HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-31, Page 2LETTER TO THE EDITOR StiggWS. Drive For Their ReCreation 9 Embla Street , Don Mills, Ontario .4 M3C 269 25 Victoria Road , Point Clark, R. R. 1, Ripley,, Ont. . October 23, 197,,3. The Editor , The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario, INETTER TO; THE EDITOR Cottage ()wrier Says Being Token N, E. Ewing 20 James Street Guelph, Ont. and ' 110 Victoria Street , Point Clark, Ont, The Editor , Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow , Ont. 1 • 0 • • •• • 0 0 • CARPETS HARDING AND Dominion and Armstrong Cushionflor and. Inlaid Vinyls Custom Draperies and Drapery Hardware CARP TING CUSIDONFLOR aro LINOLEUM DRAPERIES YOUR COleiXtf HOW; DEORAIII*6 cv4TRE FISILAY DICO „UCKNOW, ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C.1.1. PAINTS i'lf.OW • Dear Sir: Democracy is a little used, word in our time. Democracy is snpposed to'be doing the will of the people, the majority of the people: It recently came to my atten- . tion that a minority of the people of Huron Township in. Ripley have . requested a Recreation Complex. This minority 'pays on an assess- ment of $10,000,000100 while the cottagers of the Point Clark area pay on $18,000,000.00. I object strenuously for frills for a minor- ity when the majority will obtain no value. I trust you will take this up with your constituents and heed the expressed will of the majority. Equal taxes for benefits received would break the year round resid- ents of Huron Township. Sincerely. yours, Rev. Craig J. Railton. 131 Galt Street , Cambridge. Ontario. The Editor,, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. The .Editor,. Lucknow Sentinel. Dear Sir: wETTER. TO,THE. EDITOR'. • .Objects To "Frilh • For A Minority LETTER TO THE EDITOR Says "Complex Plan Is Ridiculous" 183• Glastonbury Cres. Stratford. Ontario, October 25 , 1973. The LUCKNO* SENTINEL LUCKNOVI, ONTARIQ tapoy Town" — On tho Huron-Brum Boundary Second. Class Mail. Registration. Number 0847 Established 1878 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon NITabor His C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8.00 Donald. C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1973 THE .4OCKNOW SENTINEL,' 1141CKNOIN, ..ONTARIO I hear on very good. authority namely, the Point Clark Beach Association, that the Huron Town- ship Council is planning on tax- ing the property owners for a very ,large sports complex in the Vil- lage of Ripley. The idea is ridiculous in the first place for such a small com- munity, and the unmitigated gall' of these councillors attempting to push through these taxes is almost beyond belief. The people pushing this, project should 'get out and collect the nec- essary funds from those interested as they do 'in other communities for such things. , Property owners, particularily cottage owners have no interest as they have an oversize olympic swimming pool (Lake Huron) and in the winter time, are many miles from Ripley. I hope this will be of interest to you and the property owners in Huron Township and that you will receive many more letters on the subject. LETTER. TO THE EDITOR "Limit To Hoiov Far They'll Be Pushed" 274 Glendridge Drive , Waterloo, Ontario. Dear Sir , As cottage owners in the "Gold- en Mile" we strongly object to any additional taxes being levied to finance a •Recreation Complex in Ripley. Surely our large contribution for schools is more than ample for a cottage •owner to contribute , because most of us certainly get very little else. Most of us are on privately owned wells (for which we pay a yearly fee), pay an extra $8.00 for garbage pick up , have no street lighting and very little police protection and pay 2/3 of the tax burden in the "Golden Mile". Come on Council, let's look at this in a realistic light. We have worked hard to build our cottages and have certainly given extra work to the local residents we are not asking for something for nothing. We feel our tax bill of $213.00 is more than enought 'to pay our way. Just who is it that wants the Recreation Centre? It is our und- erstanding that there, are already 3 auditoriums and swirrinaing pools ,in the area that are not fully used. Pe/taps some of these people should live in the cities and see the overcrowding Hof the city fac- ilities. The cottagers have been taxed -far enough and there is a limit to how far they will be pushed. Don and Audrey Burge,ss, Point Clark. • More Donations To Recreation Complex Further donations to the Ripley- Huron District Recreation Com- plex , as of Monday , October 29 are: Lloyd Wylds, Pat Haiegney, Mrs. Florence• Liddle, Duncan MacLeod, Mrs. Gladys Huston, Jack McLean, Mrs. Picot, Ivan Pollock, Don' Dawson Bill peter - baugh, Gordon Roulston, Mrs. Frances Elliott , Mrs. Marjorie Reid, Margaret Machan, Elmer Hooey W. I. Shantz; Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins, Mrs. Bruce Baker 10, John A. ,MacDonald 100, Donald Regur 100, Bill Reev- es 100, Murdock MacDonald,100 Grant MacDonald 200, Bob Strathdee 25 , James W. Brooks 25 , D. H. Lange 5 , Lynn Court- ney 150, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coul- beck 50 , Raymond Mitchell 100, Delbert Wilson 100, Stan Drazga 50, Jerry Te Raa 100, Murray Walden 400, Ronnie Irwin 150, jack Needham 5 , Reg Moore 200, Wm, J. Arnold 300, 0. W. Craw- ford 200, D. H. MacDonald & Son 500, John H. Elliott 1000, John A. Elliott 100, Susan Elliott 100, Sally Elliott 100, John Kelly 150, Gordon Scott 45 , 'Joan Moore 5, Sir: My family has owned property at Point Clark in the Township of Huron since 1926. It has not been possible for me to'spend much time there since 1940 but I have been a responsible member of the community because I' love Point Clark and Lake Huron very much. I, am perturbed by the amount of development which is being per- mitted in the area and the fact that the,summer residents are assessed equally with the perman- ent residents. , More than being perturbed I am appalled to learn of the proposal to build a Recrea- tion Complex in the Village of Ripley the estimated cost of which is $450 ,000. 00. In view of the fact that fadilities are available in Lucknow and I ' understand are proposed for Kin- eardine itseems to me redundant to spend that amount of money for the number of people who ' live in Ripley ,and its environs. I live,in Don Mills in Metropolitan Toronto, a corhmunity of at least 40,000 people , and there is 'no such Recreation Complex avail- able to the residents. The schoel facilities are used extensively by the people of the community for meetings, gym programs, swim- ming, other recreation activities and adult education. Imaddition for some activities I have to drive 16 15 miles' through city traffic in order to participate. I submit that the people of the Village of Ripley eould easily drive the 10 miles to Lucknow or Kincardine for their recreation. Yours sincerely , (Mrs.) • Eleanor Shaw. About 50 Attend Night Classes Three classes , Sewing, Oil Painting• and Upholstery are being taught at LUcknow Central Public School. Liquid Embroidery is also being taught but it is ques- tionable whether this class will Continue as not enough have reg- istered.' Night classes began Wednesday, October 3. There are still openings for anyone int- erested in Upholstery or Liquid, Embroidery., At present there are about 50 registered. Typing and rug hooking were among the classes advertised *, but insufficient interest was shown to go ahead: Stuart Coliyer Lucknow is principal of the Night School. The teachers are: Mrs. Alvin Robb, Ashfield sewing; Mrs. Ross Shiells Lucknow - oil paint- ing; Bill Ternplernart, Wingharn Upholitery: Mrs. Robt. Bennett, Kinloss - liquid embroidery. , Dear 'Sir: The Huron Township. Council has approved a proposal to build a complex in the village of Rip- ley , consisting of an . auditorium, a heated swimming pool and a skating arena which is to be funded by the taxpayers of the township, I presume. Approximately 650/o of the tax- es in the township are realized from non-resident cottage owners. There seems to be an erroneous idea, that all cottage owners must' be wealthy city-dwellers and, as such, are fair game to be soaked ih any way possible. As a mat- ter of fact , most cottage-owners are middle-income.citizens, who over the years build and im prove on cottages so that they can -g t awa,y from the rush and WEDNESDAY, 00:08E8 a*, pollution of the city, The willin y ate privilege s g t°'.apnadycl.fo°1hi' without a lot of other things to do so, We a support a lot of businesses in the area , and. thus, indirectly, help Complex necessary? yeopuarsttaleste. Ithaexes hvaivjesinocureeraesdedlia9v00e/coh,a•.b4utg i to Inia yth s litt this Ri en years my I sl dy.h are a S three thatauditoria not iii.fu• a use -Lucknow has a swimming pool, KinCardine is,planning for one in the near future. Few in the area live a great distance from Lake Huron or a river, • • - I understand the rink in Riple is in a poor state oflepair.'set tainly it should be repaired., .84 I. am sure that if it were, not for , • the taxes 'contributed :by the cot rage owners no one would cosi buildingpley. such ,a complex in What percenta ge of the reside of the township will benefit fro such a,cohiplex? Does thii number justify the costotsuch Complex,' not only the cost of construction, but the cost of mainte nance? • • DO you wonder that the non resident cottage owner feels tha he is' being taken?. If I aril wrong, I wouldappre late being `corrected. ' N. E,' Ewing, Yours truly , Douglas K. Martin.