HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-31, Page 1'4040\•\\\•••%"\\••••1400.0.%••••••"•••••%•••\••\\•
Couple Visit Lucknow, India As Part
Of Extended Rind The World Trip
Copper Tooling Course In Lucknow A Few Years Back
structor), Mrs. Bert Alton ,. Mary
NIacintyrei Back row , left to •
righti Lois Alton (now Mrs. Glen
Boyle , Mrs. Cliff Crawford ,f MrS.
Bill Schmid , Maudie Fisher , Mrs.
,Cordon Fisher, Mrs:, Nen MOW -
bray , Mrs. Oliver McCharles.(in-
Walden), Mrs. Thos. Salkeld
"Mrs. George Joynt, Mrs. Harold
Ritchie., Mrs. Ken Murdie , Mrs.
Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Russ Button,
Mrs. Bob MacKenzie, Mrs.
George Henry
This night class of copper tool-
ing wa.s held in the. Lucknow 'town
Hall about 16 or 17 years ago.
Pront row . left to right: MA. Jim
Incouver Couple
ithAre Natives 0
;and MrsEwart D, Mc ,
of Vancouver, British Col-
rObserted their 60th wed -
grater To Get
Resident Dentist
ayillage, of Teeswater will •
a:dentist by next spring. , •
liglithe efforts of the Teempiat-
6as -Cluh Community Better- •
been made with a 1974 grad -
ofthe UniVersity of Western
no-Denta College 'to, locate
.. • •
dentist, will be a: local
inati,,Donald Cronin, son....
fkand Mrs. 'Maurice Cronin.
..koss Township. r Donald . is :a.
leof4cred Heart Separ-.•
in Teeswater ,
iSecondary School i.n Wing-
in his graduating year
4ersity Western 0%440.
ollege =4. :
dental Office will be locat-
neWly,constructed med -
Otal building of .Dr.,
in Teeswater.. • .
water.Lions Club .has'agreed
ibute $2000 to partially
the new office with -the
ydental equipment. More
will be Ought 'in the corn:
in this regard.. ..•
titer and surrounding area •
11 without the .services Of:a
htdentist since the retire
:of Dr. John Shaunessy a num
fyears ago:
Hydro Problems
From Insulator In
Main Street Area
Lucknow Hydro System expel--
ienced some problems over the
week end which had crews out.
Saturday through the night , Sun-
day and Monday making repairs.
The first problem was exper7
ienced in the early hours of Sun-
day morning when the Wingham
Public Utilities crew , ,who norm.-
ally handle prbblems of this type
for the village , were called over
to investigate and repair a hydro
interruption problem.
Two' fuses on Ross street , in
the area around the, home 'of Clar- ,
ence Greer , had blown. The re-
pair crew checked the village in
an attempt to find any cause for
the fuses' to have blown. 'They
looked 'for any trees or limbs
dawn or any pole damage., • Un-
able. to find the cause, they in-
serted new' fuses and all.appeared
to be well again. Checking the .
town they found restored '
andthey ''assumed that the system
was again working properly.,
However , they were getting
a, false reading as there was an-
Stocker Sale Gross
Was $139,500
421 head of cattle went through
the auction ring ai :the, Lucknow
Community Sale stocker sale on
Mbriday. The sale grossed
Two heifer calves averaging
445 lbs. were sold by Ken Wheel-
er of Belgrave to Mr. Greb of
Dashwood for 540.
Fifteen heifers averaging 683
lbs. were sold by Allan. Miller,
Langside to Culbert Bros. of Dun-
gannon at 44.30.
Seven Durham steer calves
averaging 390 lbs. were sold by
Leonard O'Loughlin of Ashfield
to Laverne Cunningham of Carlow.
at 60.60.
• Eighteen steers averaging 587
• lbs. were sold by .Dennis Hogan
of Ashfield to Mike Foran of West
Wawanosh at 570.
Thirteen steers. averaging 780
lbs. were sold by John MacDonald.
of Huron Township to Lorne Cun-
ningham of Carlow at 550.
Dear Folks ,
My husband and I are passing
through' "Lucknow" and felt we
should drop you a line. We 'have
;pent 3 months travelling by
public transport through Europe
and Asia since leaving Ripley in
July of last iummer. I am the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Elliott , 10th concession, Purple'
Grove. My husband. Paul is the
son of James Greenwood of Hanov-
We find Lucknow India a much
larger plar:e than our Lticknow I -
has a population• of over a million
according to' persons we've talked
to here. The streets are crowded
with people , stray sacred cows
and numerous 3 wheeled bicycle -
rickshaws, their main form of
Reeve ,,George Joynt , in com-
menting on The Sentinel editorial
in last week's paper concerning'
sidewalk conStraction in the•vil-
lage , said that he agreed with the
thoughts in the paper that side-
walks on Bob and Willoughby
Streets were necessary.
Mr. Joynt explained that be-
taxi service. Yesterday we visit-
ed the Taj,Mahal in Agra, a huge
monument of impressive white
marble inlaid with semi precious
This Lucknow , the capital of/
Uttar Prodish, appears to be a
more properous place than others
we have visited. There are not
SQ many beggars seen here in corm
This morning as we strolled,
past the Government Houses with
their green, floral gardens, we
watched school children in their
blue and white uniforms being
delivered by bicycle rickshaw to
From Lucknow , we intend to
visit Benares and Calcutta in
India. .From there we travel to
Bangkok,' Kuola Lampur and
Singapore, catching a boat to
Australia. Our final destination
is New Zealand in 1974.
. Yours sincerely,
Nancy and Paul Greenwood ,
60• Years Wed,
f Ashfieid Township
taught school for some time at
the former Lothian School on the
12th concession.
anibersary on Monday, CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
, McKeith is the son of the
Mr. and Mrs. TQM McKeith
'as born on the 12th conces-
gAshfield on the farm now
d by Russell Swan.
s. McKeith is the former.
Johnston, daughter of the
hir, and Mrs. Wm. A. John-
of Ashfield Township. She
Name bicknow
Arena Manager
Leonard "Red" Stanley Of Kin-
lough has been engaged as Luck-
now arena manager for the com-
ing season,
It is expected that ice making
will commence in a few days.
The appointment was made at a
meeting of the arena committee
on Monday of this week.
Lucknow., India
October 17, 1973.
Lucknow Sentinel.
Reeve Comments On Sidewalk Program
cause of insufficient water pres:-
sure at various points 'in the water
system, and because of
inadequate services at, various
points in the area mentioned , it
was the intention of council to
install an 8" feeder water main
down Willoughby Street and to the
i•Spend, $5000
owning Future
.,Kintail Camp
Presbyterian Church will
Id;upio $5,000 to assess pro-
In at Camp Kintail before
!ration of facilities there.
he Synod of Hamilton and
lOn decided last•week in Owen
id to undertake studies'of pro-
tat the camp so that needed
afations will be suitable for
activities there .
ia church-operated camp , on
liuron at Kintail, 'is a sum-
tamp for boys and girls in
arid August and is the site • !elipnd retreats for •adults in
ping and fall.
[nes Goldsmith of Burlington ,
la an of the synod's camp
said some of the buildings. '1,e ienOVations - the camp
Aerated althost 50 years -
the program studies will
'e that capital renovations
litovide facilities geared to
Goldsmith said there is no
ihnit on the studies which
twelve professional consult-