HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-17, Page 20NEWSPAPEX GET TooliiNGAIES • arfsr PEOPLE fieCOMAiiiiitfiES, Attilii11013 HEINZ 10 OZ. Tomato Soup Sale SAVE TO17c 4 Tins 4 E.-D. SMITH 9 OZ. BLK. CURRANT, STRAWBERRY, CHERRY Pure Jams SAVE TO 31c. 2 Jars 79c BRUNSWICK SMALL 31/4 OZ.REAL GOOD BUY! Fillets of Herring 4 Tins 39c CHINA LILY 10 OZ. ole:''Mushroons SALADA'S 100COUNT Tea Bags Prior Park SAVE TO lIe 2 Tins 79c PRE-PRICED 791 Only 69t •••••••••••••••••• •••••• Nealquarters For Hallowe'en. Treatst *Candies and ApPles SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY; SATURDAY -OCTOBER IS, 19, 20 PHONE LUCKNOW 521441 • Tamptco color TV—Brg 26-mch ••"super-rectangthar matrix picture' tube. peildraft cabinet. automatic • tint/colOr/finetuning. illuminated • channel indrcatort, remarkable , low prite. $689.95 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LKKNOVI" ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. li 414P4P0:444.1i4s1 , T J.P.'s Annionimr-' NOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND Blue Jeans By Levi SIZES 26 TO 36 S12.98 • COMPLETE LINE OF SWEATERS BY JANTZEN AND TERRY WILLIAMS — ALL SIZES CARSON CLEANERS ASHTON S LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR Jim and Syke Sutherland LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2126 • Eldon Miller, a member of the Lucknow .Village Works Depart- ment ,. appeared before:Lucknow Village Council on Tuesday night ollait week to advise them .he would be leaving their employ the end of November, Mr. Mil- ler will assume a position at the new Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lucknow. « « « It was reported that the new auxiliary pump for the village water well at the south-east corn- er of the village will be delivered about the middle of November. The matter of bricking the punip house to conform with the new Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home came up for discussion very briefly. • Lucknow Council has done a considerable amount of work .at the village dump this summer , but another visit from an inspett- or of the waste management branch of the Department of the. Environment found a few new things thai council were not doing right. Seems he popped' in about a week or two before many of his observations were completed in a normal improvernent program.. Thanks were received from Mr. and Ma. J. W. Joynt oLLucknow for the flowers sent at the time of their 60th anniversary., Mr. Joynt is a former Reeve of the Village and 'a past county warden, • « A draft plan, submitted by • #,uce County Emergency Measur- e-#inator Keith Black, dealing with the village ,,was not' dealt with. * A sidewalk replacement con- tract was awarded. to. How- ald of Lucknow at 76¢ per sqyare foot for the replacement of sidewalk on Campbell Street from the eastern edge of the vil- lage west to a point at the resid- ence of Leonard Ritchie. The work was to include the removal of. old walks, cleanup, granular fill and a 4" commercial con- crete walk. « A proposal. by Reeve George Joynt to raise the salary of village foreman Cliff Crawford was dis- • cussed by'council. The request for an increase had come from Mr. Crawford and the amount re- quested was $3.50 per hour. The present rate., negotiated in Janu- ary of this year , is $3 06 per hour. A motion by councillor R. C. Whit. by to grant the request 'did not get a seconder. The increase was to be effective until the end of 1974. Councillor Oliver Glenn expressed the view that the other two members of council should be consulted in the matter.,' Council- lor Gordon Maize was nck present at the meeting and the fourth member of council, Murvin Solo- mon, was hospitalized at the time. A special meeting was to be called to deal with the matter. I SEE . . . By The Sentinel 14.10#000.0•04:4T0.44440."........... r , THAT a wind storm, with gusts up to tornado force, struck this area for a short time on Saturday evening. -No doubt there were many trees and liinbs which came down in the storm, as well as other damage, but two 'such incidents in the neighbourhood of the writer , of which we have knowledge ,, are a section of a tree coming down on the roof of the hoine of Harold Nicholson on Havelock .Street and another large piece of a tree coming down on the property of Mrs. Gor- don Ritchie across the road. There was no damage to the houses . THAT sales of three steers by area , people were reported from the Walkerton Little Royal Fair last, week. Andrew Gaunt of Weit Wawanosh sold his winning short- horn'steer in .the commercial class for 56.75. Ken Mewhin- ney's winning shorthorn steer in the 4-H classes sold for 56.75 and the second place winner of his' brother Dave Mewhinney sold for 57.50 to Treleaven's Luck- now Feed Mill and Hilray -Farms of this community. The Mewhinney brothers are from West Wiwanosh. THAT the Lucknow Concert Band, under the direction of Gordon Cayley, was part of the Friday night entertainment at the Tees- water Fair. THAT a number of local senior citizens were guests of the Lyc- eum Theatre on Tuesday of last week at a, special showing of The Ten Commandments. THAT the Sentinel continues to receive meeting reports which are not acceptable because of late submission. As we have stated in these columns many times, to the point where we hate to repeat it again, all meeting reports must be receiv- ed IMMEDIATELY after they happen ifwe are to include them in the news columns of the paper. We are pleased to offer the space in the paper but only if co-operation is received from each group submitting reports. Production pressures in produc- ing the newspaper do not permit us to handle meeting reports which are submitted many days after the meeting is held. 'Died In Michigan Passed away October 7th James MacCallum•of St.. Clair Shores, Michigan, beloved husband of Verna; dear father of Mrs. Walter (Joan) Brumer and Robert 3.; also survived by eight grandchildren; brother of Mrs. Martha Readings,. Mrs. Margaret CaSerpore,*Joan and Robert MacCallurn. The funeral was Wednesday. October' 10th at A. H. Peters Funeral Horne., Grosse Pointe Woods. Interment was in' Char- lotte , North Carolina. WE ARE AN AGENT FOR MEN'S WINTER COATS TOP COATS SKI JACKETS BOMBER. JACKETS Ilains and plaids,, with or without- zii) null* $22.95 and up COUNCIL BRIEFS RISE 'N' SHINE Orange Crystals SAVE `102k 5 Pkgs. 75c THAT •Mr. and Mrs. George Gear have returned to Walkerton to live. George, after' serving as agricultural representative in Bruce for close to 35 years, accepted a position 'as director of Program-analysis with the ministry and moved to Toronto. He has been in Toronto three years. His retirement became effective the end of September. Greer T. V. And Electric Lucknow EI.JECTR, OH THAT Rod McDonagh, son of and Mrs. Jack McDonagh of Luc know , is • presently residini 'in London , England where he accepted a position with Lloy of London, one of the well known Insurance Companies the world . Rod is a compute) operator, a position which he held at London Life in Canad before going to England in fn. September.