HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-10-17, Page 16•
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Alton and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. r. L. Eedy
accompanied' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Henderson of Goderich to/spend
Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Eedy , Michael and Laurel,.
in Strathroy. They also visited
Mrs. Eedy's niece, Mrs. Earl
Toman, in, London on Monday.
Miss Jean Stothers of London
was home for the week end with
Mrs.' Bob Stothers and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole attended
the Wilkins-Waechter wedding on
October 5 , held at the Sacred
Heart Church in Walkerton, and
the reception which was held at
the Formosa Community Centre.
Other guests from nearby includ-
ed Mr. and,Mrs. Hugh Menary
and Mr. and. Mrs. Herb McQuil-
lin of Lucknow. •
Nine members of Dungannon
•Wornen's*Institute went to Holmes
\dile Tuesday evening as guests
of the 'Goderich Township W.I.
branch. •
Rev. Clarence, McClenaghan
conducted services at Egmond-
ville on Sunday, while their min-
ister Rev. Harold ,Ciarie vas guest
minister at Nile/for Anniversary
service there. Dungannon choir
with organist, Miss Karen Rivett,
contributed two numbers. Quite
a number from here attended the
service. •
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Allister Nivins on the birth of a
baby, girl Wednesday, October 10,
1973, in Wingham and District
Hospital. ,
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert L. Bechard on the birth of a
baby boy, Barry James ,• on Octob-
er 4', 1973 , at Alexander Hospital,
Mrs. K. K.-Dawson and Mrs.
C. McClenaghan attended the •
12th annual rally 'of the Centre
Region, Huron-Perth Presbytery of
the United Church, held Thurs-
day in Clinton. Rev, Anne Lang-
ford 'of London was guest speaker:
Miss Effie Johnston of Windsor ,
and Mrs. Ruby. Neilson of Union
Lake, Michigan, visited with Mrs.
Minnie Jones and Melvin on Wed-
nesday. 'They also renewed
acquaintances with other friends.
A reception for Mr. and' Mrs.
Donald Culbert was held Friday
evening at Saltford Valley Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster
Spent the holiday week end in
Willowdale with Mr, and Mrs.
Xen Thomas and daughters Lynda
and Wendy.
South Kinloss
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Park are
flying to Vancouver with the
group from Kingsbridge. 31 pup-
ils and their attendants flew from
Mahon this morning, Monday,
October 15, on the trip they have
been planning for some time. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Naylor from
Sarnia spent Thanksgiving with
the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Park. Other guests were Mrs...
Wilda Clatsworthy. from Granton,"
and Mrs. George Taylor from
On Sunday Mr. and. Mrs. Ed-
- Ward Bun of Goderich and children
Rhonda and Randy and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry'Kettle of Learnington
visited. Mr. and. Mrs. Park. Mr.
and Mrs. Kettle called on other
' friends and relatives here.
Allan Park from Fort MacLeod,
Alberta on Sunday visited by
telephone with his parents.
We are sorry to know Jeffrey .
' Austin, son•of Mr. and Mrs. Eld-
on Austin,- is in Wingharn Hospital
with double pneumonia since last
Mr. and ma. Fred Young,
accompanied by Mt. and Mrs.
Wm., Wiggins, enjoyed a motor
trip to Huntsville on Saturday and
Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort
returned 'on Sunday to St. Cathar-
ines, the former having spent
several days during the week on a'
fishing, trip in the Durham, Eng.:.
enia Falls and Markdale area.
• Mrs. B. F. Comfort and.Mrs.•
Cecil Blake were, pests on Satur-
day of Miss Helen Thompson and
..Miss Lorna Campbell in Lucknow ,
and on Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick and Mrs.
A. N. Atkinson in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherwood
of Mississauga and and,'Mrs.
Erie Fairbairn of Detroit have
been guests of Mrs. J. M. Reed'
and Girvin this week end.
Sympathy is extended from •
friends in this community to rela-
tives and friends of the late Mrs.
Charles Morrison (nee Pearl Irvin)
Of Clinton and, of the late Harry
Sherwood of Exeter, and of the
late Win Mabon of Nile. Each is
well known to many here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hodgins
from Winghani and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas, Pearce from Brantford visit-
ed recently With Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Anderson and family.
Mrs. Paul Henderson and
daughters Heather Jennifer and
Jill from Mississauga spent a few
days last week with the former's
parents , Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Freeman Olson
GrOvel Pit
1% Miles West Of Dungannon
10 METRIC TONS -- 22046 LBS,
0/Keefes Celebrate 25th Anniversmi
O'Keefe was the former Ma
Cancilla, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Cancilh
TorontO. Mr. O'Keefe is the'
son of the late Mr*. and Mrs, Cot
O'Keefe df Kintail. The couple
have seven children, four daugh.
ters:, Marianne , Nancy, Kathy ,•
and •Rose Marie and, three sons,
Joe ,.Torn Torn and John.
Wedding attendants able to be
present were the maid of honour;
Mrs. Cole. Lazzara , Port Steditr,'
best man , Eugene O'Keefe, Ham
ilton; usher , Robert Simpson, Xii
tail; and soloist, Ray Dalton,
R. 'R, 7 Lug know
Guests attended from Toronto;
'Hamilton, Port Credit, Learning!
ton, London, Kitchener, St,
Catharines,.Montreal, Vancouve
Bermuda , Chicago, Detroit,
Kingsbridge and Kintail,
Home for Thanksgiving with
their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Philip
Steer, were: Mr. and Mrs: Fred
Woodley, , Matthew, Vicki and
Valerie, Mr. and Mrs. on Wal-
lace, Susan and Nancy and Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Steer, Tracey and
Heather , all of London. Thanks -
giving dinner was enjoyed Sun- ,
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bell with' other guests, Mrs. •
Irene Bell and Douglas of Toronto
and LoissHanna , 10th concession.
Mrs. Steer returned to LOndon
with the Wallace's and visited
with relatives there until Wednes-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Needham • •
visited with relatives•and friends
at Corunna on the week end.
' Communion service was held
at South Kinloss Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, Church ser-
vice will be at 9.30 a.m. until
the end of October.
Mrs. Ted Collyer accompanied
Miss Mary Maclntyre to Kitchener
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser • MacKinnon
Visited Thursday and Friday at the
home of Mrs. Etta Smith•of May-
bee , Michigan and other relatives,
in Ypsilanti. Mrs. John MacDon-
ald of Grande Prairie, who had
been visiting there, returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. De Line, and • .
family have moved 'from the 8th
concession to David MacKinnon's
home on the fornier Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs: Ira Dielde attend-
ed the wedding reception for Mr.
and Mrs. John Schenk at Red Bay
Saturday evening. •
Visitors for Thanksgiving week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb' Buck-
ton were Dr, W. A. and Mrs.
Buckton of Forest and. Mr. and •
Mrs. Bob Allen of Rockwood.
• Allan MacIntyre and Paul and
Donald C. MacIntyre are in Rainy
River, where Allan is auctioneer
fOr the annual feeder and stoe er
Treat Injuries
At Hospital .
car driven by Charles' Krohn,,
R. R. 3 Wingham, meta car
with bright lights., and 'he drove
off the road, striking a large rock
in Lower Wingham. He received
a lacerated scalp, multi-abra`-
sions and was• later released. In-
vestigated by 0 .P.P. Balzer,
Wingham, and the Town Police.
Glen Walden, R. R. 2 Lucknow
had his right arm pinned to a
board fence by a heifer October •
4. He reCeived painful injuries
to his right arm and shoulder.
Emerson Howald, age 27, 346
Richmond Street, London, was
found at 7 a.m. Saturday near
South Kinloss Church.. He had
been involved in a single car ac-
cident. He 1411 admitted to. hos-
pital via ambulance with fractur-
ed leg, scalp lacerations, abrat
sions to .face. Investigated by'
'Kincardine 0. P.P.,
• Miss Margaret Forsyth, age 16
Holyrood , fell at the Wingham
,Pool Hall on cement steps and
lacerated her chin.
Glenn Dunn ,,Brussels , was ad-
mitted to hospital with a fractured
upper arm.
Kenneth Crawford , Tiverton,
fell on the sidewalk in Wingharn
and lacerated his forehead.
Richard Steurnol, age 20, Wat-
erloo, was 'kicked by a horse in
the abdomen on his father's farm.
He was admitted and later trans-
ferred to St. Marys Hospital,
Kitchener with undetermined in-
juries.. ,
• 330-3037 •
Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe cele-
brated.their 25th wedding anniver-
sary recently. On Saturday after-
noon, October 6th, a Mass of '
Thanksgiving was concelebrated
at St. Joseph's Church, Kings-
bridge by the Most Rev. T..3.•
McCarthy , D. D..,. Rev . Cyril B.
O'Keefe t S.J. , Rev.'EdwardJ.
Dentinger , C.R. and Rev. Carlisle
Le Bel, C.S.B. The first reading
was done by Kathy O'Keefe with
Nancy O'Keefe doing the second •
reading. The offering was taken
up by Rose Marie O'Keefe , Nancy
Lazzara, Marianne O'Keefe,
Kathy O'Keefe, Sister Mary Phil-
omene and. Sister Jane Marie.
During the mass Mr. and Mrs.
O'Keefe renewed their wedding
vows.° Altar servers were John and
Tom O'Keefe with Joe 'O'Keefe
as cross bearer. Music was prov-
ided by Sister Maureen at the •
organ with soloists John Brennan
and Peter Lierman of London and
Ray; Dalton of.R. R. 7 Lucknow.
Dinner was held at the Maitland
Country Club; Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe were un-
ited in marriage on October 4,
1948 by Rev. T. J. McCarthy in.
St. Peter's Church, Toronto. Mrs.