HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-31, Page 8usiness
Give Your Loved One
A Diamond
Engagement Ring
CALL 528-3532 OR
RESIDENCE 528-3940
Top bowler for the ladies was.
MI-00"SOWirt ,with a: single of
301. Rater up was Ruth .MatherS
with,g63. « Marie's triple Of 676'
was, high. .. •
PC; the Men Frank Hawthorne ,
had' a high• single of 289, follow-
ed c1osely .liy Army Wilson's 288.
High. triple also went-to Frank
with .714.
Ladies over 225: Marie Stewart
SOL, Ruth Matheri 263, Rosemary
$eange 25,4, Marion Cook 253 ,
Beck Culbert 242 Diane Park
231, Belle Herbert 221.
Men over 250: frank Hawthorne
289, Army 'Wilson 28$, Mel
Dickwon 273, Bill Stewart 270,
Rick Park 263, Lloyd Humphrey
256 , George Joynt 254, Harold '
Maize 253.
Team Points: GOphers 5, Lions
2; Foxes, 5, Squirrels 2;' kangar-
oos 0, Tigers 7; Wolverines 37.
Pole Cats 4; Cubs 0, Zebras 7;
coons 7 ,Chipmunks O.'
Tern standings: Tigers 40,
Zebras. 28 , Coons' 27: ,. Cubs 23 ,
Wolverines 23 , Polecats 22,
Squirrels 20, Kangaroos 18, Foxes
17, Chipmunks 15,• Gophers 11,
Lions 8.
Town & Country
Olive Smith took both the, high
single and double with scores of
150 and 280.„
Les Purvis was high on both
single and double at 207 and 325.
Team points: Henry Carter's
Blues 5, Harry Lavis' Reds 0; Mar-
garet MacDonald's Violets 5,
Anne Dexter's Oranges 0'; Vera Fur-
vis' Yellows'5, Les Purvis' Greens
Team standings: Violets 13;
Blues 13 , Yellows 12, Greens 10,
Reds 7, Oranges 5.
Ladies 6:30 p.m.
Norma McDonagh had-high
single of 213. Vana ' Gammie had
the high triple of 531.
Games of 200 and over: Norma
McDonagh 213, Olive Smith' 209,
Catherine Andrew 203.
Team points; Wilma Clark's
Spaniels 5, MarionCampbell's
Retrievers 2; MildrOd Bushell's
•Collies 7,, Marion MacKinnon's
Poodles 0; Grace Elliott's Corgis •
7, Mildred Cameron's Terriers 0.
Team standings: Corgis 34,
Retrievers 30, Terrieri 28, Collies
28, Poodles 24, Spaniels 24. '
Men's '9 p.m.
Gerry Rhody rolled 749 for the
high triple this week - a new high
for the season so far. Clarence
Greer's 667 was runner-up. Harv=
ey Houston rolled 314 for high
single'= another new high for the
Season. Clarence Greer's 280
was runner-up.
Other over 225 games, Gerry
Rhody 271', 252, 226, Mel Corriti
235 Roger Pannabecker 232 , Al-
lan Rhody 230.
Team points; Bill Button's
Buicks 6 , Harvey Houston's Fords
1; Herb Barg'er's Mustangs 7, Bob
Greer's Olds 0; Clarence Greer's
'Dodges 5 , Chas. McQuillin's.
Pontiacs 2.
Standing: Mustangs 26, Buicks
24 , Dodges 18, Olds 13, Fords 13,
Pontiacs 11. ' •
Miss Donna Riseborough, '1st
year student at Knox 'College ,
and Miss Nan Flindall, 3rd year
student of Knox College , who had
been visiting Miss Riseborough at
her home near Durham, were Sun-
day afternoon callers on. Mr. and
Mrs, Lloyd Murdock and Mr.' and
Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Attending the Grey-Bruce Area
Ladies .'9 p.m.
High single, Merle Rhody 226;
high triple, Anne. Anderson 577.
Games over 200: Merle Rhody
226, Barb Whitby 225, Lynn Wall
222, 202, Anne 'Anderson 206",
Anna Johnstone 202 ; Zena Rieg-
ling 218.
Team Points: Barb Helm's
Carrots 4, Jahet Barger's Potatoes
3; Irene Nelson's Peppers 5 , Lynn
Wall's Corn 2; Anne Wisser's Rad
ishei 2, Dianne Carter's Onions 5.
Tearn standing: Potatoes 41,
Carrots 31, Peppers 29 1/2, On-
ions 28 1/2, Radishes 28, Corn '10..
Men's 7 p.m.
High single of the evening went
to Terry Taylor with a‘score of
276. Ron Stanley had high triple
with a 682 score.
pames over 225, Terry. Taylor
276, Evans Helm 252, Wayne
Todd.250, Bob Humphrey 245 ,
243; Ron Stanley 245, 235; Lloyd
MacDougall 242, George Humph-
rey 236, Bob Cranston 228.
Team points: Owls 0, Cardin-
als 7, Vultures 2, Hawks 5.
Team standings; Ront,Stanley's
Hawks 20,' Wayne Cranston's Owls
11, Lynn Hodgin!s Cardinals 16 ,
George Humphrey's Vultures 9.
Kinloss -
Merle Rhody, again hit the high
for the ladies with a 243 single
and a 666 triple. Harry Lavis
topped the men with a 240 single
and Gerald Rhody with a 568'
Ladies over 200: Merle Rhody
243, 287, Agnes Farrier 210.
Men over 200; Harry Lavis
240, Gerald Rhody 238 , Jelle
de Jong 223, Evan Keith 221.,
Lloyd MacDougall 208.
Team points: Doris IvIacKinnon's
Wealthys 2, Mary Lavis' Spys
5; Ann MacDougall's Macs 3,,
Merle Rhody's Pippins 4.
Team standings; Pippins 18,
Spys 17, Wealthys 14 , Macs'7.
Kingsbridge Man
Died In 94th Year
Larry Wallace .of Kingsbridge ,
passed away at the Wingham and
District Hospital Friday, October
26 in his 94th year. -
Mr. Wallace , who has lived in
Ashfield antis life., is survived,
by several nieces and nephews.
He was .precleceased ,by a brother,
John, in. July of this year. •
Mr. Wallace rested at the Stiles
Funeral Home, Goderich until
Monday morning at eleven
o'clock, when Requiem Mass was
said at St. Joseph's Church, Kings-, bridge , with Rev. Fr. Ed Denting-
er officiating. Burial was in St.
Joseph's Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Leo Courtney ,
Eldon Austin, John Howard , Earl
Drennan, Reis Miltenburg and
Ray Dalton. Honourary Pallbear-
ers were nephews Warren Carto,
Mike'and Pat BOven, and Morris
Moody , all of . Flint, Mich. Flow-
er bearers were • Gordon, Eric and •
Allan Drennan of Ashfield , George
and Jim Collinson of Goderich and
Walter Kelly of London.
The Staff and pupils of Ripley-
Huron Central wish to congratulate
Mr. 0',Donohue, our Grade 5.and
6 teacher , who was married Sat-.
urday at Delhi. Prkor to his mar-
riage, the Staff held a dinner in
his honour at which time a gift
was presented to him.
We would like to thank the par-
ents who found time to come-to
our Meet-the-Teachei-Night.
CHEERLEA,DING by Debbie Mac-
On Monday, October 22, Mrs.
MacKenzie , Mr. 0' Donohue and
Mr. Stanley picked our cheerlead ,
on Monday, November 5th
one of our representatives
Mr. N. G. Peever
will be at
The Bedford' Hotel, Goderich
TELEPHONE: 524-?337
from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
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If you need financing for a business proposal
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IDB can help you.
Convention at Chatsworth on Mon-
day and Tuesday from White-
church Women's. Institute were"
Mrs. George Fisher, assistant area
P .R. O. , Mrs. Russel McGuire,
Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Mrs. Victor
Emerson, assistant area Curator.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Jamieson
visited'in Toronto from Wednes-
day to. Friday.
Whitechurch W.I. held a'very
successful Bake and Variety Sale
on Saturday afternoon in Luck-
now at the former Noble Johnston
Quite a number of Whitechurch
Y.P.S. on Friday evening attend-
ed the Wingham Theat're to see
the film. Godspell.
Communion Services were held
in Chalniers Presbyterian Church
with Rev. Glenn Noble of Luck-
now in charge. Mr..°Lloyd Mur-
dock, student preacher at White-
church and Langsicle , had charge
of Rev. Noble's services at South
Kinloss and Lucknow. Mrs. Mur-
dock accompanied' M. Murdock
and after the Lticknow, service
they were guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth
moved on Saturday to their new
home at aoderich.
Henry Wybenga of Brantford
recently spent a week end with his
friend Simon de Boer, home from
Ridgetown College, at the home
of his parents Mr. and Mrs°, peter
de Boer.•
Charlie Moore of Burwash,
while on holidays , visited this
week with friends at Whitechurch.
Sid Paine 'of Belle Ewart spent
a few days this past week with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Russel Ritchie
and Mr'. and Mrs. Victor Erhersorl.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proctor of
Livonia , while on a weeks holi-
days , visited with ,Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Morrison at Little Current ,
Manitoulin Island , and as the ferry
was closed came around and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Tiffin , Russe1 Ritchie , Mr. and
Mrs. Vic Emerson and Mrs.
Charlik Tiffin and Win, Brown
of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. 8111 Evans on. Fri-
day evening attended a Masonic
meeting and banquet at Stratford:
ers for 1973-74, Patty Elliott,
Lauri Cadotte , Patti McLean,
Shannon Courtney, Corrine Bo
Ann Colgtney and sub'- Gail
Donald were chosen to cheer o
teams to victory.
GRADE ONE - Bonnie Stewart.
Our Class is enjoying having
rotary. every afternoon. We w
sorry to see Joanne Schymanski
move away., David Zekveldte
us that he is moving to South
Africa in a few weeks, We w
him Success in his new country
Grade One„is learning many ne
Words, Very shortly we will be
getting our first, readers,