-
ment of Huron Township shows
that this two thirds will come from
the cottage owners, - people who
own far less than two thirds of the
assessed property in Htiken Town-
ship, - people with whom the
proponents of this scheme have
little---O; no communication -
the people who will benefit least
from the recreational
centre , and few of whom can
exercise their franchise in munici-
pal elections, because of the time
- and travelling expenses involved,
For these reasons, I, like many
other cottage 'owners, object to'
the increased 'tax burden such a
recreational Complex will place
upon ug.
Yours sincerely ,
M. 7.' Armstrong, „
11 Cedar Trail,
Point. Clark, R. R, '1,
Ripley, Ont.
I am appealing to your sense"°
justice and fairplay. You are
descendants of a proud race, an
honest race, A race, who came
to Canada after persecution in th
homeland. Your ancestors suffer
ed untold hardships, carved their
homes from the primeval forest,'
because they believed in freedo
justice and liberty for all, Are,
you just to the cottagers?
Put yourselves in our place, .1
feel certain you , descendants of
these fearless immigrants, would
react as we have done in right-
eous indignation, Remember
"The Golden Rule" , and let us
work 'together, for good.
Grace Mau, .
Cottage 65, Victoria lid
Point. Clark,
P. S. My huSband passed away la
February. I am carrying on.